满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

There was once a wonderful old man who l...

    There was once a wonderful old man who loved everything animals, spiders, insects and all sorts of living things.

One day while walking through the woods, the old man found a cocoon (). He decided to take the cocoon home to watch its magic process of _______ from a little cocoon to beautiful _______.

A few days later the cocoon stared to move. It moved frantically (狂乱地). A small _______ appeared. He sat and watched it struggle and struggle for several hours to _______ its body through the little hole. But it seemed not to make any progress. Then the old man felt _______ for the little butterfly inside, and rushed to its aid. With a pair of scissors and _______, he cut the little opening big enough in the cocoon for the butterfly to come out. And then the butterfly came out of its cocoon, but it had a _______ body and small, fragile wings.

The man continued to watch the butterfly because he expected that, _______ the wings would expand and be able to _______ the body, but nothing happened! It never was able to fly.

What the man, in his ________ and eagerness, did not understand was that the restricting cocoon and the struggle ________ for the butterfly to get through the tiny opening were nature's way of forcing fluid (液体) from the body of the butterfly into its wings ________ it would be ready for flight once it achieved its freedom from the cocoon.

Sometimes ________ are exactly what we need in our life. If we were allowed to ________ our life without any obstacles and difficulties, it would weaken or even damage us over time both physically and mentally. We would not be as ________ as we could have been. In fact, it is necessary to live with some difficulties. And it is these obstacles and difficulties that make us strong and get prepared for the greater challenges in our life.

