满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Once there was a little boy who enjoyed ...

    Once there was a little boy who enjoyed reading books, especially comic-strips (连环漫画). His uncle called him “Sparky", after a comic-strip horse named Spark Plug. But it was _______ for Sparky to feel happy at school because he failed every subject in the eighth grade. Though he did manage to enter the school's golf team and tried very hard, he still _______ the only important match of the season.

Throughout his youth, Sparky was shy and felt _______with strangers. It wasn’t that the other students disliked him. It’s just that no one really _______all that much. In fact, Sparky was _______ if a classmate said hello to him after class. Sparky was a loser. His classmates knew it, so he learned to _______ it.

But Sparky was fond of drawing. He was _______ of his artwork. No one else appreciated it. But that didn’t seem to _______ to him. In his high school, he sent some cartoons to the yearbook. The editors _______ his ideas. Despite that, Sparky was ________ of his ability. He even decided to become a(n) ________.

So, after completing high school, Sparky wrote to Walt Disney Studios. Despite ________preparation, it wasn’t accepted, which ________ that he was a loser again.

But Sparky still didn’t ________; he decided to tell his own life in cartoons. The main character was a little boy who always lost and failed. Because Sparky’s cartoon character went on to become a kind of cultural phenomenon, people ________ identified with(认同) this “lovable loser”. He ________ people of the painful and ________ moments to walk from their own past, of their pain and their shared humanity. The character soon became famous worldwide. And Sparky, the boy whose many ________ never kept him from trying, whose work was not accepted again and again, is the highly ________ cartoonist Charles Schultz. His cartoon strip Peanuts continues to ________ us, even the losers, to find a way in our life.

