满分5 > 高中英语试题 >



While driving, I sensed something wrong with my car. Pulling into the first parking lot I found, I stopped it and climbed out to assess the situation. My heart sank as I discovered that one of my rear(后面的)tires was flat.

I’d bought the secondhand car several months before, but it didn’t include a spare tire. Although I knew I needed to purchase one, my schedule was so tight that I hadn’t done it yet. Because I was working full-time in the emergency room at a local hospital and taking evening classes at a university fifty miles away.

Now here I was, alone forty miles from home. In those days, cell phones were a luxury. I had no way to call for assistance.

My spirits grew darker the minute I checked the place where I had pulled over. No one was around, except a rusty, red truck. It was getting dark. I had two optionsstay in my car until morning or start walking in hopes of finding a convenience store with a pay phone. Neither option appealed to me.

I was about to grab my purse and set off on foot when a man came out from what seemed to be a law office. Pulling a set of keys from his pockethe locked the office doorand then turned and saw me standing next to my car. I must have looked scared and confused as he headed straight toward me.

“Can 1 help you with anything?” he asked.

Judging from his appearance, I decided I could trust him.

“I have a flat tire but don’t have a spare,” I said, relieved to see him.

“I can help you remove the flat and then drive you to a tire shop to get it fixed,” he said.

I remembered the cautionary(告诫的)words my parents had drilled into my headNever get in a car with a stranger.

“That’s okay,” I said. “Thanks anyway.”


Paragraph 1: The man shrugged, walked to his truck and drove away. My heart sank as I watched him pull out of the parking lot and onto the street. Regretting bitterly, I set out on foot to find the nearest convenience store. I’d barely walked ten steps when the truck pulled back into the parking lot. The man got out and walked over to me. “I can’t leave you alone like this. I’ll take the flat to the tire shop and get it fixed for you.” Paragraph 2: Half an hour later, he was back. The tire store was closing just as I pulled in, “he said, coming over to my car.” I told them you were alone, and they agreed to stay and fix it for you.” “Thank you so much,” I said, watching as he replaced the wheel. “How much do I owe you? ” “It cost eighty-five dollars because they had to replace the tire itself. The hole was too big to repair.” Eighty-five dollars!That would put a serious burden on my budget. Yet I was grateful for all he’d done to help a stranger. 【解析】 本篇书面表达是读后续写。通过阅读所给文章可知,作者独自在外车胎瘪了,几乎没有人,在天快黑时一个男人愿意帮助作者把车胎拆掉并且送他去轮胎店修理,这事作者想起来了父母和他说过不要和陌生人一起上车。 续写部分分为两段,第一段开头是:那人耸耸肩,走到他的卡车前,开车走了……,所以应该写这个男人开车走后作者的心情,以及之后男人还会做出怎么样的举动,是否会返回。第二段的开头是:半小时后,他回来了……,所以应该写这个男人回来之后是如何帮助我以及帮助我获得什么样的报酬,并且作者表达对这个男人的感激。 续写时还要注意所续写短文的词数应为150左右。按要求完成写作任务。










    When I was a young girlmy mother made the same dish for supper five nights a week. She boiled potatoescarrots, and________small amounts of the roast beef. She called it stew(炖菜).

I would often hear other children at school________about the delicious meals they had for________. Many of them ate in fast food restaurants, which were popular and expensive at the time. They got hamburgers and fries. I________we could eat like that once in a whilebut my parents couldn’t________it. We only had takeout(外卖)food once or twice a year.

My mom took the________to cut up and prepare those________every single night. Her recipes were right-focusing on the vegetables but not on the________.

I had________head colds and flus than my classmates. If I did get________, I’d be home for a day or two, not a whole week like many of them.

When I was in my thirties, I became ill and was diagnosed with high blood pressure. I have to________I had been eating a lot of fast food,________not getting it as a child. But when went back to preparing home-made meals, I started to feel________.

Today I often find myself________a bowl of my mother’s stew. That stew was made with love and it has left me with a(n)________that will warm me forever.

1.A.effectively B.occasionally C.originally D.eventually

2.A.complain B.argue C.talk D.dream

3.A.holiday B.breakfast C.lunch D.supper

4.A.promised B.wished C.cried D.announced

5.A.afford B.tolerate C.resist D.accept

6.A.risk B.rice C.turn D.time

7.A.sandwiches B.stand C.vegetables D.eggs

8.A.meat B.milk C.hamburgers D.pizzas

9.A.heavier B.fewer C.worse D.more

10.A.ready B.sick C.poor D.greedy

11.A.deny B.hide C.cheat D.admit

12.A.getting down to B.holding on to C.making up for D.keeping up with

13.A.hungrier B.busier C.happier D.healthier

14.A.desiring B.thinking C.preparing D.making

15.A.experience B.truth C.memory D.manner



How to Live Well

At a certain point in life, thoughts may come up. How well have you lived?1.How well have you treated those you love and care about? Most of all, however, time seems to slip on without too much self-reflection. Maybe it’s time to slow down and think about what it means to live well.

To live means acting.2.You start action, come up with goals, make plans to help work on the desired outcome, and dive in. Not every action will immediately bring about a successful finish of the project, task or undertaking, but you learn from everything you do.

3.Being busy is an effective cure to loneliness, helps avoid depression and self-pity, and keeps us in a constant state of movement. Again, doing things often puts us in contact with others and that’s also a good thing for humans to make interaction with other humans.

