满分5 > 高中英语试题 >



1.Which of the following happens first?

A.Enfield tells Utterson the story of the door.

B.Sir Danvers Carew is murdered.

C.Utterson and Enfield see Jekyll at his window.

D.Utterson finds Hyde dead in Jekyll's lab.

2.In the story, Mr. Utterson is

A.a servant B.a lawyer

C.a Member of Parliament D.a doctor

3.At first, what does Dr. Jekyll think of Hyde's action?

A.He is responsible for it. B.He is regretful about it.

C.He is happy about it. D.He is strongly against it.

4.Mr. Hyde is considered all of the following EXCEPT

A.evil B.violent C.mysterious D.respectable

5.Nowadays, “Jekyll and Hyde" is used to describe a person of

A.kindness B.generosity C.contradiction D.cruelty


1.A 2.B 3.C 4.D 5.C 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。《化身博士》是罗伯特·路易斯·史蒂文森所写的一部小说,故事描述在维多利亚时代,杰克尔博士为了探索人性的善恶,研究发明了一种特殊的新药,吃下去便会变成另一个自我,即海德先生,博士把自己所有的恶念全部赋予了野蛮残暴的海德。杰克尔虽然已有贤惠的未婚妻,但是被放荡的风尘女子勾起了他变成海德的欲望。杰克尔博士行医多年,多行善事,名声极好,海德则无恶不作,杀人害命,一场悲剧终于一发不可收拾。杰克尔博士无法摆脱海德,最后选择了自杀,以自己的自尽,来停止海德的作恶。 1. 推理判断题。阅读这本小说第一章The mysterious door(神秘之门)可知,Enfield 告诉了Utterson门的故事是小说中最先发生的事情。故选A。 2. 细节理解题。根据小说第一章第一句话Mr Utterson the lawyer was a quiet ,serious man .可知,Mr. Utterson是一名律师,也是一个安静的,严肃的人。故选B。 3. 推理判断题。阅读小说第九章Doctor Jekyll's confession中Indeed , I welcomed him . Edward Hyde was me young and strong and full of life.可知,刚开始Doctor Jekyll是欢迎Edward Hyde的到来的,所以他对Edward Hyde的行为感到开心。故选C。 4. 细节理解题。阅读小说第九章Doctor Jekyll's confession中Hyde was wholly evil but he was not stupid和Jekyll hated Hyde because Hyde was evil and inhuman 可知,Hyde是个邪恶的,没有人性的人,根据前八章描述可知,他也是一个神秘人物,小说中并没有提到他是一个值得尊敬的人。故选D。 5. 推理判断题。阅读小说,并结合第九章中My good self and my evil self were fighting for my mind and body-and my evil self was winning.可知,Jekyll是善良化身,而Hyde是邪恶的代表,这是以一个人的两种性格体现,由此判断出,“Jekyll and Hyde"现在被用来指一个前后不一致,即矛盾体contradiction。故选C。

College helps students dream of more than a salary

From the earliest days of our country, education has been seen as the foundation for our future. 1. . Is investing in a college or university education still worth it?

2.. Students who graduate from college can expect to make about 60% more than those who do not, well over a million dollars over a lifetime. But what about the benefits of college that are more difficult to measure?

College is a passport to different places, different times, and different ways of thinking - - from learning new languages to considering the arc of human history to diving deep into the building blocks of matter. It gives students a chance to understand themselves differently.

3., One of the most important ways students learn at college is by interacting with people who are different from themselves. I recall a freshman who wasn't sure if he would ft in at a new college far away from his hometown. However, one night he found himself debating about the characteristics that define a real hero with other admitted students from around the world. 4., but the differences were what made the conversation exciting, and he realized how much he could learn at a place full of engaging people with a wide range of viewpoints.

College teaches students the virtue of slowing down. No one denies the value of speed, connectivity and the virtual world in an economy that thrives (繁荣) on all three. But “thinking" is  a word that is too often forgotten. College teaches students to slow down, to change information into insight and knowing into understanding. 5.. The result is that students grow in knowledge and in wisdom for a lifetime.

To conclude, investing in a college or university education is well worth it.

