满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

A day away from the stress of city life!...

    A day away from the stress of city life!

A perfect experience for nature lovers!

Our One — Day tour will take you to see the most beautiful sunset and sunrise at the top of Mt. Huangshan Yellow Mountain.


Early in the morning: take the cable car to the top of the mountain to see the breathtaking sunrise at Cloud Dispelling Pavilion.

Late in the morning: Visit such famous places as the Sixinfeng Peak, the Black Tiger pine tree, the Writing Brush Peak or the Xihai Scenic Area.

At noon: have a traditional Chinese lunch at a hotel on the top of the mountain.

In the afternoon: go to the city centre of Huangshan and take a walk along Tunxi Old Street, where traditional old buildings line the quiet street.

In the evening :Return to the Cloud Dispelling Pavillion to enjoy the sunset.


What's included

Professional and friendly English-speaking tour guide; Breakfast, lunch, dinner; All entrance fees; Cable car fees to and from the Cloud Dispelling Pavillion; Two nights at Beihai hotel or similar standard hotels; Hotel pickup and drop-off.

What's not included

Expenses to and from Mt. Huangshan;

Local Chinese-speaking tour guide;

Other attractions not included in the schedule.

1.Where should the tourists go to see the sunset and sunrise?

A.Sixinfeng Peak. B.Xihai Scenic Area.

C.Cloud Dispelling Pavilion. D.Writing Brush Peak.

2.When will the tourists go to Tunxi Old Street?

A.In the morning. B.At noon. C.In the afternoon. D.In the evening.

3.This one-day tour is most probably suitable for        .

A.the British B.the Chinese C.the Dutch D.the Germans


1.C 2.C 3.A 【解析】 这是一篇应用文。文章主要介绍了一个黄山的一日游旅行,介绍了日程安排和费用包含项目。 1. 细节理解题。根据Schedule部分中Early in the morning: take the cable car to the top of the mountain to see the breathtaking sunrise at Cloud Dispelling Pavilion.可知清晨:乘缆车到山顶看清云亭的日出。由此可知,游客应该去消云亭看日出日落。故选C。 2. 细节理解题。根据Schedule部分中In the afternoon: go to the city centre of Huangshan and take a walk along Tunxi Old Street, where traditional old buildings line the quiet street.可知下午:前往黄山市中心,沿屯溪老街散步,安静的街道两旁是传统的老建筑。由此可知,游客们下午会去屯溪老街。故选C。 3. 推理判断题。根据What's included部分中Professional and friendly English-speaking tour guide可知专业友善的英语导游。由此可推知,这种一日游提供英语导游,结合选项可知最适合英国人。故选A。


Once there were three trees in the woods on a hill. They were discussing their hopes and dreams when the first tree said, “Someday hope to be a treasure chest (珍宝箱). I could be filled with gold, silver and valuable items. I could be decorated with beautiful designs and everyone would see the beauty.”

Then the second tree said. “Someday I will be a big and strong ship. I will take kings and queens across the waters and sail to the corners of the world. Everyone will feel safe in me because of the strength of my body.”

Finally, the third tree said, “I want to grow to be the tallest and straightest tree in the forest. People will come to see me on the top of the hill and look up to my branches and think of the sky and how close to it I am reaching. I will be the greatest tree of all time and people will always remember me.”

After few years of praying (祈祷) that their dreams would come true, the trees were visited by a group of woodsmen. When one came to the first tree, he said, “This tree looks like a strong one. I think I should be able to sell the wood to a carpenter. And he began cutting it down. The tree was very happy, because he knew that the carpenter would make him into a treasure chest.

At the second tree, a woodsman said, “This looks like a strong tree and I should be able to sell it to the ship factory.” The second tree was also very happy because he knew he was on his way to becoming huge and strong ship.

When woodsmen came upon the third tree, the tree was frightened because he knew that if they cut him down, his dream would not come true. One of the woodsmen said, “I don’t need anything special from my tree. I’ll take this one.” And he cut it down.


Paragraph 1:

However, the three trees were made into different things against their wishes.



Paragraph 2:

Years later, something unexpected happened which helped them realize their value.









    A beloved janitor (管理员) received special surprise, when teachers and students made him “King for Day” at the retirement (退休) party.

John Lockett, also called Mr. John, cried tears of ________ when the gentle old man was greeted by 685 ________ at Sand Hill Elementary School in Carrollton, Georgia. “He was so surprised that he just ________ with the kids,” headmaster Carla Meigs told Good Morning American. Finally, she said, “The scene was so ________. He is very modest, hard-working, and devoted to his job, so everyone loves him.”

Mr. John officially was to retire on May 24, but the school threw him a retirement party one week ________. Mr. John’s wife, Annie Lockett, who was also a person of good quality, was also ________ at this event.

