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Children with long-term health condition...

    Children with long-term health conditions, such as asthma (哮喘), may be at greater risk of developing a mental health disorder in early adolescence compared to healthy children, according to a new study.

The findings, published in the journal Development and Psychopathology, show that kids with chronic illness exhibit higher rates of mental problems at age 10, and these health issues continue to be associated with poor mental health at ages 13 and 15.

In the study, the research team reviewed a sample of approximately 7,000 children to investigate the occurrence of mental health disorders, including anxiety or depression, and chronic illness. They found that children with chronic health conditions were approximately twice as likely at 10 and at 13 to present with a mental health disorder than healthy children. At age 15, children with chronic health problems were 60% more likely to present with such disorders.

“Although the link between chronic health conditions and mental health problems in childhood has been made before, this study provides the strongest evidence of it to data in the years of late childhood and early adolescence," said study author Dr. Ann Marie Brady. “The difference chronic illness makes to mental health is concerning, and the first impact can be seen even before adolescence, in late childhood."

The researchers also found that bullying and health-related absence from school were two most significant additional factors for children with mental health issues. The second one was identified as the most consistent factor predicting mental health problems over time.

“If children with chronic illness are more likely to miss school, or experience bullying, that can make the situation worse. Keeping an eye on school attendance and looking out for evidence of bullying amongst those children may help to find out who are most at risk.", said Dr. Brady.

1.The underlined term “chronic illness" in Paragraph 2 refers to a kind of disease_________

A.causing a lot of deaths B.causing absent-mindedness

C.lasting for a long time D.leading to mental disorders

2.By the findings of this study, we know that_________

A.chronic illness leads to the mental health disorder in early adolescence

B.healthy young adolescents have no chance of having mental problems

C.adolescents with illness are more likely to develop mental health disorders

D.chronic illness has some relation to mental problems in early adolescence

3.What is special about this study?

A.It makes a new discovery based on the findings of previous studies

B.It draws a more accurate conclusion based on the previous studies

C.It questions the accuracy of the findings by the previous studies

D.It draws more attention to adolescents' health than previous studies

4.Which of the following can best help to decide if children with chronic illness tend to have mental problems?

A.Their school attendance. B.Their physical conditions.

C.Their tolerance of bullying. D.Their tendency for bullying.


1.C 2.D 3.B 4.A 【解析】 本文是说明文。一项新的研究发现,与健康的儿童相比,有长期健康状况的儿童在青春期早期可能患精神疾病的风险更大。 1. 词句猜测题。文章第一段提到“Children with long-term health conditions(有长期健康问题的孩子)”,划线词后的句子“…exhibit higher rates of mental problems at age 10, and these health issues continue to be associated with poor mental health at ages 13 and 15.(患有这种疾病的孩子在10岁时出现精神问题的几率更高,而这些健康问题在13岁和15岁时仍然与精神健康不佳有关。)”可知,这些健康问题持续的时间可能会从10岁到13——15岁,持续的时间比较长。因此可以推测,“chronic illness”是指持续时间比较长的慢性疾病。故选C项。 2. 细节理解题。根据第四段中Dr. Ann Marie Brady所说的话“Although the link between chronic health conditions and mental health problems in childhood has been made before, this study provides the strongest evidence of it to data in the years of late childhood and early adolescence(虽然以前就有人提出过儿童时期的慢性健康状况和心理健康问题之间的联系,但这项研究为儿童晚期和青春期早期的数据提供了最有力的证据。)”可知,通过这项研究,可以得知慢性疾病与儿童晚期和青少年早期的心理问题有关。文章中“the link between… and…”与选项D中“has some relation to…”语义相符。总选D项。 3. 推理判断题。文章第四段中提到“Although the link between chronic health conditions and mental health problems in childhood has been made before, this study provides the strongest evidence of it …(虽然以前就有人提出过儿童时期的慢性健康状况和心理健康问题之间的联系,但这项研究提供了最有力的证据。)”,第五段中提到“The researchers also found that bullying and health-related absence from school were two most significant additional factors for children with mental health issues.(研究人员还发现,欺凌和与健康相关的缺课是有心理健康问题的儿童的两个最重要的附加因素。)”。根据其中的“this study provides the strongest evidence…”和“The researchers also found that …”可以推断,这项研究在之前的研究基础上得出了更有力的证据,从而得出了更准确的结论。故选B项。 4. 细节理解题。根据第五段中“The researchers also found that bullying and health-related absence from school were two most significant additional factors for children with mental health issues. The second one was identified as the most consistent factor predicting mental health problems over time. ( 研究人员还发现,欺凌和与健康相关的缺课是有心理健康问题的儿童的两个最重要的附加因素。第二个因素被认为是预测精神健康问题的最一致的因素。)可知,关注孩子由于健康问题而不能上学的情况能够最好地帮助判断预测儿童是否会有精神问题。故选A项。

