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We humans love to stare into our smart d...

    We humans love to stare into our smart devices. We gaze for hours-about 10 hours and 39 minutes a day-at our computers, smartphones,tablets and televisions. Is all this staring bad for us? It might be mainly because as we stare at our devices we are exposing ourselves to blue light.

Blue light is a type of electromagnetic(电磁的) radiation with a very short wavelength that produces a high amount of energy. While it’s true that light can damage our eyes under certain circumstances, there’s no scientific evidence suggesting that blue light is harmful to our eyes. But many people still think it is, which is why blue-light-blocking glasses are so popular. So do the glasses work?

“Everyone is very concerned that blue light may be causing damage to the eye, but there’s no evidence that it may be causing serious damage,” Dr. Rahul Khurana, clinical spokesman for the American Academy of Ophthalmology,told Business Insider.

Blue light exposure is nothing new. In fact,the sun is the largest source of blue light. Moreover, blue light is also present in LED light. But if blue light isn’t harmful, then why are we constantly rubbing our eyes when we’re looking at our screens? The answer is eyestrain(眼疲劳): More than 60 percent of people experience eye problems associated with digital eyestrain. And blue light, it seems, isn’t the cause. Instead, our eyes are so strained because most of us blink less when we stare at our digital devices. So if eyestrain is the issue, blue-light-blocking glasses are probably of little use.

1.What do we know about blue light?

A.It is a kind of nuclear radiation.

B.It has the shortest wavelength.

C.It may come from electronic devices.

D.It consumes a great deal of energy.

2.What causes the popularity of blue-light-blocking glasses?

A.Evidence of their benefits to eyes.

B.Belief in blue light's harmful effect.

C.Widespread use of smart devices.

D.Scientific understanding of blue light.

3.What can be inferred from Paragraph 4?

A.Blue light exposure is hardly avoidable.

B.Eye problems are not easy to deal with.

C.Blue light may connect with tired eyes.

D.Rubbing eyes makes people strained.

4.According to the text, wearing blue-light-blocking glasses may be________.

A.tiring B.harmful

C.useless D.beneficial


1.C 2.B 3.A 4.C 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。文章主要向我们描述了蓝光是一种能产生大量能量的短波长的电磁辐射类型。人们错误地认为蓝光会对眼睛造成伤害,所以导致了防蓝光眼镜的流行。还解释了眼睛疲劳的真正原因,以及蓝色遮光镜是无效的。 1.细节理解题。根据第一段中It might be mainly because as we stare at our devices we are exposing ourselves to blue light.可知这可能主要是因为当我们盯着我们的设备时,我们把自己暴露在蓝光中。由此可知,蓝光可能来自电子设备。故选C。 2.细节理解题。根据第二段中While it’s true that light can damage our eyes under certain circumstances, there’s no scientific evidence suggesting that blue light is harmful to our eyes. But many people still think it is, which is why blue-light-blocking glasses are so popular.可知虽然光线确实会在某些情况下伤害我们的眼睛,但是没有科学证据表明蓝光对我们的眼睛有害。但许多人仍然认为它是,这就是为什么防蓝光眼镜如此受欢迎的原因。由此可知,人们对蓝光的有害影响的观念导致了防蓝光眼镜的流行。故选B。 3.推理判断题。根据最后一段中In fact, the sun is the largest source of blue light. Moreover, blue light is also present in LED light.可知事实上,太阳是蓝光的最大来源。此外,蓝光也存在于LED灯中。由此可推知,接触蓝光几乎是不可避免的。故选A。 4.细节理解题。根据最后一段中So if eyestrain is the issue, blue-light-blocking glasses are probably of little use.可知因此,如果眼睛疲劳是问题所在,那么防蓝光眼镜可能用处不大。由此可知,戴上防蓝光眼镜可能没用。故选C。

    In a long­sleeved shirt and jeans, Dieudonne Twahirwa looks nothing like the traditional African farmer. The 30­year­old owner of Gashora Farm knows what a difference that makes.

“You need more role models” he said, standing among knee­high rows of chilli(辣椒) plants. “If you have young farmers, having land and driving to the farm, others may think, ‘Why can’t I do that’”

Mr. Twahirwa, a university graduate, bought a friend’s tomato farm six years ago for $150. He made $1500 back in two months. “You have to link farming with entrepreneurship and real numbers” he said.

Many young Africans are abandoning areas in the countryside, choosing not to work hard and for a long time in the fieldsa job made tougher by climate change.

But Twahirwa is one of the growing band of successful farmers working to make agriculture’s image on the continent more attractive. Some 1000 farmers now produce chillies for him. He is starting a fourth farm of his own, and exports fresh and dried chillies and oil to Britain, the United States, India, and Kenya.

Africa has the world’s youngest population and 65 percent of its uncultivated arable land(耕地后备资源). Yet accessing land and loans is difficult, and African productivity is low with crop yields just 56 percent of the international average.

“Agriculture is mainly associated with suffering and no young person wants to suffer” said Tamara Kaunda. She believes African agriculture needs a change to get rid of its old­fashioned image of very hard and tiring work with a hoe. “Show young people tractors, green fields, nice irrigation systems and smartphones” she said.

Getting young people involved in agriculture does not mean they have to work on a farm. For example, in coffee production, the beans go from the farm to the washing station, then to be separated from the husks(外壳).