On that day, when Mr. John ________ for work as usual, he found the passage of the hall lined with students of that very school ________ there to wish him a very happy day! The children ________ him a crown and a cape and told him that it was “Mr. John Day”. Many kids were ________ banners (横幅) and shouting “Mr. John Day! Mr. John Day!”, while many others walked up to him to give him a hug! Mr. John was truly ________ by the surprise. “They are all like my children, I ________ the kids,” Mr. John told Good Morning American. “It was the perfect day to ________ my retirement and make it about me.” “The school ________ so much to me, really love my job; it is for students,” he wrote in an email. The 83-year-old man had been janitor for more than a decade ________ having a career in building.

1.A.fear B.regret C.joy D.hope

2.A.kids B.farmers C.teachers D.workers

3.A.smiled B.chatted C.helped D.cried

4.A.strange B.violent C.sweet D.puzzling

5.A.later B.early C.ago D.off

6.A.surprised B.terrified C.upset D.inspired

7.A.dressed up B.made up C.showed up D.cheered up

8.A.lying B.waiting C.wandering D.hiding

9.A.threw B.sold C.lent D.gave

10.A.placing B.holding C.seeking D.making

11.A.convinced B.bothered C.touched D.tricked

12.A.interest B.comfort C.disappoint D.love

13.A.observe B.understand C.announce D.forget

14.A.tells B.means C.leaves D.shows

15.A.while B.after C.unless D.until



How to Tell Your Parents About a Bad Test Grade

If you’ve gotten a bad grade on a test, your parents may not be too pleased about it. 1. Here are some tips for you to follow.

Talk to your teacher.

2. Ask your teacher where you have gone wrong with the examination paper and if there is any way to improve your score He can help you decide what to do and guide you on the right path for the future.

Practice what you will say.

If you’re worried about how to tell your parents about your grade, take time to practice first. 3. Either way, having some idea of what you will say and how you will say it ahead of time can be very helpful in the moment.


It will look like you’re being dishonest or trying to cover up your grade if you wait two weeks to tell them about your grade. Try to get it out of the way within a few days of getting the news. Getting it off your mind will make you feel better, too.

Pick good moment.

If you approach them when they’re already stressed or angry, they’ll be less likely to react well. 5. Such as during or immediately following dinner or when you’re out on a dog walk or have just parked the car.

A.Tell your parents sooner rather than later.

B.You can talk to a toy animal or yourself in front of a mirror.

C.Don’t get too worked up before showing your parents the grade.

D.You’d better spend a little time preparing yourself to break the news.

E.The sooner you tell them,the more likely they are to be able to help.

F.Before you tell your parents,it might be helpful to meet with your teacher.

G.Try a calm,family time when your parents aren’t disturbed by other concerns.



    As wildfires continued to sweep across Australia, the loss of life in the area was reaching astonishing numbers. Ecologists (生态学家) at the University of Sydney said that nearly half a billion animals and plants had been wiped out since the fires began several months before. Images and videos from the area showed kangaroos trying to escape from burning forests and charred (烧焦的) bodies of koalas lying on the ground.

Koalas, which had been already under threat because of significant habitat loss, were hit particularly hard compared with other animals. Ecologists said nearly 8,000 koalas—about one-third of the population in their primary habitat-were believed to have died from the big fires. Professor Dieter Hochuli from the University of Sydney said it wasn’t just the well- known species, such as kangaroos, koalas and emus(鸸鹋), that were in danger. Insects also suffered losses. Additionally, many rare plant species might have disappeared completely.

While animal hospitals were taking in as many animals as possible to treat burns and nursed them back to health, services had overall struggled to keep up with the amount of care needed. And the animals that had survived would have trouble finding food and shelters among the ongoing flames, so they were still in a dangerous situation.

“We’re getting a lot of lessons out of this and it’s just showing how unprepared we are,” Dr. Sussan Ley said. “Now Australia is burning and national parks and our native animals are being destroyed. People have lost homes. People have died. Firefighters have been killed defending communities, most recently last night. There’s no protocols (拟定草案) in place even wildlife carers dont’ have protocols for when they can go in after fire. It’s our national government that is failing us.”

1.What’s the purpose of the second paragraph?

A.To explain why there were so many rare animals in Australia.

B.To show the terrible effect Australian wildfires had on species.

C.To further confirm Professor Dieter Hochuli’s’unique opinion.

D.To warn people to take good care of wild animals and plants.

2.Why were the animals still in danger after surviving the fire?

A.They failed to recover from serious burns.

B.They might be hunted by people for food.

C.They were short of food and shelters.

D.They were unable to get nursing services.

3.What is Dr.Sussan Ley’s attitude towards the national government’s deed?

A.Supportive. B.Unconcerned. C.Doubtful. D.Dissatisfied.

4.What is the main idea of the text?

A.Many rare animal species might have disappeared.

B.Measures should be taken to prevent Australian wildfires.

C.Australian wildfires killed nearly half a billion animals and plants.

D.Ecologists have made great efforts to find the causes of wildfires.



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