满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Giving children access to literature is ...

    Giving children access to literature is important.Educators,parents,and community members should help students develop a passion for reading.Not only is reading literature important in developing cognitive(认知的)skills to be able to succeed in a school or work setting,but it is valuable for other reasons as well.

First,children's literature provides students with the opportunity to respond to literature and develop their own opinions about the topic.Quality literature allows for some differences in opinion. One reader may take something completely different away from the piece of literature than the next reader,based on the two personal viewpoints and experiences.

Besides,children's literature provides a path for students to learn about their own cultural heritage(遗产)and the cultures of other people.However,when teaching students about the cultural heritage of others,one should be very careful in selecting which books to recommend.There are stories which contain inaccuracies about certain cultural groups.However,there are also children's books that are more accurate in teaching the cultural differences of others.

Undoubtedly children's literature also helps students develop emotional intelligence.Stories have the power to promote emotional and moral development.Children's literature contains many moments of crisis(危机),when characters make moral decisions and consider the reasons for their decisions,an important skill for children to see modeled.It also encourages students to think deeper about their own feelings.

Children's literature also encourages creativity.It plays an important role in nurturing(培育) and expanding the imagination.For instance,The House in the Night describes the creativity a young girl has in her dreams at night,as she flies about the dark neighborhood on the wings of a bird.

Children's literature promotes the development of students internal imaginations. Children's literature should be attached importance to because it promotes personality and social development.Children are easily influenced by others,and children's literature can help them develop into caring,intelligent,and friendly people.Being able to understand other people's viewpoints and to not be selfish are important skills that adults must nurture in children. Children's literature can promote social development by encouraging students to accept other people and their differences,thus becoming considerate people and growing into quality citizens.

Finally,children's literature is invaluable in that it is a timeless tradition,one in which books are the major means of passing on our literary heritage from one generation to the next.For a younger audience,children can build their cognitive and language skills through exposure to Mother Goose rhymes.Children in older grades can learn to appreciate the classic plays and messages of William Shakespeare in picture books.Children are only young for a short time,and so we must give them access to a basic literary heritage of timeless books.Quality children's literature has the great power to attract audiences for many generations.

Children's literature is important in both the school setting and at home.Teachers and parents should both be able to distinguish between quality and ordinary literature,in order to give students access to the best books to encourage these important values of literature.

1.From the passage we can know_

A.children's literature helps pass on language skills from one generation to another

B.reading literature helps develop children's cognitive skills as well as personalities

C.literature plays an unimportant role in the development of children's imagination

D.children should read ordinary literature,which benefits emotional intelligence

2.How does the writer develop Paragraph 7?

A.By analyzing factors. B.By comparing facts. C.By giving examples. D.By listing data.

3.What can be inferred from the passage?

A.In children's literature,how characters make moral decisions can inspire kids.

B.It is totally up to parents to expose children to varieties of literature.

C.Children's literature is so valuable that it benefits kids regardless of the contents.

D.Without literature,children cannot develop into quality citizens.

4.The passage is mainly about

A.the background of children's literature B.the value of children's literature

C.the theme of children's literature D.the characteristics of children's literature

5.How is the passage organized?(P:Paragraph)






