满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

根据汉语或首字母提示.写出下列单词的正确形式。 1.Tim was so____...


1.Tim was so_________(慷慨的) that he donated all his money to the poor kids.

2.Having stayed indoors for long, she was e________to hang ou with friends.

3.Shelly is always_______(抱怨) about the working conditions though she seldom works hard.

4.On hearing the knock, Jerry went________(下楼) to answer the door.

5.Too much screen time does great h__________to your eyesight.

6.I'm glad to know that you've been__________(准许进人) into Peking University.

7.She burst into t__________when she learned her failure in the exam.

8.I was surprised to find that she was still full of___________(精力) after a long day of work.

9.The problem for those who failed the exam was that they__________(缺乏) determination.

10.Fans had to wait almost a year before his new song________(终于) appeared on the Internet.


1.generous 2.eager 3.complaining 4.downstairs 5.harm 6.admitted 7.tears 8.energy 9.lacked 10.eventually 【解析】 本题考查单词拼写,注意拼写和词形问题。 1. 考查形容词。句意:蒂姆非常慷慨,把所有的钱都捐给了那些穷孩子。此处缺少形容词作表语,generous表示“慷慨的”,故填generous。 2. 考查固定短语。句意:在屋里憋得太久了,她很想和朋友们出去玩。根据“Having stayed indoors for long”可知此处表示“渴望”,be eager to do表示“渴望做某事”,故填eager。 3. 考查动词。句意:虽然雪莉很少努力工作,但她总是抱怨工作条件。此处缺少动词作谓语,complain表示“抱怨”,Shelly 与之是主动关系,“is”表明用的是现在进行时,此处需要填现在分词,故填complaining。 4. 考查副词。句意:一听到敲门声,杰里就跑下楼去开门。go downstairs表示“下楼”,故填downstairs。 5. 考查固定短语。句意:过多的屏幕时间对你的视力有害。根据“Too much screen time”可知此处表示“有害”,do harm to表示“对……有害”,故填harm。 6. 考查固定短语。句意:得知你被北京大学录取了我很高兴。be admitted into表示“被录取”,故填admitted。 7. 考查固定短语。句意:当得知考试不及格时,她哭了起来。根据“ she learned her failure in the exam”可知此处表示“大哭起来”,burst into tears表示“突然大哭、大哭起来”,故填tears。 8. 考查名词。句意:我惊讶地发现,工作一整后她仍然精力充沛。作be full of的宾语用名词, energy表示“精力”,表示抽象意义,不可数,故填energy。 9. 考查动词。句意:那些考试不及格的人的问题是他们缺乏决心。此处缺少动词作谓语,lack表示“缺乏”,“was”表明用一般过去时,故填lacked。 10. 考查副词。句意:粉丝们等了将近一年才终于看到他的新歌出现在网上。修饰动词appeared用副词,eventually表示“最终、终于”,故填eventually。

    Maverick Oyao,an art student at Western Mindanao State University in the Philippines. He recently made news headlines around the world after_______ his sister with a one of-a-kind prom (毕业舞会) dress that he made by hand.

It all started earlier this month. when he learned that his sister Keanna wanted to_______ the upcoming prom in February._______renting a dress suitable for such a(n)_______ was very expensive. Their parents simply couldn't_______ it. Since she was in her final year of junior high-school, she still_______ . Determined to make his sister's prom a memorable one, Maverick decided to make her a_______ princess dress himself,

The problem was that Maverick had no_______making dresses, but after some learning, he eventually decided that his sister's happiness was worth the_______ . He started looking at Spring and Summer collections as________ for Keanna's dress design, and later admitted that the creations of famous Filipino designers influenced him the most. Despite________ any dress making experience, Maverick managed to turn the pencil-drawn design into a reality. The fairy-tale blue dress he made for his sister________ her beautifully, and even though she didn't win the Best Dress award at prom, it certainly ________ a lot of attention. And when Maverick________ pictures of the dress on social media, along with the story of how it came to be. it spread quickly online.

