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Secrets of the Rainbow The storm is over...

Secrets of the Rainbow

The storm is over: the sun is shining. But when you go outside, the rain is still falling, and you see a breathtaking sight in the sky: a shimmering arch of red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple light. No pot of gold sits at that rainbow’s end.1. Rainbows are rare because they need two things that don’t often go together: sunlight and rain.2.But it contains all the colors of the rainbow. A rainbow appears when raindrops split these colors apart, letting us see them.

In empty space, all these colors travel equally fast: 671 million miles an hour. But when sunlight passes through water, it slows down. 3. These differences in speed make a rainbow. Red light goes fastest. Orange is almost as fast. Yellow is a little slower, and green is a little slower than that. Blue is slower still, and purple light is the slowest.

As light enters water, it bends, or refracts (折射). The amount of refraction depends on how fast the light travels through water. So once sunlight enters a raindrop, the different colors split apart and travel separate paths. 4. They exit the front of the raindrop, bending again as they go from water to air. So they are still on separate paths, with the different colors next to one another, and you see a rainbow when you look at the falling raindrops.

After you find a rainbow, look for a second rainbow outside the main one. It’s called a secondary rainbow and is usually fainter, so it’s harder to see. 5. The main rainbow has red on top and purple on bottom. The secondary rainbow has red on bottom and purple on top.

A.Sunlight usually looks pale.

B.Its colors are in the opposite order.

C.Instead, a rainbow is its own reward.

D.There’s more to a rainbow than we can see.

E.Some colors go through water faster than others.

F.Then the colors reflect off the back of the raindrop.

G.A rainbow only needs the right mix of sunlight and rain.


1.C 2.A 3.E 4.F 5.B 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了彩虹是如何产生的,以及主彩虹和次级彩虹之间的区别。 1. 根据上文No pot of gold sits at that rainbow’s end.可知彩虹的尽头没有一罐金子。以及后文Rainbows are rare because they need two things that don’t often go together: sunlight and rain.可知彩虹之所以罕见,是因为它们需要两种不常同时出现的东西:阳光和雨水。由此可知,彩虹因为很罕见,所以对人们来说能看到彩虹本身就是一种奖赏,故C选项“相反,彩虹本身就是奖赏”符合语境,故选C。 2. 根据后文But it contains all the colors of the rainbow. A rainbow appears when raindrops split these colors apart, letting us see them.可知但是它包含了彩虹的所有颜色。当雨滴把这些颜色分开,让我们看到它们时,彩虹就出现了。由此可知,本句是在说明阳光的特点,阳光通常看起来很白,但是它包含了彩虹的所有颜色。后文it即指代A选项中的sunlight。故A选项“阳光通常看起来很白”符合语境,故选A。 3. 根据上文In empty space, all these colors travel equally fast: 671 million miles an hour. But when sunlight passes through water, it slows down.可知在空旷的空间里,所有这些颜色的传播速度都一样快:每小时6.71亿英里。但是当阳光穿过水时,它的速度就会减慢。以及后文These differences in speed make a rainbow.可知这些速度上的差异造就了彩虹。由此可知,颜色在水中穿过的速度是有差异的,有的快有的慢,所以这些速度上的差异造就了彩虹。故E选项“有些颜色在水中穿过的速度比其他颜色快”符合语境,故选E。 4. 根据上文So once sunlight enters a raindrop, the different colors split apart and travel separate paths.可知因此,一旦阳光进入雨滴,不同的颜色就会分开,以不同的路径传播。由此可知,上文提到了阳光穿过雨滴,那么本句应当是说明穿过雨滴之后,颜色会在雨滴的背面反射。故F选项“然后颜色在雨滴的背面反射”符合语境,故选F。 5. 根据后文The main rainbow has red on top and purple on bottom. The secondary rainbow has red on bottom and purple on top.可知主彩虹红色在最上面,紫色在最后。次级彩虹红色在最后,紫色在最上面。由此可知,主彩虹和次级彩虹的颜色顺序是相反的。故B选项“它的颜色顺序相反”符合语境,故选B。

    “Super-agers” have long puzzled scientists, but now researchers say they are unpicking why some people live beyond 80 and still appear to be well.

Researchers say studies show that super-agers appear to adapt more easily to the slings and arrows of life, and are more open-minded and less sensitive. But they have also made another discovery. Looking at the brains of 10 super-agers after they died, Prof Emily Rogalski, from Northwestern University said they discovered these individuals have more of a certain type of brain cell known as Von Economo neurons ( 神经) than average elderly individuals. “We can’t explain how they ended up with more Von Economo neurons or why that is important. But these are a special type of neurons that have only been found in a couple of regions of the brain.”

