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假如你叫温涛,你的美国笔友Andy 参加了汉语培训班学习汉语。他最近写信向你询问...

假如你叫温涛,你的美国笔友Andy 参加了汉语培训班学习汉语。他最近写信向你询问如何学习外语。请根据下列提示和你自己学习英语的体会给Andy 写一封回信。



Dear Andy,

I’m very glad that you are learning Chinese. I know it isn’t easy to learn a foreign language, but I have some ideas that may help.




Best wishes!


Wen Tao


Dear Linda, I'm very glad that you are learning Chinese. I know it isn't easy to learn a foreign language, but I have some ideas that may help. Firstly, it's very important to listen to the teacher carefully in class and make some notes so that you can go over your lessons later. Secondly, try to catch every chance/ take every opportunity to practise speaking Chinese, both in and out of class. Don't be afraid of making mistakes. Then try to listen and read more in Chinese. What's more, you'd better plan your time well and study it regularly every day. Above all, I think you should be confident in yourself and don't give up whenever you meet with difficulty. I'm sure you'll succeed with/through your hard work. Best wishes! Yours, Li Hua 【解析】 试题分析:这是一篇利用图表的给材料作文。要求介绍自己学习英语的体会。根据提示主要写课上如何做,多交流,然后根据自己的体会再写两条建议。 【亮点说明】这篇短文内容切题,意思连贯,表达清楚、完整。词汇和句型句式运用恰当,好句型和习惯表达用语的应用使文章的表达更丰富,更有逻辑性,更富有条理如Firstly, it's very important to listen to the teacher carefully in class,so that,both in and out of class,. What's more, you'd better,Above all, be confident in yourself,don't give up whenever you meet with difficulty.等。 考点:图表作文。  


1. I often r______ my bike to school. What about you?

2. Nick missed the school bus this morning. L______, his friend’s dad took him to school.

3.. Did Li Ping jump f______ than any other boy in the sports meeting?

4. Singing English songs makes me more i______ in learning English.

5. The girl was hurt by a traffic a______ on the way to school this morning.

6. I had a w______ time on Saturday night, we sang and danced all night.

7. Please t______ the soup and see if it has enough salt.

8.Teaching is sometimes t______, but interesting.

9. Although they are twins, there are some d______ between them.

10. ---I can’t see the words on the blackboard c______ now.

---Let’s turn on the light.




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If you are 1. for a symbol of Britain, only one thing 2. the test-the umbrella. In London, even 3. the sky is perfectly blue, you can be sure it’s going to start raining within the hour. And when it does, there is chaos(混乱). Trains 4., drains block, and buses 5.down as if this was the first time the local government had seen this coming out of the clouds.

So as with so many things in the UK-- it’s up to ordinary people to sort 6. out. No one will ever leave home 7. his umbrella.

An umbrella has8.of uses, even on rare rain-free days. A real gentleman of London will use his umbrella 9. a walking stick. A traditional game of cricket(板球)can be10.using an umbrella as a bat. Nor do you ever have to be afraid of robbers-your umbrella can be used as a defensive weapon(防卫武器).



请仔细阅读56—60题中关于Mary, Stella, Oliver, Amelia和Felix的兴趣爱好,选出分别适合他们的电影。(每部电影只能被选一次。备选项中有一项是多余的。)

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A. Rangers

The story happens in Mexico in the year 3000. It has an exciting storyline and even better special effects (效果).

Movie of the month—don’t miss it!


B. Yesterday

Wonderful movie set in Venice, by the famous director John Woodall. A young couple are in love and want to get married. The problem is, their parents aren’t happy…

Great music and beautiful photography.


C. High School Days

Three teenage boys meet at Stafford high School. They decide to start a band together and that’s when the fun really starts…

Funny, with an interesting story.


D. Freddy

A boy discovers he has magic powers, but what happens when he visits his grandparents?

Fun for all the family.


E. Busters

Jacky Chan stars in this movie. Lots of guns and lots of car chases. If you want excitement, watch this!

Don’t watch it if you hate to see blood (血) .


F. Oregon Adventure

Set in the early 19th century, this is a story about a long journey west across the United States and the problems the pioneer (拓荒者) had on the way. Both funny and sad.

If you like westerns, this is the film for you.