1.A.advancing B.growing C.transforming D.developing

2.A.dog B.butterfly C.cat D.snake

3.A.spot B.passage C.opening D.butterfly

4.A.expand B.push C.shrink D.force

5.A.sorry B.moved C.excited D.happy

6.A.cheerfully B.gently C.casually D.randomly

7.A.powerful B.awkward C.swollen D.flexible

8.A.in no way B.in no case C.by any chance D.at any moment

9.A.support B.protect C.control D.lift

10.A.carefulness B.willingness C.kindness D.sadness

11.A.arranged B.required C.intended D.prepared

12.A.if only B.as if C.as though D.so that

13.A.struggles B.pains C.failures D.sufferings

14.A.adapt to B.care for C.go through D.reflect on

15.A.potential B.strong C.patient D.energetic


1.C 2.B 3.C 4.D 5.A 6.B 7.C 8.D 9.A 10.C 11.B 12.D 13.A 14.C 15.B 【解析】 这是一篇夹叙夹议文。文章讲述了,一位老人善意帮蝴蝶破茧,但蝴蝶无法飞翔,告诉我们一个道理:生活中有一些困难是必要的,因为这些障碍和困难使我们坚强起来。 1. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:他决定把茧带回家,看看它从一个小茧变成美丽蝴蝶的神奇过程。A. advancing前进;B. growing成长;C. transforming转变;D. developing发展。由下文的a little cocoon to beautiful ___2___可知,是从茧到蝴蝶的转变过程,transform…into…(从……转变成……)。故选C项。 2. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:他决定把茧带回家,看看它从一个小茧变成美丽蝴蝶的神奇过程。A. dog狗;B. butterfly蝴蝶;C. cat猫;D. snake蛇。由下文的Then the old man felt ___5___ for the little butterfly inside可知,茧里面的是蝴蝶,看茧化蝶。故选B项。 3. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:一个小洞出现了。A. spot地点;B. passage通道;C. opening洞;D. butterfly蝴蝶。由下文的he cut the little opening big enough in the cocoon for the butterfly to come out可知,茧上有小洞,因为蝴蝶要出来了。故选C项。 4. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:他坐在那里看着它挣扎了好几个小时才强行把它的身体从小洞里钻出来。A. expand扩大;B. push推;C. shrink缩小;D. force强行。由上文的it struggle and struggle for several hours可知,蝴蝶破茧很艰难,挣扎了几小时才强行把它的身体从小洞里钻出来。故选D项。 5. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这时,老人为里面的小蝴蝶感到难过,赶紧去帮助它。A. sorry难过的;B. moved感动的;C. excited兴奋的;D. happy快乐的。由上文的it struggle and struggle for several hours可知,蝴蝶破茧很艰难,老人为蝴蝶感到难过。故选A项。 6. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:他用剪刀轻轻地把茧里的小开口剪得足够大,让蝴蝶出来。A. cheerfully快乐地;B. gently轻轻地;C. casually随意地;D. randomly随机地。由常识和全文语境可知,蝴蝶茧很小,老人很心疼蝴蝶,所以是轻轻地拿剪刀剪开。故选B项。 7. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:然后蝴蝶从茧里出来了,但是它的身体肿胀,翅膀又小又脆弱。A. powerful强大的;B. awkward尴尬的;C. swollen肿胀的;D. flexible灵活的。由small, fragile wings.可知,它的身体肿胀,翅膀又小又脆弱。故选C项。 8. 考查介词短语辨析。句意:这个人继续看着蝴蝶,因为他期待着,在任何时候,蝴蝶翅膀都会展开,能够支撑身体,但什么也没发生!A. in no way决不;B. in no case在任何情况下;C. by any chance可能;D. at any moment随时。由全文语境可知,老人希望在任何时候,蝴蝶都会展开翅膀,能够支撑身体。故选D项。 9. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:这个人继续看着蝴蝶,因为他期待着,在任何时候,蝴蝶翅膀都会展开,能够支撑身体,但什么也没发生!A. support支持、支撑;B. protect保护;C. control控制;D. lift举起。由常识可知,蝴蝶展开翅膀是用来支撑自己身体的。故选A项。 10. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:这个人,在他的善良和急切中,不明白的是,有限制的茧和蝴蝶通过这个微小的洞所需要的斗争,是大自然将液体从蝴蝶身体中注入翅膀的方式,以便于蝴蝶可以准备好飞翔,一旦它从茧中解脱出来。A. carefulness粗心;B. willingness意愿;C. kindness善意;D. sadness悲伤。由上文语境可知,老人是出于善意,才用剪刀帮助蝴蝶破茧。故选C项。 11. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:这个人,在他的善良和急切中,不明白的是,有限制的茧和蝴蝶通过这个微小的洞所需要的斗争,是大自然将液体从蝴蝶身体中注入翅膀的方式,以便于蝴蝶可以准备好飞翔,一旦它从茧中解脱出来。A. arranged安排;B. required需要;C. intended打算;D. prepared准备。由本处语境可知,此处指蝴蝶通过这个微小的洞所需要的斗争,这种挣扎、斗争是蝴蝶会飞所需要的。故选B项。 12. 考查连词词义辨析。句意:这个人,在他的善良和急切中,不明白的是,有限制的茧和蝴蝶通过这个微小的洞所需要的斗争,是大自然将液体从蝴蝶身体中注入翅膀的方式,以便于蝴蝶可以准备好飞翔,一旦它从茧中解脱出来。A. if only要是……就好了;B. as if好像;C. as though好像;D. so that以至于/以便于。由本处语境可知,此处指有限制的茧和蝴蝶通过这个微小的洞所需要的斗争,是为了以便于蝴蝶有飞翔的能力。是故选D项。 13. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:有时候奋斗正是我们生活中所需要的。A. struggles挣扎、奋斗;B. pains痛苦;C. failures失败;D. sufferings痛苦。由全文语境可知,本文主要讲struggle对蝴蝶/人的重要作用。故选A项。 14. 考查动词短语辨析。句意:如果我们能在没有任何障碍和困难的情况下经历我们的生活,随着时间的推移,它会削弱甚至损害我们的身心。A. adapt to适应;B. care for照顾;C. go through经历;D. reflect on反思。由上文语境可知,蝴蝶就是因为没有经历困难破茧了,才失去了飞翔的能力,人如果也没经历困难,身心也会受到损害。故选C项。 15. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我们不会像以前那样强大。A. potential潜力的;B. strong强大的;C. patient耐心的;D. energetic精力充沛的。由上文的our life without any obstacles and difficulties, it would weaken or even damage us over time both physically and mentally可知,人如果没经历困难,身心也会受到损害,人就不会强大。故选B项。

    Winter is often bitterly cold, which often makes us stay indoors more instead of heading out to exercise. Worse still, there are many viruses doing their best to make you sick. And sneezing, coughing and nose blowing make the rooms a habitat for viruses. 1.. Touching a doorknob or shaking a hand may make you get sick. Although it may sound terrible, there are still some things you can do to avoid viruses. Here are several simple tips to stay healthy in winters.

Wash your hands

You pick up viruses everywhere and they live on your hands, so wash your hands and do it often. 2. But if that’s not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer (消毒杀菌剂).

3.. Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with your hands. That’s one way viruses can get into your body.

Get the flu shot (疫苗)

4., but getting the flu shot lowers your chances of getting the flu. For example, getting the flu shot last year resulted in a 34% lower risk of coming down with the flu.