1.B 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.D 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。文章指出让孩子接触文学很重要。教育工作者、家长和社区成员应该帮助学生培养阅读的热情。阅读文学作品不仅对培养认知技能很重要,有助于在学校或工作环境中取得成功,而且在其他方面也有价值。并从几个不同的方面来介绍了儿童文学对于儿童的好处。 1. 细节理解题。根据第一段中Not only is reading literature important in developing cognitive skills to be able to succeed in a school or work setting, but it is valuable for other reasons as well.可知阅读文学作品不仅对培养认知技能很重要,有助于在学校或工作环境中取得成功,而且在其他方面也有价值。以及第六段中Children's literature should be attached importance to because it promotes personality and social development.可知儿童文学促进个性发展和社会发展,应受到重视。由此可知,阅读文学作品有助于培养孩子的认知能力和个性。故选B。 2. 推理判断题。根据第七段Finally, children's literature is invaluable in that it is a timeless tradition, one in which books are the major means of passing on our literary heritage from one generation to the next. For a younger audience, children can build their cognitive and language skills through exposure to Mother Goose rhymes. Children in older grades can learn to appreciate the classic plays and messages of William Shakespeare in picture books. Children are only young for a short time, and so we must give them access to a basic literary heritage of timeless books. Quality children's literature has the great power to attract audiences for many generations.可知最后,儿童文学是无价的,因为它是一种永恒的传统,其中书籍是我们将文学遗产一代一代传递下去的主要手段。对于较年轻的观众,孩子们可以通过听Mother Goose的押韵来培养认知和语言能力。高年级的孩子可以学习欣赏经典戏剧和绘本中莎士比亚的名言。孩子们只有很短的一段时间是孩子,所以我们必须让他们接触到基本的永恒书籍的文学遗产。优质的儿童文学具有吸引几代人的强大力量。由此可推知,第七段是通过举例子的方式展开的。故选C。 3. 推理判断题。根据第四段中Stories have the power to promote emotional and moral development. Children's literature contains many moments of crisis(危机), when characters make moral decisions and consider the reasons for their decisions, an important skill for children to see modeled. It also encourages students to think deeper about their own feelings.可知故事具有促进情感和道德发展的力量。儿童文学中包含许多危机时刻,当角色做出道德决定并考虑他们的决定的原因,这是一个重要的技能,孩子们可以看到并模仿。它还鼓励学生更深入地思考自己的感受。由此可推知,在儿童文学中,角色如何做出道德决定可以激励孩子。故选A。 4. 主旨大意题。根据第一段Giving children access to literature is important. Educators, parents, and community members should help students develop a passion for reading. Not only is reading literature important in developing cognitive(认知的)skills to be able to succeed in a school or work setting, but it is valuable for other reasons as well.可知让孩子接触文学很重要。教育工作者、家长和社区成员应该帮助学生培养阅读的热情。阅读文学作品不仅对培养认知技能很重要,有助于在学校或工作环境中取得成功,而且在其他方面也有价值。以及最后一段Children's literature is important in both the school setting and at home. Teachers and parents should both be able to distinguish between quality and ordinary literature, in order to give students access to the best books to encourage these important values of literature.可知儿童文学在学校和家里都很重要。教师和家长都应该能够区分优质文学和普通文学,以便让学生接触到最好的书籍,以鼓励这些重要的文学价值。结合文章主要从不同的方面介绍了儿童文学对于儿童的好处,由此可知,这篇文章主要是关于儿童文学的价值。故选B。 5. 推理判断题。根据文章内容可知第一段总起全文,先指出儿童文学对儿童的重要性;接着第二段说明儿童文学为学生提供了对文学做出回应并形成自己观点的机会;第三段说明儿童文学为学生了解自己的文化遗产和他人的文化提供了一条途径;第四段说明儿童文学也有助于学生发展情商;第五段指出儿童文学也能激发创造力;第六段说明儿童文学促进学生内在想象力的发展;第七段指出儿童文学是无价的,是一种永恒的传统,具有吸引几代人的强大力量;最后一段,总结全文,再次强调儿童文学在学校和家里都很重要。教师和家长都应该能够区分优质文学和普通文学,以便让学生接触到最好的书籍,以鼓励这些重要的文学价值。由此可推知,D选项最符合文章结构。故选D。

The Hodgeheg

By now it was quite late. The rush hour was over. The shops were shut. All was quiet. I'll wait, thought Max, and then when a car or truck comes along, I'll cross in front of it.

Soon he saw something coming. It was a truck. He was halfway across when he suddenly realized that the truck hadn't slowed at all and was almost on top of him, blinding him with its brilliant lights, deafening him with its thunderous roar. It was not going to stop! Trucks stopped only for people-not hedgehogs!

The truck driver had been quite unaware of the tiny pedestrian. With no time to brake, he straddled the little animal. Looking back in his mirror, he saw that it was continuing on its way unhurt, and he grinned and drove on into the night.

