满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写...

阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写的词数应为 150 左右。

Peter heard his little sister Eva’s weak cries as Mother wrapped her in a heavy blanket. Peter’s parents would be heading to town soon to take Eva to the doctor. “Remember to keep the stove going,” Father said, “And check on the cow now and then in the barn (畜棚). Her calf (小牛) may come at any time.” “I will,” said

Peter. Peter promised as his parents walked out into the cold. He didn’t want to add to their worry.

“Today I must manage on my own,” Peter said out loud to make himself feel braver. Father often said they all had to pull their own weight (尽本分) in their new home on the farm. Peter hoped he could do that.

The tiny one-room house felt big with only him in it. He carefully added one piece of wood to the small iron stove.

The morning passed quickly as Peter worked on the sled he was making. After eating at noon, he took melted-snow water to the cow. In the afternoon, Peter heard the winds increase. He decided he’d better check on the cow again.

Peter put on his heavy woolen coat and stepped out of the door. The wind blew snow crystals into his face and his breath froze into a patch (小片) of ice on his scarf before he arrived.

Lying on the dirt floor was a newborn calf, on whose tiny body ice had already begun forming. The cow mooed (哞哞叫) and licked her newborn. Peter knew this calf was important to his family. But the calf looked weak, shivering on the ground. “I have to get the calf to the house or it’ll freeze to death,” Peter thought.

Para. 1: He tried to lift it, but it was too heavy.


Para. 2: “I need to fetch some milk for it,” Peter said to himself.



He tried to lift it, but it was too heavy. An idea suddenly occurred to him. He quickly took off his coat, placed it on the ground, and gently slid the calf onto it. As carefully as he could, Peter pulled the calf out of the barn into the house. He pulled the calf near the stove and wrapped the little animal in his quilt. The calf lay on his coat, trembling and unable to lift its head. Exhausted and chilly, he wondered what to do next. “I need to fetch some milk for it,” Peter said to himself. He rushed to the barn with a bucket and got some milk from the cow. Peter was just beginning to spoon milk into the calf’s mouth when Father and Mother burst into the house. “How did you get this calf in here?” Father asked, bending down to examine the animal. Peter explained how he had pulled the calf on his coat. “Good job!” Father said, patting him on the shoulder. Peter said with a broad smile, “Just pulling my own weight.” 【解析】 这是一篇读后续写作文。 通过阅读所给文章可知,彼得的父母很快就要进城带妹妹伊娃去看医生了,父亲临走时让彼得照看牲口棚里快要生产的牛,彼得忙着做雪橇,一上午很快过去了。中午吃完饭,他就拿雪水喂牛。下午,彼得听到风势增强了。他决定最好再去看看那头牛。结果母牛生产了,哞哞叫着,舔着她的新生儿。彼得知道这只小牛对他的家庭很重要。但是小牛看起来很虚弱,在地上瑟瑟发抖。“我得把小牛送到屋里去,不然它会冻死的。”彼得想。 续写部分分为两段,第一段开头是:他想把它抬起来,但它太重了。所以后文应该是讲述彼得如何把小牛从谷仓拉到房子里,给小牛保暖的;第二段开头是:“我得给它拿点牛奶,”彼得自言自语地说。本段应该写彼得如何喂小牛的,他提着一个桶冲到谷仓,从奶牛那里取了一些牛奶,用勺子把牛奶舀进小牛的嘴里。这时候彼得的父母也回来了。 最后还要注意所续写短文的词数应为150左右。

假定你是李华, 本周日将在人民剧场上演越剧《梁山伯与祝英台》。请给你的好友英国交换生 Lucy 写封邮件邀请她一同前往观看。内容包括:

1. 发出邀请;

2. 介绍该剧;

3. 约定见面时间和地点。


1. 词数80左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。参考词汇: 越剧 Shaoxing opera

《梁山伯与祝英台》The Butterfly Lovers

Dear Lucy,



Li Hua



    The greatest saleswoman in the world today doesn’t mind if you call her a girl. That’s because Markita Andrews has ______ more than $80,000 by selling cookies  since she was seven years old. Going door to door after school, the painfully shy Markita___ herself into a cookie-selling expert.