Keanna's prom was on Valentine's Day, but photos of her wearing the dress are still popular online, and for many it has become a modern________ of brotherly love.

1.A.surprising B.decorating C.greeting D.adjusting

2.A.start B.host C.attend D.organize

3.A.Therefore B.Suddenly C.Unfortunately D.Hardly

4.A.meeting B.event C.accident D.concert

5.A.admire B.question C.borrow D.afford

6.A.insisted B.managed C.hesitated D.argued

7.A.gentle B.cheap C.unique D.virtual

8.A.trouble B.use C.point D.experience

9.A.effort B.material C.design D.money

10.A.mission B.inspiration C.selection D.application

11.A.gaining B.broadening C.lacking D.ignoring

12.A.impressed B.proved C.supported D.fit

13.A.attracted B.paid C.divided D.focused

14.A.sent B.posted C.lent D.exchanged

15.A.role B.belief C.time D.symbol



    According to a recent report, an Internet business boom has helped create more than 10 million jobs in China in recent years.1. More than 80% of online shop owners are under 40. If you want to be one of them, here’s some advice from some successful Taobao shop owners.

Bring something special to consumers.

In the early days of Taobao, thousands of online shops found success simply by taking everyday products from China’s shops and making them widely available online. 2. It helps to have something unique things to sell.


It’s a market full of competitions. Consumers usually attach great importance to the sales volume of Taobao stores when choosing a product, which leads to price wars. You must be patient because it may take a store owner several years to make money.

Don’t be afraid to make mistakes.

Many shop owners have the experience of losing money. You need to be prepared for failure and always keep the faith that your failure this time will help you success next time.4.

Intend to help society, not just get rich.

5. They’re doing it because they want to make a difference in people’s lives. “We started thinking about a business of selling masks when we were suffering from the air pollution every day,” says a Taobao shop owner. “We wanted to help not only ourselves. But also our friends, family and the general population.”

A.Don’t wait too long to make a big fortune.

B.Mistakes are a businessman’s best teacher.

C.However, most chose to quit several years later.

D.Don’t expect to make a lot of money right away.

E.But nowadays it doesn’t work like that any longer.

F.Many shop owners aren’t doing it just for the money.

G.Young people make up the majority of online business.



    Life has gone mostly online for many people around the world. With more people going online during the COVID-19 pandemic, global Internet traffic has become a big problem. Between January and late March. many major cities experienced an increase in Internet traffic.

Video meetings, online classrooms and stay-at-home entertainment have become a daily routine. This increase in traffic is testing the Internet' s strength. In March. major phone networks in the UK experienced mass outages(断供). People were not able to take calls, receive texts or use mobile data.

In the US, major telecommunications companies like AT&T said traffic was up 21 percent month over month. Video streaming services like You Tube, Netflix and Facebook have cut their picture qualities and download speeds. This is being done to reduce network traffic jams.

China has seen an Internet traffic increase of around 50 percent compared to the end of 2019. The country's network speeds went down sharply in early February. However, they returned to normal soon afterwards and have been working well. This is due to China’s work in building network infrastructure(基础设施), especially 5G technology. By the end of February, 164,000 5G base stations had been built nationwide. This has given Chinese networks the power to handle increased traffic.

“If there were no such development in the Internet network field. people could hardly enjoy such a colorful life at home. Online working and teaching could never be realized so smoothly," said Wen Kun, an official with the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.

1.What happened to the Internet due to COVID-19?

A.Internet traffic was jammed. B.Internet access was cut off.

C.Internet service was ignored. D.Internet community was ruined.

2.Why did some US companies cut download speeds?

A.To increase Internet strength. B.To improve picture qualities.

C.To avoid Internet breakdown. D.To reduce the number of users.

3.Compared with other countries. China's Internet system_________.

A.suffered bigger losses B.recovered faster

C.cost less money D.started earlier

4.What is Wen Kun's attitude towards China's Internet network?

A.Doubtful. B.Uncaring.

C.Critical. D.Positive.



