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When I stepped out of Heathrow Airport, ...

    When I stepped out of Heathrow Airport, the British accents were music to my ears! The roads were so empty and traffic was so organized, with open spaces everywhere and so few people on the streets—what a difference from where 1 came—Mumbai. The difference was even more obvious after I had spent 21 years of my life living in that place. The streets were unfamiliar, and the faces were all foreign.

I boarded my bus for my university town. I felt like I had been in a fairytale book—the small houses, the quiet streets and the well-dressed people among other things. A small and beautiful three-storeyed building is quite a rarity back home and here, I have yet to see a building taller than that! Back home in India, the kind of rent I pay here could have afforded me a luxurious(豪华的) 2 bedroom-hall-kitchen apartment in a good location. But my accommodation here is the size of my bathroom back home! It’s just a fact... reality can be rude at times!

I really cherish the first day of my new university. I’ve met so many students from countries that I didn’t even know. But living alone in a new place, away from the protection of my family and friends, is a different experience altogether—a wonderful experience of further education!

It's been almost two months now. The novelty(新奇)is gradually disappearing, and the dust is settling down. It’s all just daily now but I feel fully settled. I really like this place. It feels like home!

1.What does the underlined part “that place” in paragraph 1 refer to?

A.Heathrow Airport. B.Britain.

C.Mumbai. D.A university of India.

2.What is the author’s first impression of Britain?

A.Dirty and noisy. B.Different but poor.

C.Hopeful and inspiring. D.Strange but beautiful.

3.What does the author probably do

A.An international student. B.A tourist from India.

C.A British college teacher. D.An unknown writer.

4.What can we know from the last paragraph?

A.The author is less interested in everything because of dust.

B.The author still feels curious about everything around.

C.The author has been used to the new environment.

D.The author feels like going home after nearly two months.


1.C 2.D 3.A 4.C 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了作者作为一名来自印度的留学生到英国后的所见所闻所感,以及从最初感到新鲜到陌生到最后适应的过程。 1. 词义猜测题。根据第一段中what a difference from where 1 came—Mumbai. The difference was even more obvious after I had spent 21 years of my life living in that place. 这与我来到的地方——孟买有多大的不同。在我在那个地方生活了21年后,这种差别更加明显。由此可知,that place指的是孟买。故选C。 2. 细节理解题。根据文章第一段中The streets were unfamiliar, and the faces were all foreign. 街道是陌生的,面孔都是陌生的。以及第二段中I felt like I had been in a fairytale book—the small houses, the quiet streets and the well-dressed people among other things. A small and beautiful three-storied building is quite a rarity back home and here, I have yet to see a building taller than that! 我觉得自己仿佛置身于童话故事中——小房子、安静的街道、穿着考究的人们以及其他事物。漂亮的三层小楼在我们家乡是很少见的,我还没见过比这更高的楼呢!由此可知,作者对应该的第一印象是虽陌生但感觉很漂亮。故选D。 3. 推理判断题。根据文章倒数第二段中I really cherish the first day of my new university. 我真的很珍惜新大学的第一天。由此判断出,作者是一名留学生。故选A。 4. 细节理解题。根据文章最后一段中It's been almost two months now. The novelty(新奇)is gradually disappearing, and the dust is settling down. It’s all just daily now but I feel fully settled. I really like this place. It feels like home! 现在已经快两个月了。新奇感正在逐渐消失,尘埃落定。现在每天都是这样,但我已经完全安定下来了。我真的很喜欢这个地方。有家的感觉!由此可知,作者已经逐渐适应了新环境。故选C。

Need a Job This Summer?

The provincial government and its partners offer many programs to help students find summer jobs. The deadlines and what you need to apply depend on the program. Not a student? Welcome to the government website and learn about programs and online tools available to help people under 30 build skills, find a job or start businesses all year round.

Jobs for Youth

If you are a teenager living in certain parts of the province,you could be eligible (符合条件) for this program, which provides eight weeks of paid employment along with training.

Who is eligible: Youth 15-18 years old in select communities (社区):

Summer Company

Summer Company provides students with hands-on business training and awards of up to$3,000 to start and run their own summer businesses.

Who is eligible: Students aged 15-29, returning to school in the fall.

Stewardship Youth Ranger Program

You could apply to be a Stewardship Youth Ranger and work on local natural resource management projects for eight weeks this summer.

Who is eligible: Students aged 16 or 17 at time of hire, but not turning 18 before December 31 this year.

Summer Employment Opportunities (机会)

Through the Summer Employment Opportunities program, students are hired each year in a variety of summer positions across the Provincial Public Service, its related agencies and community groups.

Who is eligible: Students aged 15 or older. Some positions require students to be 15 to 24 or up to 29 for persons with a disability.

1.If you are 15, which program can’t you apply to?

A.Jobs for Youth

B.Summer Company

C.Stewardship Youth Ranger Program

D.Summer Employment Opportunities

2.What is special about Summer Employment Opportunities?

A.It requires training before employment.

B.It offers the disabled job opportunities.

C.It provides awards for running new businesses.

D.It allows one to work in the natural environment.

3.Where can you probably find the passage?

A.Magazine. B.Textbook.