Avoid sick people

5.. Viruses spread very easily through the air, so keep at least six feet between you and the sneezing, sniffling and coughing person.

A.It’s no guarantee

B.Take care of your face

C.Keep your hands away from your face

D.The best way is to use regular soap and water

E.It is easy for viruses to spread from person to person

F.If someone around you is sick, then keep your distance

G.Because there are always some unexpected things in life



    The traditional Chinese lunar calendar divides the year into 24 solar terms More than 2000 years ago, ancient Chinese people created this overall framework to mark the annual passage of time based on observations of the sun's motion. In the international meteorological field (国际气象界) the 24 solar terms are honored as “the fifth great invention of China”.

The 24 solar terms begins with Start of Spring followed by Rain Water, Insects Awaken...and ends up with Minor Cold and Major Cold. Summer Solstice and Winter Solstice are two days of the year with the longest and shortest amount of daylight respectively, while Spring Equinox and Autumn Equinox are days with the most balanced amount of daytime and nighttime. Through these four parts, a year is divided into four part: Spring Summer, Autumn and Winter.

In ancient times this system not only guided agricultural production, instructing farmers to expect the changes in temperature, spring planting and autumn harvest but also directed Chinese folk customs. For example, Winter Solstice was the first one set among 24 terms and later developed into a festival to worship Heaven and ancestors. Every year at Winter Solstice, emperors of Ming and Qing dynasties would go to the temple of Heaven to hold a ceremony to worship Heaven, for good weather for their crop, and peace and prosperity for the country.

Nowadays, the 24 solar terms could not only be applied to farming but also guide Chinese everyday life. They remind people to adapt to the changes in the seasons through suitable food and cultural rituals (文化仪式). Seasonal customs are sill the rage such as eating spring pancakes at Start of Spring, sweeping ancestors' tombs at Qing Ming, gaining weight to keep warm at Start of Autumn and eating nutritious food to store energy at Start of Winter. They have actually became important rituals in Chinese life.

The 24 solar terms is a common cognitive system among Chinese. It reflects the emotional bond, the wisdom and creativity of Chinese, who respect and live in harmony with nature.

1.How were the 24 solar terms created in ancient China?

A.They were the results of leaning from each other.

B.They were set based on the movements of the sun.

C.They were created according to the change of the weather.

D.They were gradually developed from the practical experience.

2.What is a common feature of Spring Equinox and Autumn Equinox?

A.They both have the same amount of day and night.

B.They were set only for guiding agricultural activities.

C.They both play the role in dividing a day into day and night

D.They are the days on which the length of a day is longer than night.

3.What does the underlined word in Paragraph 4 probably mean?

A.Cheer B.Honor. C.Appreciation. D.Fashion.

4.What’s the text mainly about?

A.The reasons for the recognition of the 24 solar terms.

B.The invention of the 24 solar terms in ancient China.

C.The origin and influence of the 24 solar terms in China

D.The ways to handle the relationship between human and nature.



    The idea of turning recycled plastic bottles into clothing is not new. During the last five years, a large number of clothing companies, businesses and environmental organizations have started turning plastics into fabric to deal with plastic pollution. But there’s a problem with this method. Research now shows that microfibers could be the biggest source of plastic in the sea.

Dr. Mark Browne in Santa Barbara, California, has been studying plastic pollution and microfibers for 10 years now. He explains that every time synthetic clothes go into a washing machine, a large number of plastic fibers fall off. Most washing machines can’t collect these microfibers. So every time the water gets out of a washing machine, microfibers are entering the sewers and finally end up in the sea.

In 2011, Browne wrote a paper stating that a single piece of synthetic(合成的) clothing can produce more than 1, 900 fibers per wash. Browne collected samples from seawater and freshwater sites around the world, and used a special way to examine each sample. He discovered that every single water sample contained microfibers.

This is bad news for a number of reasons. Plastic can cause harm to sea life when eaten. Studies have also shown that plastic can absorb other pollutants.

Based on this evidence, it may seem surprising that companies and organizations have chosen to turn plastic waste into clothing as an environmental “solution.” Even though the science has been around for a while, Browne explains that he's had a difficult time getting companies to listen. When he asked well-known clothing companies to support Benign by Design-his research project that seeks to get clothes that have a bad effect on humans and the environment out of the market, Browne didn’t get a satisfying answer. Only one women’s clothing company, Eileen Fisher, offered Browne funding.

1.What has happened during the past five years?

A.Fabric has become much stronger. B.Plastic pollution has been less serious.

