满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

It was a lifesaving task as thrilling as...

    It was a lifesaving task as thrilling as any in the months-long battle against the wildfires that have torn through the Australian bush. But instead of a race to save humans or animals, a specialized team of Australian firefighters was bent on saving invaluable plant life: hidden groves (树林) of the Wollemi pine, a prehistoric tree species.

Wollemi pines peaked in abundance 34 million to 65 million years ago, before a steady decline. Today, only 200 of the trees exist in their natural environment. The trees are so rare that they were thought to die out until 1994. That’s the year when David Noble, an officer with the New South Wales National Parks and Wildlife Service, came across a grove of large trees he didn’t recognize.

Noble brought back a few branches and showed them to other biologists and botanists. A month later, Noble returned to the grove with some scientists. It was then that they realized what they had found: “a prehistoric tree species that has outlived the dinosaurs.” the American Scientist explains. So when Australia’s wildfires started burning toward Wollemi National Park in recent weeks, firefighters from the parks and wildlife service put a carefully planned operation into action.

Large air tankers dropped fire retardant (阻燃剂) around the pines. Firefighters set up an irrigation (灌溉) system around the trees to keep them wet. “If the fire did go through, we wanted it to be a cool burn as opposed to a hot burn to give them the best chance of survival,” Kean said. The fire did sweep through the groves where these trees have somehow survived for millions of years. For a few days, the smoke was so thick that it wasn’t clear whether the plan had worked. At last the smoke eased off. A few trees had been burned by the flames, and two died. But the efforts had paid off. “Finally,” Kean said, “we were able to get in there and see that, thank goodness, the trees were saved.”

1.What do we know about Wollemi pines?

A.Scientists searched for them in the wild.

B.They used to grow in parts of Australia.

C.There were a considerable number of them long ago.

D.Firefighters and biologists cooperated to keep them alive.

2.Which of the following can best replace the underlined word “outlived” in Paragraph 3?

A.been superior to. B.been related to.

C.died earlier than. D.existed longer than.

3.What can be learned from the last paragraph?

A.It was cool to drop retardant over the fire.

B.It wasn’t clear whether the trees were saved.

C.It helped the trees survive to keep them wet.

D.It worked best for the trees to keep a hot burn.

4.What is the passage mainly about?

A.An investigation into Wollemi pines.

B.A hard-won battle against the wildfires.

C.Constructing a firefighting system for the trees.

D.Saving world’s rare pine species from wildfires.


1.C 2.D 3.C 4.D 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章介绍了澳大利亚消防员在扑救山火的过程中拯救宝贵植物——沃莱米松树的故事。沃莱米松树是一种非常罕见的比恐龙活得更久的史前树种,消防员们在扑救山火时,在松树周围投下阻燃剂,铺设了灌溉装置以防止树木被烧毁。幸运的是,松树被成功拯救了。 1. 细节理解题。第二段第一句提到“Wollemi pines peaked in abundance 34 million to 65 million years ago”沃莱米松树在3400万至6500万年前的数量达到了顶峰,由此判断,该松树在很久以前的数量是非常可观的。故选C。 2. 词义猜测题。第三段第三句提到科学家在研究后发现这种松树是“a prehistoric tree species”一种史前的松树,说明该种松树比恐龙出现的时间还要早,存活的时间比恐龙还要长。 “outlived”意思是比......活得长,A. been superior to.优于……; B. been related to.与……相关;C. died earlier than.比……死的早;D. existed longer than.比……存在的时间更长。故选D。 3. 推理判断题。最后一段第一、二句提到“Large air tankers dropped fire retardant (阻燃剂) around the pines. Firefighters set up an irrigation (灌溉) system around the trees to keep them wet.”消防员们给松树投放了阻燃剂,并且安装了灌溉系统来帮助松树附近保持湿润,且该段的最后一句提到“we were able to get in there and see that, thank goodness, the trees were saved.”当消防员进入树林后发现,树木被拯救了。由此判断消防员们对松树做的保护措施帮助松树保持了湿润,让松树幸存了下来。故选C。 4. 主旨大意题。第一段But instead of a race to save humans or animals, a specialized team of Australian firefighters was bent on saving invaluable plant life: hidden groves (树林) of the Wollemi pine, a prehistoric tree species.(但是,澳大利亚的一队专门的消防队员并没有为了拯救人类或动物而竞赛,而是决心拯救珍贵的植物生命:隐藏的沃莱米松树,一种史前树种)是全文的主题句,结合全文内容,可知文章第一段提到了故事发生的背景——扑救澳大利亚山火时,消防员也在尽力拯救宝贵的松树。第二段介绍了松树的相关情况:包括数量、如何发现等,最后一段则介绍了拯救松树的方式:投洒阻燃剂、设置灌溉设备帮助松树保持湿润等。综上可判断,整篇文章讲述了从野火中拯救世界珍稀松树物种。故选D。

