满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Go______ the street, walk _______the pos...

Go______ the street, walk _______the post office,and_______ the street, and you will see the book shop in front of you.

A. along; pass; cross        B. along; past; across 

C. along; past; go across      D. on; past; go cross


C 【解析】 试题分析:句意:沿着这条街道走,走过邮局,再过一条街,你就能看见一个书店就在你的眼前。这里go along the street沿着街走;walk past走过,past是介词;第一个and连接的是并列的三个动词,故第三空应该用动词。故选C。 考点: 考查介词及动词的用法。  

--- We'll have a school trip to Shanghai next month.

   --- That sounds _______. I'm sure we'll have a good time there.

A. well   B. badly     C. bad     D. good



This is ______time to come to Suzhou.I hope _______here again next time.

A. my the first;to come   B. the my first;I come     

C.my first;to come       D. first the my;I can come



Daniel’s school is __________ the east of the town and ________ the south of the hospital.

A. in; in   B. to; to   C. on; to  D. in; to



---Are the key rings the ______?  ---No, they are ______

A. twin’s; her     B.twins’; hers   C. yours; mine  D. yours;their



---__________a new film in Star Cinema this weekend?

   ---Yes,There_____often new films at the weekend.

A. Is there going to have;will be   B. Will there have;are

C.Will there be; will be            D. Is there going to be;are



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