●●●●● Don’t miss it!    ●●●●○ Very good

●●●○○ Good           ●●○○○ OK           ●○○○○ Stay at home!



If you knew a bottle of water had been recycled from urine (尿), would you drink it? Astronauts at the International Space Station (ISS) may soon do so.  NASA (美国航空航天局) said it would use a high-tech machine (高科技机器) to recycle wastewater at the ISS. The machine will recycle everything from sweat (汗), the water for washing hands, shower water, water used for brushing teeth, and even urine, to make drinking water.

It will save NASA millions of dollars each year. At present, each ISS astronaut uses about 4.4 liters (升) of water every day. It costs about $24 million a year to transport water up to ISS. NASA says that a liter of water costs about $11,000.

The machine will be sent to the ISS in October 2008. NASA hopes it will recycle about 93% of all water used on the station.  Will the water be clean? Scientists say the wastewater will go through a very complicated process (复杂的过程). For example, different chemicals will be put in the wastewater; the water will be heated to 130to get rid of bacteria (细菌). The recycled water is thousands of times better than the water from a city tap, scientists say.

1.NASA will use a high-tech machine to recycle wastewater at the ISS to __________.

A. protect the ISS

B. make astronauts at ISS work harder

C. provide better water and food for ISS astronauts

D. save the cost of transporting water up to the ISS

2.At present it costs NASA about ______ dollars to transport water up to an astronaut at the ISS a day.

A. 4.4 thousand B. 11 thousand  

C. 48.4 thousand  D. 24 million

3.Scientists plan to get rid of bacteria in the wastewater by ______.

A. freezing    B. heating       

C. shaking      D. precipitating (沉淀)

4.The reading mainly tells us something about ______.

A. water recycling  B. the International Space Station

C. a high-tech machine         D. the cost of NASA

5. Which of the following sentences is true, according to the passage?

A. The recycled water is much better than that from a city tap.

B. The high-tech machine will recycle all the water used on the station. 

C. At present, each ISS astronaut uses more water than the people living on the earth.

D. The high-tech machine can only recycle urine to make water at present



In his lowest days when few people bought his records, Taiwan singer Steve Chou lived alone in Canada and did little. One day, he passed by a local CD store and heard a song that greatly attracted him.

“My heart tells me that music is the thing I truly want to do, not for fame(名誉)or money,” Chou said. That’s how we luckily have such a music genius, who has since then composed(作曲)lots of hits for the pop music charts (排行榜).

“Sometimes we need to get close to nature to look deeply into our souls and see what we really want to follow,” he said.

Recently he has made public his latest work Lovers Genesis. In this album, he explores human relationships in the Internet age. “Technology itself is a good thing, but it depends on how you’re going to use it,” is Chou’s advice to teenagers.

Chou often gets his music ideas from trips. He has traveled to many places around the world and believes that learning a country’s language is the fastest way of experiencing the culture behind it.

Chou has worked hard on learning English to push forward his music career(事业). He has flown to the UK to attend month-long English training schools three times. There he lives with local families and practices daily conversations.

“So I could easily read the English instructions on recording machines and communicate with the local music producers,” said Chou, “The music reviews of the US or British singers that I appreciate could help me learn and grow with them.”

1.. Which of the following about Steve Chou is the correct order?

a. He made public his work Lovers Genesis.

b. He passed by a local CD store and heard a song that greatly attracted him.

c. He composed lots of hits for the pop music charts.

d. Few people bought his records.

A. abcd  B. dbca C. acbd   D. dacb

2. Why has Chou flown to the UK to learn English?

A. Because he wants to live in the UK.

B. Because his record company asks him to.

C. Because he wants to sell his album in the UK.

D. Because he thinks it will be helpful for his music career.

3.. Which of the following statements is right?

A. Steve Chou loves music and he sings for fame.

B. The human relationships in the Internet age he explores is that Technology itself is a good thing, but it depends on how you’re going to use it.

C. Steve Chou lives with local families in Canada and practices daily conversations.

D.Steve grows up with some Americans.

4.Steve Chou may agree with the following except that      .

taking trips gives him some ideas of music

what we really want to follow is the most important.

music is a thing that can bring him fame and money.

in International age,technology itself is not a bad thing

5.What is Steve Chou like according to the passage?

A.Kind and helpful.           B.Proud and confident.

C.Active and hard-working     D.Calm and disappointed



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