    My mother turned 75 this past fall. One night a few months before, I’d asked her what we could give her that she would really like.

“Maybe something big, that all three of us can go in on?” I encouraged, knowing that my brothers and I would cough up whatever it cost while also suspecting that any gift she might think up would be something strange but affordable like a duck-shaped bath soap.

“I know exactly what I want from you kids,” she said, like she’d loaded this gun a month ago. “Really?” Was she thinking of a trip to Hawaii? A latest bathroom decoration? “Absolutely.” She nodded in that way she does when she is dead sure.

She seemed to be waiting for me to ask again, so I did. “Well?” “If there is any problem that you or your brothers have that I can help with, I’d like to know about it.”

Astonishing. What a woman. She lives to serve. Oh, I wish that I could have an ounce of her devotion. “God, Mom..” I said. She put her finger up to indicate that she wasn’t quite finished. “And if there’s any problem that you have that there is nothing I can do to change,” she said, “I’d like to not know about it.”

Astonishing. What a woman. Oh, I wish that I could be that clear-headed and direct.

“You’re amazing.”

“Listen, Kelly,” she said, “I’ve been a mother since 1964, and I’d like to stop worrying and get some sleep.” Oh, Ma. I got you. You’ve carried us long enough. As of your 75th birthday, your status shifts to a mother retired with highest merits. You’ve done fine work. Nobody could have done more. Happy Birthday.

1.What was the talk between the author and her mother mainly about?

A.A birthday gift. B.A trip to Hawaii.

C.The mom’s worries. D.The mom’s merits.

2.Why does the author say “astonishing” again?

A.Mom is content with her life. B.Mom is always helpful to them.

C.Mom is still worried about them. D.Mom is well aware of her needs.

3.Which of the following best describes the author’s mom?

A.Friendly and easy-going. B.Determined and devoted.

C.Intelligent and considerate. D.Humorous and imaginative.

4.What might the mom really want for her birthday?

A.Some sleep. B.Her own life.

C.Her children’s company. D.Attention from her children.



    Travelling doesn’t always have to be about changing your location. Reading books also takes you on real-life adventures around the world, even from our armchairs. Here we feature 4 adventure tales that we can dive into.

Land of the Dawn-Lit Mountains, by Antonia Bolingbroke-Kent.

Despite suffering from panic disorder, the brave Bolingbroke-Kent sets off on an adventure across a lesser-known part of India, Arunachal Pradesh. There is plenty of humor thrown in, along with the highs and lows of her journey, so it’s not just all serious.

Walk in the Woods, by Bill Bryson.

“A little voice in my head said: Sounds neat! Let’s do it!” writes Bryson of his more humorous than heroic journey from Maine to Georgia along the Appalachian Trail. Bryson’s tale may be the funniest call for conservation ever written.

Brazilian Adventure, by Peter Fleming.

Peter Fleming signed on to a risky 3,000-mile Brazilian jungle hunt to uncover the fate of a lost English explorer. Imagine a book: Funny, exciting, literate, a period piece that still works.

