满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Of the three reading rooms, one is near,...

Of the three reading rooms, one is near, but ______   two are far.

A.other B.the others C.the other D.others


C 【解析】 考查代词辨析。句意:在这三个阅览室中,一个近,但是另外两个远。A. other其他的;B. the others特指其余的人或物,其后不能接宾语;C. the other两者中的另一个或两部分中的另一部分。D. others其他的人或物。此处表示两种情况中的另外一种,用the other,故选C项。  

Here is the book. First _________ it and then tell me what you think of it.

A.look for B.look through C.look up D.look after



My uncle stopped __________ to talk to me when he saw me.

A.working B.to work C.worked D.works



— Did you go to the fair on May 18th?

— Of course. There were many kinds of Taiwan fruits       .

A.on show B.on duty C.on business D.on purpose




A.J. shut the door of the truck. “Ready” he said. His dad started the truck. It was six o’clock and freezing, but the strong morning sun promised warmer temperatures. It had been colder than normal over the past week, and the ground and ponds were already frozen.

“After we check on the cows” Dad said, “you should have some time to practice roping.” A.J. wanted to enter the rodeos(竞技表演) in which cowboys rode wild horses, and caught cattle with ropes.

The best professionals could break from the gate on horseback, rope a calf(小牛), and hog­tie the calf in less than ten seconds. So far, A.J. needed nearly a minute and a half, but he’d only been at it a few months.

The truck bounced down the dirt road. In a few minutes, they turned through the field gate. A.J. pulled a pair of telescopes(望远镜). The black spots of cows on the far hill took shape. The cows gathered around the pond. A.J. guessed they wanted the water locked under the ice. The windmill­powered water pumps sometimes froze, leaving the cows with nothing to drink.

As they reached the top of the hill, they heard extremely frightened shouts from one cow and an answering bellow from another. Dad stopped the truck, and he and A.J. stared at the frozen pond anxiously.

A calf lay on the ice in the middle of the pond. A cow, no doubt the calf’s mother, stood onshore, shouting desperately. The calf struggled to get up but slipped and fell each time.

Suddenly, the morning sun seemed warmer. Too warmer. A.J. knew that the situation was urgent. If the calf lay there too long, she could fall through the ice and drown.

Dad eased the pickup down the hill and stopped at the edge of the pond. “No telling how long she’s been there” he said.”The ice could be about to melt through. I don’t think we can risk it.”

“But, Dad...” Dad shook his head. “It’s just not safe.”

Paragraph 1:

A.J. watched the calf, whose eyes were wide with fright.


Paragraph 2:

It would be just like rodeo practice, A.J. thought, trying to stay calm.










Dear David,



Li Hua



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