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I just ended a six-year relationship. I ...

    I just ended a six-year relationship. I found myself alone, feeling _______, often with an empty room for company(陪伴)on weekends. For the first time, I wondered if I had a mental_______.

After weeks of feeling_______ and sitting on my sofa crying, I decided to take action to turn my_______around. I realized I didn’t have disease. I just hadn’t been meeting my basic needs in a_______ and balanced way.

After taking action to_______ a new diploma(文凭), I reflected(思考)on how much better after I was meeting my basic needs, and how happy and_______ I felt as a result. I also recognized that I was meeting the_________in a new way. People were amazed when I told them what I was_______.

I never ________the basic need. At the moment I am__________ for my third marathon. People tell me how____________I am when I am running. I feel very happy, so I look after my body better. I have achieved a goal, and I go on to do something__________ with my time to meet other needs.

My dear friends, as we head into the New Year, I’d like to__________ you to spend an evening together, ____________some music you enjoy, look at each of the different needs and check how well you are__________ each one of your needs. If you do not meet a need fully, don’t worry. Worry is useless. __________, think about what action you can take to improve this__________, and write down some steps to achieve that. Like me with my__________, you may find that while meeting one need, you end up meeting others__________ as a result.

1.A.excited B.lonely C.curious D.joyful

2.A.disease B.energy C.determination D.enjoyment

3.A.content B.cheerful C.fortunate D.helpless

4.A.body B.sofa C.life D.title

5.A.dangerous B.broad C.healthy D.traditional

6.A.get B.make C.sell D.mend

7.A.alone B.alive C.asleep D.awake

8.A.condition B.friend C.stranger D.need

9.A.studying B.buying C.teaching D.missing

10.A.forget B.misunderstand C.ruin D.gain

11.A.training B.searching C.reporting D.watching

12.A.intelligent B.troublesome C.confident D.tiresome

13.A.generous B.unimportant C.unfair D.positive

14.A.allow B.invite C.order D.employ

15.A.put off B.put away C.put down D.put on

16.A.attracting B.meeting C.knowing D.remembering

17.A.Moreover B.Otherwise C.Instead D.Besides

18.A.story B.situation C.design D.music

19.A.boyfriend B.failure C.sickness D.marathon

20.A.humorously B.painfully C.naturally D.violently


1.B 2.A 3.D 4.C 5.C 6.A 7.B 8.D 9.A 10.A 11.A 12.C 13.D 14.B 15.D 16.B 17.C 18.B 19.D 20.C 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了,作者结束一段六年恋情后,感到孤独,在采取行动改变自己生活后,她明白了人要有明确的目标。 1. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我发现自己独自一人,感觉很孤独,周末常常有空房间陪我。A. excited兴奋的;B. lonely孤独的;C. curious好奇的;D. joyful快乐的。由上文的I found myself alone可知,作者感到孤独。故选B项。 2. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:第一次,我想知道我是否有精神上的疾病。A. disease疾病;B. energy精力;C. determination决定;D. enjoyment快乐。由下文的I realized I didn’t have disease可知,作者怀疑自己得了心理疾病。故选A项。 3. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:几周来我感到无助,坐在沙发上哭泣,我决定采取行动扭转我的生活。A. content满意的;B. cheerful快乐的;C. fortunate幸运的;D. helpless无助的。由下文的sitting on my sofa crying可知,作者感到无助,所以哭泣。故选D项。 4. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:几周来我感到无助,坐在沙发上哭泣,我决定采取行动扭转我的生活。A. body身体;B. sofa沙发;C. life生活;D. title标题。由本处语境可知,此处指作者对现在生活不满,决心采取行动扭转自己的生活。故选C项。 5. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我只是没有以一种健康和平衡的方式满足我的基本需求。