满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。 Why do we hav...


Why do we have deserts today? Deserts have not always been here. Most deserts that we have today were once green lands full of plant life. One of today’s biggest deserts is in North Africa. However, in the 1st century BC farms in North Africa grew corn and wheat to make bread for the whole city of Rome. How did this area become desert?

Both weather and people can help form a desert. Hot weather or very little rain makes the land so dry that nothing can grow. While in some regions, the increase in desert areas is occurring largely as a result of a trend toward drier climatic conditions.

Continued gradual global warming has produced an increase in aridity (干旱) for some areas over the past few thousand years. The process may be sped up in the following decades if global warming resulting from air pollution seriously increases.

The primary reason for desert formation is human activities, though. If people cut down or burn trees and plants to make land clear for farming, the wind can blow the soil away and turn the dry land into sand. Another big problem is farming on land that is not very good. This poor land can very quickly turn into desert, if it is farmed too much. One of the biggest causes, however, is when people take their animals to the same fields to feed over and over, and the fields finally lose all their nutrition. Because of these problems, deserts are slowly taking over green land in many parts of the world, including China.

However, we can fight the growing deserts! In some parts of China people are working to prevent desert from expanding. In Xinjiang, for example, some farmers are trying new scientific farming methods. These methods make it possible to use less land for crops, so farmers then can plant trees on the rest of their land!

One Xinjiang farmer used only HALF of his fields to grow the SAME amount of crops as last year. On the other half of his land, he planted fruit trees. The work of people like this is helping to fight the world’s growing deserts.


Today, the earth is witnessing an increase in deserts. Both weather and people are responsible for this. (要点1) In North Africa, serious dryness results primarily from its climatic conditions, and continued gradual global warming has made the land even drier. (要点2) Human activities like over-cultivating, over-farming and over-grazing, however, are the leading causes of growing deserts. (要点3) Fortunately, efforts can be made to stop the expansion of deserts. Farmers in Xinjiang are helping to fight it by trying new scientific farming methods. (要点4) 【解析】 这是一篇概要写作。 写作步骤: 1)细读原文。首先要仔细阅读短文,掌握文章主旨。文章主要说明了地球上的沙漠正在增加,气候和人类的活动都有责任。在北非,严重的干旱主要是由于它的气候条件,而持续的全球变暖使土地更加干燥。然而,过度耕种、过度耕作和过度放牧等人类活动是沙漠日益扩大的主要原因。幸运的是,我们可以努力阻止沙漠的扩张。 2)弄清结构,归纳段意。概要写作是写全文概要,不是写某一部分的概要,或者就某些问题写出要点。因此一定要弄清文章结构,归纳文章各段大意。 3)列出原文要点。分析原文的内容和结构,将内容分项扼要表述,并注意在结构上的顺序。在此基础上选出与文章主题密切相关的部分。 4)在写作时要特别注意下面几点: (1)概要应包括原文中的主要事实,略去不必要的细节。 (2)安排好篇幅的比例,概要应同原文保持协调,即用较多的文字写重要内容,用较少的文字写次要内容。 (3)注意要点之间的衔接,要用适当的关联词语贯通全文,切忌只简单地写出一些互不相干的句子,但也不要每两句之间都加关联词语,以免显得生硬。 (4)不排斥用原文的某些词句,但不要照搬原文的句子,如果不能完全用自己的话语表达,至少对原文句子做一些同义词替换,如果结构上也能有一些转换会更好。 (5)计算词数,看是否符合规定的词数要求。  

    Recently, a Philadelphia teen has been a hot topic in the US. Having always been hard-working in studying, Richard Jenkins has now ________ a full ride (奖学金) to Harvard University.

However, life is not always ________ for Jenkins. When his mother couldn’t ________ a motel room, they would stay in shelters. ________ by his situation, he would lie to classmates about where he lived. Jenkins knew there was one thing that could give him a better life: ________. Then, he attended a program called Mighty Writers, which teaches Philadelphia kids to think and write clearly.

“I realized I’ve got to try my best ________ I can’t have my future kids ________ through what I’m undergoing now,” Jenkins thought to himself. Though being ________, he decided to ________ academics and kept working hard on it. His ________ in school would pay off in a major way.