It___ with desire. Burning, white-hot desire.

Markita and her widowed mother___ a dream of traveling the globe. Once, Markita read a magazine article, saying that the child who sold the most cookies would win an all-expenses-paid trip for two around the world. She decided to have a ______ at it.

To realize her dream, Markita went door to door every day after school, and repeated, “Hi, I have a dream. I’m ________  a trip around the world for my mom and  me by selling cookies.” Then she asked, “Would you like to___ in my dream by buying some cookies?” Whether they bought or not, she always___ a smile.

Her hard work  finally_________. She sold 42,000 boxes of cookies  that year and she won her trip around the world.

Markita is  not  __________   than  thousands of other people. The key to her  _______ is that she has found the secret of selling: Ask, Ask, Ask! Many people fail  _______ they even begin because of their fear of____.

It takes courage to ask for what you  want. Courage is not the ________  of fear.   It’s doing what it takes despite one’s fear. And, as Markita has discovered, the more you ask, the  _____  it gets.

1.A.spent B.generated C.withdrew D.received

2.A.threw B.brought C.transformed D.persuaded

3.A.starts B.mixes C.corresponds D.deals

4.A.created B.realized C.remembered D.shared

5.A.push B.go C.look D.blow

6.A.enjoying B.organizing C.booking D.earning

7.A.drop B.cut C.invest D.live

8.A.forced B.wore C.pretended D.produced

9.A.paid back B.turned up C.paid off D.turned around

10.A.smarter B.richer C.higher D.prettier

11.A.success B.discovery C.delivery D.progress

12.A.after B.until C.once D.before

13.A.interaction B.rejection C.competition D.discrimination

14.A.cause B.experience C.presence D.absence

15.A.easier B.more C.faster D.harder



Secrets of the Rainbow

The storm is over: the sun is shining. But when you go outside, the rain is still falling, and you see a breathtaking sight in the sky: a shimmering arch of red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple light. No pot of gold sits at that rainbow’s end.1. Rainbows are rare because they need two things that don’t often go together: sunlight and rain.2.But it contains all the colors of the rainbow. A rainbow appears when raindrops split these colors apart, letting us see them.

In empty space, all these colors travel equally fast: 671 million miles an hour. But when sunlight passes through water, it slows down. 3. These differences in speed make a rainbow. Red light goes fastest. Orange is almost as fast. Yellow is a little slower, and green is a little slower than that. Blue is slower still, and purple light is the slowest.

As light enters water, it bends, or refracts (折射). The amount of refraction depends on how fast the light travels through water. So once sunlight enters a raindrop, the different colors split apart and travel separate paths. 4. They exit the front of the raindrop, bending again as they go from water to air. So they are still on separate paths, with the different colors next to one another, and you see a rainbow when you look at the falling raindrops.

After you find a rainbow, look for a second rainbow outside the main one. It’s called a secondary rainbow and is usually fainter, so it’s harder to see. 5. The main rainbow has red on top and purple on bottom. The secondary rainbow has red on bottom and purple on top.

A.Sunlight usually looks pale.

B.Its colors are in the opposite order.

C.Instead, a rainbow is its own reward.

D.There’s more to a rainbow than we can see.

E.Some colors go through water faster than others.

F.Then the colors reflect off the back of the raindrop.

G.A rainbow only needs the right mix of sunlight and rain.



    “Super-agers” have long puzzled scientists, but now researchers say they are unpicking why some people live beyond 80 and still appear to be well.

Researchers say studies show that super-agers appear to adapt more easily to the slings and arrows of life, and are more open-minded and less sensitive. But they have also made another discovery. Looking at the brains of 10 super-agers after they died, Prof Emily Rogalski, from Northwestern University said they discovered these individuals have more of a certain type of brain cell known as Von Economo neurons ( 神经) than average elderly individuals. “We can’t explain how they ended up with more Von Economo neurons or why that is important. But these are a special type of neurons that have only been found in a couple of regions of the brain.”

Studies have shown there are other differences as well. “When we look at the rate of cognitive ( 认知的) thinning in the cognitively average 80-year-olds, their brains are thinning at nearly two and a half times that of the super-agers,” said Rogalski.

