满分5 > 初中英语试题 >






It’s 5 o’clock in the afternoon. Many teachers and students are playing on the playground. Some are-------


It’s 5 o’clock in the afternoon. Many teachers and students are playing on the playground. Some are playing basketball, some are running, and some are playing table tennis. Look, who are they over there? Oh, they are Lucy and Lily. They are playing badminton. And Linda and Job are reading a book under the tree. Where are Tom and Tim? They are helping a little girl find her keys. Look, Ms Li is chatting with some students there. They are laughing happily. How happy they are. 【解析】试题分析:这篇作文要求我们用现在进行时来描述一下操场上的欢乐景象,题目中没有给我们具体说明操场上的老师和学生们正在干什么,这要靠我们自己的想象。我们可以联系我们所学过的一些表示运动名称的单词和短语,如玩游戏,play games、打网球,play tennis或打羽毛球,play badminton等。或做其他活动的一些短语,如阅读,read 等。要注意不要只描写学生们的运动,还要包括老师的活动。这些具体活动的描写都要用现在进行时,注意现在进行时的构成,以及不同人称,单复数的变化。同时写作时还要注意语句直接的连接,以使行文连贯。 【亮点说明】这篇作文内容完整,语言准确,非常生动的给我们呈现了操场上,老师和学生们的欢乐景象。有些在打篮球,有些在跑步,在玩游戏,在读书,在帮助小同学等。充分发挥了自己的想象力,把自己平时积累的短语都拿了出来。同时为避免行文枯燥,作者在短文中还使用了一些问句,像who are they over there、where are Tom and Tim 等。这些问句的使用是文章充满了生气,不那么死板。现在进行时的使用也很准确,注意到了不同人称、单复数形式等这些变化。 考点:提纲类作文。  

句型转换 (每空1分,共10分)

1.Tom ofen walks to school. (改为现在进行时)

Tom _______ ________ to school.

2.Lucy is Mrs. Black’s daughter. (对画线部分提问)

________  ________is Lucy?

3.Are these your ducks? (作肯定回答)

Yes, _______  _________.

4.He  is  reading English.(改为复数)

______  _____ reading  English.

5.This is my English-Chinese dictionary. (改为同义句)

This English-Chinese dictionary _______  ________.



有几位学生遗失或捡到了一些物品, 请根据以下信息为他们写完寻物或招领启事。

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Peter: I lost a black watch. If you find it, call me at 780-732.

Henry: I lost a set of keys. Who found them, please call 456-3599.

Jim: I found a computer game. My phone number is 523-889.

Sam: I found a notebook with the name “Kevin Clark”. My phone  number is 555-0237.



Is this your computer game?

Please call Jim.  Phone number: 1. ________



2.__________.  My name is Henry Cooper.

Please call me at 456-3599.



A black watch.  My name is3.__________. My phone number is 780-732.



Is this your   4.__________?

Please call me at 5.__________.          





Mr Shi: Boys and girls, attention (注意), please. 1._____ This is a yellow and black pen. Is it yours, Jack?

Jack: 2.______ Is it yours, Tom?

Tom: Let me see. Yes, it’s mine. Thank you!.

Mr Shi: Now, look at the bags. 3._____

Tony: They are mine, Mr  Shi.

Mr Shi: OK. 4.______

Tony: No.

Mr Shi.: Jim, are they yours?

Jim: No, they are white shoes, but mine are black. 5.______ Maybe they are hers.

Mr Shi: Are they yours, Linda?

Linda: Yes. Thanks!

A. No, it’s not mine.

B. Whose are they?

C. Are the shoes yours, too?

D. Linda often wears white shoes.

E. Whose pen is this?




1.Where is  your ________(录音带)

2.Let me draw a nice ________() for you.

3.Tom’s smile is very ________(奇怪的).

4.Beihai Park is a little far from here. Let’s go there by_______(出租车).

5.It’s too cold; his lips(嘴唇)change into________(紫色).




1.Fan  Bingbing  is my favorite movie  s__________.

2.Spring  Festival usually  comes in Janualy or F__________.

3.Red means good l____. Most Chinese people like this color.

4.They  often s______  the  floor  at home.

5.Look!  My  mother  is  c_______the  meal.



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