A.College introduces students to a new world

B.Yet its value is being increasingly questioned

C.It remains the same nowadays

D.It develops critical thinking

E.They had a heated discussion

F.Not everyone agreed

G.College education financially pays off



    It was early in 1981 when I first met George. I was in my early 30s, seeking a creative outlet unrelated to the boredom of housework and raising little kids. At 65, George had recently retired and was seeking a rewarding hobby for his golden years. For both of us, painting was “it” and we met at a local TAFE painting class. Thus began a friendship that was to last for 25 years- -until the day he died.

George was a man who lived life to the full. He worked hard, played hard and had an opinion about everything. As a slim and energetic man, he took pride in his fitness and walked more than three kilometers every day. “I'd no more go without my walk than without changing my underwear. “He’d say.

As the only male in a painting class full of women, George ruled the roost and we were his hens. He adored his singular role and looked after his brood with the same attention he gave to everything.

He took to painting with passion and commitment, even changing the spare bedroom of his home into a studio. His painting equipment was comprehensive- an easel, quality paints, linseed oil, turpentine, brushes, palette, canvases, charcoal pencils, fixative, palette knives- even a rolling pin for removing air bubbles when gluing.

For about six years George and I studied together through various units until the completion of the course and other commitments drew us apart, though we always maintained personal contact as we lived within a couple of kilometers of each other. I'd sometimes see him on his daily walk or at the local shops and occasionally we' d touch base with a“proper”afternoon tea.

Fast-forward some years and George was now about 80 years old. He rang one day and asked me to come to his house, saying he needed to ask me something. George explained that he was giving up painting and giving away all his “stuff". Everything- -paints, boards, canvases, completed works and rolling pin! “I can't paint, Bev.” He declared in the manner of a child who had to say farewell to his favorite toy.“ You have the best talent and are most likely to use it," he said.

After considerable persuasion, I accepted this precious gift on condition that he could reclaim it at any time. He never did, of course, and I still use much of his equipment today, more than 20 years later. As I paint, I often remember George and his big personality.

1.The friendship between George and the writer started because_________

A.they thought painting was characterized by creativity

B.they appreciated each other for their painting ability

C.they thought painting was a great way of killing time

D.they shared happiness in their local painting class

2.The underlined sentence in Paragraph 2 indicates that_________

A.George walked too hard to change his underwear

B.George viewed his walk as a great way to keep fit

C.George had his opinion of changing his underwear

D.George had to walk hard daily to live life to the full

3.The rolling pin is mentioned in Paragraph 4 to show that_________

A.George was passionate about painting

B.George was cautious about his painting

C.George was skilled with his painting

D.George was fond of its use in painting

4.Which of the following can NOT reflect George’s “big personality “in the last paragraph?

A.“He worked hard, played hard and had an opinion about everything" (Paragraph 2)

B.“As the only male ... George ruled the roost and we were his hens." (Paragraph 3)

C.“I’d sometimes see him on his daily walk .... afternoon tea." (Paragraph 5)

D.“He declared in the manner of a child who ... his favorite toy." (Paragraph 6)



    Children with long-term health conditions, such as asthma (哮喘), may be at greater risk of developing a mental health disorder in early adolescence compared to healthy children, according to a new study.

The findings, published in the journal Development and Psychopathology, show that kids with chronic illness exhibit higher rates of mental problems at age 10, and these health issues continue to be associated with poor mental health at ages 13 and 15.

In the study, the research team reviewed a sample of approximately 7,000 children to investigate the occurrence of mental health disorders, including anxiety or depression, and chronic illness. They found that children with chronic health conditions were approximately twice as likely at 10 and at 13 to present with a mental health disorder than healthy children. At age 15, children with chronic health problems were 60% more likely to present with such disorders.

“Although the link between chronic health conditions and mental health problems in childhood has been made before, this study provides the strongest evidence of it to data in the years of late childhood and early adolescence," said study author Dr. Ann Marie Brady. “The difference chronic illness makes to mental health is concerning, and the first impact can be seen even before adolescence, in late childhood."

The researchers also found that bullying and health-related absence from school were two most significant additional factors for children with mental health issues. The second one was identified as the most consistent factor predicting mental health problems over time.

