满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。 续写...

阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。 续写的词数应为150左右。

Rescue in a Bottle

Curtis Whitson had rafted (v.乘筏) down the Arroyo Seco, a river in central California, several times before.

This year, Curtis Whitson knew the water-fall was coming. He figured he would get out of his raft into the shallow water, get down the rocks along ropes on either side of the falls, and continue on his way, as he had on a previous trip.

But this year was different. Heavy snow and spring rains had turned the usually manageable falls into something fierce. And this year, instead of his friends, Whitson’s companions were his girlfriend, Krystal Ramirez, and his 13-year-old son, Hunter. As the three of them approached the falls late in the afternoon of the third day of their camping trip, Whitson could tell from the increasing roar of water in the narrowing canyon(峡谷) that they were in serious trouble. There was no way they’d be able to get down the rocks as planned.

“The water was just roaring through there with tremendous force,” recalls Whitson, 45.

They had no smart phone service, and they hadn’t seen a single person in the past three days. And Whitson knew that they’d be sharing the ground there with rattlesnakes and mountain lions.

As he was thinking what to do, Whitson hit on a bit of luck---he heard voices coming from the other side of the falls. He yelled, but the sound of the rushing water drowned him out.

“We have to get these people a message,” Whitson thought.

He grabbed a stick and pulled out his pocketknife to carve “Help” in it. Then he tied a rope to it so the people would know it wasn’t just any stick. He tried throwing it over the falls, but it floated away in the wrong direction.

“We’ve got to do something!” Whitson yelled to his son. “Have we got anything else?”

Then he spotted his water bottle. Whitson grabbed it and carved “Help!”on it. Ramirez also reminded him that he had a pen and paper in his backpack.

Whitson knew it was a slim hope. But he wrote “6-15 19:00 We are stuck here@ the waterfall. Get help please” and pushed the note into the bottle. This time, his throw over the waterfall was perfect.

“All right, that’s all we can do,” Whitson told Hunter.


1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;

2. 续写部分分为两段,每段开头语已为你写好;

Paragraph 1:

It took 30 minutes to get back upstream to the beach where they’d had lunch.


Paragraph 2:

The next morning, the helicopter returned.



Paragraph I: It took 30 minutes to get back upstream to the beach where they’d had lunch. With no expectation that their message in the bottle would find its way to anyone, they prepared to spend a safe night there. As the evening wore on, they decided they probably weren’t going to get rescued that night, so they pulled out their sleeping bags. Before turning in, Ramirez added wood to the fire to keep the mountain lions away. However, just after midnight, they heard a helicopter hovering above them. Wild with joy, they waved and yelled like crazy. Unfortunately, the darkness drowned everything. The helicopter circled and got back. The first rescue was in vain. Paragraph 2: The next morning, the helicopter returned. After the three were spotted, the helicopter lowered a crew member on a cable. The rescuers lifted them out of the mountain. It was not long before they were taken to safety. That was a moment of pure happiness as the three chatted with the rescue workers. Just at that time Whitson learned that a hiker spotted the bottle with the message asking for help. And it was exactly that bottle that saved them all! Together, they were amazed at the unlikelihood of it all. 【解析】 本篇书面表达是读后续写。通过阅读所给文章可知,Curtis Whitson以前顺着Arroyo Seco河流乘筏漂流过几次,但是今年有些不一样,他带着儿子和女朋友在露营旅行中被困在水流湍急的瀑布中,他写了求救信息放入饮料瓶子里,扔过瀑布。 续写部分分为两段,第一段开头是:他们花了30分钟才回到上游吃午饭的岸边……,所以本段应该写他们不知道求救信息是否有用,到达上游的岸边后如何度过夜晚,结合下一段首句“第二天早上,直升机返回”可知,本段应该还有直升机来营救他们等内容;第二段开头是:第二天早上,直升机返回……本段应该写直升机返回后发现他们并成功营救出他们,还应交代直升机如何知道他们被困在这里等内容。 续写时要注意所续写短文的词数应为150左右,按要求完成写作任务。


1. 写信目的;

2. 反映存在问题;

3. 提出改进建议。

注意:1. 80 左右;   2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear manager,



Li Hua



    Last week I went shopping in the supermarket. I got to the front of the ___________ and put my groceries through the checkout. I was about to pay, when I ___________ that I didn't have my bankcard with me. I _________.Then I remembered I left it at home when I ___________ something online. All I had was $30 in notes and some coins in my wallet. I was short ___________ at least $25, and I needed to buy most of the items.