A Book of Migrations, by Rebecca Solnit.

It’s a search for roots in Ireland. Her long hike in western Ireland leads to a reflection on movement-cultural, psychological, personal. There is much to learn by getting away from the tourist route, walking and speaking to the people you meet along the way. They have stories to tell that you won’t find in the tourist guides.

What travel-inspiring books have you ever read? Please email us at amy.alipio@natgeo.com.

1.What is the common characteristic of the first three adventure tales?

A.Funny. B.Magic. C.Risky. D.Serious.

2.Which book might be helpful if you care for environmental protection?

A.Land of the Dawn-Lit Mountains. B.Walk in the Woods.

C.Brazilian Adventure. D.A Book of Migrations.

3.What is special about the hike in A Book of Migrations?

A.It is a search in the western land. B.It is full of cultural movements.

C.It doesn’t follow the tourist route. D.It has many stories about tourist guides.




1. 深表同情

2. 提出建议并给出理由;(至少三条建议,如:参加学校社团活动,与朋友交流,做些户外活动等)

3. 希望建议能有所帮助


1. 词数80左右;

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。




假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。作文中共有10 处语言错误。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。




1.Would you please give me some tip on how to get along with my classmates

2.It was all because the job that she gave up the plan to take her holiday abroad.

3.The number of students learning English are larger than ever before.

4.This frightening boy is looking for his mother now who was lost in the disaster.

5.He has devoted most of his time to find a cure for the disease.

6.The boy lost heart when he knew he fails the exam again.

7.The computer which I bought it last Wednesday doesn’t work now.

8.They had made up their mind to solve the problem together.

9.New words will soon be forgotten unless frequent used in everyday communication.

10.Hewas the very man which helped the girl out of the water.



    Now I am living in Italy, working as an English language assistant. I am living with one of the _____________ from a local school, who is very kind. At the moment, it’s a bit ___________ as we don’t always understand each other! This is known as a ___________ barrier(障碍), when two people cannot communicate because they don’t have a language in ___________.

Over the past few days, I have learnt that it is more ___________ speaking a language in real life situations than speaking it in the classroom. My teachers could ___________ things to me in English when I didn’t understand. My ___________doesn’t speak any English. When I don’t know the___________ in Italian I try to explain it and when that doesn’t ___________ I try to mime(模仿) the thing I’m talking about.

Yesterday, the internet wasn’t working and I had to ____________  my housemate where the router (路由器)was so I could find the password for the Wi-Fi. I had no ______________ what the Italian word for 'router' was so I tried to explain it a couple of times. In the end, I called it the “internet box” and she ______________what I meant!

However, it isn’t all ______________ ! When we finally understand each other,we both ____________ and have a little celebration. Sometimes I feel very ______________ because I keep making a lot of mistakes, but my housemate ______________ me nicely and tells me that I’m doing well! I can also feel my language ________________ because I have no choice but to __________ Italian! I hope that I will be speaking ____________ a real Italian by the time I ____________. I’m determined to climb over this language barrier!

1.A.teachers B.doctors C.workers D.waiters

2.A.noisy B.difficult C.boring D.proper

3.A.hearing B.sight C.language D.taste

4.A.business B.advance C.addition D.common

5.A.foreign B.excellent C.popular D.different

6.A.forgive B.gain C.explain D.hold

7.A.neighbor B.housemate C.classmate D.friend

8.A.word B.place C.name D.letter

9.A.appear B.work C.happen D.flash

10.A.pass B.tell C.ask D.hand

11.A.point B.use C.doubt D.idea

12.A.kept B.ordered C.understood D.doubted

13.A.simple B.nice C.bad D.wild

14.A.whisper B.clap C.value D.tremble

15.A.unfair B.embarrassed C.moved D.frightened

16.A.corrects B.spreads C.reforms D.overcomes

17.A.improving B.escaping C.worsening D.wasting

18.A.get B.host C.live D.speak

19.A.as B.for C.about D.like

20.A.leave B.begin C.grow D.occur



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