    The Happiest Place on Earth may soon be welcoming visitors again. On Wednesday, Disney CEO Bob Chapek announced that Shanghai Disneyland will reopen on May 11. But one of the new safety measures is phased (分阶段的) reopening. This means Disney will begin by gradually and partially reopening certain locations.

If you've ever been to a Disney theme park, especially during peak days, you know how crowded it can get and how necessary FastPasses are. On a "normal day" at Disneyland, park attendance is 65,000 people, according to Walt Disney Imagineering director Kim Irvine. So physical distancing and capacity measures are major focuses as Disney prepares to reopen. Dr. Hymel says that Disney will "conduct physical distancing guidelines based on guidance from health authorities."

The new measures will likely include a guest capacity (容量) based on state and federal guidelines. Disney is also exploring ways technology can help with social distancing-experiments in this aspect include using virtual queues at Disneyland and Walt Disney World in advance.

Other new measures include increased cleaning of high traffic areas. Disney will follow guidelines from the medical community and the government for improved screening procedures and prevention measures; this means guests will likely need facial masks. Disney Parks have already adopted new measures such as providing hand soaps and setting up hand washing stations.

Shanghai Disneyland has sold out all tickets for May 11. The theme park said that all tickets were gone in a matter of minutes after sales started at 8 am on Friday.

1.In order to reopen, Disney has decided to take some measures EXCEPT_________

A.following guidance from authorities

B.advocating waiting in line for tickets

C.cleaning high traffic areas more often

D.providing convenience for hand-wash

2.This passage is mainly about _________

A.the great popularity of Disney parks

B.the phased opening of Disney parks .

C.the new measures of Disney parks

D.the great changes of Disney parks




Artificial intelligence(AI)teachers can provide customized teaching for students to meet their unique requirements through analyzing data and deep learning.In the future, they may replace human teachers for basic teaching tasks.Since some students may find it and put new power into traditional teaching patterns.An educational system providing customized teaching centered on students represents the future trend of AI education.

China's AI education has developed rapidly in recent years with the rise of several thousand relevant companies.Currently,AI teachers are able to help students leamn pronunciation,analyze their condition,guide them to learn independently,and even grade writing assignments. Some foreign AI educational systems have been introduced into several domestic schools and have worked well on trial.

However,the promotion of AI education is still facing several difficulties in practice such as low technological levels,inadequacy of data and lack of funds.AI education still depends largely on human teachers' work.Most importantly,it conflicts with current educational patterns because the courses developed by foreign countries are not suitable for Chinese exam-oriented education.Teachers may also find it hard to change their original roles in classrooms since easing control on classes may make them seem irresponsible.These problems need to be handled before the mass promotion of Al education.

With AI teachers,the original teacher-centered classes will be transformed into student-centered ones where teachers only organize the class and provide guidance.Since teachers are supposed to not only equip students with knowledge but also shape their values and help them develop creative abilities,AI teachers will not replace human teachers but will only pose higher requirements of teaching.A combination of AI teachers and human ones can create the best future for Al education.




