满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

请根据中文提示,写出句中所缺单词,使句子通顺。 1.The scientists...


1.The scientists are able to accurately__________(计算)when the spaceship will reach the moon.

2.Mr Zhang has been_____________(任命)headmaster of our school.

3.The art festival is an____________(年度的)event where the students can show off their talents.

4.When it comes to reading,some people do not show much __________(鉴别力)in their choices.

5.Among the______________(评判标准)for the inclusion of film entries,not being financed by Hollywood studios is at the top of the list.


1.calculate 2.appointed 3.annual 4.discrimination 5.criteria/criterions 【解析】 根据中文提示,写出句中所缺单词。 1. 考查动词。句意:科学家们能够精确地计算出宇宙飞船什么时候到达月球。此处有副词accurately修饰,应用动词,且be able to do sth意为“能够做某事”,是固定搭配。故填calculate。 2. 考查动词。句意:张老师被任命为我们学校的校长。主语Mr Zhang与动词appoint之间为动宾关系,应用被动语态。故填appointed。 3. 考查形容词。句意:艺术节是一年一度的活动,学生们可以在这里展示自己的才能。此处修饰名词event,应用形容词。故填annual。 4. 考查名词。句意:说到阅读,有些人在选择时并没有表现出太多的鉴别力。此处有much修饰,应用不可数名词作宾语。故填discrimination。 5. 考查名词。句意:在入围电影的标准中,最重要的是没有好莱坞电影公司的资助。位于介词Among后面,有定冠词the修饰,且位于for前面,可以推断,此处应用名词,根据“入围电影的标准”可知,此处应用名词复数。故填criteria/criterions。

    We've been part of the Lammas project,an eco village in Wales.I was _______ to change my lifestyle after studying environmental science.I wanted to live _______ the land and to provide our own food and _______.We also wanted to live in a community with _______ people around us.It took us 10 years to make it _______

Now I live in a roundhouse made out of straw(柏早)。It is not what I would call low-cost housing.The cost is your_______.You have to have great willpower.We had to _______everything because we had no spare money when we moved here.

I think we've done what I _______to do:grow our own food and provide our own resources.We have hydro(水电)power and solar panels and we feel like we're not _______ the planet's resources.

We________produce such as eggplants,peas and carrots.We have nut trees and apple trees.We have 9.5 acres of land and keep sheep.I earn about20,000 a year.Most of my ________ comes from shearing(修剪)our sheep,and using the ________ to run willow-weaving(纺织)。If we have spare fruit,we ________ them too.But we reinvest(再投资)most of the money in the ________,and animal care.

Organic clothes are very________ but I do choose them when I' can.We might spend about 150 a month on eating out as a family.We always try and shop local-________ it's more expensive.We don't go holiday a lot but when we do we try to travel by train.It takes a long time but for me it's about the ________,not the destination.

Looking back,I'd argue being organic is ________ for anyone.It costs you next to nothing-just time and ________.If people want to be more healthy and ________for themselves,they can do it.

1.A.required B.expected C.inspired D.allowed

2.A.in exchange for B.in connection with C.in reference to D.in honor of

3.A.electricity B.education C.oxygen D.sunshine

4.A.cold-hearted B.white-haired C.similar-minded D.near-sighted

5.A.disappear B.happen C.stop D.recover

6.A.money B.pleasure C.future D.energy

7.A.borrow B.dismiss C.overlook D.create

8.A.went on B.joined up C.set out D.called in

9.A.searching for B.using up C.researching into D.selling out

10.A.promote B.export C.grow D.buy

11.A.income B.experience C.knowledge D.entertainment

12.A.materials B.equipment C.techniques D.influence

13.A.donate B.throw C.keep D.sell

14.A.children B.house C.garden D.books

15.A.common B.expensive C.casual D.tough

16.A.as if B.even if C.now that D.in case

17.A.comfort B.speed C.company D.journey

18.A.impossible B.changeable C.achievable D.visible

19.A.effort B.fame C.success D.health

20.A.compete B.provide C.defend D.vote



    If your family or group of friends loves to bike,then a bike trip makes a perfect vacation. 1.Because you move more slowly on a bike,you have a chance to really sink into your environment,observing wildlife and views that you might miss otherwise.

