满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

根据首字母及汉语提示拼写单词或在空白处填入一个合适的词。 1.Many of t...


1.Many of the rebels were captured and t____________ (折磨) by secret police.

2.I’ve got a r____________ (大致的) idea of where I want to go.

3.There is convincing e____________ (证据) of a link between exposure to sun and skin cancer.

4.He smiled i____________ (讥讽地) .

5.We searched until we knew it would be p____________ (没有意义) to continue.

6.He’s getting a phone i____________ (安装) tomorrow.

7.A plastic bag was f____________ (漂浮) in the water.

8.Habits and skills in our past experiences are the b____________ (基础) for the decisions we make.

9.The house had many drawbacks, most n____________ (尤其) its price.

10.Special m____________ (措施) are being taken to protect the local water supplies.

11.Only the timely __________ (arrive) of the police prevented the situation from becoming worse.

12.His ideas were clear and ___________ (logical) presented.

13.The manager suggested that this work ____________ (finish) tomorrow.

14.John wants to be famous—he is tired ____________ being nobody.

15.Are you familiar __________ this type of machine?


1.tortured 2.rough 3.evidence 4.ironically 5.pointless 6.installed 7.floating 8.bases 9.notably 10.measures 11.arrival 12.logically 13.(should) be finished 14.of 15.with 【解析】 1. 考查过去分词。句意:许多叛军被秘密警察抓获并严刑拷打。主语Many of the rebels和谓语动词torture(折磨)之间是被动关系,应用被动语态(be done),此处用过去分词形式。故填tortured。 2. 考查形容词。句意:我对我想去的地方有个大致的想法。此处用形容词rough(大致的),修饰名词idea,该空作名词的定语。故填rough。 3. 考查名词。句意:有令人信服的证据表明暴露在阳光下和皮肤癌之间有联系。convincing e______ (证据) of a link,是一个名词所有格,此空用名词形式,名词evidence符合句意。故填evidence。 4. 考查副词。句意:他讽刺地笑了。副词ironically(讥讽地)修饰动词smiled,作状语。故填ironically。 5. 考查形容词。句意:我们一直在寻找,直到我们知道继续下去是没有意义的。it would be p____ (没有意义) to continue,此空用形容词作表语,形容词pointless符合句意。故填pointless。 6. 考查过去分词。句意:他明天要装电话。get sth. done(使某物/事被做……),此空用过去分词形式,install(安装)符合句意。故填installed。 7. 考查现在分词。句意:一个塑料袋正漂浮在水中。由句意可知,此处表“(过去)正飘在水上”,用过去进行时(was/were doing),用现在分词形式,即floating。故填floating。 8. 考查名词。句意:过去经验中的习惯和技能是我们做出决定的基础。此处用名词作表语,由句意可知,base(基础)指的是Habits and skills(复数),base是可数名词,此处用名词复数形式。故填bases。 9. 考查副词。句意:这房子有许多缺点,尤其是它的价格。此处用副词作状语,副词notably(尤其)符合句意。故填notably。 10. 考查名词。句意:正在采取特别措施保护当地的供水。此处名词作主语,谓语are being是复数形式,主谓一致,主语也是复数,measure(措施)是可数名词,此空用名词的复数形式。故填measures。 11. 考查名词。句意:只有警察及时赶到,情况才没有恶化。Only the timely __________ (arrive) of the police是名词所有格,名词作主语,名词arrival(到达)符合句意。故填arrival。 12. 考查副词。句意:他的思想清晰,逻辑地呈现。副词logically(逻辑地)修饰动词presented,作状语,此空用副词形式。故填logically。 13. 考查虚拟语气。句意:经理建议这项工作明天完成。动词suggest后接宾语从句,要用虚拟语气,从句谓语用(should) +do原形,从句主语this work和谓语finish之间是被动关系,要用被动语态,此空用(should) be done形式。故填(should) be finished。 14. 考查固定搭配。句意:约翰想出名,他厌倦了当无名小卒。固定搭配be tired of…(对……厌倦)。故填of。 15. 考查固定搭配。句意:你熟悉这种机器吗?固定搭配be familiar with…(对……熟悉)。故填with。


The art of creating pictures using colors, shapes and lines is called painting. Museums and galleries show the paintings of professional (专业的) artists. But painting is also a popular form of entertainment and creative expression.

1.. Experienced painters usually use a brush to apply oil paints to a canvas cloth surface. Young painters usually use watercolors on pieces of paper. Very young children may use finger paints to create paintings.