1.A.uncertain B.imperfect C.impossible D.unnecessary

2.A.attended B.lost C.watched D.covered

3.A.patient B.selfish C.innocent D.nervous

4.A.cared B.needed C.paid D.understood

5.A.motivated B.guilty C.astonished D.curious

6.A.live with B.learn about C.depend on D.find out

7.A.afraid B.proud C.tired D.confident

8.A.happen B.belong C.occur D.matter

9.A.accepted B.ignored C.rejected D.changed

10.A.sure B.aware C.ashamed D.tired

11.A.scientist B.artist C.editor D.headmaster

12.A.special B.busy C.hurried D.careful

13.A.seemed B.grew C.proved D.designed

14.A.give up B.turn up C.show off D.worry about

15.A.cautiously B.willingly C.suddenly D.hopelessly

16.A.warned B.promised C.informed D.reminded

17.A.exciting B.surprising C.embarrassing D.amusing

18.A.failures B.experiences C.sufferings D.chances

19.A.cheerful B.successful C.powerful D.thoughtful

20.A.please B.disturb C.satisfy D.inspire


1.C 2.B 3.D 4.A 5.C 6.A 7.B 8.D 9.C 10.A 11.B 12.D 13.C 14.A 15.B 16.D 17.C 18.A 19.B 20.D 【解析】 本文是一篇夹叙夹议的文章。讲述著名的卡通画家Charles Schultz.坎坷的成长经历,他用他的作品告诉我们:即使是失败者,也要找到人生的出路。 1. 考查形容词的辨析。句意:但对Sparky来说,在学校里不可能感到快乐,因为他在八年级时每门功课都不及格。A. uncertain不确定;B. imperfect 不完美;C. impossible 不可能;D. unnecessary不确定。根据下文“because he failed every subject in the eighth grade. 因为他在八年级时每门功课都不及格。”可知Sparky是不可能感到开心的,结合选项可知答案为C。 2. 考查动词的辨析。句意:尽管他成功地进入了学校的高尔夫球队,并且非常努力,但他还是输掉了本赛季唯一一场重要的比赛。A. attended 参加;B. lost 丢失、失败;C. watched 观看; D. covered覆盖。因为前句“Though he did manage to enter the school's golf team and tried very hard,”与空格所在句子是转折关系,可知空格所在句子表达了不好的结果,结合选项可知答案为B。 3. 考查形容词的辨析。句意:在他的整个青年时代,Sparky都很害羞,和陌生人在一起时感觉很紧张。A. patient耐心的;B. selfish自私的; C. innocent 无辜的;D. nervous紧张的。根据空格前“Sparky was shy and felt…”可知空格处所填词与shy应表达一致的意思,结合选项可知答案为D。 4. 考查动词的辨析。句意:只是没有人真的那么在意。A. cared 关心;B. needed需要;C. paid付、赔;D. understood理解。根据前文“It wasn’t that the other students disliked him. 并不是其他学生不喜欢他。”可知此处空格所在句子讲的是为什么Sparky害羞,不太合群的原因,结合选项可知答案为A。 5. 考查形容词的辨析。句意:事实上,Sparky很会很惊讶,如果有同学在课后跟他打招呼。A. motivated积极的; B. guilty罪恶的;C. astonished 惊讶的;D. curious好奇的。根据下文“Sparky was a loser. His classmates knew it,”可知Sparky的同学都知道他是学习上的失败者,再结合上文没人关注Sparky的细节描写可知当有人向Sparky打招呼时,他一定会感觉到吃惊,结合选项可知答案为C。 6. 考查动词短语的辨析。句意:他的同学都知道,所以他学会了忍受。A. live with 忍受;B. learn about学习;C. depend on 依靠;D. find out找出。根据前文的讲述可知Sparky学习不好,也没人关注他,他的同学都知道他是一个失败者,对于这一点Sparky只能学着适应和忍受,结合选项可知答案为A。 7. 考查形容词的辨析。句意:但是Sparky 喜欢画画,他对他的作品非常骄傲。A. afraid 害怕的;B. proud 骄傲的;C. tired 劳累的;D. confident自信的。根据空格前句“But Sparky was fond of drawing.”可知空格所在的句子是聚义的转折,前文都在讲Sparky的失败之处,此处转折才开始讲Sparky的优势,结合选项可知答案为B。 8. 考查动词的辨析。句意:没有人欣赏他的作品,但对他来说无关紧要。A. happen发生;B. belong属于;C. occur 发生、出现;D. matter 有关系。根据“No one else appreciated it. But that didn’t seem to ___8___ to him”中的But可知这两句之间是转折关系,意为:没人欣赏他的作品,但是他不在乎。结合选项可知答案为D。 9. 考查动词的辨析。句意:编辑拒绝了他的想法。A. accepted 接受;B. ignored忽略;C. rejected 拒绝;D. changed改变。根据下文“it wasn’t accepted, which ___13___ that he was a loser again.”可知空格所在的这一句讲述的也是不好的结果,结合选项可知答案为C。 10. 考查形容词的辨析。句意:尽管如此,Sparky 对自己的能力很确信。A. sure 确定;B. aware意识;C. ashamed 害羞;D. tired劳累的。根据“Despite that,He even decided to become a(n) ___11___ .”可知虽然Sparky遭到了拒绝,但他还决定成为从事绘画工作的人,由此可知Sparky对自己的能力很有自信,结合选项可知答案为A。 11. 考查名词的辨析。句意:他决定成为一名艺术家。A. scientist 科学家;B. artist 艺术家;C. editor 编辑;D. headmaster校长。根据前文“But Sparky was fond of drawing. He was ___7___ of his artwork.”可知Sparky擅长绘画,并且对自己的艺术作品很自信,结合选项可知答案为B。 12. 考查形容词的辨析。句意:尽管认真准备,但没有被接受。A. special 特殊的;B. busy 忙碌的;C. hurried 匆忙的;D. careful仔细的。根据“Despite ___12___ preparation, it wasn’t accepted,”中的Despite可知空格所在的句子与it wasn’t accepted是让步关系,则空格处要表达他准备充分/认真地准备,结合选项可知答案为D。 13. 考查动词的辨析。句意:这件事证明了他又一次成为失败者。A. seemed 似乎;B. grew成长; C. proved证明;D. designed设计。根据前文可知Sparky在学习方面是个失败者,当他在绘画方面自信心满满的时候又被拒绝,可知此处指的师这件事证明了他再一次的失败,结合选项可知答案为C。 14. 考查动词短语的辨析。句意:但是Sparky依然不放弃。A. give up 放弃;B. turn up 出现;C. show off 炫耀;D. worry about担心。根据空格所在句句首的But和句中still可知这一次的失败依然没有让Sparky退缩,结合选项可知答案为A。 15. 考查副词的辨析。句意:人们心甘情愿地认同这“可爱的失败者”。A. cautiously 好奇地;B. willingly 心甘情愿地;C. suddenly 突然地;D. hopelessly 毫无希望地。根据前文“Because Sparky’s cartoon character went on to become a kind of cultural phenomenon, 因为Sparky的卡通形象已经成为一种文化现象。”可知他的卡通作品已被广泛接受和认同,结合选项可知答案为B。 16. 考查动词的辨析。句意:他提醒人们从过去痛苦和尴尬的经历中走出来。A. warned 警告;B. promised 承诺;C. informed 通知;D. reminded提醒。根据前文可知Sparky的卡通形象已经成为一种文化现象,他用他的作品表达自己的想法,从而教育提醒人们,结合选项可知答案为D。 17. 考查形容词的辨析。句意:他提醒人们从过去痛苦和尴尬的经历中走出来。A. exciting 令人兴奋的;B. surprising令人吃惊的;C. embarrassing令人尴尬的 ;D. amusing令人愉快的。根据Sparky的卡通作品是以自己的经历为素材,Sparky曾经经历过对陌生人的紧张和害羞以及多次失败的痛苦,街和选项可知答案为C。 18. 考查名词的辨析。句意:这个男孩多次失败经历没有阻止他继续尝试。A. failures失败;B. experiences 经历;C. sufferings 遭受;D. chances改变。根据前文Sparky多次失败的经历以及下文“whose work was not accepted again and again,他的作品一次又一次不被接受”可知答案为A。 19. 考查形容词的辨析。句意:他的作品一次又一次地不被接受,他就是那个非常成功的漫画家Charles Schultz。A. cheerful欢呼的;B. successful成功的; C. powerful 有力量的;D. thoughtful深思熟虑的。根据前文Sparky的卡通形象已经成为一种文化现象,得到了人们的广泛认同可知Sparky现在已经成功了,成为了一名卡通画家,结合选项可知答案为B。 20. 考查动词词的辨析。句意:他的连环漫画《花生》继续激励着我们,即使是失败者,也要在我们的生活中找到出路。A. please请;B. disturb 打扰;C.satisfy 使满意;D. inspire激励、鼓舞。根据空格后一句“even the losers, to find a way in our life.即使是失败者,也要找到生活的出路”可知这是他卡通作品给人的启示,也是对人的鼓励,结合选项可知答案为D。

