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If nothing is done to stop rising sea le...

    If nothing is done to stop rising sea levels, the homes of 200 million people could be underwater by the year 2100. That's according to a study published in the scientific magazine Nature Communications. The global sea level has been rising for more than a century, and more quickly over the last several decades. That's because climate change is melting glaciers (冰川)and ice sheets. Higher sea levels flood coastlines. If steps aren't taken to protect cities and towns, people could be forced to move inland.

One European country is especially vulnerable to flooding: the Netherlands. More than a quarter of the country already sits below sea level. But the Netherlands has developed tactics (策略)for dealing with water. For that reason, many experts believe that even though it's vulnerable to rising seas, the country is well-equipped to deal with them.

In the region that is now the Netherlands, people have been inventing ways to keep out water for at least 900 years. The country is famous for its dikes (堤坝),which are long walls that prevent flooding. But in recent years, experts there have developed new techniques that go far beyond dikes, some of which are high-tech.For example, the Maeslantkering is a massive storm-surge barrier that protects the city of Rotterdam from seawater. It's controlled by a supercomputer. It closes automatically when Rotterdam is threatened by floods.

Other projects look to nature for inspiration.The DakAkker is a farm located on top of an office building in Rotterdam. The building's roof holds rainwater to prevent runoff. Another example is the Floating Farm. Its designers wanted to make room for agriculture in a waterflooded city. More than 30 dairy cows live on the farm, which floats in Rotterdam's waterways.The farm generates (生产)its own energy using floating solar panels.

“It's not that our solutions are the best,” says Henk Ovink, who works on water issues for the Dutch government. “But we provide ideas for your country's solutions.”

1.What does the underlined word“vulnerable”in paragraph 2 probably mean?

A.Heavily independent. B.Easy to be attacked.

C.Experienced in solving. D.Totally unconcerned.

2.What can we learn about“the Maeslantkering”?

A.It's a tactic to deal with glaciers. B.It's a high-tech life-saving ship.

C.It's a computer-controlled dike. D.It's a high building for escape.

3.Where is the Floating Farm?

A.On the river. B.Under the water.

C.On the long dikes. D.On top of a building.

4.What does Henk Ovink think of Dutch's tactics to fight floods?

A.An outline. B.An instruction. C.An assumption. D.An inspiration.


1.B 2.C 3.A 4.D 【解析】 本文是说明文。科学杂志“自然通讯”上发表的一项研究表明,如果不采取任何措施来阻止海平面上升,到2100年,2亿人的家园可能会被淹没。文章介绍了荷兰为应对这一现象采取的行动。 1. 词句猜测题。根据第一段最后一句If steps aren't taken to protect cities and towns, people could be forced to move inland.( 如果不采取措施保护城镇,人们可能会被迫搬到内陆。)可推断One European country is especially vulnerable to flooding: the Netherlands.句意是:一个欧洲国家特别容易受到洪水的攻击:荷兰。说明荷兰最有可能受到洪水的影响,“vulnerable”的意思是容易被攻击,划线词与B项意思相近。故选B。 2. 细节理解题。根据第三段的For example, the Maeslantkering is a massive storm-surge barrier that protects the city of Rotterdam from seawater. It's controlled by a supercomputer. It closes automatically when Rotterdam is threatened by floods.( 例如,Maeslantmeding是一个巨大的风暴扩张屏障,保护鹿特丹市免受海水的侵袭。它由一台超级计算机控制。当鹿特丹受到洪水威胁时,它会自动关闭。)可知,Maeslantkering是由一台超级电脑控制的堤坝。故选C。 3. 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段的More than 30 dairy cows live on the farm, which floats in Rotterdam's waterways.( 超过30头奶牛生活在农场上,农场漂浮在鹿特丹的水道上。)可知,漂浮农场在河上。故选A。 4. 推理判断题。根据最后一段“It's not that our solutions are the best,” says Henk Ovink, who works on water issues for the Dutch government. “But we provide ideas for your country's solutions.”(“我们的解决方案不是最好的,”致力于为荷兰政府处理水问题的Henk Ovink说。 “但我们为贵国的解决方案提供了想法。”)可推断,Henk Ovink认为荷兰应对洪水的策略是一个启发,是对未来的启发。故选D。

    As the three of them approached the waterfalls late in the afternoon of the third day of their camping trip, Curtis Whitson could tell from the increasing roar (轰鸣)of water in the narrowing valley that they were in serious trouble. Heavy snow and spring rains had turned the usually manageable falls into something fierce. There was no way they'd be able to sail down the waterfall as planned.

“We've got to do something!” Whitson yelled to his wife, Krystal Ramirez, and his 13-year-old son, Hunter. Then he noticed and grabbed his bright red water bottle and carved “Help!”on it. Ramirez also reminded him that Hunter had a pen and paper in his backpack, with which they played a game. Whitson wrote “We are stuck here@the waterfall. Get help please!” on the paper, put the note into the bottle and threw it over the waterfalls.

They had thought they probably weren't going to get rescued that night. However, at midnight, they heard a helicopter above them. Unfortunately, the pilot didn't find a good place to land. The crew announced that they would come back the next day.

The next morning, the helicopter returned and lowered a crew member on a cable. Then rescuers lifted Hunter, Ramirez, and Whitson out of the valley one by one and put them and their gear (装备)on the closest cliff (悬崖)where the helicopter could safely land.

When the officers dropped them back at the campground, they learned more about the events that had saved them:Two men had seen the water bottle floating in the water. When they picked it up, they noticed the writing on it-“Help!” -which inspired their curiosity. Then they realized there was a note inside. After they read it, they brought it to the campground, turned the bottle in, and took off without leaving their names.

