满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Many people think the more time is spent...

Many people think the more time is spent, the more work will be done. So students have to    the whole day doing school work except three meals.

Modern students have many    . They love sports, computers and music. A two-day weekend can get them away from     school work, and they can do what they like. But  still teachers do not think about it. Students have so much homework that they have no time to    themselves. Students are really hate doing their weekend homework. So they don’t do it    Sunday night. And there is not enough time to finish the homework    . The poor weekend homework usually makes teachers     .

    Too much school work make students   interest in learning. It’s also bad for their     . A horse runs faster after a rest. But for students only rest is not enough. So such a condition(状况)should be changed to give students both   and knowledge.

1.A. takeB. costC. spendD. pay

2.A. interestsB. booksC. pensD. friends

3.A. too manyB. many tooC. too muchD. much too

4.A. learnB. enjoyC. teachD. look after

5.A. inB. withC. atD. until

6.A. carefullyB. angrilyC. helpfullyD. widely

7.A. happyB. weak C. angryD. strong

8.A. loseB. to lose C. losingD. lost

9.A. headsB. ideas     C. health         D. messages

10.A. food B. pleasure     C. money     D. subjects


1.C 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.D 6.A 7.C 8.A 9.C 10.B 【解析】 试题分析:短文大意:许多人认为,花得时间多,做的工作就多。学生除了三顿饭外必须花整天做作业。 然而太多的作业让学生失去学习兴趣。这对他们的健康也有害。一匹马休息之后跑得快。但对学生仅仅休息是不够的。所以应改变这种状况既给学生快乐,也给学生知识。 1.学生必须花费整天(除了三顿饭)做作业。 take花费(时间);cost花费,费用;spend花费(时间或钱);pay付款,付报酬。本句的主语是students ,所以该写C。 2.现代的学生有许多兴趣。interests兴趣; books书;pens钢笔;friends朋友。根据下句They love sports, computers and music.可推知该选A。 3.为期两天的周末可以让他们远离太多的学业,他们可以做他们喜欢的事情。too many太多,修饰复数名词; too much太多,修饰不可数名词; much too太,修饰形容词或副词原级。school work 是不可数名词,所以选C。 4.学生有如此多的作业,他们没有时间过得开心。learn学习;enjoy欣赏,喜欢;teach教;look after照看。Enjoy oneself过得开心,玩得愉快;结合语境可知该选B。 5.学生们真的恨做他们的功课。所以他们直到星期日晚上才做。in在……里; with和;at在; until直到。Not…until直到……才,是一个固定句型。所以选D。 6.没有足够的时间仔细地完成作业。carefully仔细地; angrily生气地; helpfully有帮助地;widely宽阔地。根据句意可知该选A。 7.可怜的周末作业通常使教师生气。happy愉快的;weak虚弱的; angry生气的;strong强壮的。学生做不好作业,当然使老师生气,所以选C。 8.太多的作业让学生失去学习兴趣。lose失去。Make sb do sth让某人做某事,是一个固定结构,所以选A。 9.这对他们的健康也有害。heads脑袋;ideas主意,想法; health健康;messages口信,消息。根据生活常识可知该选C。 10.所以应改变这种状况既给学生快乐,也给学生知识。food食物; pleasure快乐;money钱;subjects科目。联系上文中Students have so much homework that they have no time to 11. themselves. 可知该选B。 考点:教育类短文。

I’m going to buy a new car. Any advice, John?

Well, it depends on _______. If money isn’t a problem, you can buy a BMW.

A. when you will buy one     

B. where you are driving 

C. what color do you like        

D. how much you can afford



The children without parent _______ good care of by their teachers in this special school.

A. is taken        B. are taken        

C. take             D. takes



—Lily, hurry up! The bus is coming.

—Oh, no, we _______ cross the street until the traffic lights turn green.

A. mustn’t   B. may not   

C. needn’t   D. don’t have to



—Emma was ill last week. Is she all right now?

—_______. Miss Gao says she’ll come to school tomorrow.

A. I’m afraid not      B. That’s OK    

C. I think so        D. Sounds good



I’d like to tell you about the table manners _______ you should know when you visit Korea.

A. whichB. who

C. what    D. how



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