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Chloe Kim was one of America's top Olymp...

    Chloe Kim was one of America's top Olympians during last year's Winter Games in Pyeongchang, South Korea. The snowboarding champion, who grew up in California, competed there at 17 years of age. She became the youngest woman ever to win an Olympic gold medal in the halfpipe competition.

She has recently won a halfpipe competition during the Winter X Games in Aspen, Colorado. But the 18-year-old snowboarder has decided to trade some trips down the halfpipe for an Ivy League education after an upcoming world championship competition in Utah. Beginning from next fall, Kim will be joining Princeton University's class. Instead of centering on the physics of her winning snow board moves, she could now be learning the subject in school. In a recent interview, Kim said, “While I have a special identity and my life has always been so different, I still aim to make my higher education experience as normal as possible.” Kim added, “I'd love to be Chloe, the girl who sits next to me in English class.”

Kim received widespread attention during the Pyeongchang Games. The publicity was fueled by her friendly, energetic nature as well as her interesting family story. Along her path to Olympic gold, Kim also became a social media star. She helped design a snowboarding Barbie doll in her likeness, rapped with hip-hop artist G-Eazy and joined other sports stars to be honored with ESPY Awards. While all of this was fun, Kim says she now looks forward to a new challengeearning a degree from one of America's top universities. She says she considers her acceptance to Princeton just as much of an honor as earning an Olympic gold medal.

She is still deciding what her exact field of study will be at Princeton. But she says it will involve something science-related, possibly chemistry or biology. She is attempting to work out a plan that will permit her to keep training while going to classes. Kim says her sports and educational goals go hand-in-hand. “It's all about progressing the sport and also pushing myself,” she said. “To see what can do, and how far I can go.”

1.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A.Kim's personality and family background help raise her publicity.

B.Kim majors in physics in Princeton University to improve snow board moves.

C.Kim thinks being admitted to Princeton earns her more honors than being a sports star.

D.Kim decides to give up the upcoming world championship competition in Utah.

2.By saying "I'd love to be Chloe, the girl who sits next to me in English class”, Kim______.

A.tries to hide her identity as snowboarding champion

B.desires to live a normal life in her study experience

C.determines to forget all about her earlier sports life

D.hopes the girl sitting by her is named Chloe as her

3.Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?

A.Snowboarding Champion Regains Popularity with Sports Lovers

B.Snowboarding Champion Challenges Other Fields Successfully

C.Snowboarding Champion Sets Sights on Education

D.Snowboarding Champion Cooperates with Princeton University

4.From which is the passage probably taken?

A.A study brochure B.A short-story collection

C.A newspaper D.An autobiography


1.A 2.B 3.C 4.C 【解析】 这是一篇新闻报道。文章介绍了美国单板滑雪冠军Chloe Kim,决定放弃U型场地比赛,转而接受常春藤联盟的教育。文章还介绍了Kim所取得的一些成就,以及她对在普林斯顿大学接受教育的看法。 1. 细节理解题。根据第三段中Kim received widespread attention during the Pyeongchang Games. The publicity was fueled by her friendly, energetic nature as well as her interesting family story.可知Kim在平昌冬奥会期间受到了广泛关注。她友善、精力充沛的性格以及她有趣的家庭故事更提高了她的知名度。由此可知,A选项“Kim的个性和家庭背景有助于提高她的知名度”正确。故选A。 2. 推理判断题。根据第二段中In a recent interview, Kim said, “While I have a special identity and my life has always been so different, I still aim to make my higher education experience as normal as possible.”可知在最近的一次采访中,Kim说,“虽然我有一个特殊的身份,我的生活也一直是如此的不同,但我仍然努力让我的高等教育经历尽可能正常。”由此可推知,Kim说“I'd love to be Chloe, the girl who sits next to me in English class”是希望在她的学习经历中过上正常的生活。故选B。 3. 主旨大意题。根据第二段中But the 18-year-old snowboarder has decided to trade some trips down the halfpipe for an Ivy League education after an upcoming world championship competition in Utah.可知但这位18岁的单板滑雪选手决定在即将到来的犹他州世界冠军赛后,用U型场地比赛来换取常春藤联盟的教育。结合文章介绍了美国单板滑雪冠军Chloe Kim,决定放弃U型场地比赛,转而接受常春藤联盟的教育。文章还介绍了Kim所取得的一些成就,以及她对在普林斯顿大学接受教育的看法。由此可知,C选项“单板滑雪冠军将目光投向教育领域”最符合文章标题。故选C。 4. 推理判断题。根据文章介绍了美国单板滑雪冠军Chloe Kim,决定放弃U型场地比赛,转而接受常春藤联盟的教育。文章还介绍了Kim所取得的一些成就,以及她对在普林斯顿大学接受教育的看法。可知文章属于对体育名人的报道,最有可能选自一份报纸。故选C。

    When my three boys were young, our summer vacation consisted of driving the nine hours to my parents' place in Maine, where I grew up. While we loved those visits, the truth is we couldn't afford to go anywhere else. My husband, David, and I had finally saved up enough to buy our first home. We'd even made an agreement: We wouldn't spend more than $ 100 without consulting each other.

On one of those holidays, I took the boys to the local library, where a silent auction was underway. I was attracted by one item: Shot nearby, on the rocky coast, the photo was naturalistic, capturing the characteristic of the young subjects and the beauty of my home state. Up for bid: a session with the photographer.

In a hurry, I wrote down my name on the sign-up sheet, half sure that my offer of $ 500 would be topped. It wasn't. And though I felt bad about breaking my agreement with David, I was happy with my bid won.

