满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

根据句意及所给词的首字母或汉语提示,补全单词。 1. Jane’s father...


1. Janes fathers father is her g     .

2.--- How can I find him?

   ---You can c      at 116-2268.

3. --- Where is his English book?

   --- Its u          the desk.

4. --- Whats that, Jane?

   --- Its my yellow            (杯子)。

5.         (七) books are on the desk.


1.grandfather 2.call 3.under 4.cup 5.Seven 【解析】 试题分析: 1. 2.116-2268.。根据后面的电话号码可知对方是提醒可以打电话找到他。故答案为call 3. 4. 5. 考点:单词拼写。


my   photo   we   five   eat

1. --- What can you see on the table?

   --- We can see some      .

2. May is the     month of the year.

3. --- Is this red jacket yours?

   --- No, Its hers. _     is black.

4. My sister    for dinner.

5. The boy always plays games with       .




A: Can I help you?

B: Yes, please. I want a skirt for my daughter.

A: OK.1._________________

B: Oh, it’s small for her.

A: 2._________________

B: 16.

A: Oh, my daughter is 16, too. When is your daughters birthday?

B: Its on May 22nd.

A: Great.3. _________________ What color does she like?

B: Blue.

A: Here is a blue skirt. Do you like it?

B: Yes. Its nice. 4. _________________. How much is it?

A:50 yuan.


A: Youre welcome.

A. I think my daughter must like it.

B. Their birthdays are on the same day.

C. Do you like blue?

D. How about this one?

E. Ill take it. Thank you.

F. What does she want to buy?

G. How old is your daughter?



Bill likes hamburgers, eggs and oranges for breakfast. For lunch, he eats French fries, chicken and salad. For dessert(甜点)he likes ice-cream. He doesnt like pears or bananas for dinner. He likes tomatoes, broccoli(花椰菜) and strawberries. Sandra has French fries, eggs, apples and bananas for breakfast. She doesnt like chicken for lunch. She eats hamburgers, salad and pears for lunch. For dinner, she has strawberries and broccoli. She likes ice-cream for dessert. Bill and Sandra are healthy because they eat lots of (很多) healthy food.

1.What does Bill have for breakfast?

A. French fries, chicken, apples and bananas.

B. Hamburgers, tomatoes and oranges.

C. Hamburger, eggs and oranges

2.What does Bill like for dessert?

A.Ice-cream    B. Bananas      C. Apples

3.Bill doesnt like ___for dinner.

A.tomatoes     B. pears        C. strawberries

4.Sandra has _____ for lunch.

A. chicken and pears  

B. hamburgers, salad and pears  

C. hamburgers, bananas and pears

5.What does the word because mean(意思是)

A. 然后          B. 所以         C. 因为



Dear Jane,

        I have to (必须) go to work now. I prepare(准备) these things for you. Your schoolbag is on the desk. Your pen, books, keys and your school card are in your schoolbag. Your clothes and hat are on the dresser. The shoes are under your bed. Dont forget your breakfast. Its in the microwave oven.(微波炉)

     Love you.


1. _____leaves(留下) the note(便条).

A.Jane            B.Janes father     C.Janes mother   

2. Whats in the schoolbag?

a. the pen  b. the shoes   c. the keys   d. the school card   e. the hat

A. a c d            B. a b d           C. a b e  

3. Where are the shoes?

A. Theyre on the bed.  B. Theyre on the dresser  C. Theyre under the bed

4. Where is the schoolbag?

A. On the desk      B. In the desk      C. Under the desk   

5. The underlined(画线的) word forget means(意思是) _________.

A.拿走           B. 忘记          C.带来



Hello! My name is Jenny. My favorite day is Wednesday. Do you know why? We have a science lesson on Wednesday morning. It is my favorite subject. On Wednesday morning we also have Chinese, English and art. They are good, too. In the afternoon we usually(通常) have three lessons, but on that day we have two lessons, P.E. and history. Miss Guo is our history teacher. She is my favorite teacher because her lesson is very interesting. I like sports, too. I can play many kinds of games with my friends in the P.E. class. I can go home earlier(较早地) on the day. I like the nice day.

1.Jennys favorite day is _____________.

A. Monday     B. Tuesday        C. Wednesday

2._______is Jennys favorite subject.

A. Science      B. P.E.            C. Art

3.Jenny has______lessons on Wednesday.

A.three     B.four        C.six

4.Jennys favorite teacher teaches ______.

A. P.E.     B. history      C. Chinese


A. Jenny doesnt like English.

B. Miss Guo is Jennys mom.

C. Jenny can play games in the P.E. Class.



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