    Plenty of science fiction (sci-f) movies over the decades have shown us different versions of Mars. The truth about the Martian surface might be exciting because it's real. And with NASA' s Mars 2020 mission set to launch this summer, we're facing more discovery.

So far, thanks to a decade of research enabled by NASA's Curiosity rover, we've learned that lakes, rivers streams and likely oceans used to appear on Mars. While its water disappeared over three billion years ago, it tells us that Mars used to be habitable. This knowledge confuses us because so far, we've seen no clear evidence of life there, not even a virus. But if Mars was once habitable, wouldn't it have life?

NASA is now prepared to take the next step to answer this question with the launch of another rover, Perseverance. Every time a rover goes to Mars, it just stays there, with no way to fly back home. So we have never brought rock or soil samples back from Mars.

Perseverance rover will change this. Its primary and unique purpose is to collect samples that a future spacecraft can return to Earth. These samples will tell us more about the geologic history of Mars than anything we've learned, which is already a lot. Since 2012. the Curiosity rover has traveled more than a dozen miles, making observations along the way with its 10 instruments.

Thanks to data from the Curiosity rovers Sample Analysis at Mars instrument, we know that Mars does indeed have organic materials. That’s more complex than we expected to find on the surface of Mars. And that's exactly why we want to gather the most interesting samples and bring them back to Earth. We expect to find out much more about Mars once we get samples back from the Mars 2020 mission.

1.What is the purpose of Mars 2020 Mission?

A.To explore the Martian surface. B.To travel around the universe.

C.To show the power of NASA. D.To study the life on Mars.

2.What does the underlined word "habitable" in Paragraph 2 probably mean?

A.Enjoyable to visit. B.Suitable for living.

C.Ready for changes. D.Convenient to travel.

3.What was the problem with Mars exploration before Perseverance?

A.The rovers could not reach Mars.

B.Observations were hard to make.

C.Samples on Mars couldn't be brought back.

D.Study instruments got lost in the space station.

4.Which of the following can be the best title of the text?

A.New Mars rover to be launched B.Sei-fi movies on Mars to be made

C.Curiosity to bring back Mars samples D.NASA to send manned rover to Mars



    William Shakespeare was the greatest writer in the English language and is known around the world. But how much do you really know about him?

Shakespeare was born in Stratford upon Avon, located in central England, in 1564. At age 18, he married Anne Hathaway and they had three children. Then Shakespeare went to London to work as an actor and writer. In 1599the Globe Theatre was built in London. It was in this theatre that some of Shakespeare's plays were first performed. In 1613. the theatre was destroyed by a fire. However. a modern reconstruction of the theatre was built near the original site in 1997, so even today you can go to the Globe Theatre to see one of Shakespeare's plays.

His surviving works consist of 38 plays, 154 sonnets and some other poems. He is best known for his plays. which have been translated into every major language and are performed more than those of any other playwright (剧作家) in the world. Shakespeare's works remain very popular. But why do we like these old plays? Perhaps it is because they all contain fantastic stories. His characters suffer bloody battles, deaths by poison, and dramatic family battles. His plays are full of exciting storylines and lessons about morality.

Hamlet, for example, is about revenge (复仇) and also about how difficult it is to take action sometimes, even when it is important to do so. Hamlet's father is murdered by another man, who then marries Hamlet's mother, Everybody wants to see Hamlet dead. Hamlet must take revenge. but will he be able to? The famous quote“To be or not to be, that is the question" comes from this play.

1.How is Paragraph 2 organized?

A.In order of time. B.In order of location.

C.In order of importance. D.In order of preference.

2.Paragraph 3 mainly talks about Shakespeare's__________.

A.poems B.characters

C.performances D.achievements

3.Modern people still like reading Shakespeare's works to_______.

A.enjoy good stories B.experience history

C.admire heroes D.gain knowledge

4.What can be learned about Hamlet?

A.He is in a dilemma. B.He hates his father.

C.He is afraid of death. D.He never takes action.



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