满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。 1.What does the woman ...


1.What does the woman think of electronic music?

A.It is clever. B.It is loud. C.It is modern.

2.How old was the woman when attending a classical concert?

A.16. B.17. C.18.


1.B 2.A 【解析】 【原文】 W: Why do you listen to that music? Why not listen to classical music? M: Classical music is the music of the past and this is the music of the present. W: But can’t you turn it down? It hurts my ears. M: It’s electronic music. We live in an electronic age. I do like some classical music. Some of it is very clever. W: I don’t understand your music. M: When you were 18, you probably liked the music of your time. Things change. W: When I was 16, a year younger than you, I attended a classical concert. I’ve loved that music ever since.

What will the man do after he gets home?

A.Drive to a furniture store.

B.Buy the woman a new table.

C.Borrow a truck from the woman.



What are the speakers doing?

A.Taking a picture. B.Having a haircut. C.Looking at a photo.



What are the speakers talking about?

A.Polite greetings. B.Table manners. C.Body language.



Which place will the man go to this weekend?

A.A concert hall. B.A stadium. C.A gallery.



How does the woman want her meat cooked?

A.Rare. B.Medium-rare. C.Well done.



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