Being underweight also seemed to matter, with those who had a very low body mass index after the age of 80 more likely to die. It’s not bad to be skinny when you’re young but it is when you’re old.

The researchers say they have also found that the common bad habits do not necessarily lead to an early grave, with many super-agers saying they smoked and enjoyed a drink. “We ask them why is it that you think you are a super-ager, how did you get here, and there are a couple of funny ladies and they will say, well it’s  because I have some alcohol with my friends every day at 5 o’clock. Others have never had a drink,” said Rogalski.

However, Rogalski added, that did not mean that people should take up bad  habits to live longer, noting that some people might have a genetic makeup that allowed them to tolerate smoking and drinking. Nonetheless, Rogalski thinks we can learn from super-agers. “We are getting quite good at extending our lifespan but our health span isn’t keeping up and what the super-agers have is more of a balance between those two, they are living long and living well,” she said.

1.What can we learn about Von Economo neurons?

A.They can be found all over the super-agers’ brains.

B.They lead to super-agers’ easier adaptation to hardships.

C.Super-agers are found to have more of them in their brains.

D.Scientists have discovered how they are produced in brains.

2.Compared to the average elderly, super-agers  .

A.have better life habits

B.tend to drink more alcohol

C.are usually much slimmer

D.are slower in brain thinning

3.What does Rogalski intend to tell us by the underlined sentence?

A.We should develop good habits to live longer.

B.We should seek to live well while living long.

C.Super-agers should help us extend our health span.

D.Extending lifespan is harder than keeping health span.

4.What is the writer’s purpose in writing the passage?

A.To reveal some secrets of super-agers.

B.To introduce the ways of staying young.

C.To explain the advantages of living long.

D.To describe various habits of super-agers.



    Some people described the civil rights era, in the 1950s and 1960s as “the greatest singing movement in American history”. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. called music “the soul of the movement”.

Integrating singing into the cause was a deliberate choice by the movement’s organizers. It took advantage of a rich cultural tradition of music-making in communities with African American roots. Singing spirituals ( 圣歌) together was a key motivating activity during meetings, church services, sit-ins and freedom rides. Singing together made people feel strong. Singing inspired activists to stand up to the verbal ( 言语的) and physical assaults, to the police dogs, and to the high-pressure fire hoses aimed at them. Singing spirituals united people and focused them on their goals-freedom and equality.

The movement’s songs were mostly updated traditional African American spirituals. “We Shall Overcome” is probably its most famous song. Later on, the song, slightly changed to “We Will Overcome”, was taught to labor organizers in the 1940s at the Highlander Folk School. By 1952, a recording of the song was released, but the words had been changed again to “We Shall Overcome”.

By the late 1950s, the song was being taught to civil rights activists at the Highlander. That’s where King first heard it. At the end of meetings, everyone would rise, join hands, and sing the song. Today, it has spread around the world and can be heard wherever freedom and justice are threatened.

“Free at Last” was another popular civil rights song. Like “We Shall Overcome”, it inspired singers to continue with a difficult struggle. It sings of the dream and promise of freedom, urging everyone to join hands and to not give up hope. King ended his famous “I Have a Dream” speech at the March on Washington by quoting a line from it: “Free at last, free at last! “

Taking a cue from the strengths of older African American traditions, music expressed the soul of the civil rights movement. Songs and singing proved essential nonviolent weapons in the struggle for freedom.

1.The second paragraph is mainly about  .

A.what the goals of the civil rights movement were

B.on what occasions African Americans sang together

C.why organizers employed singing in the civil rights movement

D.how African Americans started the tradition of singing together

2.What does the underlined word “assaults” probably mean in Paragraph 2?

A.Violent attacks. B.Severe problems.

C.Serious disabilities. D.Potential dangers.

3.What do the songs “We Shall Overcome” and “Free at Last” have in common?

A.Both underwent a lot of changes.

B.Both required singers to stand up to sing.

C.Both influenced Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

D.Both are still very popular around the globe.

4.What might be the best title for the passage?

A.King-hero of the civil rights movement

B.Music-soul of the civil rights movement

C.Freedom-dream of African Americans

D.Singing-language to unite Americans



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