    A film festival is an event at which multiple (多种多样的) films are screened for participants. Typically, film festivals are accompanied by panels (陪审团) which may consist of directors, cast members, and other film personnel, and awards may be offered at the close of the festival to films of particularly high quality. Numerous regions of the world hold film festivals every year. 1..

The first official film festival appears to have taken place in Venice in 1932, when the medium of film was starting to explode in popularity. 2.. Many started focusing on specific categories within the field of film, such as Independent films, documentaries, animation (动画片), or gay and lesbian films. 3.. That explains why movies have advertisement copy (广告宣传文案) like "Screened at Sundance Film Festival"!

In many cases, a film festival includes multiple venues, allowing participants to pick from several films at once. 4. This information typically includes showing times and details about panels and discussions. Participants may pay a flat fee for admission. Or they may be asked to pay a fee for each screening.

5.. Depending on the festival, the festival may hold an open call for submissions, or filmmakers may be invited to participate. A panel reviews any proposed films, determining which will be shown. If the film festival offers awards, the panel may make award nominations (提名) at this time as well. Filmmakers may be required to pay a fee to submit their work.

A.So take advantage of this chance

B.Getting a film into a film festival is challenging

C.It is also a unique opportunity to meet famous people

D.After the Venice Festival, numerous other cities took up the trend

E.Depending on the festival, just getting a screening can be an honor

F.They range from the famous Berlin Film Festival to smaller regional events

G.Typically, the films to be shown are included in a catalogue having information about them



    You know that thrill you get when listening to your favorite music or that exciting feeling down your spine (脊柱) when you hear your favorite melody or rhythm? According to a recent study, it seems the same thing can happen while you are reading, but not with every kind of text. This opens up fascinating questions around how music, reading and emotions are connected in the brain.