A. dangerous危险的;B. broad宽阔的;C. healthy健康的;D. traditional传统的。由上文的I realized I didn’t have disease可知,作者没病,只是没有健康平衡地满足自己的基本需求。故选C项。 6. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:在采取行动拿到一张新的文凭后,我开始反思,在满足了我的基本需求之后,我感觉自己有多幸福和充满活力。A. get得到;B. make使……;C. sell卖;D. mend修理。由a new diploma可知,此处指作者得到了一张新的文凭。故选A项。 7. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在采取行动拿到一张新的文凭后,我开始反思,在满足了我的基本需求之后,我感觉自己有多幸福和充满活力。A. alone独自的;B. alive有活力的;C. asleep睡着的;D. awake清醒的。由上文的how much better after I was meeting my basic needs, and how happy可知,在满足需求后,作者感到快乐和活力。故选B项。 8. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:我也意识到我正在以一种新的方式满足需要。A. condition条件;B. friend朋友;C. stranger陌生人;D. need需要。由上文的how much better after I was meeting my basic needs, and how happy可知,此处指满足需求。故选D项。 9. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:当我告诉人们我在学什么时,他们都很惊讶。A. studying学习;B. buying买;C. teaching教育;D. missing想念。由上文的After taking action to___6___ a new diploma可知,作者是去学习了。故选A项。 10. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我永远不会忘记最基本的需要。A. forget忘记;B. misunderstand误解;C. ruin摧毁;D. gain得到。由下文语境可知,作者进行第三次马拉松,一直为目标奋斗追赶,可知作者没有停下对自己需求的追求,说明作者不会忘记自己最基本的需要。故选A项。 11. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:目前我正在为我的第三次马拉松训练。A. training训练;B. searching寻找;C. reporting报道;D. watching看。由for my third marathon.可知,此处指作者在为第三次马拉松训练。故选A项。 12. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:人们告诉我我跑步时有多自信。A. intelligent聪明的;B. troublesome麻烦的;C. confident有信心的;D. tiresome讨厌的。由下文的I have achieved a goal可知,作者已实现一个目标,所以跑的时候非常自信。故选C项。 13. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我已经实现了一个目标,我继续用我的时间去做一些积极的事情来满足其他的需要。A. generous慷慨的;B. unimportant不重要的;C. unfair不公正的;D. positive积极的。由 to meet other needs.可知,作者一直追赶自己的目标,满足自己的需求,说明作者很积极。故选D项。 14. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:亲爱的朋友们,在我们进入新年之际,我想邀请你们共度一个晚上,放一些你喜欢的音乐,看看每一个不同的需求,看看你们是否满足了每一个需求。A. allow允许;B. invite邀请;C. order命令;D. employ利用。由下文的together可知,可知作者想邀请别人。故选B项。 15. 考查动词短语辨析。句意:亲爱的朋友们,在我们进入新年之际,我想邀请你们共度一个晚上,放一些你喜欢的音乐,看看每一个不同的需求,看看你们是否满足了每一个需求。A. put off推迟;B. put away收好;C. put down放下;D. put on放上。由some music you enjoy,可知,此处指放上一些喜欢的音乐。故选D项。 16. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:亲爱的朋友们,在我们进入新年之际,我想邀请你们共度一个晚上,放一些你喜欢的音乐,看看每一个不同的需求,看看你们是否满足了每一个需求。A. attracting吸引;B. meeting满足;C. knowing知道;D. remembering记得。由meet other needs.可知,此处指满足需求。故选B项。 17. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:相反,想想你可以采取什么行动来改善这种状况,并写下实现这一点的一些步骤。A. Moreover而且;B. Otherwise否则;C. Instead相反;D. Besides此外。由上一句“担心是没用的。”和本句可知,前后两句表转折,应用Instead。故选C项。 18. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:相反,想想你可以采取什么行动来改善这种状况,并写下实现这一点的一些步骤。A. story故事;B. situation情况;C. design设计;D. music音乐。由上文作者失恋之后想改变自己的生活可知,此处指“如果你不能完全满足你的需要,就要采取行动来改善这种状况”。故选B项。 19. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:就像我参加马拉松比赛一样,你可能会发现,在满足一个需求的同时,你最终自然会遇到其他人。A. boyfriend男朋友;B. failure失败;C. sickness疾病;D. marathon马拉松。由 marathon可知,作者参加了马拉松比赛。故选D项。 20. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:就像我参加马拉松比赛一样,你可能会发现,在满足一个需求的同时,你最终自然会遇到其他人。A. humorously幽默地;B. painfully痛苦地;C. naturally自然地;D. violently暴力地。因为马拉松是一个很多人参加的比赛,所以在比赛中自然会遇见其他人。故选C项。

How to Forgive Someone

Forgiving someone who has done something wrong and hurt you can be difficult and painful. 1.  While this is natural, holding on to your anger causes you to become more painful. For this reason, it is necessary to choose to forgive, not for the other person, but for yourself. The following suggestions will help you forgive someone.

