满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

--- Does Jim usually go to shool by car ...

--- Does Jim usually go to shool by car ?

--- No, he           does . He often takes a bus .

A.always          B. seldom

C. nearly        D. certainly


B 【解析】 试题分析:句意:—吉姆通常乘小汽车上学吗?—不,他几乎很少这样做,他经常乘公共汽车。A.always总是; B. seldom很少; C. nearly几乎; D. certainly当然,根据句意此题是“很少”的意思,所以选B。 考点:考查副词的用法  

--- Could you tell me            ?

--- By telling them some funny stories.

A. where the children want to go

B. why the children are not happy

C. when I can visit the children

D. how I can cheer up the sick children



She looks forward every spring to           the flower - lined garden .

A. walk in         B. visit

C. walking in      D. paying a visit



--- Whose T- shirt is this ?

--- It           be John’s . It’s much too small for him .

A.shouldn ’ t            B. may

C. can’t                 D. mustn’t



“We haven’t enough books for           . Some of you will have to share , ” the teacher said to the students .

A.somebody         B. everybody

C. anybody         D. nobody



--- Guess what he will say when I ask him about it again .

--- Even if you          him again, he will not tell you anything .

A. ask            B. are going to ask

C. will ask       D. asked



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