满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

--- Where would you like to go for your ...

--- Where would you like to go for your next vacation?

   --- I’d like to sail across the Pacific because I like __________ vacations.

A. exciting     B. relaxing     C. boring           D. safe


A 【解析】此题重点考查形容词,根据语境可知我喜欢令人振奋的假期。故用exciting。

 The boy doesn’t know how to _________ English words in a dictionary.

     A. look up       B. look after      C. look at       D. look for



 There used to ________ a clean river in the village, but now it’s dirty.

A. be           B. being         C. have         D. having





要求1.语句通顺达意; 2.至少要写五句; 3.要有on, in, under等表示方位的介词。





1.Hello, Anna. How are you?

2.What color is your sofa?

3. What’s in your bag?

4. What’s your telephone number? 

5. Can you spell “notebook”? 

6. Is he your friend?

7. Do you have a volleyball? 

8.. Let’s watch TV.

9. Are your keys on the sofa?

10. Where are the CDs?

A. They’re on your desk.

B. Yes, he is.

C. That sounds boring.

D. Yes, I can.

E. No, I don’t.

F. It’s black.

G. Some books.

H. Fine, thank you. And you?

I. Yes, they are.

J. It’s 0779—2032525.




1.My aunt’s son is my             . (堂兄)

2.I have _____(三) watches.

3. My mother often ________(去) shopping on weekends.

4.  Miss Wei is our _____________ teacher. (数学)

5. These __________(裤子) are on the bed.

6. I_____(需要) a pen and a ruler.

7. Let’s play _______________. (排球)

8.  Mary and I are at________(学校).

9. The question is very _______(困难).

10.  I want to buy ______(白色的) socks.



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