But what happens when you don’t give a project or task your full effort? Are you still living well? Or are you shortchanging yourself, trying to cheat and still get the reward?4.Not only learn to face these, but also try to overcome them.

The truth is that everyone cuts corners now and then. Maybe it is because we lack time, energy, financial or other resources. Sometimes we have to make ends meet by shaving off an item or a step. That doesn’t mean we make a habit of it.5.

A.To live means you participate in life.

B.To have a good life doesn’t mean living well.

C.Keeping busy sometimes is important in life.

D.Sometimes you have to face these in your life.

E.How much have you achieved relative to your goals?

F.What can you do if you suffer from an illness?

G.That really means we should stop and think, in order to live better.



    Health officials in the United States reported last week on what they believe could be a medical first. Officials said doctors performed what could be the first double lung transplant(移植)on a person whose lungs were severely damaged from vaping(吸电子烟).The operation reportedly saved the life of the teenager.

The young man was admitted in early September to a Detroit-area hospital with what appeared to be a common lung infection, but was later sent to Children’s Hospital of Michigan in Detroit. On October 3, he was transported to Henry Ford Hospital, where the transplant was performed 12 days later.

Hassan Nemeh is a surgical director of thoracic(胸腔的)organ transplant at Henry Ford Hospital. He told The Associated PressThe APthat the damage done to the teenager’s lungs from vaping was so bad that there was no possibility to totally recover. He warned parents to think about that and to tell their children as well.

More than 2000 Americans who vape have gotten sick since March. Many of them are teenagers and young adults. At least 40 people have died.

Recently, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported a discovery into what might be causing people who vape to become sick. They identified the chemical compound vitamin E acetate(醋酸盐)as a “very strong criminal”.

Researchers found the chemical compound in fluid taken from the lungs of 29 patients. In other studies, Vitamin E acetate was found in liquid from electronic cigarettes and other vaping devices, Many who got sick said they had vaped liquids that contain THC, the part of marijuana that creates what is known as a “high”.

Dr. Lisa Allenspach is a lung specialist and medical director of Henry Ford’s Lung Transplant Program. She told The AP, “Vaping-related injuries are all too common these days. Our adolescents are faced with a crisis,” She added that vaping products should not be used in any way.

Dr. Nemeh said the 17-year-old patient’s case didn’t open any new moral considerations about transplants for people who severely damaged their own lungs by vaping. He added, “We hope sharing this patient’s story prevents anyone else from experiencing a vaping injury that would require a transplant.”

1.What can be learned about the young man in the text?

A.He got caught in a moral dilemma. B.He was the first to get sick by vaping.

C.He received the operation immediately. D.He had a good chance to survive the lung damage

2.How many hospitals are mentioned in the text?

A.1. B.2. C.3. D.4.

3.What is Dr. Lisa Allenspach’s attitude towards vaping products?

A.Skeptical. B.Approving. C.Opposing. D.Objective.

4.What can we learn from what Dr. Nemeh said

A.He hoped to arouse people’s attention to staying away from vaping.

B.He wanted to raise money for the young man.

C.He wanted to open moral considerations about lung transplant.

D.He hoped to keep people from tobacco.



    Japanese scientists and technology companies are coming up with new ways to deal with employee shortages in delivery service. How exactly? By introducing a robot that can deliver food to your home. A Japanese company ZMP has launched robot tests recently.

The ZMP's delivery robot in the process of testing is a red box that measures 109 cm and 133 cm in heights and lengths respectively. It is designed to carry up to 100 kilograms of anything with a approximate speed of 4 miles an hour. It has its own navigating system and a map, sensors(传感器)and cameras that allow it to self-drive. These, for now, are its main technical abilities. The next developments will be control of food temperature, and perhapsvoice control and speaking abilities.

The robot will be tested together with a local sushi(寿司)delivery company Ride on Express Co. Upon making a sushi order, customers will receive codes on their smart phones that will allow them to unlock the robot and get their orders out. Similar testing attempts have been undertaken by Domino's Pizza in Australia, where they tested a delivery robot a year ago.

In any case, before robots are able to deliver food or any other goods to real customers, massive testing on public roads or in the public air space will have to take place. While it is in the government's best interest to make up for the shortage of delivery in the Japanese labor market, it is clear that self-driving machines of any kind will not be permitted on the roads until they are fully tested and proven safe enough for public roads. According to the experts, this could take another 3 to 5 years.

In any case, robot delivery is not such a distant future after all, and recent developments show that there is significant market demand for such type of delivery.

1.How do Japanese handle the employee shortages in delivery service?

A.By raising employment and working hours.

B.By employing science and technology.

C.By increasing the salary.

D.By delivering more at a time.

2.What is the second paragraph mainly about?

A.The introduction of delivery robots.

B.The usage of delivery robots.

C.The basic data of delivery robots.

D.The appearance of delivery robots.

3.What's the reaction of Japanese government to delivery robots?

A.Being critical of the technology.

B.Ignoring the development.

C.Being a little bit hesitated.

D.Becoming great interested.

4.What can be the best title for the text?

A.Robot DeliveryNew Tests in Japan B.Robot Delivery Coming to Use in Japan

C.Employee Shortage in Delivery in Japan D.Latest Automatic ServiceRobots



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