The horror of this great monster passing above with its huge wheels on either side of him threw Max into a blind panic, and he made for the end of the crossing as fast as his legs would carry him. He did not see the cyclist and the cyclist, who did not see him until the last moment, caught Max on the bottom and threw him headfirst into the roadside.

The next thing that Max recalled was crawling painfully. Somehow he had managed to come back. He had known nothing of the concern of the cyclist, who had stared at what looked like a small dead hedgehog, sighed, and rode sadly away. He remembered nothing of his journey home, guided only by his sense of smell. All he knew was that he had an awful headache.

The family crowded around him on his return, all talking at once.

“Where have you been all this time?” asked Ma.

“Are you all right, son?” asked Pa.

“Did you cross the road?” they both said, and Peony, Pansy, and Petunia echoed, “Did you? Did you? Did you?”

For a while, Max did not reply. His thoughts were muddled(混乱的), and when he did speak, his words were disordered, too.

“I've got a head on the bump,” he said slowly.

The family looked at one another.

“Something bot me on the hittom,” said Max, “and then I headed my bang. My ache bads headly.”

“But did you cross the road?” cried his sisters.

“Yes,” said Max. “I hound where the humans cross over, but…”

“But the traffic only stops if you're a human?” interrupted Pa.

“Yes,” said Max. “Not if you're a hodgeheg.”

1.What's the correct order of the events that happened?

① Max got hit on the bottom and bumped the head.

② Max explained what led him to such a situation.

③ Max was surrounded by the family who were curious and concerned.

④ Max waited for the chance to cross the street.

⑤ Max narrowly escaped being hit by the truck.

⑥ Max managed to return home.

A.④⑤①⑥②③ B.④⑤①⑥③② C.④①⑤⑥②③ D.④①⑤⑥③②

2.What can we infer from the passage?

A.Max wanted to find out how to cross the road safely when a vehicle came along.

B.Max was seriously injured, so he hurried to the end of the crossing.

C.The cyclist sighed sadly because he believed the truck driver had killed Max.

D.Peony, Pansy, and Petunia,who echoed “Did you?” were Max's brothers.

3.Why is the word “Hodgeheg” in the title misspelled?

A.The writer intends to convey some moral ideas to his readers.

B.Readers may wonder what is special about the writer's writing techniques.

C.It is typical of writers to be creative and try unique ideas.

D.Readers' curiosity can be aroused and they will continue reading.

4.Which of the following can best describe the tone of the writer?

A.Serious. B.Concerned. C.Casual. D.Humorous.

5.Where can we probably find the passage?

A.Science fiction. B.Travel brochure.

C.Children's tales. D.Traffic guidebook.



    On Friday night you stole away the life of an exceptional being, the love of my life, the mother of my son, but you will not have my hatred(憎恨).

I don't know who you are and I don't want to know-you are dead souls. If the God for whom you kill blindly made us in his image, each bullet in my wife's body would have been a wound in his heart.

Therefore I will not give you the gift of hating you. You have obviously sought it, but responding to it with anger would be to give in to the same ignorance that has made you what you are.

You want me to be afraid, to cast a mistrusting eye on my fellow citizens, to sacrifice my freedom for security? You lost.

I saw her this morning, finally after nights and days of waiting. She was just as beautiful as she was when she left on Friday evening, as beautiful as when I fell madly in love with her more than 12 years ago.

Of course I am heart-broken, I will give you that tiny victory, but this will be a short-term grief. I know that she will join us every day and that we will find each other again in the paradise(天堂)of free souls which you will never have access to.

We are only two, my son and I, but we are more powerful than all the world's armies. In any case, I have no more time to waste on you. I need to go back to Melvil, who is waking up from his afternoon nap. He is just 17 months old. He'll eat his snack like every day, and we are going to play like we do every day. In every day of his life, this little boy will insult(侮辱) you with his happiness and freedom, because you don't have his hatred either.

1.The intended readers of the passage are most probably     

A.free souls B.bad guys C.powerful armies D.fellow citizens

2.What can we learn from the passage?

A.Despite his loss, the writer chooses to live a pretty normal life with his son.

B.The writer misses his wife so much that he is eager to reunite with her in paradise soon.