C.Many plastic bottles have been reused. D.Microfibers have been greatly improved.

2.What does Browne think of washing synthetic clothes?

A.It is adding microfibers to the clothes.

B.It is worsening environmental problems.

C.It is making synthetic clothes last longer.

D.It is doing great damage to washing machines.

3.What can be inferred about Browne’s Benign by Design research project?

A.It has achieved great success. B.It hasn’t got anything done.

C.It is known to very few people. D.It is facing some difficulties.

4.What’s the best title for the text?

A.It’s important to learn to recycle

B.It’s never easy to solve pollution problems

C.Recycled plastic clothing: solution or pollution?

D.Are human beings moving forward or backward?



    Cory Nichol's whole life changed after he watched the documentary (纪录片) Hard Times. Lost on Long Island. This documentary follows four different families over six months as they struggle with unemployment. Cory knew he had to help any way that he could.

He founded an organization named “C the Difference”. The first step of his charity was to advertise. Using his own money, Cory had orange bracelets (手链) made. Now, he has sold the bracelets. A lot of people who are willing to donate bought them. “We've gotten donations from $5 to $500,” Cory said. “Every dollar really helps.”

Since founding the organization “C the Difference”, Cory has gotten the word out through e-mail and social media He has managed to get upwards of 7,500 and the amount will keep ring each month For Cox, his work is truly rewarding and he loves knowing that poll fortunate than him are really benefiting tom al the donations Once he said, “I was in the pantry (食品室) one time when a woman was taking food, and she was grateful for what I was doing That made me feel great.”

Cory's work has been truly remarkable. These past years he was recognized for “C the Difference” and was a recipient (获得者) of the New York State Prudential Spirit of Community Award. Cory was honored when he found out the news, and even more shocked When he found out that he was one of the only 102 winners out of the 28.000 applicants, As a recipient Cory got to travel to Washington D.C. with the other winners.

There are bright things in Cory's future. First, he wants to keep doing well in school. “I think school is really important to be successful in life.” In addition, Cory wants to keep “C the Difference” going through high school. “I am continuing to get donations, and to get younger kids and my peers involved to help each month”.

1.After watching the documentary, Cory _______.

A.set up a charity organization B.found a job in Long Island

C.donated money immediately D.felt the documentary interesting

2.Cory tried to raise enough money by _______.

A.wearing a ring and a bracelet B.spreading the word out

C.phoning to his friends D.collecting from his classmates

3.Cory felt _______ after he knew he was given an award.

A.proud and surprised B.interested and delighted

C.embarrassed and puzzled D.ashamed and frightened

4.We can infer from the passage that Cory will _______.

A.travel in Long Island alone B.stop raising money

C.study in Washington D.go on his charity



    The UK's music festivals are world famous but there are plenty more to celebrate in the country.

Burns Night, Scotland

On 25 January, Scots celebrate the life and works of Scotland's national poet Robert Burns by holding a special Burns Supper. This can be a chance for friends to get together with a huge formal dinner. Guests take it in turn to recite Burns' poems or sing one of his songs.

Hay Festival, Hay-on-Wye, Wales

For 10 days each May, the small town of Hay on-Wye on the edge of the Brecon Beacons National Park in Wales is filled with writers, filmmakers, musicians, and people who come to hear them talk and exchange ideas. The festival celebrates great writing of all genres (体裁) and it all takes place in a village in the town.

Camp Festival, Dorset

As a branch of a festival held in Dorset, it's one of the best family festivals in the UK Held every year in the grounds of the historic Lulworth Castle in Dorset, the festival includes top live music acts, but as the organizer say, “kids are king” at Camp Festival, with a wide variety of entertainment, workshops and fun for kids. The 2020 Camp Festival takes place from 25 to 28 July.

Guy Fawkes Day or “Bonfire Night”

All over the UK on 5 November, the British light bonfires and set off fireworks in their back gardens or, more commonly these days, at organized events in public parks. They celebrate the Catholic Guy Fawkes' failed attempt to blow up the Houses of Parliament (议会院) on 5 November, 1605.

1.Which festivals are related to literature (文学)?

A.Hay Festival and Camp Festival. B.Bums Night and Hay Festival.

C.Burs Night and Guy Fawkes Day. D.Camp Festival and Guy Fawkes Day.

2.When does the festival most attractive to children take place?

A.In July. B.In May. C.In January. D.In November.

3.What does Guy Fawkes Day celebrate?

A.An impressive building. B.A successful adventure.

C.An organized game. D.A historical event.



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