Release your anger. Let go of all the negative feelings you have towards the other person. Allow yourself to cry, go into nature, and talk to someone you trust, or do whatever helps you release these bad feelings. 2.

Give it time. Forgiveness does not come easily. 3. It is something that can be realized little by little every day.

4. Once you've had time to cool down and think things through, you may clearly explain to the other person, in a calm manner, how his actions have hurt you and how they have made you feel. This is very important, or you will bottle up feelings of anger towards the other person, making true forgiveness impossible.

Focus on the future. Once you have made the decision to forgive someone, you need to forget the past and focus on the future. 5. It might be just what your relationship needs.

A.Get angry at someone.

B.Tell the other person how you feel.

C.Your first reaction is probably to hold on to your anger.

D.It requires self-control, determination and, above all, time.

E.Look on the bright side of the future and make a fresh start.

F.If not, the bad feelings will cause you to become more painful.

G.It's unnecessary to rebuild a relationship with anyone or let him go.



    Vegetarianism is growing in popularity in a lot of countries. And now, South Africa is one of them. Today, more and more South Africans are experimenting with the vegetarian (素食者)way of life by cutting meat out of their diet.

Some others are exploring veganism. Vegans (纯素者)are similar to vegetarians but they avoid all animal-based products, including milk and eggs. Some vegans even do not eat honey. There is no official count of how many vegans there are in South Africa. But the interest has led to the birth of vegetarian and vegan restaurants in Johannesburg, the nation's economic center. And this year, Africa's first big vegan and plant-based festival was held in Cape Town. The Vegan &. Plant Powered Show took place at the end of May.

But veganism can be a lonely road for many South Africans. The country is Africa's top consumer of meat from cows, pigs and sheep, based on information from the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development. Many South Africans express shock at the thought of giving up meat, which is central to celebrations and spirituality.

This is an issue for many African vegans, including Anesu Mbizvo. "In African traditional culture, a big part of a family's worth is their livestock (家畜),which decide the wealth of a family. And so when an African kills an animal at a gathering, it's thought that he would give away his wealth. "  But she adds, "Offering home-grown vegetables would not be considered to be valuable. I think that thought mainly prevents some people of African cultures from being vegans."

Some South Africans are finding their path somewhere in the middle. Thirty-one-year-old Thandiwe Ngubeni is a communications specialist. She still eats meat-but less and less of it as time goes by. "I feel more energetic when I eat a vegan meal. It actually gives me more energy.

1.What can we learn about vegans?

A.They can drink milk.

B.They eat some animal meat.

C.They enjoy opening vegan restaurants.

D.They refuse any product based on animals.

2.What mainly stops some Africans being vegans according to Anesu Mbizvo?

A.Too many animals in the wild. B.Traditional views of livestock.

C.The influence from other countries. D.Not enough vegetables in the restaurant.

3.What do we know about Thandiwe  Ngubeni?

A.She is a vegan.

B.She is an animal specialist.

C.She looks forward to eating much more meat.

D.She has a limit on the amount of meat she eats.

4.What can be the best title for the text?

A.Vegans' Behaviors Are Too Extreme

B.Vegetarians Are Not Popular Any Longer

C.Many South Africans Welcome a Vegan Lifestyle

D.Meat in South Africa Will Become Less Delicious



    Many Americans are busy preparing lists of what to give friends or loved ones. This season, people will be able to buy a cargo-carrying (载货) robot that follows them around like a dog. But it is unclear if the robot will be a popular gift.

Large companies like Amazon, FedEx and Ford have already been experimenting with sending delivery robots to homes across the United States. Now an Italian company is offering robots directly to consumers (顾客). The new robot, called “the Gita”, weighs about 23 kilograms and costs $ 3,250.

The robot's creators had short trips in mind when they designed it. “The Gita” is a “hands-free carrier" that can hold fruits, vegetables and other things as it follows its owner down the street. “The Gita” does not. require use of a telephone; it also does not use GPS technology or facial recognition.

Whether the robot will be a success is not yet clear. Tech experts say “the Gita” may fail. They hope the company finds more purposes of using it to contribute to its success. Examples include carrying tools around hospitals, factory floors or places where products are stored. The robots can carry up to 9 kilograms, So far, the best places to find the company' s six wheeled robot are US colleges: The University of Houston and the University of Wisconsin Madison.