The morning of the shoot, we put the kids into the car and drove to a favorite beach. The photographer, already standing in the parking lot with a camera around her neck, started snapping pictures the minute they got out of their car seats. She gently tried to persuade the boys forward, leading them to gather around a rock pool.

When the contact sheet arrived, I knew it had been worth the money. In the photos each boy's personality shone clearly.

More than a dozen years later, the portrait is a touchstone for me, a key to understanding who my children are. The photograph is a piece of art and a piece of our family history, worth every penny.

1.What was the author doing when she got to the silent auction?

A.She was prepared to take a picture. B.She was much annoyed by the boys.

C.She was alone wandering in a library. D.She was suddenly appealed to by an item.

2.What does the author think of the photographer?

A.Beautiful B.Patient C.Elegant D.Courageous

3.What can be inferred from the passage?

A.The contact sheet was not entirely unexpected.

B.The couple might have quarreled a great deal.

C.The couple thought they could take better photos.

D.The picture was greatly cherished by the author.

4.What's the best title of this passage?

A.The Best Gift the Woman Ever Bought B.The Poor Life the Woman's Family Lived

C.The Lovely Children the Couple Had D.The Influence the Picture Brought



Journalism Fellowships

In this important year for Europe, here is your chance to become one of the finest reporters and launch a career at two of the most globally famous news organizations—The Economist & the Financial Times. Below are the details.

What do the prizes involve and who has the right qualifications?

Two awards are on offer: one, for a British applicant, will consist of a three-month fellowship (职员身份) in continental Europe at The Economist; the other, for an applicant from elsewhere in the European Union, will be in London at the Financial Times also lasting three months. Both winners will also receive £6,000 to cover accommodation and travel. The fellowships are open only to European Union citizens.

Who are the fellowships suited for?

The fellowships are established specially for those ambitious early-career journalists with bold ideas and a lively writing style, each capable of adapting to the excitement and pressures of a modern newsroom. The fellow should have a particular interest and curiosity about European affairs, as the prize aims to help continental writers understand Britain and British writers understand Europe.

What is this year’s subject?

What is Europe’s greatest weakness? Please choose the country, institution, or issue that is of greatest concern.

How to apply?

Please send a submission on the subject above, together with a CV (简历) and covering letter. The submission can be:

an unpublished written article, blog post or data-rich essay of max 850 words

an unpublished 2-minute video

Entries should be sent, by the closing date of May 16th 2018, by e-mail to ncprize@ft.com. Successful applicants will be informed by the end of July 2018.

1.Why is the British winner to be posted at The Economist?

A.For him or her to tour more places.

B.For him or her to know Europe better.

C.To help him or her understand economics.

D.For him or her to become a European Union citizen.

2.Who are the fellowships intended for?

A.College students. B.Amateur writers.

C.New journalists. D.European politicians.

3.Which of the following can be accepted as a proper submission?

A.A published blog post. B.An unpublished 800-word essay.

C.An unpublished photo. D.A 3-minute video.




1)时间:8am—5 pm2)集合地点:校门口;交通工具:公交车;3)内容:吃午饭,欣赏风景,照相4)携带物品:雨具,午餐,相机。





1.He was bring up in New York.

2.It hit him that he had lost his key in the office.

3.The table is such heavy that I can’t move it.

4.Obvious,the students are not interested in the subject.

5.We are looking forward for seeing the film Wonder Woman.

6.It was last year when you taught me how to drive.

7.You can’t take photographs here without permit.

8.It is a strange thing that he could have done such a thing.

9.We will take chance to have the party outdoor.

10.Now you can do some exercise and have fun your kids at the same time.



    One day we had a math test. I took a look at the _______ full of what looked like hieroglyphs(象形文字) to me and began to _______ I did the best that I could, and then left my _______ to put my paper on the front desk with a(n) _______.

After I returned to my seat, an idea came to my mind. I _______ the teacher was walking in the _______ of the room with her back turned. I _______ my seat and went back to the pile of test papers already handed _______ I quickly picked up my paper, _______ the paper right below it. When I looked at the ________ paper I had taken, I discovered it belonged to the ________ girl in our class. I quickly copied her answers.

The next day the teacher handed back our papers with them face down. When I ________ my paper over, I was ________ to see an “F” on it. After class I went to the girl whose answers I had ________, “The math test was difficult. I ________ it. I guess we need to study more.” ________ reply was, “Not me, I got every question ________ and got an A.”

The teacher knew. She never blamed me in front of the class ________ allowed me to keep my dignity(尊严). I made a ________ to myself never ever to cheat again and always be ________. I never forgot that teacher who failed me when, really, I had failed myself.

1.A.blackboard B.paper C.book D.picture

2.A.argue B.cry C.worry D.complain

3.A.seat B.classroom C.partner D.teacher

4.A.joy B.idea C.sigh D.problem

5.A.believed B.found C.ignored D.checked

6.A.front B.middle C.outside D.back

7.A.preserved B.found C.left D.took

8.A.out B.in C.over D.on

9.A.copying B.leaving C.remembering D.including

10.A.extra B.new C.clean D.difficult

11.A.tallest B.oldest C.prettiest D.smartest

12.A.got B.turned C.put D.took

13.A.shocked B.angry C.happy D.excited

14.A.examined B.read C.marked D.copied

15.A.knew B.made C.failed D.lost

16.A.Her B.My C.His D.Its

17.A.ready B.good C.right D.done

18.A.or B.except C.but D.unless

19.A.speech B.joke C.wish D.promise

20.A.honest B.friendly C.careful D.hopeful



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