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You know the old phrase,"Practice makes ...

    You know the old phrase,"Practice makes perfect."That may not always be true.According to a recent study published in Royal Society Open Science,there are other factors for reaching elite(最优秀的)levels of ability.

The researchers set out to replicate(复制)the process of a new-famous 1993 study of top-level violinists and pianists.On average,the earlier study found that top-ranked musicians had clocked over 10,000 hours of practice by the age of 20.It put their success down to the hours spent practicing, downplaying the importance of natural,learning skills and other factors.

Author Malcolm Gladwell later relied on this study for his 2008 book,Outliers.He called 10,000 hours"the magic number of greatness”.

Questioning this conclusion,Brooke Macnamara and Megha Maitra,from Case Western Reserve University in Ohio,US,sought volunteers to put the 10,000-hour rule to the test.

The pair organized violinists into three groups,based on whether their tutors rated them as the best players,good players,or average players.They were then told to record how long they practiced every week.

They found that the“average”players had around 6,000 hours of practice.However,there was little separating the good from the best musicians.Both groups had approximately 11,000 hours of practice by the age of 20.In all,the number of hours spent practicing accounted for about a quarter of the skill difference across the three groups.

Once you get to the highly skilled groups,practice stops accounting for the difference,"Mannamara told the Guardian."Smaller factors then determine who goes on to that superelite level."

The factors depend on the skill being learned:in chess it could be intelligence or working memory,in sport it may be how efficiently a person use oxygen,"she said.She also pointed out the factor of motivation and the interactions of different factors.

Ralf Krampe,a co-author of the 1993 study,disagrees,saying the quality of practice and teaching does matter.“....I still consider deliberate(刻意的)practice to be by far the most important factor,"he told the Guardian.

It should be said that neither side discounts the value of making an effort.Even if you aren't destined(命中注定)to be the world's greatest violinist,practice will make you a little bit better than you were yesterday.

1.What can we learn from the 1993 study?

A.The 10.000-hour rule applies to everything.

B.Natural talent is particularly important for musicians.

C.Practice is the key to mastering a skill.

D.It's better to learn an instrument at a young age.

2.What did the study by Macnamara and Maitra find?

A.The three groups of violinists varied a lot in their practice times.

B.The mastering of different skills required different hours of practice.

C.Motivation and talent determined whether one could become an elite violinist.

D.Practice time didn't make much difference between"the best"and"good"violinists.

3.The underlined word"discount"probably means

A.prove B.ignore

C.recognize D.consider


1.C 2.D 3.B 【解析】 本文是一篇夹叙夹议的文章。主要是通过一项研究对“孰能生巧”这一观点进行了批判,但这一研究结果并未得到所有人的认同,不可否认的是:努力是有价值的。 1. 细节理解题。根据题干中的关键词1993 study锁定到第二自然段寻找答案,由“On average,the earlier study found that top-ranked musicians had clocked over 10,000 hours of practice by the age of 20.It put their success down to the hours spent practicing, downplaying the importance of natural,learning skills and other factors. 早期的研究发现,顶级音乐家在20岁时平均练习时间超过10000小时。 它把他们的成功归因于花在练习上的时间,轻视自然的重要性,学习技能和其他因素。A选项的意思是:一万小时定律适用于所有情况;B选项的意思是:天赋对应约家来说尤为重要;C选项的意思是:实践是掌握一项技能的关键;D选项的意思是:最好在年轻时学一种乐器。只有C选项符合研究结论,故答案为C选项。 ” 2. 细节理解题。根据“They found that the“average”players had around 6,000 hours of practice.However,there was little separating the good from the best musicians.Both groups had approximately 11,000 hours of practice by the age of 20. 他们发现“一般”的演奏者有大约6000小时的练习时间,然而,优秀和最好的音乐家之间几乎没有什么差别,两组人到20岁时都有大约11000小时的练习时间。”可知练习的多少不能使优秀和最好之间产生多大的差别,结合选项可知D选项为正确答案。 3. 词义猜测题。根据下文“Even if you aren't destined(命中注定)to be the world's greatest violinist, practice will make you a little bit better than you were yesterday. 即使你注定不能成为世界上最伟大的小提琴家,练习也会让你比昨天好一点。”可知努力练习是有意义、有价值的。我们不应该忽视努力的价值。结合各选项意思,可知B选项为正确答案。

    If you walk through a park,you may enjoy the scents(气味)of flowers,water and soil.If you are especially lucky,you will get to smell fresh-cut grass.It's a beloved scent that transports many people back to their childhood.But there's a dark side to that smell.Indeed,we are in love with the scent of fear.

Plants have many different chemical defenses.That smell is one of them,as the grass responds to an attack,signaling(......示意)to the surrounding grass that danger is coming.The fresh,"green”scent of a just-mowed lawn is the lawn trying to save itself,says a story at science website Real-Clear Science.

The smell is produced by a mix of chemicals called green leaf volatiles(GLVs,绿叶挥发物).When the leafy plants are injured by animals eating them, people cutting them, or any other rough treatment-they give off GLVs into the air.These GLVs are a warning to neighbouring plants that their flowers might be removed,so they can move resources like sugar toward their roots and away from their flowers.This reduces a plant's potential losses and can help it grow back later.

The rush of GLVs does a few other things,too.One chemical helps to close the wound on the damaged plant.Others act as antibiotics(抗生素)and prevent bacterial infections.