C.Newspaper. D.Website.



假定你是李华,得知近期你市将举办中英青少年历史体验夏令营活动(China and Britain History Summer Camp For Teenagers),届时将有来自于英国的高中生到你校参观访问。请给活动的负责人 Ms. Clark 写一封邮件申请做志愿者,内容包括:

1. 写信目的;

2. 个人优势;

3. 能做的事情。

注意:1.词数 100 左右;

2. 不能出现姓名及班级、学校等个人信息;

3. 可以适当增加细节,使行文连贯。

Dear Ms. Clark,



Li Hua



请根据句子逻辑和首字母提示, 从模块三及模块四 Unit1-2 所学的词汇中选用恰当的单词并且使用其正确的形式填空。

1.Old people deserve to be treated with r _______.

2.We use cartoon books to i _______ children to read and write for pleasure.

3.The hotel wants to e _______ its business by adding a swimming pool.

4.The following programme contains crime scenes that may be d _______ to some viewers.

5.I have r _______ not having studied harder at school.

6.They spent a lot of money e _______ the school with new computers.

7.The job is i _______ for students who have recently earned a degree in biology.

8.The letter wasn't addressed to Jane but she opened it out of c _______.

9.After the speech, he found himself s _______ by an admiring crowd.

10.He lifted the baby g _______ and carefully out of its cradle(摇篮).



    Yassin  Terou  owns a restaurant in downtown Knoxville. One morning, he _______ early,    only to find  someone had attempted  to  rob  his shop. A rock was_____ thrown through the window  and broken pieces were seen everywhere. But since the food is made_______ each   morning and the cash registers are___ every night, the thief went away empty-handed.

After realizing the person who broke in was probably __________  in some way, Yassin, instead of being____, put up a sign that read “If you are hungry or need emergency money, just _______  till we open! We are more than happy to ______________  you when we are open!” Sounds unbelievable, right? But to people who know Yassin, it is not___ at all.

When he first arrived in the U.S. as a refugee( )he struggled to find his___ because of discrimination( ). But he quickly discovered the best way to fight the______he felt was  to be  loving.  With  the help of local community,  Yassin_____ a  restaurant.  He  welcomes everyone into his restaurant, regardless of their_________. He knows and greets hundreds of _______  by  name daily,  and  the relaxed  and ________ atmosphere makes visiting  feel like    seeing family. At one  point,  Yassin  was  accused  of  “stealing_____ from  American”  by someone who was laid off. Despite the fact that he is a ____________  citizen of this country and that  he should just have ignored him, he calmly offered to___ the man who charged him.

Yassin’s  restaurant was_______ with the title of “Nicest Place of America” by Reader’s     Digest in 2018. His success comes from the kindness, love and __________  he shows in everything   he does. And of course, the food is delicious too!

1.A.showed up B.slipped away C.dropped in D.moved out

2.A.casually B.carelessly C.apparently D.narrowly

3.A.delicious B.healthy C.attractive D.fresh

4.A.checked B.emptied C.removed D.cleaned

5.A.hiding B.tricking C.suffering D.cheating

6.A.annoyed B.disappointed C.relieved D.delighted

7.A.continue B.wait C.escape D.search

8.A.forgive B.accompany C.treat D.help

9.A.surprising B.amusing C.satisfying D.challenging

10.A.interest B.strength C.place D.style

11.A.sympathy B.anxiety C.loneliness D.hate

12.A.inspected B.started C.decorated D.visited

13.A.appearances B.ages C.differences D.characters

14.A.residents B.customers C.tourists D.neighbours

15.A.friendly B.informal C.traditional D.quiet

16.A.money B.food C.dreams D.jobs

17.A.legal B.former C.foreign D.wealthy

18.A.promote B.praise C.understand D.employ

19.A.associated B.presented C.equipped D.covered

20.A.courage B.enthusiasm C.acceptance D.confidence



    Reducing class size has traditionally been seen as an important way to improve a student’s  educational experience. Many often believe that smaller classes would permit teachers to give more personal attention to their students. 1..

But one recent study suggests there's not much research-based evidence to support this idea. The research was collected by a team from Denmark's Danish Center for Social Science Research.

The study notes that one of the main problems with reducing class size is that it can have very high costs. 2.. Financial limitations make it very difficult for many schools to reduce the number of students in the classroom.

The new study began by examining 127 studies on classroom size. Its goal was to examine the major research studies already completed on the subject. 3.. In the end, the research centered on 10 main studies with possible sampling (采样)problems.

The researchers concluded that there's some evidence to suggest that reducing class size may lead to some improvement in a student 's reading achievement. 4.. They found just a 53-percent chance that a randomly selected test score from a student from a small class would be higher than the selected score of a student from a larger class. 5.. This led the researchers to conclude that there would be no benefit at all to math students in a smaller class size.

A.But they said the effect is very small

B.For mathematics achievement, the result was 49 percent

C.This can theoretically lead to improved academic results for students

D.Many public opinion studies have shown teachers favor smaller class sizes

E.The effects of larger class size can stay long after the students complete their education

F.Increasing class size is one of the most common ways school systems control education spending

G.They especially centered on those trying to measure if smaller class size led to greater academic success



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