“We decided we would do a comparison between four or five different kinds of texts to see how the brain responded,” explains Professor Adam Zeman, a neurologist. “The participants lay in an MRI scanner reading the texts, and then we compared brain activity for those five texts.” The texts ranged from deadly boring ones to highly exciting ones, including the Highway Code, passages from novels and poems.

As the researchers observed, participants found some texts more emotional than others. When they read these emotional texts, there was higher activity in brain areas associated with pleasure and reward — the same areas related to the thrill we get when we listen to music. As Zeman says, “It was a nice proof that the emotional response to literature and to music has quite a bit in common.”

When the participants were reading poems, the team found there was more activity in a particular group of brain areas called the Default Network. "These areas seem to be associated with things we do with our minds when we are resting, like thinking about what's happened to us recently, thinking about what’s going to happen in the near future, about other people, and that network seems to be more strongly associated with poetry than with prose” explains Zeman. The study shows that the different texts activate different areas of our brains when we read.

1.What can we know from the study?

A.People may feel excited when reading poems. B.People aren’t thrilled when listening to music.

C.Music gives participants more pleasure than text. D.Deadly boring texts never excite the brain.

2.What is the purpose of the comparison between different kinds of texts?

A.To thrill the participants. B.To scan the participants’ brain.

C.To check the response of human's brain. D.To teach the participants novels and poems.

3.What happened in the participants’ brains when they were reading?

A.Their brains preferred music.

B.Brain areas related to pleasure became more active.

C.Their emotional response to literature stopped.

D.Their brains were less emotional when reading the emotional text.

4.Where is the text probably from?

A.A science magazine. B.A film review.

C.An advertisement. D.A science fiction.



    United States health officials say an estimated 80,000 people died of influenza (流感) and problems resulting from the flu last winter, making it the worst season since 1977. The director for the U.S.Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported the number to The Associated Press. Health experts were expecting the winter of 2017-2018 to be a bad year for flu deaths, but not that.

Doctor William Schaffner is an expert on vaccines,  at Vanderbilt University in Tennessee. Schaffner noted that 80,000 deaths are nearly twice as much as what health officials once considered a “bad year”.

CDC officials say that between 12,000 and 56,000 Americans die every year from flu-related causes, but they do not have an exact count of how many people die from the flu each year. Influenza is a relatively common disease and not always listed on death records as the official cause of death. While last winter was a bad flu season in the U.S., it was not the worst. The 1918 flu lasted nearly two years. Historians estimate that the disease was to blame for between 500,000 to 700,000 deaths during that period. The exact number is still not known.

One thing that made the 2017-2018 flu season so bad was that the flu virus was strong. Usually the disease kills the very young, the very old or those who are already sick. However, last winter, the flu killed many healthy Americans. Another thing that made the flu season so deadly was that the flu vaccine was not as effective as experts had predicted. Drug makers have made changes to the vaccine. Even though the vaccine did not work well last year, health experts still strongly suggest getting vaccinated.

1.What can we learn about influenza in the first paragraph?

A.The winter of 2017-2018 saw the deadliest flu in history.

B.Effective cures should be found to deal with influenza.

C.Health experts had assumed flu would be severer.

D.More people died of influenza than expected in the winter of 2017-2018.

2.How many deaths did the health officials expect in a bad year?

A.80,000. B.40,000.

C.60,000. D.20,000.

3.Why can't CDC officials give an exact number of deaths from flu?

A.Because flu is always considered as a common disease.

B.Because people usually don't take flu seriously.

C.Because CDC officials are unwilling to count the deaths.

D.Because flu is not always listed on death records.

4.What do experts recommend people to do in the last paragraph?

A.Change the vaccine. B.Avoid using vaccine.

C.Get vaccinated. D.Do research on vaccine.



    In my second year of high school, I took my first computer science course, which helped me realize I was interested in software. The idea of creating something from just lines of codes and logic was very fascinating. And I didn't put as much time into music as I used to, thinking practicing the piano was just a waste of time.

