满分5 > 高中英语试题 >



“Congratulations, man!” exclaimed my buddy Alex when he greeted me at my locker. “Today’s the big day, right

“Yeah!” I said, giving him a huge grin. “I’ve been waiting forever for this!”

I pushed my books into the locker and grabbed my racket and ran away. As I sprinted toward the tennis courts, because I was confident that in a few minutes I’d be wearing a dark red varsity jersey to become a member of the team I have been dreaming to join.

When I got to the court, Coach Webber was in the middle of the big announcement.

“Three new guys will be joining the team this year,” he said. He threw the first jersey to Jack and the next to Rick. I held my hands in the air, all set to grab my own jersey as it sailed through the air. But I watched as the last jersey finally landed in Dylan’s hands.

What just happenedI thought, completely confused. Coach Webber had promised that he’d put me on. Had he forgottenWas he mad at me

Just then Coach Webber came up to me.

“Sorry, Josh,” he said, lowering his voice. “But I really think it would serve you and the other players better if you remained on the JV team for another year.” And with that, he walked away.

That afternoon when I got home from school, I threw my racket across the yard and screamed, “It’s so unfair!”

Then I complained to Mom, who ran out to see what was wrong.

“Coach didn’t tell me why he changed his mind!” I said through clenched teeth. “His excuse was so lame! It would ‘serve’ the JV team better. What does that even mean!”

“I don’t blame you for being so upset, but try to look at the situation from the coach’s perspective,” Mom suggested. “He wants what’s best for the team, right? Maybe he sees something you can’t.”

“Like what!” I asked, angry that Mom seemed to be siding with my coach. “I’m so much better this year! And I did everything he asked me to. That’s not fair! Forget it. I’m sick of this. Tomorrow I’m quitting!”


I dropped to the ground, totally drained and feeling completely defeated.                                    




I thought, maybe Mom was right.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                





Para1: I dropped to the ground, totally drained and feeling completely defeated. I thought to myself, why can't they support me? Can't they see my progress? Although I've tried so hard, I still can't get recognition. The next day the Coach announced that we were going to play a game. I was absent-minded, missed several balls, and felt unbalanced in my heart, so I always bumped into the players, which made everyone very unhappy. Para2: I thought, maybe Mom was right. My performance today speaks for itself. I am an impetuous, can not afford to setbacks. So I went to coach Webber and apologised for today's performance and he said to me, “I'm not letting you join the team not because you're not a good footballer, but you're not mature enough to withstand setbacks. I'm glad you understand that now.” After that, I spent a peaceful year on the JV team, honing my personality. Finally, a year later, I joined the team as I wished and became one of the best players. 【解析】 这是一篇读后续写作文。 通过阅读所给文章可知,作者本以为自己能够加入球队了,结果教练宣布作者还要继续再在JV队再待一年。作者回到家向妈妈抱怨,妈妈告诉作者也许是教练看到了一些作者没看到的东西,作者觉得妈妈站在教练那一边,感觉很生气。 续写部分分为两段,第一段开头是:我一下子倒在了地上,精疲力竭,感觉彻底失败了。所以后文应该是讲述作者的内心感受,以及在这件事情过后作者踢球时的表现。第二段开头是:我想,也许妈妈是对的。本段应该写作者为自己不好的表现向教练道歉,并且接受了教练的安排,在JV队待了一年,一年后作者如愿加入了球队。 最后还要注意所续写短文的词数应为150左右。







2.可适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯;




    My son Leon’s passion for surfing began at the age of 13, and he would go out to surf each day. One afternoon, the lifeguard called and said Leon’s eye was badly _______ by his board.

He _______ 26 stitches (缝针) from the corner of his eye to the bridge of his nose. I _______, telling him how _______ I felt about not being there when he was hurt.

“It’s okay, Mom,” he _______ me. “ You don’t know how to surf anyway.”

“What?” I asked, _______ by his logic.

“I’ll be fine. The doctor says I can surf again in eight days.”

I wanted to tell him he wasn’t _______ to surf again until he was 20, but instead I bit my

_______ and hoped he would _______ about surfing.

However, for the next seven days he kept ________ me to let him surf again. One day after I had ________ “No” to him for the 100th time, he ________ me at my own game.

“Mom, you taught us never to ________ what we love.” I gave in.

Back then Leon was just a boy with a ________ for surfing. Now he’s a man ________ among the top 25 professional surfers in the world.

1.A.attracted B.injured C.accompanied D.attacked

2.A.applied B.added C.received D.made

3.A.cried B.hesitated C.complained D.mentioned

4.A.excited B.calm C.angry D.awful

5.A.opposed B.challenged C.comforted D.laughed at

6.A.confused B.inspired C.frightened D.persuaded

7.A.doubted B.invited C.limited D.allowed

8.A.hand B.tongue C.finger D.leg

9.A.argue B.think C.forget D.worry

10.A.encouraging B.thanking C.blaming D.pressing

11.A.lied B.repeated C.explained D.spread

12.A.beat B.moved C.won D.disappointed

13.A.make up B.put up C.gave up D.set up

14.A.anxiety B.proud C.satisfaction D.passion

15.A.ranking B.competing C.surviving D.waiting



    Every day, in all kinds of weather, thousands of men and women jog. 1. Most joggers begin because they hear it is a very good exercise. Jogging makes the heart stronger and helps people lose weight. It can also help them feel better about themselves.