Jenkins applied to Harvard in his junior year of high school. He said he was ________ of his acceptance on a class trip to Paris. He was so ________ that he threw his cellphone. Jenkins was not only ________ to the university, but also got full ________! He recently went back to Mighty Writers to ________ his good news to the program’s director.

Jenkins was quite ________ of his mother, and says to the reports that he doesn’t like to talk about his past ________ in homeless shelter. However, he does say his ________ as a child gave him the ________ and desire to get into Harvard and he was ________ in the end.

1.A.demanded B.received C.achieved D.represented

2.A.easy B.practical C.ordinary D.impressive

3.A.build B.afford C.buy D.exchange

4.A.Amazed B.Discouraged C.Encouraged D.Embarrassed

5.A.creativity B.profession C.education D.development

6.A.though B.because C.if D.when

7.A.going B.looking C.putting D.coming

8.A.poor B.hungry C.ashamed D.regretful

9.A.live on B.call up C.focus on D.bring up

10.A.feeling B.idea C.nature D.effort

11.A.informed B.warned C.made D.reminded

12.A.moved B.confused C.excited D.satisfied

13.A.taken B.changed C.devoted D.admitted

14.A.salary B.scholarship C.life D.mark

15.A.show B.spread C.deliver D.supply

16.A.proud B.protective C.fond D.sure

17.A.hiding B.existing C.moving D.living

18.A.knowledge B.suffering C.experiences D.happiness

19.A.drive B.ability C.imagination D.influence

20.A.praised B.convinced C.inspired D.rewarded




When you go to and get up is the key to having a good sleep. Once you are used to your body’s biological (生物钟) clocks, your body will know when to sleep and when to be awake.

2.. As soon as your eyes open, light shoots down and into the brain’s clock. There it starts the production of the hormones (荷尔蒙) that are about growth, reproduction, eating, sleeping, thinking, remembering even how you feel from minute to minute. Sunlight makes your brain awake, and wakes up your body’s biological clock. Then your body has a clear understanding that at midnight it should be asleep and at noon it should be awake. 3..

When you are sleepy, your eyes are tired and you can’t hear what people are saying to you.

Don’t stay in bed when you’re awake. 4. Being up increases your sleep drive which just could make you sleepy enough to actually fall asleep when you return to bed.

Before going to bed, you need to relax yourself and turn into the person who can sleep from the person who can do everything.

Try not to stay up late on Friday and Saturday nights and sleep in on Saturday and Sunday mornings, which is enough to destroy your biological clock. 5.. And you will not be the happy person as you expect when Monday morning comes.

A.Ways to get a good quality sleep

B.Ways to relax yourself before sleeping

C.A good night’s sleep in fact starts in the morning

D.You’d better get up at the same time every morning

E.You’d better get up or go to read a book in the living room

F.Even if you go to bed early on Sunday nights you will not be ready to sleep

G.If you wake up at a different time every day your biological clock will be disordered



    Robots often star in popular science fiction movies as the bad guys that take over the world and control mankind. But with the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic (新型冠状病毒), robots are increasingly being employed as helpers, performing often dull, difficult and dangerous tasks and thus reducing humans’ exposure (暴露) to COVID-19.

Across the world, robotics companies are teaming with health care providers and government officials to develop technological solutions for dealing with the global health crisis. In China, robots have rolled down streets spraying disinfectant. In at least one hospital in South Korea, robots are being used to check patients’ temperatures and give out hand wash.

In the United States, two of the major ways in which robotic technology is being used are to disinfect hospital rooms and to act as telemedicine portal (远程医疗门户), allowing doctors and health care workers to communicate via video conference directly with patients without unnecessarily exposing themselves to the virus.

In Boston, doctors, researchers and robotics engineers have cooperated to bring a friendly, dog-like robot named Spot into Brigham and Women’s Hospital, allowing doctors to interact with COVID-19 patients via telemedicine. What sets Spot apart is its four-legged design, which allows the robot to move about easily in different settings, such as the tent set up outside the hospital.

In March, researchers began developing and testing the robot’s design to enable Spot to interact with patients, thus reducing the exposure of frontline health care workers to the virus. In the place of head, Spot has an iPad fixed to stand, allowing doctors to conduct telemedicine sessions with their patients.

Researchers are working to increase the robots’ diagnostic (诊断) abilities, enabling it to test the patient’s temperature and measure his or her respiratory rate.