I started to ___________ to the checkout lady. "I'm sorry, I stop the queue. Can I put these things back, and then think I'll ___________ these. Oh, no, need that."

An Irish lady was ___________ behind me, next in the queue. "Excuse me, Dear," she said. "Oh, I'm so sorry," I replied, "I'm ___________ you up." "Of course not. I know ____________ you feel. This happens to all of us at some point. Now please use my ____________ to pay the bill and you can be on your way."

I was astonished by her kindness, ____________ even. No matter how I insisted otherwise, she was ________ to help me. Afterwards I asked for her telephone number to ____________ and pay her back. "No," she said, "rather pay it forward. You may do a good deed for the next person in need."

By helping others, can we start chain ____________ of positive feeling and charity that can benefit our whole society?

1.A.table B.supermarket C.queue D.shelf

2.A.realized B.knew C.recognized D.observed

3.A.hesitated B.paused C.panicked D.struggled

4.A.explored B.purchased C.advocated D.delivered

5.A.by B.under C.on D.with

6.A.cry B.apologise C.complain D.explain

7.A.borrow B.drop C.follow D.take

8.A.standing B.supporting C.blaming D.shouting

9.A.turning B.putting C.joining D.holding

10.A.what B.how C.why D.when

11.A.card B.fame C.income D.identity

12.A.abnormal B.anxious C.embarrassed D.desperate

13.A.convinced B.determined C.excited D.reluctant

14.A.fit in B.get through C.look up D.get in touch

15.A.reaction B.sympathy C.satisfaction D.relationship



How to Order Coffee at Starbucks

Learning how to order coffee at Starbucks can be tricky, and if you think that ordering coffee at Starbucks is confusing, you are not alone.

1.Things move quickly as their employees try to serve customers as efficiently as possible. Orders are generally taken at one of the cash registers. You will be asked for your first name, which you should state clearly. 2.. Don't be offended if they spell your name incorrectly. People who have unique or hard — to — spell names will sometimes use an easy ''Starbucks'' name when ordering, like Mike or Amy.

3. Their terms for size areTall, Grande, Venti, and Trenta. Although if you order a small, medium, large, or extra-large drink they will still understand you.

For ordering basic coffee, beyond specifying the size you want, you will need to tell the server whether you want regular or decaffeinated (脱去咖啡因的)coffee.4.  If you intend to add cream or milk to your coffee, say with room for cream, or simply, with room. If you want a full cup, say no room. Read the list above the counter ahead of time, because they may not ask you which you would like. 5..

When you order, say the size you want first, then give the name of the drink, and finally add the special instructions last.

A.Starbucks is often a very busy place

B.Starbucks offers all kinds of coffee

C.Otherwisethey will assume that you want regular

D.Sometimes they will write your name in short forms

E.The ordering process is complicated because they use terms to describe drink size

F.Finally, if you are very particular about the freshness of your coffee, ask in advance

G.Your name will immediately be written on your cup and called out when, your drink is ready



    Every year, more books on happiness are published. And every year, more people feel depressed because they do not see themselves as happy. They don’t remember or know what it feels like, and instead, they feel guilty that they aren’t as happy as everyone says they should be. This is really a sad state of emotional affairs.

The books, blogs, YouTube videos and advice columns (专栏) will tell you that if you read, exercise, stay busy, help others, and increase your intimacy (亲密) every day, then you too can be happy.

