满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Nancy and her husband were overnight in ...

    Nancy and her husband were overnight in Atlanta as they waited to connect with a flight to South Africa. They are going there to meet her ________ and have a nice three-week vacation.

Unluckily, their luggage had already been ______. So they were wondering if they should get on that ______to South Africa. But their friends had put on a lot of efforts _______ their trip in South Africa including _______ for trips they would go on. So, Nancy ended up deciding to go without their ________ and hope for the best.

They were about to _______ in the hotel when the telephone rang. But it was not about their luggage. It was Nancy’s son _______ her that her 87-year-old mother was _______. She was in hospital. Her son said she’d better____ immediately. But Nancy was ________. They had been planning this trip for a long time but she wanted to ________ her mother too. Nancy wished she could talk to someone that can give her some ________ advice. When her husband went to sleep, she lay awake wrestling with her ________. Suddenly, she heard her mother’s voice, “Go. ________ your trip!” Nancy wondered if she had ________ it. Nancy felt as if her mother were there with her. The voice and message were so ________ and strong.

The next morning, Nancy’s husband asked what she decided. Before she could ________, there came a telephone ring. It was Nancy’s sister. She told Nancy she would take good care of their mother. Meanwhile, their luggage has been eventually ________.

Deeply touched, Nancy felt extremely fortunate living in such a harmonious family. Nancy and her husband headed for South Africa with ________ in time.

