满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Qiao is a sixth grader at Yuhui Primary ...

    Qiao is a sixth grader at Yuhui Primary School.He is only 12 years old but has been smoking for three years.Liu,15is a Junior 2 student at Chicheng No.2 Middle School.He began smoking four years ago.“Smoking is part of my life” Liu said.Qiao and Liu are not those boys' real names.But their problemsmokingis a very real problem.In many countriessmoking is becoming a bigger problem for young people.Most smokers start in their teens (years of a person's age from 13 to 19) or earlier.

A study of 8,000 Beijing students last May told us that smoking is a problem for many Chinese kids.More than 21% of middle school students and 6% of primary school pupils said they smoked.

“If young people start smoking earlythey will probably get addicted to nicotine.And it will be very hard to give up later on” said a professor.

Every yearabout four million people die because of smoking.And if people keep smokingthat number will go up to about 10 million a year by 2030the World Health Organization (WHO) says.So we have to learn and tell others about the dangers of smoking.

1.The sentence “Smoking is part of my life” in paragraph 1 probably means “________”

A.I don't smoke very often

B.Smoking is very important to me

C.I don't smoke at all

D.I'm going to give up smoking

2.What will probably happen if a person starts smoking early?

A.He will surely die early. B.He cannot stop smoking.

C.It will be difficult for him to give up smoking. D.He will become lazy soon.

3.The study in the passage shows that ______.

A.smoking is a serious problem among Chinese students

B.there are more and more smokers in China

C.some student smokers have already been seriously addicted

D.most of smokers are young students

4.The main idea of this passage is that ______.

A.smoking is becoming a bigger problem for young people

B.many people die because of smoking every year

C.WHO asks young people to give up smoking

D.nicotine makes people addicted


1.B 2.C 3.A 4.A 【解析】 本文是一篇说明文。在许多国家,吸烟已成为年轻人的一大问题。他们从青少年时期或更早的时候开始吸烟,这可能会让人对尼古丁上瘾,以后很难戒烟。而且据世界卫生组织,每年约有四百万人死于吸烟。因此,我们必须了解并告诉其他人吸烟的危害。 1.词句猜测题。根据句意“吸烟是我生活的一部分。”可知,吸烟对于这个刘姓同学的重要。故选B。 2.细节理解题。根据第三段"If young people start smoking early, they will probably get addicted to nicotine .And it will be very hard to give up later on,"可知,如果年轻人很早就开始吸烟,他们很可能会对尼古丁上瘾,而且以后很难戒烟。故选C。 3.细节理解题。根据第二段“A study of 8,000 Beijing students last May told us that smoking is a problem for many Chinese kids.”可知,调查表明,吸烟对许多中国孩子来说是个问题。故选A。 4.主旨大意题。在文章第一段可找到本文的主题句是“In many countries, smoking is becoming a bigger problem for young people.”,因此,文章主要讲述的是吸烟对年轻人来说正成为一个更大的问题。故选A。

    Lillian Hanson, a college student, expects to graduate in about two years. What makes Mrs Hanson different from her classmates is her age-----73 years. She has been studying at college, a few courses at a time, for 27 years.

When Lillian Hanson graduated from high school, she went to the bank to borrow money for further education. The banker gave her no encouragement. He didn't think that a country girl should borrow money to go to college. He thought she should be at home doing work in the house or around the farm. So Lillian Hanson went home and raised a family of nine children instead of going to college. Mrs Hanson never forgot her dream of getting a higher education. When her children were grown, she tried again.

She finds that it is the hardest part of going back to school at her age to sit in class for long periods of time. Because she is not as quick as she used to be, Mrs Hanson often gets up and walks around classes to keep from getting stiff(不灵活). At the beginning of a course in using the computer, the other students all stood up to give her a warm welcome when she introduced herself and explained why she was there and what her aims were.

1.Mrs Hanson couldn’t go to college immediately after she graduated from high school because _____.

A.she hadn't got enough money

B.she was a country girl

C.the banker ordered her not to borrow any money

D.the banker thought she should raise a family of nine children

2.The computer students welcomed Mrs Hanson warmly because ______.

A.she had got an excellent result in the exam

B.she was good at telling funny stories

C.they wanted to get her help in their studies

D.they were deeply moved by her spirit

3.Mrs Hanson is the sort of person who ________.

A.cares for study very much

B.likes to borrow money from the bank

C.never misses a chance to talk

D.tries to save any money for her family



    I will always remember my mother's last few days in this world.

On February 14th,2000my class went on a field trip to the beach.I had so much fun.When we returned to schoolmy teacher told me to go to the headmaster's office.When I got into the officeI saw a police officer.Suddenly I realized something was wrong.The police officer told me what had happened and we went to pick my sister up.After thatwe went to the hospital and waited.Time went slowly.Finallywe got to see our mother.It was terrible.