Dr. Peter Chai, an emergency medicine physician, predicts that hospitals will continue to find ways to use robots even after the coronavirus pandemic is over, whether it may be through delivering supplies to rooms or seeing patients with other contagious (传染性的) diseases.

1.In China, robots are used to ________.

A.rid the streets of the virus B.hand out hand wash

C.communicate with patients D.measure the patients’ temperature

2.What does the underlined word “sessions” in Para. 5 mean?

A.greetings B.decisions C.experiments D.conferences

3.What can we infer from Dr. Chai’s prediction in the last paragraph?

A.More robots will be used to fight the virus.

B.New robots will be invented to fight the virus.

C.Robots will still play a part in medical treatment.

D.Robots will be invented to deliver medicines to patients.

4.Which can be the best title for the passage?

A.Robots, deliverers of COVID-19 B.Robots, fighters against COVID-19

C.Robots, helpers in fighting COVID-19 D.Robots, pioneers in fighting COVID-19



    I grew up 3 hours outside of Pittsburgh, with my mother and 3 younger brothers and sisters. My mom was a single mother and worked a minimum wage job, so we never had much, but that was OK, we made ends meet anyhow.

In Senior 1, I started saving money for college by taking a part-time job. I was accepted into the University of Pittsburgh and received some scholarships. But I couldn’t afford the housing because it was way too expensive for me. As result, put mattress (床垫) in an old van (货车) and had the windows painted. I bought parking pass on campus, chose spot on the top level of the parking garage and lived there for the next 2 years.

The weather in Pittsburgh was bad Being homeless forced me to take advantage of everything the campus had to offer since I wanted to spend as little time in my van as possible. I ended up spending most of my time throughout the week at the library and studying and reviewing classroom material a lot more than I would have if I had the luxury of going home and turning on the TV or falling asleep for hours in my room. I got close to some of my professors because of visiting them often, which really helped me become outstanding among my classmates. I made lot of new friends by attending social events, plays, charities, student life events around campus too.

Before college I would have considered myself shy, I didn’t really speak much unless spoken to, but I move out of my comfort zone and do new things, then develop an outgoing personality.

I really think that having to deal with the struggles that I had to go through really made me a better person.

1.From the first paragraph, we can learn that the author lived a ________ life.

A.hard B.painful C.boring D.happy

2.Where did the author live during his college life?

A.In the van. B.In his own house.

C.In the library. D.In professors’ office.

3.What helped to shape a person according to the author?

A.Being devoted to studies.

B.Living a tough life in college

C.Developing an outgoing personality.

D.Learning to overcome difficulties in life.



    You may be familiar with the following famous people, but have you heard of their graduation speeches, in which they either share their unforgettable experiences or give you some great inspiration.

● Michael Dell, University of Texas at Austin

And now you’ve accomplished something great and important here, and it’s time for you to move on to what’s next. And you must not let anything prevent you from taking those first steps... You must also commit to the adventure Just have faith in the skills and the knowledge you’ve been blessed with and go.

● J. K. Rowling, Harvard University

Half my lifetime ago, I was striking an uneasy balance between my ambition and the expectations from my parents who were not rich... But what I feared most for myself at your age was not poverty, but failure. The fact that you are graduating from Harvard suggests that you know little about failure. You might be driven by a fear of failure quite as much as a desire for success.

● Steve Jobs, Stanford University

Sometimes life’s going to hit you in the head with a brick. Don’t lose faith... Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work, and the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking, and don’t settle.

● Bill Gates, Harvard University

We need as many people as possible to have access to the advanced technology to lead to a revolution in what human beings can do for one another. They are making it possible not just for national governments, but for universities, smaller organizations, and even individuals to see problems, see approaches and deal with the world’s inequities (不公平) like hunger, poverty and so on.

1.What Michael Dell said is to encourage us to ________.

A.love our work B.listen to expectations

C.follow our dreams D.follow others’ example

2.When she was in university, J. K. Rowling was afraid ________.

A.to dream B.to fail

C.of being poor D.of being hungry

3.What does Bill Gates suggest students doing?

A.Making contributions to their own country.

B.Taking responsibility for their own behavior.

C.Helping solve some global problems together.

D.Mastering as much advanced technology as possible.



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