满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Wolf was very hungry.No matter how hard ...

Wolf was very hungry.No matter how hard he tried,he couldn’t catch anything to _______.

    Wolf met Dog on the road.

    “_______ are you going?” asked Wolf

    “I’m going to a wedding feast (宴会),” said Dog. “Would you like to come?”

    “Yes, I’m very ________ !” said Wolf.

    Dog said that Wolf could come with him, but he had to ________ to act like a dog while he was there.

    The two entered the wedding  ______ and sat under the table, eating.    Wolf ate and ate, and he got very  ______. The people around them started to sing and dance.    Wolf was so happy that he decided to ____. So he stuck his nose in the air and howled (嚎叫) a great学科网(www.zxxk.com)--教育资源门户,提供试卷、教案、课件、论文、素材及各类教学资源下载,还有大量而丰富的教学相关资讯! loud wolf howl, “AAAAOOOOWWWW!!!!”

    All the music and dancing ________ and men began chasing and beating Wolf.He finally jumped _______ a window of the house and ran to hide in the forest.After that,wolves have made sure that they are far from ________ before they start to howl, and they don’t attend weddings any more.

1.A.drink     B.eat        C.waste        D.cook

2.A.Where    B.When      C.How        D.Why

3.A.tired     B.angry       C.hungry      D.bored

4.A.refuse    B.hate        C.forget       D.promise

5.A.house    B.car         C.office       D.church

6.A.ill       B.full         C.weak       D.angry

7.A.jump     B.dance       C.sleep       D.sing

8.A.started    B.finished     C.stopped     D.worked

9.A.into      B.out of       C.far from     D.near

10.A.dogs     B.forest        C.people      D.rivers


1.B 2.A 3.C 4.D 5.A 6.B 7.D 8.C 9.B 10.C 【解析】 试题分析:这篇短文主要介绍了一只和坏了的狼跟着一只狗参加宴会,当狼在宴会上吃饱后,忘了自己是一只狼,张口一嚎叫,就被人们给人们给认出来了。它只好逃走了。从此狼总是在远离人们的地方嚎叫。 1.无论它多么的努力,它都不能抓住吃的东西。A喝B吃C浪费D煮,故选B 2.。根据回答,我要参加宴会可知狼问你要去哪里?A在哪里B什么时间C怎样D为什么故选A 3.结合上下文可知狼会说,我非常饿了。A累的B生气C饿的D无聊的,故选C 4.。狗同意狼和他一起去,但是狼不得不承诺在那里要表现成一只狗。A拒绝B讨厌C忘记D承诺,故选D 5.根据上下文可知他们两个进入了宴会的房子。根据所给选项,故选A 6.根据上句狼吃了又吃,它感觉很饱了,结合句意和选项,故选B 7.根据下文它嚎叫可知,狼高兴了,它决定唱歌。结合句意和选项,故选D 8.根据上下文可知,所有的音乐和舞蹈都停止了,人们开始追干并敲打狼。结合句意和选项,故选C 9.他从房子的窗户逃了出去,跑到森林里藏了起来。故选B 10.在那之后狼确信,在他们开始嚎叫之前要远离人,并且再也不参加宴会了。结合句意和选项,故选C 考点:故事类短文



Topic:Vacation in Europe

Cyber Boy


3:15 pm

I’m planning a trip to Europe this summer. I haven’t ________ where I’ll go yet, but I’d like to visit England and France. And I don’t want to ________ too much money.Any ideas?

Esperanto 4-21-2011

8:29 pm

I took a trip to England last year. I had a really great time. If you have a chance, visit Stratford. That’s the town ________Shakespeare lived.



9:54 pm

It depends on what you want to do. Each country in Europe has so ____39____ to see. Are you interested in museums and castles (城堡) 一that sort of thing? Or do you want to experience modern culture?

Cyber Boy


10:17 am

Yoshi一good question. I would like to see museums, but I also want to ____40____ some famous French foods. A castle would also be great.


4-22-2011 11:47am

I think an England一 France一Germany trip might work well for you. You can do a little bit of everything.

1.A.achieved    B.decided    C.discovered    D.refused

2.A.spend      B.take       C.bring         D.save

3.A.which      B.that      C.when         D.where

4.A.enough    B.little     C.few           D.much

5.A.sell        B.cook     C.try           D.do



He speaks ________ fast ________ I can’t follow him.

A.so;that       B.such;that   C.so;as to     D.enough;that



一Could you ple学科网(www.zxxk.com)--教育资源门户,提供试卷、教案、课件、论文、素材及各类教学资源下载,还有大量而丰富的教学相关资讯!ase give us some advice on ________ English at home?

     —You need to do a lot of reading and listen to English radio programs.

A.why to read    B.how to learn C.when to use    D.what to study



一Is your brother interested in art?

一Yes, he often ________ a lot of time ________.

A.takes;painting      B.spends;painting 

C.costs,to paint       D.spends;to paint



一I feel really  ________ before interviews.

    一Take it easy.I’m sure you are the best.

A.relaxed       B.serious       C.nervous          D.cool



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