Painters can use their art to express devotion to a religion, to tell a story, to express feelings and ideas, or simply to present a pleasing picture. Religious paintings often show a god or a scene from a sacred text (圣典). Other common subjects have been famous legends and events in history, as well as scenes from daily life. Artists also paint portraits (画像), or pictures of people.2.. All of these types of paintings show the human figure in some way.

Some kinds of paintings do not focus on people. In landscape (风景) painting the focus is on scenes from nature. Artists also paint still objects such as fruits and vegetables.3.. Some artists communicate their ideas through pictures that do not represent any object.

4.. Paintings dating back 15,000 years have been found on the walls of caves in France and Spain.

5. Samples of painted pottery (陶器) from at least 5,000 years ago have been found in China and Iran. The ancient Egyptians decorated their temples with beautiful paintings. People in ancient Greece painted decorative objects such as vases in addition to the walls of temples.

A.These works are called still-life paintings.

B.These works can communicate a special feeling.

C.Humans have been making paintings for thousands of years.

D.People of all ages create pictures using a variety of materials.

E.Cave paintings generally show animals that early humans hunted.

F.The design of a painting is the plan of its lines, shapes and colors.

G.Sometimes artists make portraits of themselves, which are called self-portraits.



    Have you ever felt so tired after staying up for a night that even coffee doesn't give you the energy that you need? You may have an energy drink, but the benefits of drinking one arc heavily outweighed by the risks.

In the past years, more and more studies have found the deadly effects of energy drinks on our bodies. The sugar, caffeine and energy supplements (补充)in energy drinks make up a deadly mixture of ingredients that can affect your heart function and send you to the hospital!

A study by the University of Bonn, Germany found that frequent consumption of energy drinks can greatly change the way our heart functions. The study went on to say that consuming energy drinks often causes significantly increased heart contractions in adults, which has the potential of putting you at risk for irregular heartbeats.

It is possible that many people are unconscious of the alarming side effects of energy drinks because of the way they are labelled. Most energy drinks contain between 80 milligrams to over 350 milligrams of caffeine, sugar and energy supplements. When an energy drink is marketed as a diet supplement, it may be distributed without a "nutrition facts" label, which would show the harmful supplements that are in the drink. However, even if energy drinks are Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved, they don’t have to show the number of supplements.

Energy drinks may be widely available but they aren't the healthiest or safest choice for your body. To stay naturally energized, get organized and stay on top of your work so that you aren't having to stay up all night to complete assigned tasks. If you'd like a natural energy boost, you could make time for a short workout, which will give you all of the energy you need!

1.Which of the following is the side effect of the energy drinks?

A.Making people thinner.

B.Making people's heart bigger.

C.Making people run a risk of falling ill.

D.Making people suffer from heart attack.

2.Why are many people unaware of the harmful effects of energy drinks?

A.Because they don't read the label carefully.

B.Because FDA thinks they are healthy drinks.

C.Because the harmful materials are not labelled.

D.Because factories of energy drinks lie to drinkers.

3.What is the last paragraph mainly about?

A.The benefits of doing exercise.

B.The better choice of right drinks.

C.The way to have enough energy.

D.The effects of energy drinks.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.Don't Drink Energy Drinks

B.Many People Enjoy Energy Drinks

C.The Materials Energy Drinks Contain

D.Energy Drinks Could Send You to Hospital



    Something strange happened when I was 14 years old. Every previous year on Thanksgiving Day I’d woken up early, filled with excitement. But that Thanksgiving, for some reason I saw no reason to celebrate. None of my family were really thankful, I realized. The whole thing was a lie!

During the dinner time, I left, hiding in the guest room and cried. My mom came to see what was wrong. “No one is really thankful!” I sobbed, “They just pretend for one day because that’s what they’re supposed to do!”

After I finished talking, she nodded. “You’re right,” she told me. “It’s fake until you find the truth for yourself.” She said it was my choice whether to celebrate with them or not. She said Thanksgiving is a time to reflect because we don’t always get to see loved ones and eat a good meal. Then she left.

I didn’t listen to her, thinking that every holiday was a lie and I could never find joy celebrating again. But giving in to my starving stomach, I went back to the dining room in a few minutes. I couldn’t believe what I saw. My entire extended family was waiting for me with wide smiles and concerned looks, and the table was loaded with untouched plates.

“Andy,” my aunt said, “We can’t eat without you. We’re waiting for your turn. Now you can start it.” I didn’t know what to say first. Finally, I said I was thankful for having a younger brother to teach, play with, and see grow.

The family shared, and everyone had something beautiful to say. Listening to what they said, I suddenly understood what my mom meant about finding out my own reason for celebrating. For me, this holiday was a chance to pause and reflect on everything I cared about.

And with that, I took a huge and satisfying bite of food.

1.Why did the author hide himself and cry on the Thanksgiving Day?