假定你是李华,你校即将举行给农村小学捐书Donating Books to Rural Primary School)活动,现向全校招募志愿者,你的笔友Peter来信向你咨询有关情况,请你写一封回信,要点如下:




1. 词数80左右;





    One day in May 1884,twenty-one-year-old Ida Bell Wells ___a train for Woodstock.Ida sat in the first-class ladies'___ and opened her book.Minutes later the conductor __ passengers' tickets.He told Ida to go to the other carriage.

In 1884,African Americans, ___in the South,did not have the same __ as whites.They could not ___the same schools and they were expected to sit in a(n) __ railroad carriage,one that was usually dirty and smoke-filled,though they were charged __ fare.

Having paid for a first-class ticket,Ida refused to __.Then the conductor,together with two other railroad men,__ Ida from her seat,tearing her sleeve.After she was____out of her seat,Ida sued(起诉)the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad.When the case went to __,the judge decided in Ida' s favor.He __ her 500 dollars in damages.But Ida' s __ did not last long.The Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad appealed its case.This time,the victory went to the railroad.

Ida had lost her ___with the railroad,but not her determination to ___what was right. After losing her case,Ida wrote an article about it,which ___in a number of African American newspapers.Readers quickly recognized the __ of Ida' s words.

In 1913,Ida came to Washington,D.C.as a journalist.There she became a representative of the National Equal Rights League.The league __ President Woodrow Wilson to end segregation(种族隔离). Ida didn't live to see the end of segregation,but she did help lead the way in bringing about ___for all.

1.A.operated B.boarded C.accommodated D.stopped

2.A.room B.station C.club D.coach

3.A.collected B.purchased C.reserved D.booked

4.A.similarly B.exactly C.particularly D.absolutely

5.A.rights B.levels C.problems D.qualities

6.A.finish B.visit C.attend D.establish

7.A.empty B.separate C.available D.private

8.A.basic B.full C.casual D.low

9.A.take in B.get in C.come in D.give in

10.A.pulled B.settled C.drove D.carried

11.A.requested B.guided C.stuck D.forced

12.A.press B.system C.court D.media

13.A.awarded B.returned C.owed D.handed

14.A.measure B.victory C.position D.attempt

15.A.belief B.challenge C.battle D.opportunity

16.A.look for B.stand up for C.reach for D.pay for

17.A.appeared B.explained C.stated D.reported

18.A.meaning B.charm C.value D.power

19.A.put off B.called out C.resulted in D.appealed to

20.A.fortune B.safety C.justice D.happiness



Lessons learned in past outbreaks

The novel coronavirus dominates(主导)the headlines as one of the world's most pressing issues.It has killed more people than the 2003 SARS outbreak,according to the World Health OrganizationWHO).1.?

One of the biggest lessons from SARS was to share the latest information about the virus with the public and other countries in the world as quickly as possible.,2.,allowing scientists around the world to start developing a vaccine(疫亩)on Jan 12,according to Xinhua.

With experiences of fighting against SARS and MERS,many countries were also better prepared to stop the spread of coronavirus.3..During the 2012 MERS outbreak,research showed that infected camels caused the outbreak.According to the WHO,strict measures were enacted(实施), restricting the sale of camels and camel products in the Arabian Peninsula.There were also mass health tests for all those in close contact with diseased animals.4.

In the fight against the novel coronavirus,China has also taken many effective measures to control the virus.Under the leadership and command of the central government,all provinces and municipalities(自治区)across the country have launched a Level One emergency response to the novel coronavirus.5..It is because of these effective measures that the epidemic has been constrained (限制)successfully within China,with the confirmed cases less than many other countries.

A.They also quickly isolated(隔离)those who were confirmed infected for medical care

B.Chinese health officials published the details of the new virus online

C.The number of infections overall in China are now far more than that of SARA

D.Following the measures,the number of the infected has dramatically decreased

E.The outbreak has killed many people since the first death was reported in Wuhan

F.But there is no better prevention than stopping the source

G.What can we learn from the past outbreaks,including SARS and MERS



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