1.What trouble did the Whitsons meet with?

A.They were trapped at the top of waterfalls. B.They were lost in the travel in a small boat.

C.They were flooded by the rising river water. D.They had run out of all their drinking water.

2.Whitson used his water bottle to________.

A.play games B.send a message

C.make a time reminder D.defend the family

3.What can we infer about the place where the Whitsons stayed?

A.It was on a flat hillside. B.It was on the wide water.

C.It was between steep cliffs. D.It was at the top of a mountain.

4.How were the Whitsons finally saved?

A.They got back to the campground by themselves.

B.They were guided to climb from the valley safely.

C.They were rescued by two passers-by accidentally.

D.They were found and saved by professional rescuers.



The USA's Best Drive-in Movie Theatres

Gather your friends, pile into the car, and enjoy an evening of America at these classic theatres.

Fort Lauderdale Swap Shop-Fort Lauderdale, Florida

The Fort Lauderdale Swap Shop holds the title for the world's largest drive-in theatre. The drive-in theatre opened on 22 November 1963 with one screen. Now, the theatre has 13 new screens and nearly 12 million people visit it annually. The original screen is still up in running, although it's now called screen nine. Thanks to Florida's amazing weather, the theatre is open 365 days a year.

Harvest Moon Twin Drive-In-Gibson City, Illinois

Built in 1954, this two-screen drive-in is making a name for itself thanks to a decision to switch to wind power. The owners at Harvest Moon Twin Drive-In started using wind power as a way of keeping the costs of running the theatre down. By doing so, the drive-in is able to keep their prices consistent and if you want to catch a film at this green theatre, it's open from March until October.

Coyote Drive-In-Fort Worth, Texas

Opened in 2013, Coyote Drive-In was built with the goal of bringing back the drive-in magic to the community (社区). One ticket will give you access to nightly double features-two movies back to back- available on four different screens. A unique feature of the theatre is that pets of all shapes and sizes are welcome, including horses.

Field of Dreams-Liberty Center, Ohio

Paying honour to the film Field of Dreams, Rod and Donna Saunders built the Field of Dreams drive-in theatre on their farmland in Liberty Center, Ohio in 1989. The Saunders' project provides cost-effective family entertainment for the locals of their countryside community.

1.What is special about Harvest Moon Twin Drive-In?

A.It has the most screens. B.Its ticket price is steady.

C.It has a quiet environment. D.It has newly imported equipment.

2.What inspired the Saunders to build the Field of Dreams?

A.A wonderful film of the same name. B.Their famous farmland in the countryside.

C.The locals'demands for entertainment. D.The cultural promotion of their community.

3.Which drive-in theatre has the shortest history?

A.Fort Lauderdale Swap Shop. B.Harvest Moon Twin Drive-In.

C.Coyote Drive-In. D.Field of Dreams.



假定你是李华,为了提高你们的英语水平,学校决定每周定期举办英语角(English corner),并于近期开始其首场。请你给你校的英语外教Johnson写一封信,邀请他参加指导,要点如下:1.时间:916日晚上6:308:302.地点:教学楼二楼礼堂;3.内容:表演英语戏剧、朗诵英文诗歌、演唱英语歌曲等;

注意:1.词数 100左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。










Throughout my high school year there was an area calling the outdoor classroom. When I graduated, the teacher took care of the area had to have back surgery. Not thinking twice I told him that I would take care of the area for that summer. She insists on paying me, but I needn't take her money. I have been taking well care of that area for 3 years now for her.

Every year she asks me why I do this for her but I tell her it is the least I can do to for a teacher and a school I love. May all the students come to loving the outdoor classroom as I do.



    The past 6 months have been one great challenge.A close friend of mine,Joanne,_______the end of her life.She knew it,and instead of regretting and crying,she _______it and as she died last week I thought of how a shooting star _______so brightly as it trails the universe, right before it _______.

It was a great _______to have her company these past months.One of the last things she asked me was to find an organization _______women coming out of prison,to_______her business clothing to them for job interviews.We found such a _______here in Raleigh,NC where I live.I didn't know the _______for it,but this is called a"Reentry"service or program and many countries and ________have them all over the world.

I ________her donation before she died,and somehow thought about doing a clothing drive ________Joanne's life and inviting others to gift clothing to ________more people at the program. Well,I'm so________to share that it went really well.We had a lot of ________filling the joyful business clothes for men and women.

It didn't________anything but gas,time and love.A few phone calls,social media posts, texts,and the beautiful thing is ________she is gone,I felt like we did it ________.My dear mother helped me too,and it felt so good to ________ something inspired by Joanne's life for ________blessing a population of people that most often is overlooked.

1.A.escaped B.approached C.forgot D.lost

2.A.hated B.admired C.refused D.accepted

3.A.shines B.disappears C.fades D.occurs

4.A.sets out B.comes out C.goes out D.turns out

5.A.fortune B.pity C.opportunity D.success

6.A.attracting B.forcing C.protecting D.supporting

7.A.destroy B.throw C.provide D.collect

8.A.method B.program C.challenge D.behaviour

9.A.period B.change C.term D.meaning

10.A.partners B.members C.committees D.cities

11.A.researched B.discovered C.inspired D.sent

12.A.on behalf of B.in honor of C.instead of D.in spite of

13.A.help B.educate C.persuade D.guide

14.A.expressed B.tired C.excited D.expected

15.A.pleasures B.treasures C.donations D.belongings

16.A.save B.cost C.breath D.waste

17.A.even though B.as if C.in case D.now that

18.A.together B.forever C.perfectly D.immediately

19.A.remember B.value C.notice D.organize

20.A.kindness B.encouragement C.concern D.ignorance



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