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The Four Famous Embroideries (刺绣) of Chi...

    The Four Famous Embroideries (刺绣) of China refer to the Xiang embroidery in Hunan Province, Shu embroidery in Sichuan Province, Yue embroidery in Guangdong Province and Su embroidery in Jiangsu Province.

Xiang embroidery

The earliest piece of Xiang embroidery was unearthed at the No. 1 Tomb of Mawangdui, Changsha City of the Han Dynasty (206 B.C. —A.D. 220). The weaving technique was almost the same as the one used in modern times, which shows that embroidery had already existed in the Han Dynasty. In its later development, it absorbs the characteristics of traditional Chinese paintings and reaches a high artistic level. Xiang embroidery crafts include valuable works of art, as well as products for daily use.

Shu embroidery

Shu embroidery has formed its own unique characteristics: smooth, bright, neat, etc. The works choose flowers, animals, mountains, rivers and human figures as their themes. The craftsmanship of Shu embroidery involves a combination of fine art and practical uses, such as the facings of quilts, pillowcases, coats and screen covers.

Yue embroidery

Influenced by national folk art, Yue embroidered pictures are mainly of dragons and phoenixes (凤凰), and flowers and birds, with neat designs and strong, contrasting colors.

Gold-and-silk thread embroidery is widely used, even for crafts of daily use.

Su embroidery

The weaving techniques of Su embroidery are characterized by the flat surface, dense lines, even pictures and harmonious colors. Su embroidery products fall into 3 major categories: costumes, decorations for halls and crafts for daily use. Double-sided embroidery is an excellent representative of Su embroidery.

1.The unearthed embroidery at Mawangdui shows Xiang embroidery’s _______.

A.time-honoured history B.excellent designs

C.artistic value D.advanced techniques

2.If you receive a double-sided embroidery as a gift, it must be ________.

A.Xiang embroidery B.Shu embroidery

C.Yue embroidery D.Su embroidery

3.What do we know about the four famous embroideries?

A.All are rooted in folk art. B.All are valuable artworks.

C.All share the same themes. D.All have practical use.


1.A 2.D 3.D 【解析】 这是一篇应用文。文章主要介绍了中国的四大名绣:湖南的湘绣、四川的蜀绣、广东的粤绣和江苏的苏绣。 1. 细节理解题。根据文章Xiang embroidery部分内容“The earliest piece of Xiang embroidery was unearthed at the No. 1 Tomb of Mawangdui, Changsha City of the Han Dynasty (206 B.C. —A.D. 220). The weaving technique was almost the same as the one used in modern times, which shows that embroidery had already existed in the Han Dynasty.( 最早的湘绣是在长沙马王堆1号墓出土的汉代(公元前206年至公元220年)。其编织技术与现代几乎相同,说明刺绣早在汉代就已经存在。)”可知,马王堆发现的湘绣编织技术几乎与现代相同,说明湘绣拥有悠久的历史。故选A项。 2. 细节理解题。根据文章Su embroidery部分内容“Double-sided embroidery is an excellent representative of Su embroidery.”可知,双面绣是苏绣的优秀代表。因此如果收到的是双面绣,那一定是苏绣。故选D项。 3. 细节理解题。根据文章Xiang embroidery部分内容提及“Xiang embroidery crafts include valuable works of art, as well as products for daily use.( 湘绣工艺品既有名贵的艺术品,也有生活用品。)”文章Shu embroidery部分内容提及“The craftsmanship of Shu embroidery involves a combination of fine art and practical uses, such as the facings of quilts, pillowcases, coats and screen covers.( 蜀绣的工艺是艺术与实用的结合,如被子的面、枕套、外套和屏风。)”文章Yue embroidery部分内容提及“Gold-and-silk thread embroidery is widely used, even for crafts of daily use.( 金丝刺绣被广泛使用,甚至用于日常工艺品。)”文章Su embroidery部分内容提及“Su embroidery products fall into 3 major categories: costumes, decorations for halls and crafts for daily use.( 苏绣产品主要分为服装、厅堂装饰和日常工艺品三大类。)”可知,四大绣品均具有实用性价值。故选D项。

阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。 续写的词数应为150左右。

It was a bright summer’s day. The weather was pleasant, but the wind from the Sahara desert made it extremely hot and wet. A ship stopped off the coast of Africa. The seagulls were circling overhead and crying loudly. In the distance, several dolphins were jumping out of the water at times to create a big white wave.

Just before sunset, the captain came on deck and called out, “Time for a swim.”

Immediately sailors jumped into the water, lowered a canvas mat (帆布垫子) and made it into a swimming pool. They had been waiting for this moment the whole day.

There were two young boys on the ship. They both jumped in, but swam out into the open sea since it was too crowded inside the “pool”. They played and chased (追逐) each other in the open sea. Their fathers cheered them on, often urging one of the boys to prove his bravery over the other.

Suddenly, something gray from a distance was coming closer and closer. Somebody from the deck called out, “Shark! Shark!” The fin was moving faster. Confusion and panic arose, and everyone climbed to safety. Everyone, except the two boys. They had not heard the shouts.

The shark was moving towards the boys.

The captain shouted, “Come back my boys! There is a shark out there!” One of the boys was his son. For the first time in his life, he didn’t know what to do. He could not think clearly. The captain’s face became as white as a sheet. He could feel his legs were shaking so badly that he nearly fell to the ground.

