满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

有几位学生遗失或捡到了一些物品, 请根据以下信息为他们写完寻物或招领启事。 Pe...

有几位学生遗失或捡到了一些物品, 请根据以下信息为他们写完寻物或招领启事。

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Peter: I lost a black watch. If you find it, call me at 780-732.

Henry: I lost a set of keys. Who found them, please call 456-3599.

Jim: I found a computer game. My phone number is 523-889.

Sam: I found a notebook with the name “Kevin Clark”. My phone  number is 555-0237.



Is this your computer game?

Please call Jim.  Phone number: 1. ________



2.__________.  My name is Henry Cooper.

Please call me at 456-3599.



A black watch.  My name is3.__________. My phone number is 780-732.



Is this your   4.__________?

Please call me at 5.__________.          



1.523-889 2.A set of keys 3.Peter 4.notebook 5.555-0237 【解析】 试题分析: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 考点:任务型阅读。


Mr Shi: Boys and girls, attention (注意), please. 1._____ This is a yellow and black pen. Is it yours, Jack?

Jack: 2.______ Is it yours, Tom?

Tom: Let me see. Yes, it’s mine. Thank you!.

Mr Shi: Now, look at the bags. 3._____

Tony: They are mine, Mr  Shi.

Mr Shi: OK. 4.______

Tony: No.

Mr Shi.: Jim, are they yours?

Jim: No, they are white shoes, but mine are black. 5.______ Maybe they are hers.

Mr Shi: Are they yours, Linda?

Linda: Yes. Thanks!

A. No, it’s not mine.

B. Whose are they?

C. Are the shoes yours, too?

D. Linda often wears white shoes.

E. Whose pen is this?




1.Where is  your ________(录音带)

2.Let me draw a nice ________() for you.

3.Tom’s smile is very ________(奇怪的).

4.Beihai Park is a little far from here. Let’s go there by_______(出租车).

5.It’s too cold; his lips(嘴唇)change into________(紫色).




1.Fan  Bingbing  is my favorite movie  s__________.

2.Spring  Festival usually  comes in Janualy or F__________.

3.Red means good l____. Most Chinese people like this color.

4.They  often s______  the  floor  at home.

5.Look!  My  mother  is  c_______the  meal.




thousand, camera, dance, airport, sausage

1.I want to eat some ________.

2.My mum is waiting for Jenny at the ________.

3.Look! Tony and Jim  are __________happily.

4.Susan has a new beautiful ________.

5.There are one ________ trees  in our school.



Xiao Ming  is playing with his friend in front of a house. An old woman walks up to him. “My boy,” she asks., “ Is your mother at home?” “Yes ,” Xiao Ming says. The woman begins to ring(按) the door bell(门铃), but there is no answer(应答).

   She rings the door bell again. There is still no answer. The woman is not happy. She turns to Xiao Ming  and asks again, “Is your mother at home?” “Yes , she is.” Xiao Ming  answers. “But I ring the door bell twice and nobody(没人) comes to open the door,” the woman says.

  “Oh, I’m sorry. This is not my house. My house is over there.”

1.Xiao Ming  is playing in front of _______house.

A. other people’s    B. the old woman’s   C. his   D. his father’s

2.Xiao Ming’s mother is ________.

A. at work       B. at home     C. at school      D .out

3.The old woman wants to see_______.

A. her house    B. her son   C. Xiao Ming ’s  mother      D. Xiao Ming

4.The woman is not happy because___________.

A. Xiao Ming ’s mother is still in bed.

B. Xiao Ming ’s mother doesn’t want to see her.

C. Nobody  opens  the  door.

D. Xiao Ming’s mother doesn’t  like the  woman.

5.Which (哪一个)of the following is right?

A. Xiao Ming ’s mother isn’t  at  home.

B. The old woman asks Xiao Ming  to open the door.

C.The old woman doesn’t ring  the  door bell .

D. It isn’t Xiao Ming ’s house.



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