1.What does “Why can’t I do that” in paragraph 2 mean?

A.Why can’t I drive to the farm?

B.Why can’t they farm?

C.They follow the example of those farmers.

D.They bought a friend’s tomato farm.

2.What makes it harder for farmers to work?

A.Poor land. B.Climate change.

C.Low income. D.Long working hours.

3.What can we learn about Twahirwa according to paragraph 5?

A.He made a fortune by growing chillies.

B.His chillies are superb in the world.

C.Farmers working for him live a simple life.

D.The locals aren’t willing to buy his chillies.

4.When it comes to agriculture in Africa, what do people think about it?

A.Loans are difficult.

B.Most land is uncultivated.

C.Crop yields are rather low.

D.Farming methods are out of date.



    J. K. Rowling frequently shows there is magic every day.Her Harry Potter series has helped people through times of stress and depression and she is always there to deliver wise words of encouragement.

She is one celebrity who is very active on Twitter. So when a single dad named Matt Burke sent her a message thanking her for the series, she noticed. Her series had helped strengthen his relationship with his 9­year­old daughter Bailey.

He included a link to his article titled Being a Broke Parent. He explained how he hadn’t found a level of financial stability that allowed him to pay bills on time and take his daughter on more activities and events. The family also doesn’t have the Internet or TV, which means there’s no “digital babysitter” and he has to rely on his own creative ways to bond with his daughter. Since he received the series, the main thing that has occupied them these days is reading books together.

Burke admits that he thought he was “too cool” for the books when they first came out and he was in his twenties, but he’s loving reading them now. “We switch off chapter by chapter reading them out loud” Burke explains.”This not only allows her to get more used to reading aloud in front of someone, but it gets me directly involved in something she loves, and it gives me the chance to be very dramatic when I read my chapters and bring myself into the characters in the book, which has proven to be a ton of fun.”

After hearing Burke’s story, Rowling said how honored she was when Harry Potter was a part of his family’s life and offered Burke more books. Besides, people are also offering to send Burke more books as gifts. For Burke, this experience, far more than gifts, will be what he treasures.

1.Why did Burke thank J.K.Rowling according to the text?

A.She guided him how to write a good story.

B.She encouraged him when he was in trouble.

C.Her books helped him through times of confusion.

D.Her books helped him improve his bond with his daughter.

2.What is implied in Burke’s words in paragraph 4?

A.He has found it interesting to read the series.

B.He was too old to understand the series better.

C.He has chosen a better way of reading the series.

D.He hopes to play a role in the drama in the future.

3.Which word can best describe Burke’s experience according to the text?

A.Unique. B.Normal. C.Precious. D.Funny.

4.What is the main idea of this text?

A.J.K.Rowling chooses to help improve kids’ health.

B.J.K.Rowling gives a magical gift to a single father.

C.J.K.Rowling has a deep influence on others’ growth.

D.Burke comes to know J.K.Rowling through her series.



Places of Interest in Wales

Conway: On the north Wales coast, Conway is where you’ll find the world’s smallest house, as well as a much larger “house”Conway Castle, which was built in the 13th century.

Anglesey: This beautiful island is joined to the rest of north Wales by a road bridge and a railway bridge, and it’s just a short drive from Conway. Here you can visit the village of Llanfair Pwllgwyngyll which has the strangest name in Europe. Don’t miss the station. The sign runs the complete length of the platform! Also on Anglesey is Beaumaris Castle, which was started in the 13th century and to this day remains unfinished.

Sonwdonia: Just a couple of hours’ drive from Beaumaris is the Snowdonia mountain range, which takes its name from the highest mountain in Wales, Mount Snowdon. From there, visit the famous Swallow Falls at nearby Betws­y­Coed.

Portmeirion: In 1925 Clough Williams­Ellis bought an attractive piece of Welsh land for less than 5,000. He then set out to show the world how a naturally beautiful castle could be built without being damaged and spent the next 50 years building the town of Portmeirion with a style of Italy.

For more information, order our full­colour brochures:

Things to See in Wales

A more complete look at the full range of tourist attractions in this amazing part of the British Isles.

Wales: Sea, Sand and Sun

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1.What do we know about Anglesey?

A.It is far from Conway.

B.It can be reached by train.

C.It lies in the south of Wales.

D.It has the smallest house in the world.

2.Where can visitors go if they want to see the Italian­style building?

A.Conway. B.Anglesey. C.Sonwdonia. D.Portmeirion.

3.What can visitors get from the brochures?

A.Introduction of the climate in Wales.

B.Characteristics of buildings in Wales.

C.Information about adventure activities.

D.Detailed information about people in Wales.




1.When does the speech probably take place?

A.At the beginning of a term.

B.In the middle of a term.

C.At the end of a term.

2.How long is the office open during the weekday?

A.8 hours. B.11 hours. C.12 hours.

3.What can Jarrod Howard help with?

A.Study-related problems. B.Information about jobs. C.Money matters.

4.Whom should students turn to if they have personal problems?

A.Rodney Reid. B.Jim Smith. C.Laura Lea.




1.What does the man do in the supermarket?

A.He deals with shelves.

B.He works at the cash desk.

C.He handles customers’ complaints.

2.How long has the man worked in the supermarket?

A.One week. B.Two weeks. C.Three weeks.

3.What does the woman suggest the man do?

A.Leave his job. B.Ask for a higher position. C.Apologize to the boss.



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