Studies have shown there are other differences as well. “When we look at the rate of cognitive ( 认知的) thinning in the cognitively average 80-year-olds, their brains are thinning at nearly two and a half times that of the super-agers,” said Rogalski.

Being underweight also seemed to matter, with those who had a very low body mass index after the age of 80 more likely to die. It’s not bad to be skinny when you’re young but it is when you’re old.

The researchers say they have also found that the common bad habits do not necessarily lead to an early grave, with many super-agers saying they smoked and enjoyed a drink. “We ask them why is it that you think you are a super-ager, how did you get here, and there are a couple of funny ladies and they will say, well it’s  because I have some alcohol with my friends every day at 5 o’clock. Others have never had a drink,” said Rogalski.

However, Rogalski added, that did not mean that people should take up bad  habits to live longer, noting that some people might have a genetic makeup that allowed them to tolerate smoking and drinking. Nonetheless, Rogalski thinks we can learn from super-agers. “We are getting quite good at extending our lifespan but our health span isn’t keeping up and what the super-agers have is more of a balance between those two, they are living long and living well,” she said.

1.What can we learn about Von Economo neurons?

A.They can be found all over the super-agers’ brains.

B.They lead to super-agers’ easier adaptation to hardships.

C.Super-agers are found to have more of them in their brains.

D.Scientists have discovered how they are produced in brains.

2.Compared to the average elderly, super-agers  .

A.have better life habits

B.tend to drink more alcohol

C.are usually much slimmer

D.are slower in brain thinning

3.What does Rogalski intend to tell us by the underlined sentence?

A.We should develop good habits to live longer.

B.We should seek to live well while living long.

C.Super-agers should help us extend our health span.

D.Extending lifespan is harder than keeping health span.

4.What is the writer’s purpose in writing the passage?

A.To reveal some secrets of super-agers.

B.To introduce the ways of staying young.

C.To explain the advantages of living long.

D.To describe various habits of super-agers.



    Some people described the civil rights era, in the 1950s and 1960s as “the greatest singing movement in American history”. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. called music “the soul of the movement”.

Integrating singing into the cause was a deliberate choice by the movement’s organizers. It took advantage of a rich cultural tradition of music-making in communities with African American roots. Singing spirituals ( 圣歌) together was a key motivating activity during meetings, church services, sit-ins and freedom rides. Singing together made people feel strong. Singing inspired activists to stand up to the verbal ( 言语的) and physical assaults, to the police dogs, and to the high-pressure fire hoses aimed at them. Singing spirituals united people and focused them on their goals-freedom and equality.

The movement’s songs were mostly updated traditional African American spirituals. “We Shall Overcome” is probably its most famous song. Later on, the song, slightly changed to “We Will Overcome”, was taught to labor organizers in the 1940s at the Highlander Folk School. By 1952, a recording of the song was released, but the words had been changed again to “We Shall Overcome”.

By the late 1950s, the song was being taught to civil rights activists at the Highlander. That’s where King first heard it. At the end of meetings, everyone would rise, join hands, and sing the song. Today, it has spread around the world and can be heard wherever freedom and justice are threatened.

“Free at Last” was another popular civil rights song. Like “We Shall Overcome”, it inspired singers to continue with a difficult struggle. It sings of the dream and promise of freedom, urging everyone to join hands and to not give up hope. King ended his famous “I Have a Dream” speech at the March on Washington by quoting a line from it: “Free at last, free at last! “

Taking a cue from the strengths of older African American traditions, music expressed the soul of the civil rights movement. Songs and singing proved essential nonviolent weapons in the struggle for freedom.

1.The second paragraph is mainly about  .

A.what the goals of the civil rights movement were

B.on what occasions African Americans sang together

C.why organizers employed singing in the civil rights movement

D.how African Americans started the tradition of singing together

2.What does the underlined word “assaults” probably mean in Paragraph 2?

A.Violent attacks. B.Severe problems.

C.Serious disabilities. D.Potential dangers.

3.What do the songs “We Shall Overcome” and “Free at Last” have in common?

A.Both underwent a lot of changes.

B.Both required singers to stand up to sing.

C.Both influenced Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

D.Both are still very popular around the globe.

4.What might be the best title for the passage?

