满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

---What did Tom ask you yesterday mornin...

---What did Tom ask you yesterday morning?

--- He asked me if I _______________ to Beijing with him this Saturday.

A.will go



D.would go


D 【解析】在宾语从句中,主句为过去时,从句用相应的过去时态,本句原来使用的是一般过去将来时,故选答案为D


popular    heavy     sing      see    child

1.The girl is thin, but her brother is _________.

2.Everyone knows her, she is ________ in our school.

3.I _________ Mr Wang last night. He is my friend’s father.

4.Zhou Jielun is a famous _______.

5.Lily is good with _________, so she wants to be a teacher.




1.Don’t talk  l______ in the classroom. It’s impolite(不礼貌的).

2.The movie is so boring. I can’t s_______ it.

3.The clothes shop is on sale. This shirt is very c_______.

4.Yesterday, Kate studied for the English t________.

5.Please __________ (记住)to turn off the lights.




A:    1   

B:  I’d like some noodles,please.

A:  _______2_________

B:  What kind of noodles do you have?

A:  We have beef, chicken, mutten, potato…

B:  ______3______

A: What size would you like? We have large, medium and small bowls.

B:  _____4______

A:  Ok, A medium bowl of mutton and potato noodles, right?

B:  Yes.  5  

A:  It’s six yuan.




Do you have a pen pal? If not, do you want to have one? Now let me tell you how to get a pen pal. There are usually three steps(步骤)The first is greeting. In this step, you and your new friend will say “hello” to each other and tell names. The second step is to talk. When talking with your new friend, it is always about your age, your family, your favorites or any other things like that. The third step is leave-taking. In this step, you tell your new friend that you are happy to meet him/her. You can also say “Do you want to be my pen pal?” or “ I hope we can be pen pals.”

1.This passage is about ______.

A. how to get a pen pal             

B. how to get to a hotel

      C. how to learn a new language       

2.There are______steps mentioned(被提及)in the passage.

A. two     B. three            C.  four           

3.Which of the following is NOT a greeting?

A. Hi!         

B. Where are you going?   

C. Hello, my name is Jane.          

4.You may talk about your father’s favorite animals in the ____step.

A. first  B. second           C.  third      

5.What does “leave-taking” mean ?

A. Meeting your pen pal.         

B. Visiting your pen pal’s house.

C. Saying goodbye to your pen pal.    



Li Ming is staying with the Wang’s family for the weekend.

Today it is warm and fine. The family are having dinner in the garden. They often have dinner in the garden on a warm and fine spring day. Now Mr. and Mrs. Wang are sitting at the table with Li Ming under a tree.

“It’s great to have dinner out here on such a lovely day,” Mrs. Wang says. “What’s the weather like in your hometown, Li Ming?” Mr. Wang asks. “It’s not very warm in spring. But I like the spring there best.” “Help yourself to some cakes, Li Ming,” Mrs. Wang says. “Thanks,” says Li Ming. “The cakes are very nice. I enjoy the dinner very much.”

1.Li Ming is staying with the Wang’s family________.

A. for a week   B. for a day   C. for the weekend  

2.The family are having their dinner __________.  

A. in the house   B. in the garden   C. in the park 

3.What’s the weather like today?

A. Warm.          B. Cold.        C. Warm and fine.       

4.What’s the weather like in Li Ming’s hometown?

A. It isn’t very cold in spring         

B. It’s very nice.

C. It’ s not very warm in spring       

5.How does Li Ming like the dinner?

A. He doesn’t enjoy the cake.            

B. He only enjoys the cake.

C. He enjoys the dinner very much.



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