满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

I was riding the train home from a downt...

    I was riding the train home from a downtown Chicago courtroom (法庭). I was sitting in my seat, in tears (眼泪), looking out of the window, hoping no one would _______. My husband and I had just ended our marriage, and my heart was filled with _______. I had never felt so frightened and alone.

_______, a hand appeared — the tiny beautiful hand of a woman. She _______ me a small envelope (信封), then smiled and disappeared before I could even look into her eyes and express my _______. On the outside of the envelope were a rainbow (彩虹) and a sun, drawn _______ in pen. Inside it were the _______ words I had ever read:

I know you don’t _______ me, but I was watching you there _______, and my heart goes out to you. Know that __________ I am only a stranger to you, I feel your pain and I __________. It may not seem that way, but the sun will __________ again and you will see the rainbow.


Someone who cares

I never saw the __________ again. But sill, this mysterious __________ has remained deep inside my heart. It always tells me that we are never __________. In reaching out to me in my __________, this woman filled me with a __________ love. It makes me realize that no matter how sad my life seems there is always __________. And more important, her act of __________ woke me up to the amazing connection between human beings. I know now if I take one minute, one second, to stop and show love and care to others who may be hurting, I can make a(n) __________.

1.A.notice B.answer C.follow D.understand

2.A.excitement B.sadness C.love D.doubt

3.A.Certainly B.Naturally C.Suddenly D.Secretly

4.A.gave B.lent C.bought D.made

5.A.support B.fear C.regrets D.thanks

6.A.carelessly B.hurriedly C.badly D.repeatedly

7.A.wisest B.simplest C.clearest D.warmest

8.A.like B.know C.accept D.remember

9.A.sleeping B.drawing C.crying D.laughing

10.A.because B.if C.unless D.though

11.A.care B.fail C.stop D.look

12.A.set B.move C.shine D.disappear

13.A.woman B.man C.train D.book

14.A.art B.gift C.chance D.story

15.A.poor B.stupid C.quiet D.alone

16.A.danger B.pain C.tiredness D.anger

17.A.great B.strange C.crazy D.similar

18.A.hope B.success C.pleasure D.luck

19.A.kindness B.courage C.politeness D.patience

20.A.decision B.offer C.difference D.promise


1.A 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.D 6.B 7.D 8.B 9.C 10.D 11.A 12.C 13.A 14.B 15.D 16.B 17.A 18.A 19.A 20.C 【解析】 本文是一篇记叙文。在作者最孤独难过的时候,她收到了一名陌生女士的信。这封信带给她莫大的温暖和希望。 1.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我坐在座位上,流着眼泪,看窗外,希望没有人会注意到。A. notice注意;B. answer回答;C. follow跟随;D. understand理解。由上文中的“I was riding the train home from a downtown Chicago courtroom”以及本句中的“in tears”和“looking out of the window”可知,作者在回家的火车上,流着泪。望着窗外自然是希望没人注意到(notice)。故选A。 2.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我和丈夫刚刚结束了我们的婚姻,我的心里充满了悲伤。A. excitement兴奋;B. sadness悲伤;C. love爱;D. doubt怀疑。由上文中的“in tears”以及本句中的“My husband and I had just ended our marriage”可知,作者心里很难过(sadness)故选B。 3.考查副词词义辨析。句意:突然,一只手出现了——一只小巧漂亮的女性的手。A. Certainly当然;B. Naturally自然地;C. Suddenly突然地;D. Secretly秘密地。一只小巧漂亮的女性的手出现了。这应该让作者感到很突然(Suddenly)。故选C。 4.考查动词词义辨析。句意:她给了我一个小信封。A. gave给;B. lent借;C. bought买;D. made制作。