C.It was on a Friday evening more than 12 years ago that the writer fell in love with his wife.

D.The writer believes that the murderers killed his wife for political reasons.

3.Which of the following has the closest meaning to the underlined word “grief” in Paragraph 6?

A.Anger. B.Pleasure. C.Disappointment. D.Sadness.

4.The writer can best be described as      

A.considerate and patient B.honest and caring

C.tolerant and brave D.stubborn and loyal

5.Which of the following can best serve as the title of the passage?

A.You will not have my hatred B.You are dead souls

C.You lost your belief D.You stole away my love










Dear schoolmates,

I am Li Hua,president of the Student Union.I'm honored to give a talk here.The summer vacation is drawing near.I'd like to remind you it is important______________________________________


Thank you for your listening!




1.As is natural,people have a t __________to forget things as they grow older.

2.The nurses were so c______________ to taking care of the sick that they had no time for relaxation.

3.In general,literature falls into two c_________________fiction and non-fiction.

4.Full of a________________concepts and lacking in solid facts,the article is difficult to understand.

5.Prevention of COVID-19 is a u______________ problem,which means people all over the world should get involved and make contributions.

6.The committee cautiously expressed a______________(偏好)for the original plan as it was practical.

7.______________(拼命的)for a break as they are,they have to hold on at such a critical moment.

8.There is a general___________________(共识)among the teachers that Mary is one of the most gifted students in Grade 2.

9.Bear in mind that being______________(守时的)is a vital quality that a person should possess.

10.Whoever____________(传播)rumors with the intention of hurting others deserves to be condemned.



    From all the research I've done,a good learner possesses some key attributes(特质). I've actually found some quotes(引文)that _______ these attributes.

The first quote is_______ an ancient Chinese proverb:A teacher can only open the door.You must walk through.

Every school in the world should make this amazing quote its _______.When a teacher teaches you new information,she is opening the door in your brain to that new knowledge.However,that door doesn't _______Like most doors,it's_______ to close within a short period of time. If you don't pass through _______ it closes,then your teacher will have to open it for you again.

But there's a _______:You can keep the door open longer,even without your teacher.Good learners review new material while it's still_______ in their brain.If you don't review,then it's like asking a teacher to open the door and then standing _______while it shuts in your face.You and the teacher will both feel pretty ________.

Just like becoming fit is 10%working out and 90%eating right,learning English is 10% learning new information and 90%________.You'll never get ________if you don't review.

Our second quote,which is an________ powerful one,comes from Peter Drucker,the ________of modern business management theory.He said,"What gets measured gets managed."

Drucker is saying that if you want to manage the progress of something,you must ________ progress. For example,"I want to learn English”is untrackable,uninspiring,and unrealistic.As a result,we should ________ setting such goals.Instead,we should ________ Drucker's wisdom and make our goals trackable,such as“I want to master all of the English vowels(元音)”or“I want to learn and be able to use 1000 English words.”

________,you should set a period for achieving it.Don't make it too long,or you'll lose ________. 4 weeks-3 months is usually a good choice.Imagine learning to use 1000 English words in conversation in 2 months!That sounds ________

1.A.convey B.dismiss C.delay D.provide

2.A.previously B.actually C.finally D.formally

3.A.logo B.slogan C.motto D.remark

4.A.break loose B.stay open C.go unnoticed D.remain closed

5.A.advised B.wished C.required D.designed

6.A.though B.before C.when D.since

7.A.twist B.plot C.drawback D.benefit

8.A.effective B.fresh C.evident D.original

9.A.silent B.rigid C.still D.quiet

10.A.impressed B.astonished C.amused D.awkward

11.A.repetition B.reform C.reference D.response

12.A.anyone B.anything C.anywhere D.anybody

13.A.extremely B.explicitly C.entirely D.eventually

14.A.believer B.sponsor C.founder D.publisher

15.A.count B.control C.make D.track

16.A.avoid B.forbid C.delay D.block

17.A.represent B.handle C.use D.apply

18.A.Nevertheless B.Besides C.However D.Thus

19.A.motivation B.face C.courage D.power

20.A.virtual B.awful C.awesome D.available



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