A.King-hero of the civil rights movement

B.Music-soul of the civil rights movement

C.Freedom-dream of African Americans

D.Singing-language to unite Americans



    As many of us know, having an older relative can be demanding especially when it comes to addressing concerns about their safety. Yes, grandma might still be able to function on her own during routine activities, but what if she was targeted by criminals and robbed in her own home?

Good news: there’s a simple solution. Just have your grandmother start weightlifting at the gym every day until she becomes a world-famous weight lifter capable of laying some sick Dwayne Johnson smackdown on any intruder foolish enough to try and smell what she’s probably cooking. It’s extreme, but it works, apparently.

As reported by the Associated Press, on November 21st, 2019, a young man approached the home of 82-year-old Rochester resident Willie Murphy, claiming that he needed an ambulance. When Murphy called first responders without opening the door, the man reportedly forced his way into the house.

And that, as the old saying goes, is when things got real.

The intruder was apparently painfully unaware that Murphy is an award-winning bodybuilder whose near-daily trips to the local YMCA have resulted in her ability to lift over 200 pounds, a capability which  she put on full display when she “hit him with a table”. She then beat the intruder with a broom, and in a self-defense maneuver, poured shampoo in his face. Police arrived on the scene in time to witness the would-be burglar getting the crap kicked out of him by an old lady.

Murphy, who won the 2014 World Natural Powerlifting Federation Lifter of the Year award, decided not to send him to court, instead using the time to win everybody in the world over with the quote “I was whaling on that man... ‘Cause I said to myself, ‘If it’s my time to go to hell, I’m taking him with me’ “.

And, in case you were worried, the man got his ambulance ride after all.

1.Why did the young man come to Murphy’s home?

A.He was paying Murphy a visit. B.He was planning to rob Murphy.

C.He expected Murphy to call an ambulance. D.He was attracted by the smell of Murphy’s cooking.

2.What do we know about Murphy from the passage?

A.She is as strong as Dwayne Johnson. B.She was worried about the intruder.

C.She started weightlifting at a very young age. D.She works out in the local gym almost every day.

3.What happened to the young man in the end?

A.He was charged with burglary. B.He went to hell with Murphy.

C.He was knocked down by the police. D.He was taken away by an ambulance.

4.What is the tone of this news report?

A.Humorous and ironic. B.Serious and bitter.

C.Persuasive and entertaining. D.Sympathetic and positive.



    A Schengen visa is a short-stay visa awarded to persons wishing to travel to one or many of the countries that make of the 26 European country Schengen Area. It grants (授予) each holder entry to all the countries in the area on a single visa. Several new Schengen visa application rules came into force in all countries on February 2, 2020. Check out some of the major changes:

Increased visa fees

The Schengen visa fee has increased from 60 euros to 80 for adults, while children aged between 6 and 12 now need to pay 40 euros instead of 35.

The rise in fees is to increase staff numbers, ensure stronger security screenings, and upgrade IT equipment and software, according to the European Commission.

Electronic application form

The application process has been greatly simplified. Schengen member  states now accept electronic applications, and the application form can be signed and submitted electronically.

Longer application submission periods

Schengen visa applicants used to apply as early as three months ahead of their trip. Today applications can be submitted up to six months in advance.

Benefits for frequent travelers

Those who have previously visited the Schengen Area and have a positive visa history will be granted the opportunity to get a multiple-entry visa valid for up to five years. That is, people who have lawfully used their previous visas, have a good economic standing in their home countries, and intend to leave the area before their Schengen visa expires (过期) will now have the chance to get a visa for up to five years with multiple entries.

1.If a couple with a seven-year-old kid apply for Schengen visas, how much should they pay under the new rules?

A.45 euros. B.80 euros. C.155 euros. D.200 euros.

2.When applying for a Schengen visa now, you can  .

A.upgrade your computer software

B.hand in an electronic application form

C.get all your materials ready before February 2

D.turn in your application 9 months in advance

3.To frequent travelers to the Schengen Area, the new rules are more  .

A.specific B.complicated C.favourable D.rigid




1.How did the speaker first learn about the Leaning Tower of Pisa?

A.By travelling.

B.By watching TV.

C.By reading books.

2.What did the speaker imagine the Leaning Tower of Pisa as?

A.A museum. B.A castle. C.A restaurant.

3.Why is the speaker against fixing the tower?

A.It is unique.

B.It will be too costly.

C.It was designed to look the way it is.

4.What does the speaker say about imperfect things?

A.There is nothing we can do about them.

B.They are more interesting than perfect things.

C.They can last longer than perfect things.



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