满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

---You are quite different from your sis...

---You are quite different from your sister.

---Yes. We are both short. But my eyes are ________ than ________.

A.much bigger, his

B.more big, hers

C.bigger, hers

D.much bigger, him


C 【解析】more 不能修饰形容词比较级,故将B排除,同时在考查比较级时,than后接的内容,与前文的内容要具有可比性,故选答案为C

---The sick kids look unhappy. What shall we do?

--- Let's do something to ___________.

A.cheer them up

B.cheer him up

C.take care of him

D.look them after




Saturday morning

Go shopping with friends

Saturday afternoon

Clean the room, cook dinner

Saturday night

Watch TV with parents

Sunday morning

Play basketball with friends

Sunday afternoon

Stay at home , practice English

Sunday evening

Do homework

Dear Jim,

How’s it going? I had an interesting weekend. _________________________________________






Can you write and tell me about your weekend?






What do you do at the weekend ? Some people like to stay at home and rest. Other people think going out for a walk is good for their health. My friend Jack works very hard from Monday to Friday. At weekends he always does the same things . On Saturday he washes his car and on Sunday he takes his family to a village(村庄) far from his house. His uncle and aunt live there, so Jack goes to see them every week. They have a big farm and only one worker(工人) to help them , so they are usually very busy. Jack often asks his family to help them. The children give the animals food. Jack and his wife work in the fields(田地). After a long hard day of work, they are very tired and hungry.So Jack’s uncle gives them a nice meal. After that about five, they drive home.简略回答问题。

1.What does Jack do on Saturday?_____________________.

2.How many workers help Jack’s uncle and aunt do the farm work? _____________________

3.Jack and his wife work in the fields.  (划线部分提问)

______  ______ Jack and his wife work?

4.Some people like to stay at home and rest.  (否定句)

   Some people _________  ________ to stay at home and rest.

5.Jack often asks his family to help them.(一般疑问句)

________ Jack often _______ his family to help them?



--I hope you have a good trip. --_________________         .

       A.Thank you      B.I hope so         C. I think so         



The bad news made me _______ sad.

      A. feel           B. felt         C.  to feel



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