1.A.mother B.relatives C.son D.friends

2.A.lost B.checked C.delivered D.weighed

3.A.ship B.flight C.train D.coach

4.A.delaying B.changing C.planning D.canceling

5.A.reservations B.trouble C.regulation D.excitement

6.A.passports B.wallet C.cellphones D.luggage

7.A.instruct B.wander C.sleep D.work

8.A.warning B.informing C.predicting D.declaring

9.A.nervous B.delighted C.exhausted D.sick

10.A.escape B.respond C.return D.mourn

11.A.calm B.encouraged C.relaxed D.torn

12.A.attend to B.look for C.take in D.leave alone

13.A.unreasonable B.practical C.dishonest D.selfish

14.A.disease B.imagination C.decision D.promise

15.A.Forget B.Enjoy C.Record D.Abandon

16.A.imagined B.claimed C.rewarded D.expressed

17.A.illegal B.strange C.clear D.rare

18.A.repeat B.request C.regret D.reply

19.A.signed B.found C.opened D.wrapped

20.A.relief B.embarrassment C.disappointment D.anxiety


1.D 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.A 6.D 7.C 8.B 9.D 10.C 11.D 12.A 13.B 14.C 15.B 16.A 17.C 18.D 19.B 20.A 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。南希和她的丈夫在亚特兰大过夜,等待转机前往南非。他们要去那里见她的朋友,度过一个为期三周的愉快假期。结果不幸地是他们的行李丢了,南希的母亲也生病了需要人照顾,南希陷入了两难的选择。结果第二天南希的姐姐打电话来告诉南希她会照顾母亲,同时他们的行李也找到了,于是他们继续前往南非旅行。 1. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:他们要去那里见她的朋友,度过一个为期三周的愉快假期。A. mother母亲;B. relatives亲戚;C. son儿子;D. friends朋友。根据第二段中But their friends had put on a lot of efforts可知他们是去见朋友。故选D。 2. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:不幸的是,他们的行李已经丢失了。A. lost失去;B. checked检查;C. delivered递送;D. weighed称重。根据上文Unluckily, their luggage had already been可知不幸的是,他们的行李丢了。故选A。 3. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:所以他们想知道他们是否应该坐飞机去南非。A. ship船;B. flight飞机;C. train训练;D. coach教练。根据第一段中connect with a flight to South Africa.可知他们原计划坐飞机去南非。故选B。 4. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:但是他们的朋友们在计划他们的南非之旅上花了很多精力,包括预定他们将要去的旅行。A. delaying延期;B. changing改变;C. planning计划;D. canceling取消。结合上文their friends had put on a lot of efforts可知朋友为计划他们在南非的旅行花了很多精力。故选C。 5. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:但是他们的朋友们在计划他们的南非之旅上花了很多精力,包括预定他们将要去的旅行。A. reservations预订,保留;B. trouble麻烦;C. regulation管理;D. excitement激动。结合后文for trips they would go on可知是预订将要去的旅行。故选A。 6. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:所以,南希最终决定不带行李去,希望一切都好。A. passports护照;B. wallet钱包;C. cellphones电话;D. luggage行李。上文提到他们的行李丢失,所以此处指不带行李去南非。故选D。 7. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:他们正要在旅馆里睡觉,这时电话铃响了。A. instruct指导;B. wander徘徊;C. sleep睡觉;D. work工作。根据后文in the hotel可知是在旅馆里正准备睡觉。故选C。 8. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:是南希的儿子告诉她,她87岁的母亲生病了。A. warning警告;B. informing通知;C. predicting预测;D. declaring说明。结合后文her that her 87-year-old mother was可知南希的儿子通知南希,她的母亲病了。故选B。 9. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:是南希的儿子告诉她,她87岁的母亲生病了。A. nervous紧张的;B. delighted高兴的;C. exhausted筋疲力尽的;D. sick生病的。根据后文She was in hospital.可知南希的母亲生病了在医院。故选D。 10. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:她儿子说她最好马上回来。A. escape逃跑;B. respond回答;C. return返回;D. mourn哀悼。上文提到南希的母亲生病了,所以儿子肯定是让南希最好马上返回家里。故选C。 11. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:但是南希很难抉择。A. calm平静的;B. encouraged受到鼓舞的;C. relaxed放松的;D. torn难以抉择的。结合后文They had been planning this trip for a long time but she wanted to可知一方面南希计划这次旅行很久了,但是另一方面她又想去照顾母亲,所以她很难抉择。故选D。 12. 考查动词短语辨析。句意:他们计划这次旅行已经很久了,但她也想照顾她的母亲。A. attend to照料;B. look for寻找;C. take in理解;D. leave alone不干扰。结合后文her mother too可知是指照顾生病的母亲。故选A。 13. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:南希希望她能和能给她一些实际建议的人谈谈。A. unreasonable不合理的;B. practical实际的;C. dishonest不诚实的;D. selfish自私的。上文提到南希陷入了两难的选择,肯定是希望有人能刚她一些实际的建议。故选B。 14. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:她丈夫睡着了,她却躺在床上,苦苦思索着自己的决定。A. disease疾病;B. imagination想象力;C. decision决定;D. promise承诺。结合上文可知南希需要在继续去南非旅行,还是回家照顾妈妈之间做出决定。故选C。 15. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:享受你的旅行!A. Forget忘记;B. Enjoy享受;C. Record记录;D. Abandon遗弃。根据上文Go.可知母亲支持南希去旅行,因此说“去吧,去享受你的旅行”。故选B。 16. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:南希怀疑这是不是她想象出来的。A. imagined想象;B. claimed声称;C. rewarded奖赏;D. expressed表达。南希并不在家里,并不能听到母亲的声音,所以她怀疑是自己想象出来母亲的声音的。故选A。 17. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:声音和信息是如此的清晰和有力。A. illegal非法的;B. strange奇怪的;C. clear清楚的;D. rare稀有的。根据上文Nancy felt as if her mother were there with her.可知南希觉得母亲好像就在她身边,声音和信息是如此的清晰和有力。故选C。 18. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:她还没来得及回答,电话铃就响了。A. repeat重复;B. request请求;C. regret后悔;D. reply回答。根据上文Nancy’s husband asked what she decided.可知丈夫询问南希的决定,南希还没来得及回答。故选D。 19. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:与此同时,他们的行李最终被找到了。A. signed签名;B. found找到;C. opened打开;D. wrapped包裹。根据上文She told Nancy she would take good care of their mother. Meanwhile, their luggage has been eventually可知传来的都是好消息,母亲有了人照顾,行李也终于被找到了。故选B。 20. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:南希和她的丈夫终于松了一口气,及时前往南非。A. relief减轻;欣慰;B. embarrassment尴尬;C. disappointment失望;D. anxiety焦虑。结合上文可知南希生病的母亲有了人照顾,他们丢失的行李也找到了,所以他们都松了一口气,继续前往南非旅行。with relief“松一口气”。故选A。

Ways to Conquer Fear

Life can be scary. Sometimes you’ll face situations that put you in a position where you feel unprepared.1. If you’re often filled with fear, there are a few things you can do to lessen those feelings. Here are four tips for conquering your fear.

1. Take a deep breath

Breathing exercises will help lower your heart rate and calm your nerves.2. In this way, you’ll be able to calm down and focus.

2. Face your fear

One way to get over a situation that makes you fearful is to face your fear head on. For example, if you’re afraid of public speaking, accept opportunities to speak in front of people.3.

3. Pay attention to negative thoughts

Your thoughts have a great influence on how you feel. When you focus on how afraid you are, the fear will become worse. Continuing to feed negative thoughts will just make you feel bad and anxious.4. Take control of your anxious thoughts and replace them with self-affirming ones.

4. search for a partner

5. Having a support system will make it easier for you to deal with fear. Studies have shown that a support network aids in emotional well-being.