A.Because he got up too late.

B.Because he thought the dinner was tasteless.

C.Because he thought his family didn’t show real thankfulness.

D.Because some of his family were absent from the celebration.

2.What can we know about the author’s mother according to the text?

A.She was strict with her son.

B.She was very understanding.

C.She felt disappointed in the author.

D.She showed great worry about the author.

3.What does the underlined word “it” in paragraph 5 refer to?

A.Making a wish. B.Having dinner.

C.Giving a performance. D.Expressing thankfulness.

4.Which of the following can be the best title for the text?

A.Love and lies B.My loving mother

C.An unforgettable dinner D.An inspiring Thanksgiving



    Young children often “read” picture books. They’re attracted by the colorful scenery and the realistic characters that contribute to fascinating plots.

Unfortunately, some children can’t use these resources, even if they do know how to read. Take three-year-old Elodie Bateson for example. Elodie was born with under-developed eyes and has retinal detachments (视网膜脱落), making her visually impaired.

It is because of people like Elodie that Tom Yeh, head of the Tactile Picture Books Project, has started printing 3D books, so they can feel the illustrations in picture books.

The first book Tom Yeh printed was Goodnight Moon, a popular children’s book about a rabbit going to sleep and wishing good night to his surroundings. In the 3D version of this book, children can feel each thing that the rabbit says good night to, whether it is a cow jumping over the moon, a balloon, or a dollhouse.

Generally, when children grow older, they read by using Braille, a language that was invented by Louis Braille in 1824. It uses different patterns of raised dots representing different letters. Readers can then feel the dots and mentally translate the patterns they feel into words. The only problem is that many blind children do not start learning Braille until they are about six years old.

Another reason why 3D printed books are such a valuable resource is that children don’t have to know how to read to understand them. However, without these, visually impaired kids are losing six developmental years vital to their growth since they can’t take advantage of picture books.

When 3D picture books are printed, plastic is layered (分层放置) repeatedly over a single shape: the shape of the illustration. These raised pictures created through layered plastic serve as substitutes (替代品) for the Braille letters that little children have no knowledge of.

1.What does the underlined word “impaired” in paragraph 2 mean

A.Damaged. B.Disappeared. C.Defeated. D.Unmatched.

2.What can we know about Braille from paragraph 5

A.Most people can translate Braille into words.

B.The blind at any age can read by using Braille.

C.Blind kids begin learning Braille at six years old or so.

D.Braille uses similar patterns of raised dots to stand for different letters.

3.We can know that the illustrations in 3D books are raised ______ .

A.pictures B.letters C.dots D.codes

4.What is the aim of the Tactile Picture Books Project

A.To encourage kids to read books. B.To teach the blind children Braille.

C.To cure visually impaired children. D.To help the blind children read picture books.



    Four Sydney Youth Stamp Group (SYSG) workshops are held each year during the school holidays for children aged 7 to 17. We have a Junior group (7 to 11 year olds) and a Senior group (12to 17 year olds). The workshops are for children at home and abroad, who want to further their stamp collecting enjoyment and skills, and we especially welcome those who are new to this field.

2020 Workshop Dates:

Friday 24 January 2020-- Theme: Italy

Saturday 18 April 2020--Theme: Sport in Australia

Saturday 18 July 2020--Theme: USA

Saturday 10 October 2020-- Theme: Netherlands

Cost: Free

Venue: Philatelic Association of NSW, Inc. (Philas House) 17 Brisbane Street, Surry Hills

Time: 10:30am to 3:00pm (children are to be seated by 10:30am. Parents, please arrive a little earlier to have your children’s names checked off)

How to book: Download a registration form, click here (PDF 24kb). Complete the form and mail it to the Coordinator ( 协调者)The Coordinator will send you an email confirming your booking. Bookings are accepted up to 28 days before each workshop. Parents can also email the Coordinator to add your name to our mailing list, you will receive a letter in the mail and registration form, about our next workshop.

Items (物品) children can bring(we understand beginners may not have some of these items, but do not worry, just come along):

Stamp Album, with or without stamps

Lead pencil, coloured pencils, scissors, ruler, ballpoint or felt-tip pen

Australian Stamp Catalogue (Seven Seas- - preferably a fairly recent edition)

1.Who are most welcomed in the SYSG workshops?

A.Junior group members.

B.Senior group members.

C.Foreign stamp collectors.

D.Beginners of stamp collecting.

2.What does the last SYSG workshop in 2020 focus on?

A.Sport in Australia B.Netherlands

C.Italy D.America

3.Where is the text most probably taken from?

A.A website. B.A children magazine.

C.A tourist brochure. D.A newspaper.



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