The simple truth is that no one can be happy all the time. That doesn’t mean you have to be sad, angry, or depressed the rest of the time but that you can find a middle ground called contentment. This middle ground is a good place mentally and emotionally, and spending time there is a healthy choice.

Contentment is somewhere between satisfied and peaceful. When you are in that place, the stuff of life can be going on around you, but you don’t need to allow it to bother you. And that, my friends, is a very nice way to go through life.

I find contentment in walks and in writing, and in talking with my partner and reminding each other that our life is good, despite temporary setbacks or scary moments. Because I know about myself and I can respond differently. Doing this takes away stress and will keep you from losing your state of contentment.

If there is even one thing that puts you in a state of contentment — you do it regularly and early enough each day — it will help you go through any challenges you may have to face later.

Right at this moment, things around me are still a little out of my control — such is life — but I am feeling pretty good because I actively living my purpose. I am now content, and that feeling will last the whole day through. You can do the same.

1.What does the author want to stress by mentioning “Books on happiness in paragraph 1?

A.People find it difficult to agree on what happiness is.

B.Such books are so popular that they are sold out very soon.

C.Happiness is something easy to gain in our daily life.

D.Experts find it useless to argue about the value of happiness.

2.When facing setbacks or sad moments, what does the author do?

A.He turns to such media as blogs.

B.He definitely communicates with partners.

C.He adjusts himself and reacts positively.

D.He sees himself unlucky and feels depressed.

3.What is the author most likely to agree with?

A.Still water runs deep. B.Health is better than wealth.

C.Enough is as good as a feast. D.One good turn deserves another.

4.What is the author’s purpose in writing the text?

A.To introduce a novel experience.

B.To advocate a proper life attitude.

C.To encourage studies on happiness.

D.To persuade us to work endlessly.



    As doctors performed surgery on Dagmar Turner’s brain, the sound of a violin filled the operating room. The music came from the patient on the operating table. In a video from the surgery, the violinist was moving her bow (琴弓) up and down as surgeons worked to remove her brain tumor (肿瘤). The King’s College hospital surgeons woke her up in the middle of the operation in order to ensure they did not damage parts of the brain necessary for playing the violin and keep her hand’s functions intact.

Turner, 53, learned that she had a slow-growing tumor. Later doctors found that it had become more aggressive and the violinist decided to have surgery to remove it. “We knew how important the violin is to Turner, so it was vital that we preserved function in the delicate areas of her brain that allowed her to play,” Keyoumars Ashkan, a doctor at King’s College Hospital, said in a press release.

Before Turner’s operation, Ashkan and his colleagues spent two hours carefully mapping her brain to identify areas that were active when she played the violin and those controlling language and movement. Waking her up during surgery then allowed doctors to monitor whether those parts were suffering damage.

Brad Mahon, expert at Carnegie Mellon University, said the basic features of an “awake craniotomy” — the type of brain surgery where patients are awake in order to avoid damage to critical brain areas — have remained largely unchanged for decades. But he said that doctors are now able to map the patient’s brain activity in great detail before the surgery, using an imaging technique called functional MRI. That means surgeons are coming into the operating room with far more information about a specific patient’s brain. That kind of information helps doctors tailor tests to a patient’s particular needs.

1.What does the underlined word “intact”mean in the first paragraph?

A.Strong. B.Sound.

C.Talented. D.Influential.

2.Why did Ashkan and his colleagues map Turner’s brain before operation?

A.To keep her brain more active when she played the violin.

B.To monitor whether her brain had suffered damage severely.

C.To recognize the areas related to music and movement precisely.

D.To remove the tumor while keeping all function of her brain.

3.What can we know according to Brad Mahon?

A.Doctors are using an imaging technique to monitor the surgery.

B.Patients are asleep to protect critical brain areas in a surgery.

C.A patient’s language ability couldn’t be preserved before.

D.Surgeons can personalize a patient’s operation by mapping his brain.

4.What is the best title for the passage?

A.Musician joined in her own brain surgery

B.Mapping a brain is realized after surgery

C.The violinist suffers from a brain tumor

D.Doctors perform surgery on a brain



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