A.Don’t let your fear rule you.

B.Not knowing what to expect can result in feelings of fear and anxiety.

C.Seek a friend to team up with you to tackle (处理) your fears.

D.Making friends is not very difficult for us.

E.It is time you should do something to get rid of your fear.

F.So when you’re struck with panic, breathe deeply.

G.Start with a small group and then work your way to a larger audience.



    CHICAGO--- Airplanes are polluters. They're as noisy as a rock concert, and send out poisons into the air as well as dump millions of pounds of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere every year. By 2050, emissions (排放) from planes are expected to become one of the largest contributors to global warming.

That’s why researchers at MIT are designing a completely new type of airplane for NASA that will enable greener airplanes to take flight before 2050.

The 180-passenger D “double bubble” series was designed to replace the Boeing 737 class aircraft, the most popular jetliner in the world right now. The design is called a “double bubble” because it uses two partial cylinders (气缸) placed side by side. Those two cylinders create a wider structure that looks like two soap bubbles joined together.

In today’s commercial airplanes, air flows directly into the engines located on the plane’s wings. That high-speed air flow drags on the plane, and requires more fuel to overcome the design inefficiency.

MIT’s design changes all that. By moving the engines to the plane’s tail, they take in slower moving air present in the wake of the fuselage (机舱). Less drag means less fuel is needed to get the plane the same distance.

Burning less fuel can help passengers’ wallet as well as the environment. The environmental implications of saving energy are as just as clear: the fewer emissions that planes spout(喷射) into the atmosphere, the healthier our planet.

But for passengers, we still have a couple decades to wait before any of these planes make it onto the runway. NASA’s goal is to make sure the planes that MIT has designed can take off by 2035.

1.The best feature of the double bubble flight is that _____.

A.it will make no noise B.it will hold more passengers

C.it is designed to save fuel D.it needs no runways to take off

2.Which of the following is NOT true according to the text?

A.It's expected that NASA’s goal will be realized by the year 2035.

B.Airplanes are very noisy for the environment

C.MIT’s new design will save passengers’ money

D.Emission from planes are contributing the most to the global warming now.

3.What’s the main idea of the text?

A.Here is Boeing 737's end

B.Passengers will enjoy lower prices

C.Researchers are designing greener aircraft

D.Airlines attract passengers with new planes

4.The passage comes from a ____.

A.Science textbook B.News report

C.Travel guide D.Environment research



    China which boasts 4 inventions in ancient times, has once again shown its ability to change the world with its “new four great inventions”: high-speed railways, electronic payments, shared bicycles and online shopping. “The new great inventions are all related to China’s high technologies, which improved the quality of people’s lives.” said Wu Hao, executive director of the BRRI.

“It is increasingly clear that China is innovative and is leading in many ways such as social messaging app WeChat,”said Rebecca Fannin, founder and editor of Silicon Dragon.

The new four innovative ways of life were most appealing to youths from 20 countries participating in the Belt and Road Initiative, according to a survey by the Belt and Road Research Institute of Beijing Foreign Studies University.

“My wallet is no longer in use. I can buy and eat whatever I want simply with a tap of my phone, “said Lin Jinlong, an overseas Chinese student from Cambodia, adding that. “even pancake sellers are using Alipay”. “I can order food at home in China, which is super convenient. If I were at home in Cambodia, I would have to go outdoors.”

“The trip from Beijing to the coastal city of Tianjin is more than 100 km. You can’t imagine how fast it takes if you travel by Chinese high-speed train. It will take only half an hour. But in Cambodia, which has only two railways, the traveling time of the same distance will be increased 6 times,” said Lin.

“China has entered a new period,” said Bernhard Schwartlander, World Health Organization Representative in China. As a huge fan of bicycles, Bernhard expressed his affection for China’s shared bicycles, saying that “shared bikes are bringing cycling back to people’s lives and they are making public transport more attractive and convenient, and encouraging people to be more active.”

1.What does the underlined word “innovative” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?





2.What do we know from Lin Jinlong’s words?

A.Food can be ordered by cell phones in Cambodian.

B.Alipay is only popular with pancake sellers in China.

C.Traveling 100 km by rail in Cambodia takes up to 3 hours.

D.Wallets can be replaced by cell phones both in China and Cambodia.

3.Which invention impressed Bernhard most?

A.High-speed railways.

B.Electronic payments.

C.Shared bicycles.

D.Online shopping.

4.What is the main purpose of the passage?

A.To compare old and new four Chinese great inventions.

B.To introduce benefits of popular means of transportation.

C.To present a Cambodian student's living experience in China.

D.To show how four Chinese new inventions impressed the world.



