满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

—You should ________ your son. He works ...

—You should ________ your son. He works harder than before.

—Thanks, I will.

A. praiseB. punishC. preventD. beg


A 【解析】 试题分析:句意:-你应该表扬你的儿子,他学习比以前更努力了。-谢谢,我会的。praise 表扬;punish 惩罚,与句意不符;prevent 阻止;beg 乞求。根据句意可知,他的儿子学习更努力了,应该受到表扬,故选A。 考点:考查动词。  

谈论你最喜欢的一本书、一部电影、卡通故事、一项运动、一张照片、一个人(朋友、  家人、同学)、一个节日、一个季节、一次记忆深刻的旅行。 具体要求:任选一个内容进行写作。


3.尽量使用由and , but , so, so that , because , if ,though、although等连词连接的并列句或复合句,丰富你的表达。 字数在100词左右。

提示词:cartoon film / story , festival , Spring Festival , Christmas Day, an unforgettable journey(一次记忆深刻的旅行)  .   

                 My favorite ___________













A学科网(www.zxxk.com)--教育资源门户,提供试卷、教案、课件、论文、素材及各类教学资源下载,还有大量而丰富的教学相关资讯!: Good afternoon, Mr. White.

B: Good afternoon.  1. 

A: Very well, thanks. And you?

B: I’m fine, too. The school term is nearly over. 2.

A: I’m going to take courses(课程)in a winter school.

B:  3. 

A: English and computer.

B:  4. 

A: Because English and computer are getting more and more important in our life.

B:  5.  I hope you will work hard at them.

A. How are you going to spend the winter holidays?

B. Yes , I think so.

C. How is it going?

D. What courses?

E. Why do you choose these two courses?




1.Don’t waste the old things .Try to reuse them .

It’s________ ________ throw away the old things .Try to reuse them .

2.Would you like to talk to me for few minutes ?

Would you like to have a _________ _________ me ?

3.If you study harder , your English will improve .

If you study harder , your English will ________ ________ .

4.The Monkey King makes each room disordered in heaven .

The Monkey King _____ a ______in each room in heaven .

5.My father decided not to smoke any more .

My father ________ ________ smoking .





Reading good books makes a great  ________ __________  us teenagers .


______ ______of cartoon characters have won the hearts of young people around the world .


On weekends I like seeing films , _______ _______ as doing sports , reading books .


NBA ________ _________ National Basketball Association .


The government must_________ junk 学科网(www.zxxk.com)--教育资源门户,提供试卷、教案、课件、论文、素材及各类教学资源下载,还有大量而丰富的教学相关资讯!food _________ schools .



Two famous cartoons

The Lion Kings

   Mufasa , the king of the lions , has a baby son called Simba .Mufasa has a brother , Scar , who hates Simba and his father bec学科网(www.zxxk.com)--教育资源门户,提供试卷、教案、课件、论文、素材及各类教学资源下载,还有大量而丰富的教学相关资讯!ause he wants to be king . With the help of some hyenas Simba(土狼).Scar kills Mufasa , but very cleverly makes Simba believe that he killed his father .

   Simba leaves and goes far away and Scar becomes king . But as Simba becomes older, he understands what really happened , and returns home with his friends . He fights Scar and becomes king of the lions .


Farquaadthe ruler of a country called Duloc , decides that all the characters from fantasy stories must leave the country . There is a a very big , ugly monster called Shrek who lives in a forest and all the fant学科网(www.zxxk.com)--教育资源门户,提供试卷、教案、课件、论文、素材及各类教学资源下载,还有大量而丰富的教学相关资讯!asy characters hide in his home , although Shrek doesn’t want them to .

  Shrek visits Farquaad . Farquaad agrees that the fantasy characters can come back if Shrek can find the beautiful princess (公主)that Farquaad wants to marry .Shrek goes to look for the princess called Fiona . He finds her and discovers that at night she becomes as ugly as him .When Farquaad discovers that Fiona is ugly , he doesn’t want to marry her . The monster and the princess marry , and the princess(公主)decides to stay ugly all the time for love !


1.Mufasa’s son is called ______________.

2.Scar ________ Simba and his father because he wants to be __________ of the lions .

3.Simba goes back home and fights Scar when he _______ _________.

4.Shrek ,a very big, ugly _______, visits Farquaad because he wants to help all the ________     _________.

5.Farquaad wants to ________ the beautiful princess called Fiona .

6.At last the princess and Shrek gets married for _______ .



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