The next daythe headmaster came and told my two teachers what had happened.I was taking a test that day.I knew it had something to do with my mother.I kept thinking that she either died or had gotten better.How I wished that she had gotten better.When my teacher took me outsidemy sister ran up to me.she started crying“She's goneTeresamommy's gone.She's dead.”I couldn't believe it.We jumped into the car and drove straight to the hospital.Most of my family were there.The silence was terrible.I knew I had to say goodbye.

Today when I look backI still miss my mother very muchbut I know that I will live.My mother was a strong motherwho had the biggest heart.My mother was an angel walking on the earth.I will always remember her as living.When someone is asked who their hero(英雄)isthey usually say someone famouslike Michael Jordan or Britney Spears.When someone asks me who my hero isI tell themmy mother.My mother lives every day.That is what makes her a true hero.

1.Where was the writer when she learned her mother was very ill?

A.On the beach. B.At the hospital.

C.At school. D.At home.

2.Who brought the writer the bad news that her mother was ill?

A.Her sister. B.The headmaster.

C.Her teacher. D.The police officer.

3.What did the headmaster tell the two teachers the next day?

A.Her mother had been very ill.

B.Her mother had been dead.

C.Her mother had gotten better.

D.Her sister came to see her.















4.参考词汇:锄草get rid of weeds;体验快乐experience pleasure

Dear Peter,

I’m writing to invite you to take part in an activity organized by our school.


Looking forward to your early reply.


Li Hua




1.Lei Feng is a __________ (伟大的) soldier who set a good example to all of us.

2.We ought to protect the earth because it is also the home to millions of __________ (动物).

3.We should __________ (种植) more trees to make the environment better.

4.Drivers must drive __________ (慢慢地) when they are passing by a school.

5.Mr. Smith often tells __________ (他的) son not to depend on anybody but himself.

6.David is such a kind man that he is always ready to __________ (帮助) people in trouble.

7.In China, many families would like to have a __________ (第二个) child because of the two-child policy.

8.Let’s search for more information about HUAWEI Mate X __________ (……) the Internet.

9.There will be an art exhibition on Chinese paper- cutting in Beijing __________ (下一个的) month,

10.It is necessary for us to form the habit of never putting off anything __________ (今天) till tomorrow.



    I’m racing on the 1,500-metre track (跑道) with my friend, Mary. I’m tired and my throat is giving me much pain. I want to stop but a voice repeating in my head keeps me running: “No one knows what the result will be. Everything is still possible.” Today, I have to fight with myself.

Nine years ago, when I was a 6-year-old girl, my mother took me on a trip. We went to the foot of a high mountain which she told me that we would climb. I had never done this before and the thought of it made me very happy.

At the beginning, I climbed fast. But half an hour later, when I was thirsty and tired, I just stopped and sat upon the ground , completely silent. My mom came and sat next to me.

She said, “Get up and go on!”

Almost shouting, and with tears in my eyes, I replied, “No, I don’t want to do this. It’s too tiring and I am thirsty. I don’t like it. I want to go back home now.”

Patiently she explained, “Listen, my dear. If you try your best, anything is possible. If you don’t try, your dreams will never come true. However hard the task is, we must finish it. You will never know how beautiful the scenery looks unless you reach the top of the mountain.”

Hearing her words, I stopped crying and started to climb again. Finally I made it; I did reach the top of the mountain and enjoyed the glorious view.

Today I’m on the racing track. I’m going to keep running because I know its always worthwhile (值得做的) to finish.

And in the end I managed it; I got through the finish line. Although it was really difficult and I did not win, I did make it. As former Indian President A. P. J. Abdul Kalam (1931-2015) said, “Never stop fighting until you arrive at your destined (命定的) place — that is, the unique you.”

1.What event is the author taking part in?

A.Jumping. B.Running.

C.Boxing. D.Climbing.

2.What does the underlined word “glorious” in Para. 7 probably mean?

A.Sweet. B.Simple.

C.Beautiful. D.Strange.

3.Who encouraged the author to reach the top of the mountain?

A.Abdul Kalam. B.Mary.

C.Her teacher. D.Her mother.

4.Which of the following sentences is TRUE according to the passage?

A.The author won the race in the end.

B.The author got through the finish line in the end.

C.The author climbed the mountain with her parents.

D.The author disliked the splendid view on the top of the mountain.

5.What can we learn from this passage?

A.No pains, no gains. B.A small act makes a difference.

C.Hard work is the key to success. D.To reach our aims, never give up.



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