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How do you make a restaurant business an...

    How do you make a restaurant business an overnight success at the age of 52? Ray Kroc said, “I was an overnight success, but 30 years is a long, long night.

In 1917, 15-year-old Ray Kroc lied about his age to join the Red Cross as an ambulance driver in World War Ⅰ, but the war ended before he completed his training. He then worked as a piano player, and a paper cup salesman. In 1954, he visited restaurant in San Bernardino, California. There he found the small but successful restaurant run by brothers Dick and Mac McDonald, and was surprised by their effective (有效的) operation. The McDonald’s brothers produced a limited menu, concentrating on just few items—burgers, fries and drinks—which allowed them to focus on quality and quick service.

They were looking for new franchising agent (特许经销商) and Kroc saw chance. In 1955, he founded McDonald’s System, Inc. By 1958, MeDonald’s had sold its 100 millionth hamburger.

In 1961, Kroc started a training program later called Hamburger University, at a new McDonald’s restaurant in Elk Grove Village, Illinois. There, franchisees (特许证持有人) were trained on the proper methods for running successful McDonald’s’ restaurant. Hamburger University used a research and development laboratory to develop new cooking, freezing, storing and serving methods. Today, more than 275,000 franchisees, managers, and employees have graduated from the program.

Right up until he died on January 14, 1984, Ray Kroc never stopped working for McDonald’s. His legacy provides McDonald’s customers with great tasty, inexpensive food; staff and franchisees with chances for growth; and suppliers with a shared promise to provide the highest quality food.

1.What does Ray Kroc mean by the underlined sentence?

A.He waited 30 years to be a franchisee.

B.He experienced a lot before he succeeded.

C.It took long preparation to open the restaurant.

D.He felt happy for the past 30 years.

2.Why was the operation of Dick and Mac McDonald effective?

A.They focused on a limited menu.

B.They considered quality important.

C.Their restaurant was run by two people.

D.Their restaurant had well-trained employees.

3.When did Kroc start a training program?

A.In 1955. B.In 1956. C.In 1961. D.In1984.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.The Story of Ray Kroc B.McDonald’s’Restaurant

C.Tricks of Running a Business D.New Franchising Agents


1.B 2.A 3.C 4.A 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章阐述了雷克洛克如何让饭店经营成功的。 1. 猜测词义题。根据此句话上文“How do you make a restaurant business an overnight success at the age of 52?”可知Ray Kroc到52岁才成功,再结合第二段内容“In 1917, 15-year-old Ray Kroc lied about his age to join the Red Cross as an ambulance driver in World War Ⅰ, but the war ended before he completed his training. He then worked as a piano player, and a paper cup salesman.(在1917年,在世界大战期间15岁的雷·克罗克谎报自己的年龄加入红十字会担任救护车司机,但战争在他完成训练之前就结束了。 然后他做了一个钢琴演奏家和一个纸杯推销员。)”可知Ray Kroc在成功前经历了很多困难。故选B。 2. 细节理解题。根据第二段中“There he found the small but successful restaurant run by brothers Dick and Mac McDonald, and was surprised by their effective (有效的) operation. The McDonald’s brothers produced a limited menu, concentrating on just a few items—burgers, fries and drinks—which allowed them to focus on quality and quick service.(在那里,他发现了迪克和麦克唐纳德兄弟经营的小而成功的餐厅,并对他们有效的(有效的)操作感到惊讶。 麦克唐纳德的兄弟制作了一个菜单,非常有限,只关注几个项目-汉堡包,薯条和饮料-这使他们能够专注于质量和快速服务。) 可推断,迪克和麦克唐纳兄弟俩运行之所以高效是因为他们集中配置有限的菜品。由此可知答案A选项They focused on a limited menu切合文意。故选A。 3. 细节理解题。根据第四段中“In 1961, Kroc started a training program, later called Hamburger University, at a new McDonald’s restaurant in Elk Grove Village, Illinois.(1961年,克罗克在伊利诺伊州埃尔克格罗夫村的一家新麦当劳餐厅开始了一个名为汉堡大学的培训项目)”可知1961年开办了培训项目。故C项正确。故选C。 4. 主旨大意题。通读整篇文章,尤其是第一段的“I was an overnight success, but 30 years is a long, long night.”意思是:“我是一夜成名,但这三十年时间太长了。”这句话的隐含的意思是说在他成功之前经历了太多困难和挫折。可知文章讲述的是Ray Kroc的创业经历,所以答案A:The Story of Ray Kroc切合文意。故选A。

Unforgettable Things to Do in Tanzania

Climb Mount Kilimanjaro

Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro is among the most adventurous things to do in Tanzania. It’s a big tourist attraction with around 35,000 visitors attempting the hike each year. However, it’s not overcrowded. And it’s still an adventure to be especially proud of because not everyone makes it all the way. You won’t need any special climbing equipment. Just bring proper clothing, food, water, and an adventurous attitude.

Get a Taste of Local Urban Life in Arusha

In Arusha, you can experience what city life is like in the country. The city sits at the foothills of Mount Meru, surrounded by large fields of corn, beans, coffee, and wheat. You can buy cheap, fresh local produce in markets throughout the town. The cultural center hosts African art and culture exhibits. It’s good place to purchase a souvenir or two.