Some GLVs may also react with animals that eat plants.Silke All-mann and Ian T.Baldwin, researchers from the University of Amsterdam,Netherlands,found that some caterpillars(毛虫)are changed by the GLV compounds(化合物)when they eat a tobacco plant.Tobacco makes the caterpillars more attractive to predators(捕食者).For the tobacco plants,this is like having an older brother come to beat up your bully(欺凌者).

Thankfully,nothing is coming to eat you when you mow the lawn.Instead,we human get treated to some great-smelling GLVs.One is a compound known as"cis-3-hexenal".This is the same chemical that gives strawberries their sweet scent.Similar compounds are also found in apples and olives.

Just about all fresh vegetables have some GLV scents to them,"Baldwin told Live Science,and fruits may release the compounds as they soften."Throughout evolutionary history,we've used that information to know when something is ripe,"Baldwin said.Now we can use it to know when grass is frightened.

1.What do we know about GLVs?

A.They are harmful to humans. B.They are unique to flowering plants.

C.They tend to stay in the air for a long time. D.They are released when plants get hurt.

2.How may plants react to the GLVs produced by neighbouring plants?

A.They grow more quickly. B.They produce more flowers.

C.They absorb more water. D.They transport resources to their roots.

3.In paragraph5,the underlined part"an older brother"refers to

A.a kind of antibiotic B.a predator. C.a caterpillar. D.a tobacco plant.

4.According to Baldwin,GLVs can

A.tell us whether fruits are ready to eat. B.protect plants from pests.

C.help fruits grow more quickly. D.help people choose delicious fruits.




1. 活动目的; 2.活动时间、地点、具体内容等。


1. 词数100左右;










注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

This afternoon after school, our English group get together with our English teacher. To start with, we sang a popular English song happy and then we practiced our speak English. The topic we were talking about was the different between Chinese festivals and Western ones. Most students compared the Spring Festival to Christmas and others chose the Mid-Autumn Festival or Thanksgiving Day as a match.

As we had been talked too many, all of us got quite thirsty. Seeing this, our teacher took some bottles of water from hers car and handed them out to us. What timely offer! Thank you, my dear teacher!



    Nicolas Stacy-Alcantara was a 17-year-old high school student from Fresno. He said he______his friend near Salt Lake City last week and decided to go for a day-long hike alone with______to return in time for dinner.

Stacy-Alcantara said the weather had been______when he began his planned way from Millcreek Canyon(峡谷)to Park City. However, by late afternoon it became_____and snow began to fall. The weather______Stacy Alcantara to stop his journey. His cellphone had no______and his feet began to freeze(冻僵).

Being trapped in the snow, he______a cave to keep himself warm. He rubbed his hands against his______to keep the blood flowing.

“I knew my chest was more______than my feet,”he told reporters.

“I______if I lost those, I could still______, so I just tied the ends of my clothes together.

As the______fell, the teen______his friends were in the cave and had what he believed could be his______conversations with them. He also______letters to his family in case he didn't make it out alive.

He walked out of the______when the sun rose in the morning.______, he came across some skiers(滑雪者) who had a satellite phone. Later, he was______and he was about 6 miles from where he______his hike.

“I’m very______,” Stacy-Alcantara said. “I shouldn’t even be alive right now.”

1.A.lost B.visited C.cheated D.missed

2.A.plans B.excuses C.answers D.choices

3.A.windy B.wet C.cloudy D.warm

4.A.clear B.nice C.cold D.wild

5.A.forced B.helped C.reminded D.inspired

6.A.camera B.brand C.service D.map

7.A.decorated B.dug C.explored D.repaired

8.A.face B.head C.leg D.chest

9.A.important B.useful C.special D.comfortable

10.A.heard B.wondered C.asked D.knew

11.A.lie B.live C.study D.sleep

12.A.silence B.fear C.night D.sadness

13.A.guessed B.doubted C.explained D.imagined

14.A.simple B.final C.next D.normal

15.A.wrote B.sent C.read D.gave

16.A.cave B.room C.city D.valley

17.A.Suddenly B.Obviously C.Fortunately D.Interestingly

18.A.examined B.saved C.remembered D.warned

19.A.enjoyed B.followed C.avoided D.started

20.A.proud B.strong C.lucky D.clever



    Concerts should be a fun and enjoyable occasion for everyone attending them, including the musicians. No matter what type of concert one is attending, he is still expected to follow the rules of concert etiquette(礼仪).1.

Classical music concerts are often events when concert etiquette is considered to be very important. One should generally arrive a few minutes before the show starts, so he can be in his seat at the beginning of the first musical performance. If he arrives late, it may be considered rude to walk in and take his seat in the middle of a musical performance.2.In this way, he will not influence other audiences while the music is being played.

3..Take jazz concerts for example. People are usually not criticized (批评) for making a small amount of noise, as long as it is not troubling other audiences. For example, they may talk quietly during a performance.

Rock and heavy metal concert etiquette is very relaxed4.However,audiences are still expected to show some good manners during a performance.Also, rock concerts are often very crowded, particularly in the areas surrounding the stage.

5.But one should still pay attention to his surroundings.Stepping on someone's foot repeatedly may cause a fight as well.

A.This will usually be announced before the concert begins.

B.Instead, he should wait for one song to end before taking his seat.

C.Rock concert goers, on the other hand, can usually get a little louder.

D.People are not usually discouraged from talking at these types of concerts

E.In large groups of people like this, it is not unusual to touch others at times.

F.Concert etiquette for other types of concerts is usually a little more relaxed.

G.And the concert etiquette can be different, depending on what type of concert it is.



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