“If children with chronic illness are more likely to miss school, or experience bullying, that can make the situation worse. Keeping an eye on school attendance and looking out for evidence of bullying amongst those children may help to find out who are most at risk.", said Dr. Brady.

1.The underlined term “chronic illness" in Paragraph 2 refers to a kind of disease_________

A.causing a lot of deaths B.causing absent-mindedness

C.lasting for a long time D.leading to mental disorders

2.By the findings of this study, we know that_________

A.chronic illness leads to the mental health disorder in early adolescence

B.healthy young adolescents have no chance of having mental problems

C.adolescents with illness are more likely to develop mental health disorders

D.chronic illness has some relation to mental problems in early adolescence

3.What is special about this study?

A.It makes a new discovery based on the findings of previous studies

B.It draws a more accurate conclusion based on the previous studies

C.It questions the accuracy of the findings by the previous studies

D.It draws more attention to adolescents' health than previous studies

4.Which of the following can best help to decide if children with chronic illness tend to have mental problems?

A.Their school attendance. B.Their physical conditions.

C.Their tolerance of bullying. D.Their tendency for bullying.



    The Happiest Place on Earth may soon be welcoming visitors again. On Wednesday, Disney CEO Bob Chapek announced that Shanghai Disneyland will reopen on May 11. But one of the new safety measures is phased (分阶段的) reopening. This means Disney will begin by gradually and partially reopening certain locations.

If you've ever been to a Disney theme park, especially during peak days, you know how crowded it can get and how necessary FastPasses are. On a "normal day" at Disneyland, park attendance is 65,000 people, according to Walt Disney Imagineering director Kim Irvine. So physical distancing and capacity measures are major focuses as Disney prepares to reopen. Dr. Hymel says that Disney will "conduct physical distancing guidelines based on guidance from health authorities."

The new measures will likely include a guest capacity (容量) based on state and federal guidelines. Disney is also exploring ways technology can help with social distancing-experiments in this aspect include using virtual queues at Disneyland and Walt Disney World in advance.

Other new measures include increased cleaning of high traffic areas. Disney will follow guidelines from the medical community and the government for improved screening procedures and prevention measures; this means guests will likely need facial masks. Disney Parks have already adopted new measures such as providing hand soaps and setting up hand washing stations.

Shanghai Disneyland has sold out all tickets for May 11. The theme park said that all tickets were gone in a matter of minutes after sales started at 8 am on Friday.

1.In order to reopen, Disney has decided to take some measures EXCEPT_________

A.following guidance from authorities

B.advocating waiting in line for tickets

C.cleaning high traffic areas more often

D.providing convenience for hand-wash

2.This passage is mainly about _________

A.the great popularity of Disney parks

B.the phased opening of Disney parks .

C.the new measures of Disney parks

D.the great changes of Disney parks




Artificial intelligence(AI)teachers can provide customized teaching for students to meet their unique requirements through analyzing data and deep learning.In the future, they may replace human teachers for basic teaching tasks.Since some students may find it and put new power into traditional teaching patterns.An educational system providing customized teaching centered on students represents the future trend of AI education.

China's AI education has developed rapidly in recent years with the rise of several thousand relevant companies.Currently,AI teachers are able to help students leamn pronunciation,analyze their condition,guide them to learn independently,and even grade writing assignments. Some foreign AI educational systems have been introduced into several domestic schools and have worked well on trial.

However,the promotion of AI education is still facing several difficulties in practice such as low technological levels,inadequacy of data and lack of funds.AI education still depends largely on human teachers' work.Most importantly,it conflicts with current educational patterns because the courses developed by foreign countries are not suitable for Chinese exam-oriented education.Teachers may also find it hard to change their original roles in classrooms since easing control on classes may make them seem irresponsible.These problems need to be handled before the mass promotion of Al education.

With AI teachers,the original teacher-centered classes will be transformed into student-centered ones where teachers only organize the class and provide guidance.Since teachers are supposed to not only equip students with knowledge but also shape their values and help them develop creative abilities,AI teachers will not replace human teachers but will only pose higher requirements of teaching.A combination of AI teachers and human ones can create the best future for Al education.




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