Sadie Garcia is a student at the University of Houston. “I love them. I think they're so cute," she said, as one of the machines arrived carrying a sandwich for her in the dining hall. Garcia said she was so cold that she did not want to leave her room. Starship co-founder Ahti Heinla said his company once thought about selling the machines directly to consumers. But the business dropped the idea after discovering it would have to sell them for more than $ 3,000 each.

1.What is"the Gita"designed to do?

A.Fight with other robots. B.Buy things for its owner.

C.Carry things for its owner. D.Help college students do homework.

2.What do tech experts expect the company to do for“the Gita”?

A.Find more uses for it. B.Keep advertising it.

C.Improve its reaction rate. D.Encourage hospitals to use it.

3.What stops“the Gita”from being sold directly to consumers?

A.The low quality. B.The high price.

C.The limited number. D.The poor performance.

4.Where is this text most likely from?

A.A science magazine. B.A detective story.

C.A travel guide. D.A life diary.



    I have been receiving so much kindness. It was difficult for an independent girl like me to accept it at first. At times, my financial situation is not the best. But with that comes a great lesson in appreciation, budgeting, and deciding what is and what isn't important.

A few times I've had to put off or even give up things. Because of my scarcity on money, I had to give up a keep-fit exercise, which is something I like to treat myself regularly. When my coach Lisa heard about this, she offered me training at a highly discounted price. At first this made me very uncomfortable. I feared that she would wrongly think that I was going to bargain and of course I wasn't. Instead, I was just being honest about my situation— being short of money. I finally accepted her offer, remembering that I deserve kindness, too.

Another time, I noticed a friend of mine selling his old exercise bike, which was perfect for me, as I was looking to replace my broken one. I told him that I would take it when I had the money, but then life got in the way. When I finally got the time to pick it up, I realized my financial shortcomings again. I asked him if he could hold onto it for one more week, as then I'd have the funds again. He was happy to do this, but instead he insisted on offering me the bike as a gift. Another opportunity presents itself to teach me how to receive with dignity.

I continue to slowly learn how to accept the kindness from others. In fact, the relationship between giving and receiving is closely linked. When you accept the kindness from others with joy, they will feel happy, too.

1.How did the author feel at first when she received kindness from others?

A.Happy. B.Unfair. C.Proud. D.Unacceptable.

2.What does the underlined word "scarcity" in paragraph 2 mean?

A.Scare. B.Independence. C.Lack. D.Principle.

3.What was the author afraid of when Lisa did her a favor?

A.Being punished. B.Being misunderstood.

C.Accepting her coach's strict training. D.Giving away the secret of her being short of money.

4.How did the author get the second-hand exercise bike?

A.She got it for free. B.She paid much money for it.

C.She bought it from her coach. D.She borrowed it from her friend.



Use our website to improve your English

Study at the right time each day

The first step in getting better in English is to study at the right time each day. Do you wake up early and study when the house is quiet? Or do you like to stay up late and study before you go to sleep? Choose the proper time to study English every week. Make a study plan for each week. Here is an example of using our website in the morning to improve your listening and speaking skills:

Monday: Watch Let's Learn English ; practice the conversation with a friend

Tuesday: Watch English in a Minute; teach the new expressions to family or friends

Wednesday: Watch English at the Movies; write a note to a friend about the expressions Thursday: Watch News Words; write a sentence using the words

Friday: Read or listen to Ask a Teacher or Everyday Grammar ; write three sentences

Find a friend to study together

A good way to learn is to study with a friend or a family member. You can study together at home or on the phone. Some families speak English only at dinner time or watch English videos together.

Set goals

One of the most important steps to learn English is to set goals. Make it something you know you can do in a short time. Here are some examples:

♦I will practice speaking with my friends three times a week.

♦I will write sentences with five new English words every week.

♦I will learn four new idioms in the next month and use them with friends.

1.Which advice is given on learning English?

A.Learning from others. B.Practicing once a week.

C.Turning to parents for help. D.Scheduling proper study time.

2.When can you learn English on the website according to the example?

A.On weekends. B.Every day.

C.On weekdays. D.Every Monday afternoon.

3.What are listed at the end of the text?

A.Some aims for learning English.

B.Some examples of practising English with friends.

C.Three important periods of time for learning English.

D.The most important steps in improving independent learning.



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