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These days the long TV play is popular m...

These days the long TV play is           popular         my mother often keep watching it for two hours without a rest a day .

A. so, that         B. too , to

C. very , that       D. such , that


A 【解析】 试题分析:句意:这些天这部长电视剧太受欢迎以至于我妈妈经常一天不休息持续看两个小时。根据句意及题干分析此题是考查“如此……以致于……”,第二空后是从句,所以用that引导;第一空后是形容词,因此用so,所以此题选A。 考点:考查固定搭配  

A new bridge           in our city next year and it is over eight hundred meters long .

A. builds        B. will be built

C. is built       D. will build



Look at the sign ! Trucks are not allowed to go          the city center .

A.  over          B. past

C. through        D. across



--- Could I use your          to look up a word ?

--- Go ahead . I’m not using it myself .

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---Our team has won a gold medal .

---           news ! Let’s tell our teacher about          news quickly .

A. What a good , a    B. How good , the

C. How a good , a  D. What good , the



We will see         even stronger China in         near future .

A. a , the    B. an ,a

C. the , a    D. an , the



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