As you plan your trip,the biggest decision to make is how far you'd like to travel each day.If you have unskilled bikers or kids in your group,you'll probably all be happiest if you keep your mileage goals fairly modest.2.

3. You can book campsites ahead of time at campgrounds along the way, and ride into camp as late as you like. Keep in mind that some camping equipment is heavy. Invest in a light-weight tent,and light-weight inflatable pads(充气垫)for under your sleeping bag.Dehydrated food also helps keep the weight down.

If you're going to be traveling on trails at all,you'll want to ride a mountain bike during your trip.On the other hand,if your whole route is wholly along roads,you can ride a lighter-weight street bike.Or,you can put heavier-weight tires on a street bike.4.

Biking is a great way to see the country,and if you have a lot of time,you can cover quite a bit of distance.Over the course of a multi- week trip,you'll get stronger and you'll be able to go further in one day.5. If your trip is a long one,you might want to rest a day or two early in your travels to give your body some rest.

A.An easy way to travel is to camp along the way.

B.Check in with your local bike shop for suggestions on tire weight.

C.Taking a bike trip is not only convenient but also beneficial to our health.

D.Be sure to bring the contact information and directions for each campground.

E.But a group of more experienced bikers can make more serious mileage goals.

F.Seeing the world from the seat of a bike is a wonderful way to experience new places.

G.Bear in mind, though, that early in the trip you'll start every day feeling tired from the day before.



Elephant seals in funny-looking hats are helping NASA study climate science.

Equipped with specialized sensors that resemble tiny metal hats with antennae(大线),these seals are collecting data that's helping researchers track how heat moves through ocean currents. A team of climate scientists led by Lia Siegelman used this clever technique to track changes in temperature as the seal swam the icy waters of the Antarctic.

With the help of one particularly female seal,the researchers discovered that heat stored at the ocean's depths can sometimes get swirled(打旋)back up to the surface thanks to some deeply penetrating(穿透)currents.While researchers have known that these currents can ferry heat downward into the ocean's interior(内部),the new findings suggest the opposite is true as well-driving a process that can warm the sea's surface as well.

Siegelman thinks it's important to include this new information into existing climate models.Before seals entered the picture,scientists had a pretty limited view of what went on beneath the surface of the Southern Ocean.Here,temperatures can suddenly fall below1,and thick sheets of sea ice block instruments from collecting data.All in all,it's a pretty unappealing area for underwater field work.

But none of that troubles southern elephant seals,which spend nine to ten months of each year at sea,swimming thousands of miles and diving up to half a mile beneath the ocean surface-usually about 80 times a day.

So Siegelman and her colleagues tagged a female elephant seal on the Kerguelen Islands.The researchers followed her 3,000-mile journey,during which she dived 6,333 times."Even when they sleep,they dive,"Siegelman said.“They float down like a leaf."

Combined with satellite images,the wealth of data the seal recovered gave Siegelman and her team a clearer picture than they'd ever been afforded before.It's probably safe to say that the significance of this was lost on the seal.But from the human perspective(观点),it's clear seals are filling in some massive gaps in knowledge.

1.How did the researchers collect climate data in the Antarctic?

A.By testing a high-tech hat.

B.By studying a seal's behavior.

C.By measuring the water temperature.

D.By attaching a sensor to a seal's head.

2.The new findings indicate that_

A.ocean currents can drive heat up to the surface

B.heat can be taken down into the ocean's interior

C.the warm temperatures can help seals dive deep

D.the world's waters can balance global warming

3.The researchers used seals to monitor the Southern Ocean probably because.

A.the scenery is unattractive

B.the sea floor is changeable

C.seals are aggressive hunters

D.seals are extraordinary divers

4.What can be inferred from the last paragraph?

A.Seals help us observe the unknown world.

B.Satellites are used to track human activities.

C.The ocean presents a more beautiful picture.

D.Data are analyzed for better survival of seals.



    The 1953 painting"Goyita"by Rafael features his mother with a red scarf on her head,a determined look on her face,and heavy expression lines,a portrait(画像)of a working-class woman that broke from traditional ones of the time that focused largely on wealthy men.

“Goyita"is one of more than 350 paintings from Puerto Rico that Google Arts&Culture digitized(数字化)for the first time with help from"Hamilton"creator Lin-Manuel Miranda, who started the online exhibition that features works from four Puerto Rican art institutions.

