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Cervantes was born to poor parents. His ...

    Cervantes was born to poor parents. His future looked dark as he grew to see a life of sadness and poverty before him. He joined the army as a common soldier and was hurt so badly that he could not use his left arm.

He later failed to find a job and, on two occasions, was sent to prison. He continued to have brushes with the law and struggled just to survive.

But, despite these troubles of his life, he never let go of his dream - to write a book. He realized his dream and he wrote a book. In the book he told of a beautiful story which came from his heart’s deepest dreams. It is about a man who saw the world differently than everyone else. Though created in suffering, the book is an inspiring (鼓舞人的) story of hope. This man’s story has been put to music and film, translated into many languages and remains a literary classic after some 400 years. It has moved many people in the world. The author was Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra and the book is Don Quijote de la Mancha (《唐吉可德》). Perhaps Cervantes himself believed that “the world sees people as they are - I see them as they can be! Cervantes may never have written such a wonderful work if he had not seen some potential(潜能) within himself. He knew, and has taught others ever since, that great truth: What we see will come to be. Some see situations as they are, others as they can be.

Some see people as they are, others as they can be. And some see themselves as they are, others as they can be. But when we set our sights upon the best that is within a situation or a human being, what we see will come to be. And we’ll know the power of hope.

1.The author writes this passage to remind us that        .

A.we should be brave to deal with troubles

B.nothing is hard if we put our heart into it

C.we all have great potential inside ourselves

2.What was the dream of Cervantes?

A.To be a writer.

B.To be a solider.

C.To be a banker.

3.Cervantes met the following troubles EXCEPT that________ .

A.he was sent to prison

B.his left arm got hurt

C.he was refused by the army


1.C 2.A 3.C 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了塞万提斯逆境成才的励志故事,告诉我们有希望并为之奋斗就会成功。 1. 推理判断题。根据文章第三段内容Cervantes may never have written such a wonderful work if he had not seen some potential within himself.(如果塞万提斯没有看到自己的潜力,他可能永远也写不出这么好的作品。)可知,本文主要通过塞万提斯的成功经历告诉人们要相信自己的潜能。故选C。 2. 细节理解题。根据文章第三段But, despite these troubles of his life, he never let go of his dream - to write a book.(但是,尽管生活中遇到了这些麻烦,他却从未放弃自己的梦想——写一本书。)可知,塞万提斯想要成为一名作家。故选A。 3. 细节理解题。根据文章第二段He later failed to find a job and, on two occasions, was sent to prison.(后来,他找不到工作,两次被送进监狱。)可知,A项“他被送进监狱”是遇到的麻烦;根据文章第一段He joined the army as a common soldier and was hurt so badly that he could not use his left arm(他以一名普通士兵的身份参了军,受了重伤,左臂无法使用。)可知B项“他的左手受伤了”是遇到的麻烦;“第一段He joined the army as a common soldier(他以一名普通士兵的身份参了军)可知,C项:“他被军队拒绝了”与原文内容不一致,不是他经历的麻烦。故选C。

    Americans celebrate Valentine’s Day each year on February 14th. So do candy companies, jewelry stores and people selling flowers. Valentine’s Day is for lovers. It is a good day to ask your boyfriend or girlfriend to marry you. It is also a popular day for marriage. But other couples might celebrate with a dinner at a nice restaurant.

The holiday is named for Saint Valentine. He was an early Christian churchman who was said to have helped young lovers. Valentine was executed for his Christian beliefs on February 14th, more than one thousand seven hundred years ago. But the day is even older than that.

The ancient Romans celebrated a holiday for lovers more than two thousand years ago. As part of the celebration, each girl wrote her name on a piece of paper and put it in a large box. Each boy reached into the box and pulled out the name of a girl. That girl became his girlfriend for a year.

Lovers still put their names on pieces of paper on Valentine’s Day. They send each other cards that express their love. Sometimes they send other gifts, too, like jewelry, flowers, candy, or all three!

It was reported that the average American spent about $134 for Valentine’s Day in 2014. That was up about three dollars from 2013. Men spent about twice as much on their partners as women did. And it is said the total spending for Valentine’s Day in the United States reached about $17.3 billion.

1.Valentine’s Day is named for Saint Valentine mainly because Valentine_____.

A.came up with the idea for Valentine’s Day

B.lost his life because of his Christian beliefs

C.once helped young lovers as a churchman

2.At the ceremony for lovers in ancient Rome, _______.

A.a boy got his girlfriend quite by luck

B.boys and girls exchanged cards to show love

C.a girl had the freedom to choose her boyfriend

3.Which of the following traditions on Valentine’s Day is kept alive from ancient days?

A.Writing lovers’ names on pieces of paper.

B.Sending gifts like candies, flowers and jewelry.

C.Asking your boyfriend or girlfriend to marry you.

4.When was the passage probably written?

A.After Valentine’s Day in 2013.

B.Before Valentine’s Day in 2013.

C.After Valentine’s Day in 2014.



    One day last summer, I was waiting for my ride to pick me up at the station. Suddenly I felt the desire to write _______. I opened my bag and found a pen, _______no paper. I sat there helplessly, _______with the sudden desire. Then I went through the bag a little more_______. It_______that I had a dollar bill in my wallet. After I looked at it for a moment, it became_______that there was very little writing surface on the bill. But I could_______write something.

So I took my pen and wrote something like this, “This is a very_______dollar -given to you with love. Do not keep it or_______it. Give it to someone else with love, and watch it________. I then________the bill with hearts, trying to make it________as many good wishes as I could.

Sitting near me was a woman who was also waiting for a________. She seemed a little________. I said to her, “Hi, this is for you. She got a________by my action. But after she took a second________at it, her mood________from worried to warm, and she gave me a big hug and accepted it.

I realized that________this was the reaction from just one stranger, then without doubt this________of warmth would continue on.

My ride came, and we drove off. But I thought this was not the________of the story and that this love wouldn’t stop.

1.A.anything B.nothing C.something

2.A.and B.but C.or

3.A.alone B.busy C.calm

4.A.fluently B.carefully C.sincerely

5.A.took off B.paid off C.turned out

6.A.doubtful B.clear C.uncertain

7.A.as usual B.at most C.at least

8.A.special B.practical C.powerful

9.A.spend B.pay C.take

10.A.cover B.spread C.build

11.A.measured B.repaired C.beautified

12.A.prove B.develop C.show

13.A.performance B.ride C.train

14.A.worried B.sick C.serious

15.A.lesson B.surprise C.touch

16.A.thought B.picture C.look

17.A.traded B.guided C.changed

18.A.because B.for C.if

19.A.wave B.sign C.method

20.A.beginning B.end C.clue



—Could you show me_____?  


A.where is the library B.where the library is C.how can I go to the library



—I called you yesterday, but you didn’t answer the phone.

—Oh, maybe I _____ in the kitchen. So I didn’t hear it.

A.have cooked B.cooked C.was cooking



—How many_____ are there in your school?   


A.woman teacher B.women teachers C.women teacher



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