The people on the deck screamed wildly. But the boys could not hear them. They continued to play and to swim, unaware of the danger approaching them fast. Some sailors lowered a boat, jumped into it and attempted to row towards the boys.

Para 1: Just then, one of the boys looked back and saw the large animal he knew too well.

Para 2: Their screams brought the captain back to his senses.



假定你是振华中学学生会主席李华。你校下周将举办“创新周”活动 Week of Innovation)。你给Professor Smith写一封电子邮件,邀请他在线做一个相关内容的讲座。 内容包括:








Dear Professor Smith,

I’m writing on behalf of the Students’ Union of Zhenhua High School.


Yours sincerely,

Li Hua



    A 10-year-old American girl, Selah Schneiter spent five days climbing El Capitan with the help of her father and a family friend and reached the top of the sheer rock on June 12, 2019. It _______ takes skilled climbers four or five days to complete. She may have been _________ the youngest person to climb one of the most _______ peaks in the world.

Reaching the top “was really _______,” Selah said. “I was also kind of sad because it was over,” she _______.

Selah has been climbing since she could_______and had been asking her parents for years to climb El Capitan. And she spent nine months preparing_______ and mentally.

“Our big motto was ‘How do you eat an elephant?’ ‘Small _______,’” said Selah. And the only thing she feared was the possibility of a big _______ because it would mean “having to go down”.

Her mother stayed home and received daily________ about progress in EI Capitan. She knew her husband would turn back if there were any safety________. “I was worried she would ________ serious injury,” she said. “But by day four I knew they would ________. I’m just really________ of her. Her ________ astonished me.”

1.A.merely B.typically C.entirely D.originally

2.A.elected B.chosen C.confirmed D.ensured

3.A.challenging B.appealing C.endangered D.horrible

4.A.embarrassing B.thrilling C.amusing D.annoying

5.A.repeated B.explained C.added D.reported

6.A.speak B.write C.remember D.count

7.A.busily B.carefully C.hurriedly D.physically

8.A.steps B.mouths C.spoons D.bites

9.A.wildfire B.storm C.drought D.flood

10.A.newspapers B.donations C.updates D.treatment

11.A.concerns B.checks C.records D.equipment

12.A.treat B.repair C.avoid D.risk

13.A.pass B.fail C.finish D.end

14.A.ashamed B.afraid C.fond D.proud

15.A.intelligence B.ambition C.perseverance D.contribution



How to Make a Difference to the World

Many people believe that they don’t have what it takes to make a difference to the world. They believe only people like Mother Teresa, Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein and Bill Gates are able to do so.1.The following is a guide as to how small people like us can make a difference to the world.

1It need not be an enormous task.

2.In this case, you already have what it takes to make the world a better place.

Making a difference to the world may seem like an enormous task, but it is in fact the collective effort of everyone to make small contributions. The size of the contribution is not what matters most. The key here is to have the heart to do it.

2.Start now.

There is no one best time to start to make a difference to the world. You don’t need to wait till you have the time to share some love; you don’t have to wait till you earn more money to share a piece of bread. Little efforts count. 3.

3 4.

As the saying goes, “Give a man a fish; you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime.” The good that we seek to do will make more of a difference when there is a long-lasting effect rather than a temporary effect. 5. And when more people receive education, they will in turn provide more value to the world.

A.For example, building a school will benefit many people for years to come.

B.Nobody can do everything, but everyone can do something.

C.Seek to make a long-lasting effect.

D.You can start making small contributions today.

E.If you can’t feed a hundred people, then feed just one.

F.The truth is, every one of us can make it in our own unique way.

G.Stop complaining and do something.



    Is there a “success personality”—some winning combination of qualities that leads almost essentially to achievement? If so, exactly what is that secret success formula (公式), and can anyone develop it?

At the Gallop Organization we recently focused in depth on success, digging into the attitudes of 1500 brilliant people selected at random (随机) from Who’s Who in America. Our research finds out a number of qualities that occur regularly among top achievers. Here is one of the most important, that is, common sense.

Common sense is the most popular quality shared by the top achievers. Seventy-nine percent award themselves a top score in this quality. And 61 percent say that common sense was very important in contributing to their success.

To most, common sense means the ability to present sound, practical judgments on everyday affairs. To do this, one has to sweep aside extra ideas and get right to the heart of what matters. A Texas oil and gas businessman puts it this way: “The key ability for success is simplifying. In conduction of meeting and dealing with industry, reducing a complex problem to the simplest term is highly important.”

Is common sense a quality a person is born with, or can you do something to increase it? The oil man’s answer is that common sense can definitely be developed. He attributes (归咎) his to learning how to debate in school. Another way to increase your store of common sense is to observe it in others, learning from their and your own mistakes.

Besides common sense, there are many other factors that influence success: knowing your field, self-reliance, intelligence, the ability to get things done, leadership, creativity, relationships with others, and of course, luck. But common sense stands out. If you develop these qualities, you’ll succeed. And you might even find yourself listed in Who’s Who someday.

1.Roughly how many people in the survey listed common sense as the most important quality?

A.80. B.60. C.1200. D.900.

2.In paragraph 4, the example of the oil and gas businessman is used to prove_______.

A.common sense can be judged B.common sense means simplifying

C.common sense can be developed D.common sense is quite complex

3.What do we know about common sense?

A.It’s rooted in common people. B.It is a side effect of mistakes.

C.It is taught by our parents. D.It can be trained by ourselves.

4.What is the best title of the passage?

A.Common Sense B.The Success Personality

C.Personal Qualities D.A Popular Formula



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