The aim is to expose the world to Puerto Rican art,preserve it,and help museums in the U.S.that are struggling to exhibit paintings because of limited space and budget cuts.

Puerto Rico's artwork joins Google's current online exhibitions and stories from around the world.As part of the project,Google brought its so-called"art camera"for the first time to Puerto Rico.The camera has an extremely high resolution(分辨率)thanks to a 400 millimeter zoom(镜头)that uncovers details invisible to the human eye,including brush strokes(笔法)。It also allowed those at the Institute of Puerto Rican Culture to find the signature of a pioneering female artist.

The camera took thousands of pictures to digitize 48 pieces of Puerto Rican art as it went inches by inches to cover an entire painting,a job that took 30 minutes to several hours depending on the size of the artwork,said Simon Delacroix,U.S.lead for Google Arts&Culture.

As Mr.Delacroix showed the power of the zoom on a painting called"El Gobernador Don Miguel Antonio de Ustariz",a collective"Wow"escaped from the audience attending the project at the Museum of Puerto Rico.The crowd could appreciate details in the background including someone that appears to be laughing from a balcony.

Google Arts&Culture already allows users to explore more than 2,000 museums and historic sites including Nelson Mandela 's prison cell.In total,it offers more than 6 million photos,videos,and other documents.

1.What do we know about the painting"Goyita"?

A.It is a traditional portrait. B.It is a painting by Miranda.

C.It describes a wealthy man. D.It features a working-class woman.

2.What does a Google camera uncover about Puerto Rico's artwork?

A.Its world-famous stories. B.Its humour and complexity.

C.Its depth and richness. D.Its historical backgrounds.

3.How did the audience feel the power of the zoom?

A.Amazed. B.Terrified. C.Confused. D.Disappointed.

4.What's the best title for the text?

A.Google bans its painting show B.Google digitizes Puerto Rican art

C.Google helps museums to survive D.Google launches its high-tech camera



    Every Christmas,the firm I worked for raised money for disadvantaged kids in the area,and every Christmas I'd drive out with colleagues to deliver gifts.Some years ago,  we were returning to work and stopped at an intersection as the lights turned red.

We were in the middle lane and I became aware of an SUV(越野车)coming up behind us at speed;at the last moment,it switched to the righthand lane and carried straight on past the red light into traffic moving west to east.It crashed into another vehicle,causing it to veer off(转向),then they both skidded to a stop.

There was a loud"Bang"and flames leapt from the SUV 's front.I had been a volunteer firefighter for many years and had attended automobile accidents before.As the flames grew fiercer,I knew the car's battery had exploded and that there was no time to lose.I dashed round to the passenger side.The door was locked,but by pulling on the window frame,I managed to tear it open.I leaned in,unbuckled the driver's belt and pulled him across to the passenger side.

Other than some cuts,he was fine.I left him with my workmates and went to check on the driver of the other car,who was also unhurt.Then I headed back to the intersection, where I directed traffic around the burning vehicle until the emergency services arrived.

On the way back to work,I said to my colleagues:"What you saw,keep it under your hats,OK?"But an hour later I had a call from a friend on a local TV station."Brad,"he said,"I have a picture here that someone's sent in of you helping out at a traffic accident."

I hoped that would be the end f it,but the story was to have an unexpected ending. A couple of weeks after the accident,I agreed to a televised reunion with Michael Walker, the guy I'd pulled from the car.He thanked me,and then he introduced me to his daughter, Amber.It turned out she had been separated from her mum and dad,but returned home after the accident.Knowing this family had been reunited was greatly comforting to me-a real Christmas gift.

1.The car crash was caused by

A.the SUV driver's running the red light

B.the traffic chaos at the intersection

C.the heavy traffic during Christmas

D.the author's car blocking the way

2.Who saved the trapped driver from the burning car?

A.The emergency services. B.The author.

C.The author's workmates. D.A pedestrian.

3.What does the underlined part in Paragraph 5 mean?

A.Cover up the hair. B.Hide the face.

C.Keep it secret. D.Bear it in mind.

4.What was a real Christmas gift to the author?

A.The reunion with the saved driver.

B.Acquaintance with Michael' s daughter.

C.Raising money for disadvantaged kids.

D.Michael' s family reunion after the accident.



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