Donald Robbins, who is forty-two years old and works in an office, began jogging a few years ago because he felt he was too fat. At first, he could only run about 100 yards. It took him three months to be able to run a mile. 2. Many joggers, like Donald Robbins, feel that if they can succeed in jogging, they can succeed at other things also, and quite often this feeling helps them at their jobs.

Should you jog too? 3. Jogging may be too much exercise for you.

Does jogging cost much? No, it costs almost nothing. But it is very important to have a good pair of shoes that are made especially for jogging. 4.

How fast should you go? Jog with a friend and talk to each other as you run. If you have difficulty in talking, you’re going too fast.

5. Remember not to go too far too soon. In fact, you should walk, not run, the first few times. Then do some short jogs, but no more than what you can do comfortably. After that, increase your distance a quarter or half mile every two weeks or so. Maybe in a few years, you can run in a marathon too. Thousands of people do.

A.How far should you jog?

B.Jogging can aid weight loss.

C.Why has jogging-running become so popular?

D.If you do, be sure to ask your doctor for advice.

E.It is a popular physical activity that can keep you fit.

F.But two years later, he ran in a marathon race over twenty-six miles.

G.They protect your feet and legs from the shock of running on hard surface.



    Researchers in Australia have discovered an effective new method to capture the atmospheric carbon dioxide that is damaging our planet and transform it into something solid, making it much easier to store.

Carbon capture isn’t new, but previous methods call for the gas to be compressed (压缩) into liquid and then put into underground. Widespread usage of that technology has been locked by economic and environmental concerns due to possible leaks. Instead, in a study published in Nature Communications, the group details their sustainable and cost-effective plan for transforming CO2 into coal.

This new process involves a liquid metal catalyst ( 催化剂 ) that is efficient in conducting electricity. CO2 gas is dissolved (溶解) in a container with some liquid. Once electricity charge is introduced, the CO2 begins to turn into solid pieces of carbon, which can be collected and stored.

What makes this particularly unique is that the entire process can occur at room temperature. Previous experiments have only shown a gas to solid conversion at extremely high temperature, which made it impossible on a large scale. Now, the researchers are hoping that their work will be used to create even further when it comes to carbon storage.

In an interesting side benefit, the solid carbon also works as an electrode ( 电极 ), which opens up a world of possibilities. “A side benefit of the process is that the carbon can hold electrical charge, becoming a super battery, so it could potentially be used as a part in future vehicles,” explains Dr. Dorna Estrafilzadeh, a researcher. “The process also produces fuel as a by-product, which could also have industrial applications.”

1.Why have the previous methods been limited?

A.Because CO2 is difficult to be compressed into liquid.

B.Because CO2 is not easily collected.

C.Because much space underground has to be taken up to store CO2.

D.Because the liquid of CO2 might leak.

2.What is most special about the new method?

A.The process involves a liquid metal catalyst.

B.CO2 gas can produce electricity during the process.

C.The process happens at normal temperature.

D.CO2 is stored in the form of solid pieces.

3.What can we infer from the last paragraph?

A.The method will make a difference in the future industry.

B.CO2 will replace the traditional fuel in the future.

C.The side benefits of the process have been applied widely.

D.The method will be used to make new vehicles.

4.What is the best title for the passage?

A.Carbon dioxide damaging our planet

B.A new carbon capture technology

C.A new Australian discovery

D.How to store carbon dioxide



    Art—no matter whether you choose to create it yourself or simply observe and enjoy it—is a relaxing and inspiring activity for many people. However, the particular benefits of artistic expression go much further.

Studies suggest that art therapy (疗法) can be very valuable in treating issues such as depression and anxiety disorder. It is a great way to express your emotions without words, process complex feelings and find relief.

You don’t necessarily have to see a therapist in order to experience some of the benefits of artistic expression. There are many simple activities you can try from the comfort of your home such as art journaling, drawing, making collections, sculpting with clay, etc. It doesn’t matter what media you choose. The only thing that matters is that you feel comfortable using it. Human beings are naturally creative, and all you need to do to complete an art therapy activity successfully is to be with yourself and your emotions. Once you free your creativity, your inner artist will quickly wake up.

However, working with a licensed therapist also has its advantage because a professional can tailor each activity to your own needs. If the activities are done in a group, they are excellent for building healthy connections with other people, which may be very helpful if you are fighting depression.

Experts agree that art therapy has many benefits, from promoting your self-respect, and providing you a safe outlet to relieve your emotions, to giving you a sense of control over your life and helping you to get to know and understand yourself better. During the process of art creation, you will be taking yourself on a journey of self-discovery that will help you get rid of emotional roadblocks, and learn how to communicate with yourself and others.

1.To complete an art therapy successfully, you have to ______.

A.be talented for art B.see a therapist

C.choose a special media D.accept yourself

2.What advantage do the activities done in a group have in art therapy?

A.The activities are tailored to one’s own needs. B.The activities are inspiring.

C.The activities are comforting. D.The activities promote communication.

3.The last paragraph is meant to ______.

A.explain the advantages of art therapy

B.give some advice about promoting your self-respect

C.provide an approach to relieve your emotions

D.summarize the process of art creation

4.What does the passage mainly talk about?

A.How to develop drawing skills.

B.How to wake up art creativity.

C.Art therapy is a great way to treat mental health.

D.Art can be used to learn how to communicate with oneself.



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