Visit Some Prehistoric (史前的) Sites

The great rift (裂缝) valley runs all the way from Lebanon to Mozambique. This rift is where human life is believed to have begun. At Isimila Gorge, you can look at stone age tools from almost 100,000 years ago. There’s also a collection of fossils of extinct animals. This find, dating back3 million years, helps us to learn how humans evolved (进化) in Africa.

Watch Beautiful Birds by Lake Manyara

Lake Manyara is not only a beautiful piece of nature. It’s also home to about 300 species of migratory birds. You can find various eagles, storks, and kingfishers. But what makes this lake most famous is the pink flamingo (火烈鸟) population. You can find thousands of flamingos here. It’s a big attraction for bird watchers and photographers.

1.What makes you especially proud when climbing Mount Kilimanjaro?

A.Meeting a crowd of tourists. B.Climbing all the way to the top.

C.Getting climbing equipment. D.Seeing different amazing views.

2.Where should you go if you are interested in human history?

A.Arusha. B.Manyara. C.Mount Meru. D.Isimila Gorge.

3.What is Lake Manyara best-known for?

A.Beautiful scenery. B.Varieties of birds.

C.The pink flamingo population. D.Bird watchers from all directions.



假定你是李华,你所在学校要举办英语戏剧节(The English Drama Festival)。你们想邀请外教John参加。请你给他写一封信,要点如下:

1. 介绍活动内容;

2. 邀请他表演节目;

3. 请他提出活动建议。

注意:1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear John,


Yours sincerely,

Li Hua




增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号() 并在其下面写出该加的词。



注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Li Hua and I were neighbours and we went to same school. We always went to school together. We were good friend and had a great deal to share with every day. However, one day, Li Hua copied my homework, which made me such angry that I did not want to be friends with him any long. Then on Monday morning I ran downstairs without realize it was raining, but there was no time to return home to fetch an umbrella. It happens that Li Hua was just around the corner and he offered to share her umbrella with me. He made an apology to me in a gently voice. I forgave him but gave him a hug.



    There was a very wealthy man who was bothered by severe (严重的) eye pain. He _______ many doctors and was being treated by several. He did not stop consulting a number of _______ experts; he took heavy loads of _______ and experienced hundreds of injections (注射), _______ the ache was much severer than before. At last, a monk who was supposed to be a(n) _______ in treating such patients was called for by the suffering man. The monk _______ his problem and said that for some time he should _______ only on green colors and not to let his eyes fall on any other _______. It was a _______ prescription (处方), but he was desperate (绝望的) and decided to try it.

The millionaire got together a group of painters and bought barrels () of ________ paint and directed that every object his eyes were likely to ________ on should be painted green just as the monk had directed. When the ________ came to visit him after several days, the millionaire’s servants ran with buckets of green paint and ________ it on him since he was in red dress, for fear that their master see any other color and his eye ________ would come back.

Hearing this, the monk ________ and said, “If only you had purchased a pair of green glasses, worth just a few dollars, you could have ________ these walls and trees and pots and all other articles and ________ could have saved a large share of his fortune. ________, you cannot paint the world green.”

Let us ________ our vision and the world will appear accordingly. It is foolish to shape the world; let us ________ ourselves first.

1.A.consumed B.commanded C.consulted D.confirmed

2.A.educational B.mental C.physical D.medical

3.A.drugs B.sports C.chances D.rests

4.A.But B.So C.And D.Thus

5.A.teacher B.trainer C.expert D.educator

6.A.understood B.ignored C.noticed D.watched

7.A.base B.treat C.see D.focus

8.A.object B.color C.person D.item

9.A.good B.terrible C.worthwhile D.strange

10.A.blue B.green C.white D.red

11.A.look B.hurt C.fall D.feel

12.A.millionaire B.painter C.monk D.wealthy man

13.A.threw B.poured C.dropped D.cast

14.A.contact B.sight C.color D.ache

15.A.laughed B.cried C.shouted D.nodded

16.A.painted B.saved C.destroyed D.restored

17.A.too B.also C.already D.yet

18.A.In all B.Above all C.First of all D.After all

19.A.change B.open C.widen D.narrow

20.A.refresh B.recover C.shape D.show



    Studying longer does not necessarily mean studying better.1. Below are some great ways of learning as much as you can without getting too stressed.

Find the right place to study.

The first thing you need to do is avoid distractions (分散注意力的事物) while studying.2. You should keep away from television sets and phone calls. Get all of your study materials together, so you will not be interrupted in the middle of your session.

Break down the tasks into smaller parts.

When you have gotten everything ready, list the items you need to study, and arrange them across several hours or days, depending on how big your load is. As a general rule, assign (分配) at least one hour to each subject. 3. By doing this, you will be able to know more easily how long you need for each topic.

Schedule study breaks.

When you have listed all of your tasks and made a schedule, you should arrange study breaks. 4. This will give your eyes some time to rest, and yourself a chance to go to the bathroom or have some coffee. Scheduled breaks will reduce the need for you to interrupt yourself to the lowest level during the study session.

Put your tasks in order of importance.

5. Just in case you run out of time to study, or if you think you do not have enough time to cover all topics, you should study in an order.

A.Each break may take about 15 minutes every two hours.

B.Learn to arrange the subjects in order of importance.

C.This means going to one place that will give you peace and quiet.

D.The key to efficient studying is following the schedule strictly.

E.You can find a way to test your knowledge by having a study partner.

F.If you have a broad subject, you will need to break it down into smaller parts.

G.To make the best use of your time, you need to learn how to study efficiently(高效地).



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