    Larry Ritsema was out for an early morning jog around his neighborhood on one weekend. On a quiet street, he began to feel weak. Suddenly, everything went black. Larry fell to the ground.

Less than a minute later, Tom Alguire passed by on his bicycle. He caught sight of a man lying on the roadside, so he jumped off his bike and ran over. He recognized Larry immediately, because he had been Larry’s doctor for nearly 20 years.

Dr. Tom felt for a pulse (脉搏) at first. Finding none, he began to give Larry first aid. It wouldn’t restart Larry’s heart, but it would keep the blood flowing until someone else arrived. Tom could only hope someone would come by soon, around six o’clock in the morning on a holiday weekend. Tom couldn’t stop pressing Larry’s chest to run for help — Larry’s brain cells would die without the blood. And Tom didn’t have a cell phone with him.

Soon, a car did drive by. But the driver ignored Tom’s appeal for help. What was he going to do? Tom was very worried. Finally, another car came down the road, driven by Michael Saliot, a U.S. Coast Guard Officer. Michael wasn’t one to pass up a chance to help a person in need. He quickly dialed 911.

Doctors then found that Larry had suffered a heart attack and there were severe blockages in two of Larry’s major arteries (动脉). Only the timely arrival of Dr. Tom saved his life.

How did Dr. Tom happen to be bicycling that morning, down that quiet street? It turned out that as Tom rode, his bike chain fell off. He spent about eight minutes fitting it back; otherwise, he would have seen nothing of Larry’s problem.

1.Doctor Tom gave Larry first aid in order to _____.

A.wake up Larry B.keep Larry’s blood flowing

C.restart Larry’s pulse D.stop Larry from bleeding

2.Why didn’t Tom call 911 for help?

A.He couldn’t stop pressing Larry’s chest.

B.He was waiting for someone else for help.

C.He was so nervous that he forgot to do it.

D.He didn’t take a cell phone with him.

3.Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?

A.Tom Alguire saw Larry when Larry fell to the ground.

B.Larry Ritsema went to work early on foot that morning.

C.Tom fitted his bike chain back after Larry was sent to hospital.

D.Michael Saliot was a man always ready to help others.



    Nia fitness class

A unique combination of yoga, dance and martial arts techniques, Nia is a new form of fitness designed for people of all fitness levels to open up their body and relax.

When: Every Wednesday 5-6 pm

Cost: 100 yuan for one class, 500 yuan for six

Contact: 135-2299-3724

Where: D-1F Jinxiuyuan Apartment, Xing Fu Cun Zhong Lu, Chaoyang District

The Red Detachment of Women

Part of the closing ceremony for the 11th “Meet in Beijing” Arts Festival, the China National Ballet will be performing The Red Detachment of Women, one of the most successful full-length Chinese ballets.

When: May 25, 7:30 pm

Cost: 80-1,080 yuan

Contact: 6417-7845, ponypiaoen@hotmail.com

Where: Poly Plaza, 14 Dongzhimen Nandajie, Dongcheng District

Student rock

College bands Las Vegas, Strange July, Wet Sand, Poshangcun and Ganrao Diantai will take the stage at D-22 to show some of the best talent.

With many of Beijing’s best underground bands getting their start at D-22, it’s a place to experience new sounds, faces and performances inspired by the city’s youngest talent.

When: May 27, 8:30 pm

Cost: 20 yuan

Contact: 6265-3177

Where: D-22, 242 Chengfu Lu, Haidian District

Speed dating “on wheels”

The speed dating industry is not new in China. All speed dating is the same: small tables, pleasant environment, nervous people.

Speed dating “on wheels” is a new form of speed dating. The details: Chinese rickshaws (人力车) will drive you around the romantic places at Houhai Lake, stopping to make a change.

This traditional atmosphere will bring more romance to the old, boring speed dating.

When: June 5, 2-4 pm

Cost: 150 yuan (rickshaws and bar included)

Where: Houhai Lake

1.If a couple want to attend two Nia fitness classes, they need to pay _____.

A.100 yuan B.200 yuan C.300 yuan D.400 yuan

2.Which of the following activities can you attend if you are available on the evening of May 27?

A.Student rock. B.The Red Detachment of Women.

C.Nia fitness class. D.Speed dating “on wheels”.

3.Which of the following about the speed dating “on wheels” is TRUE?

A.It is not new in China. B.It lasts a whole day on June 5.

C.It is suitable for nervous people and old people. D.It will not cost people extra money to take rickshaws.

4.If you want to enjoy the ballet performance, you should go to _____.

A.D-1F Jinxiuyuan Apartment B.Houhai Lake

C.Poly Plaza D.D-22



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