A year later, when I got back on the piano, I quickly noticed my musical ear was not as strong as it was before. I could no longer hear the difference between a perfect 4th and a perfect 5th or between a D and D flat. Then I had a firm decision to get my skills to where it used to be. After weeks of practicing, I didn't see much progress. I was extremely discouraged and felt that I would have to accept that I no longer will be able to play as well as I used to.

While watching hundreds of tutorials online on how to code in Swift I came up with an idea. What if I used the knowledge I gained from these tutorials to develop an app that would help train my musical ear. After hours of coding, I developed an app that would play a different series of notes, then the user would have to type in the corresponding notes to what they heard. When I was on the subway or had some extra time I could easily open up the app on my phone and use it to help my musical ear. In about 2 months, I regained the skills I lost.

This experience helped me see something that I never noticed before. Programming gives me a platform to express my ideas; in a similar way, playing the piano gives me a way to express my feelings. When playing through a song for the first time I hear many errors. Similarly, when I run my program for the first time there are usually many mistakes. In both of these cases, it takes patience to go through each measure or line to hear or find the error. I realized when I’m playing the piano I am also practicing my programming skills and vice versa.

1.What happened to the author a year ago?

A.He realized his strength. B.He invented lines of codes.

C.He developed another hobby. D.He was too busy to practice piano.

2.Which of the following can best describe the author?

A.Determined and creative. B.Hard-working and gifted.

C.Easy-going and generous. D.Independent and energetic.

3.What can we infer about the author from the third paragraph?

A.He received musical training online.

B.He improved himself by studying online.

C.He got inspired from the tutorials online.

D.He made good use of the app he downloaded online.

4.What can the author learn from the experience?

A.He came to realize it is important to develop some good qualities.

B.He understood the meaning of the saying “practice makes perfect”.

C.He found programming and playing the piano have something in common.

D.He felt it necessary to improve himself in programming and playing the piano.



Dentzel Carousel

Our historic, restored 1921 Dentzel Carousel is located near the Fisher Family Children’s Zoo. This unique merry-go-round delights kids of all ages as they choose to ride a horse, a cat, a rabbit, or even a giraffe without considering the weather condition.

Tickets are $ 4 per person.

Adults may ride free when standing by a paid child.

Elinor Friend Playground

The newly repaired Elinor Friend Playground lights the imagination of children who is not beyond 12. This unique space is modeled after three distinct bio-regions, which take their themes from specific ecosystems and appeal to distinct age groups: a River Play Area for toddlers (6 months—2 years), a Polar Zone exploration space for pre-schoolers (2—5 years), and a Banyan Tree climbing structure for pre-teens (5—12 years).

Tickets are $ 7 per person (Free with zoo admission).

Adults pay zoo admission.

Little Puffer Miniature Steam Train

Add a ride on the historic Little Puffer miniature steam train to your visit to the San Francisco Zoo. Like generations before you, you’ll make wonderful childhood memories for your kids. Little Putter does not run in wet weather due to slippery tracks, and is closed at a regular time period for repair. Call the Zoo before your visit.

Tickets are $ 7 per person.

Children under 3 may ride free (ticket required) when accompanied by a paid adult.

(A special passenger car on the Little Puffer miniature steam train is designed to hold a wheelchair)

Zoo Keys

The ever-popular storybooks have returned to the Zoo, activated by the beloved, plastic animal keys that have become nostalgic icons to visitors from years past. At Storybook sites around the Zoo, visitors can listen to recordings of stories in different languages and fun facts about the animals in all kinds of weather conditions. You can purchase your Zoo Key at the Admissions Gate or in the Membership Office or online.

Zoo Keys are $ 5 each.

Children under 1 may ride free when accompanied by a paid adult.

1.What is special about Dentzel Carousel?

A.It has a long history. B.It has models of animals

C.It is for children of all ages. D.It has the cheapest charge.

2.What is the suggested age range of Elinor Friend Playground?

A.6 months - 2 years. B.6 months - 12 years.

C.2-5 years. D.5-12 years.

3.Which program favors the disabled?

A.Dentzel Carousel. B.Elinor Friend Playground.

C.Little Puffer Miniature Steam Train. D.Zoo Keys.



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