满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

I have ______ food at home. A. lot of B....

I have ______ food at home.

A. lot of    B. a lot of    C. a lot    D. a lots of


B 【解析】a lot  of =lots of表示许多的,大量的,后跟可数名词的复数形式,也可跟不可数名词。A lot是副词短语,不能修饰名词。没有lot of这一说法。









Lucy and Lily


The other students

在操场上(On the playground)打篮球










A. I like koala bears.

B. I like elephants.

C. It’s my favorite animal, too.

D. Where are you going?

E. They’re from Australia.

F. Let’s go and see a tiger.

G. It sounds great.

A:Hi,Peter!   66

B:I’m going to the zoo.

A:  67  What animal do you like?

B:  68 


B:Because they’re strong and intelligent. What about you?

A:  69  Because they’re cute.

B:Where are the koala bears from?

A:Oh.   70 




1. My uncle works in a hospital. (划线提问)

______ ______your uncle work?

2. My sister is eating dinner.(改为否定句)

My sister ______ ______dinner.

3.Pandas come from China.(改为同义句)

Pandas ______ ______ China.

4. There is a beautiful park near our school.(改为一般疑问句)

______ ______ a beautiful park near your school?

5. They often take photos in the park..(用now 改写句子)

They ______ ______ photos in the park now?




【小题】 Elephants are usually ________ (friend).

【小题】He knows many ______ (story) about LeiFeng.

【小题】Listen! They are ______ (sing) in the classroom.

【小题】 The garden is just ____________(在----后面)my house.

【小题】 Do you want   ______________ (watch) TV?

【小题】 He enjoys _____________ (run).

【小题】 There is a ____________ (杂志)on the desk.

【小题】 I know some famous______________(演员).

【小题】 My father doesn’t like my job because it’s too_____________(危险).

【小题】 What’s your uncle __________(等待)for ?





My name is Molly Sharp. I'm eleven years old. I've got one brother—his name's Joson and he's fourteen. I haven't got any sisters.I live with my mum and dad and grandma in a small house in Chesterfield,in the north of England. There are lots of things to do here. My friends and I go to the cinema on Saturdays.

   Do you like games? I like football. My favorite team is Manchester United. I sometimes play football with my brother. I can play well but he isn't very good.

   I've got seven pets--a tortoise and six goldfish. I want a dog or a cat,but my mother doesn't like them.

Please write to me.


1. The girl wants to find a ________.

    A. sister   B. brother  C.pet    D. pen pal

2.What is the girl's surname(姓)?

    A. Sharp  B.  Molly   C. Becky Molly  D. none of the above

3. The girl's family live in ________.

  A. a big room              B. a cinema 

  C. the west of England       D. the north of England

4. Does the girl play football well?

  A. Yes,she does.        B. No,she doesn't.

  C. She's not very good.   D. We don't know.

5. The girl's mother doesn't like ________. 

A. the tortoise or the goldfish  

B. the tortoise or the dog

  C. a dog or a cat        

D. the goldfish or the cat



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