由下文可推断,那位女士给了(gave)作者一个小信封。故选A。 5.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我甚至还没来得及看着她的眼睛表达我的谢意,她就消失了。A. support支持;B. fear害怕;C. regrets遗憾;D. thanks感谢。结合上下文可知,那位女士给了作者一个信封,信中表达了对作者的关心,故应该表示感谢(thanks)。故选D。 6.考查副词词义辨析。句意:信封的外面是彩虹和太阳,是用钢笔匆忙画的。A. carelessly粗心地;B. hurriedly匆忙地;C. badly严重地;D. repeatedly重复地。由上下文可知,那位女士是看到作者很伤心,才写了那封信,而且,当时是在火车上。因此,信封上的彩虹和太阳应该是用钢笔匆忙(hurriedly)画成的。故选B。 7.考查形容词最高级词义辨析。句意:里面是我读过的最温暖的文字。A. wisest最聪明的;B. simplest最简单的;C. clearest最清楚地;D. warmest最温暖的。由“my heart goes out to you”和“I feel your pain”以及“you will see the rainbow”可知,信的内容让作者感到很温暖(warmest)。故选D。 8.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我知道你不认识我,但我看着你在那里哭泣。A. like喜欢;B. know知道;C. accept接受;D. remember记得。由下文中的I am only a stranger to you可知,作者不认识(know)那位女士。故选B。 9.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我知道你不认识我,但我看着你在那里哭泣。A. sleeping睡觉;B. drawing画画;C. crying哭;D. laughing笑。由上文中的“in tears”可知,那位女士看到作者在哭泣(crying)。故选C。 10.考查连词词义辨析。句意:虽然我对你来说只是个陌生人,但我能感受到你的痛苦,我在乎你。A. because因为;B. if如果;C. unless除非;D. though尽管。尽管(though)那位女士不认识作者,但她能感受到作者的痛苦而且她很在乎。故选D。 11.考查动词词义辨析。句意:虽然我对你来说只是个陌生人,但我能感受到你的痛苦,我在乎你。A. care关心,在乎;B. fail失败;C. stop停止;D. look看。由上文可知,看到作者很伤心,那位女士给作者写了一封信。因此,尽管那位女士不认识作者,但她能感受到作者的痛苦而且她很在乎(care)。故选A。 12.考查动词词义辨析。句意:但太阳会再次照耀,你会看到彩虹。A. set设定;B. move移动;C. shine照射;D. disappear消失。由本句中的“you will see the rainbow”可知,此处表示太阳会照耀(shine)。故选C。 13.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我再也没见过那位女士。A. woman女士;B. man男士;C. train火车;D. book书。由上文中的“She ... then smiled and disappeared”可知,组织再也没有看到过那位女士(woman)。故选A。 14.考查名词词义辨析。句意:然而,这份神秘的礼物却一直深埋在我的心底。A. art艺术;B. gift礼物;C. chance机会;D. story故事。结合语境,这里指的是那封信。那封信来得很突然而且是陌生人给的,所以说是神秘的礼物(gift)。故选B。 15.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:它总是告诉我,我们从不孤单。A. poor贫穷的;B. stupid愚蠢的;C. quiet安静的;D. alone孤独的。由上文中的“I had never felt so frightened and alone”可知,作者感到很孤独。那封信带给了作者温暖,让她不再觉得孤单(alone)。故选D。 16.考查名词词义辨析。句意:在我痛苦的时候向我伸出手,这个女人让我充满了强大的爱。A. danger危险;B. pain痛苦;C. tiredness疲倦;D. anger愤怒。故此处表示这位女士主动与痛苦(pain)中的作者接触,带给作者一种强大的爱。故选B。 17.考查动词词义辨析。句意:在我痛苦的时候向我伸出手,这个女人让我充满了强大的爱。A. great伟大的;B. strange陌生的;C. crazy疯狂的;D. similar相似的。故此处表示这位女士主动与痛苦中的作者接触,带给作者一种“强大的(great)”爱。故选A。 18.考查名词词义辨析。句意:它让我意识到,无论我的生活看起来多么悲伤,总有希望。A. hope希望;B. success成功;C. pleasure快乐;D. luck运气。由上文可知,作者在伤心难过时,得到了一位女士的关心。这件事让作者明白不管自己的生活有多么悲哀,总是有希望(hope)的。故选A。 19.考查名词词义辨析。句意:更重要的是,她的善举让我意识到人与人之间惊人的联系。A. kindness善良;B. courage勇气;C. politeness礼貌;D. patience耐心。那位女士主动写信关心作者,这是善意(kindness)的举动。故选A。 20.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我现在知道,如果我花上一分钟、一秒钟的时间,停下来关爱那些可能受到伤害的人,我就能改变他们的处境。A. decision决定;B. offer提供;C. difference区别;D. promise许诺。作者伤心难过时,收到了陌生女士的关心,这让作者内心充满温暖和希望,也让作者明白:如果自己花上一分钟、一秒钟停下来,向那些可能正在经受痛苦的人们表示爱和关心,她也许就能改变他们的处境。make a difference意为“有影响,起重要作用”。故选C。

_____we understand things has a lot to do with what we feel.

A.Where B.How C.Why D.When



The building was named Ford Hall _______ a man named James Ford.

A.in need of B.in memory of C.in charge of D.in search of



_______ is known to all, grammar is not a set of dead rules.

A.That B.Which C.As D.It



The exhibition tells us _____we should do something to stop air pollution.

A.where B.why

C.what D.which



What surprised me was not what he said but the way _______ he said it.

A.that B.in that

C.what D.where



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