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Travel Journal Friday We arrived in Pari...

Travel Journal


We arrived in Paris on Friday lunchtime and went straight to our apartment. We then went for a walk around our area and realized how close we were to the centre of Paris. It only took us 20 minutes to walk to the Louvre. After a walk around the Tuileries Gardens, we went for afternoon tea in a café called Angelina which has the most delicious hot chocolate. After warming up we then walked along to the big department store Printemps, on the top floor where you get a wonderful view of Paris (this was free). We walked along a street called Grands Boulevards which was beautiful with all its Christmas lights. The shops on this street are famous for their Christmas window displays. In the evening we cooked at the apartment and went to a Scottish pub which was funny as two of my friends are Scottish.


In the morning we went for brunch (a meal between breakfast and lunch) at a really cool café called FAB (French American Bakery). We had waffles with bacon and fresh carrot and ginger juice. We found out that we were really close to a chocolate museum, so of course we took a visit--- who doesn’t love chocolate! In the afternoon we went to a Christmas market with unique handmade gifts and crafts. In the evening we ate at a Tunisian restaurant and had roast chicken and vegetable stew with couscous. It was delicious and the restaurant was in a cute little lane.


On Sunday we went for breakfast at the same café and we caught our train back home at midday, carrying shopping bags full of lovely presents that we had bought at the Christmas market. We had a great weekend in Paris. Exploring this beautiful city with no plans was an unusual but great idea as we got to do things we wouldn’t normally discover. I highly recommend spending a weekend somewhere trying to be a local!

1.Where did they enjoy the beautiful view of Paris?

A.In a Scottish pub. B.In a department store.

C.In a café called Angelina. D.In the Louvre.

2.What may the Christmas market be famous for?

A.Christmas lights. B.Delicious food.

C.Handmade gifts and crafts. D.Christmas window display.

3.When did they leave Paris according to the text?

A.On Sunday lunchtime. B.On the morning of Saturday.

C.On the morning of Sunday. D.On Friday lunchtime.


1.B 2.C 3.A 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章是一篇旅行日记,主要介绍了作者一行人在星期五、星期六和星期日巴黎之行的旅行活动安排。 1. 细节理解题。根据第一段的“After warming up we then walked along to the big department store Printemps, on the top floor where you get a wonderful view of Paris. ”可知,热身后,他们走到大型百货公司Printemps,在它的顶层可以欣赏巴黎的美景。即他们在百货公司那里可以欣赏巴黎的美景。故选B。 2. 细节理解题。根据第二段的“ In the afternoon we went to a Christmas market with unique handmade gifts and crafts. ”可知,下午他们去了一个圣诞节市场,那里有独特的手工制作的礼物和手工艺品。即该圣诞节市场以手工礼品和工艺品而闻名。故选C。 3. 细节理解题。根据第三段的“On Sunday we went for breakfast at the same café and we caught our train back home at midday”(星期天,我们在同一家咖啡馆吃早餐,中午赶上了回家的火车)可知,他们中午乘火车回家。结合选项可知,他们在周日午餐时间离开巴黎是合乎文章内容的。故选A。


1.What can we learn from the news?

A.Nobody was killed.

B.15 houses were badly damaged.

C.Over 200 people were made homeless.

2.How many people were badly injured in the storm?

A.7. B.9. C.10.

3.What do we know about the farmer?

A.His house was destroyed.

B.One of his children was missing.

C.His wife was hurt by the falling walls.

4.What did the woman do when she saw her house shaking?

A.She tried to take something out.

B.She told her husband not to leave.

C.She rushed out with her children.




1.How did the man react when he saw the woman dancing?

A.He was annoyed. B.He was inspired.

C.He was surprised.

2.How does the man usually exercise?

A.He likes to ride a bicycle. B.He likes to play soccer.

C.He likes to run.

3.What will the speakers probably do next?

A.Study for a test. B.Go to the gym together.

C.Show each other their moves.




1.Why is the woman so tired?

A.She exercises too much. B.She has a lot to do at work.

C.She watches TV late at night.

2.What does the woman eat for lunch?

A.Nothing. B.A pizza. C.A sandwich.

3.What does the man advise the woman to do?

A.Go to bed earlier. B.Work more hours.

C.Eat a good meal every day.




1.What does the woman think is difficult to do every day?

A.Do some cleaning. B.Do some shopping.

C.Do some washing.

2.Where probably are the speakers?

A.At a store. B.At a supermarket.

C.At the woman’s house.

3.What can we infer from the conversation?

A.The woman will do the cleaning herself.

B.The man will help the woman do the cleaning.

C.Neither of them will do the cleaning.




1.Why is Jane upset?

A.David fell in love with her.

B.Kevin made up stories about her.

C.She made a mistake in calculation.

2.What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

A.Teacher and student.

B.Father and daughter.

C.Employer and employee.



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