满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

I don’t know when he tomorrow。if he I wi...

I don’t know when he       tomorrowif he        I will see him.

A. comes; comes         B. will come; will come         C. wi学科网(www.zxxk.com)--教育资源门户,提供试卷、教案、课件、论文、素材及各类教学资源下载,还有大量而丰富的教学相关资讯!ll come; comes


C 【解析】 试题分析:句意:我不知道他明天何时来,如果他来了我就会见到他。前一句子中有时间状语tomorrow。所以该用一般将来时。在后一句子中主句用了一般将来时,所以if从句中要使用一般现在时。因此选C。 考点:考查动词时态。  

        man in a black hat is my PE teacher. He often plays        football with us.

A. A; the              B. The; a           C. The; /



有许多同学在学校就餐时存在不同程度的浪费食物的现象,对此请你根据以下要点,以Don’t waste any more为标题写一篇80词左右的英语短文,呼吁大家加入“光盘行动”,节约粮食,防止浪费。开头已经给出,不计入总词数。

1. 许多同学没意识到节约的重要性;2. 实现伟大中国梦需要我们厉行节约。3. 有些同学喜欢买许多食物,餐盘里剩得多也就倒了,甚至到处乱扔。4. 全世界还有许多人生活艰辛,缺乏食物,甚至有些孩子死于饥饿。5. 我们应养成好习惯,加入“光盘行动”。

参考词汇:“Clear Your Plate” Campaign 光盘行动;leave…on the plate(留……在盘里);pour…into(倒进……);rubbish can(垃圾桶);take an active part积极行动起来。

Don’t Waste Any More

Food is important to us. It’s everyone’s duty to save food. ____________________________












A: Hello, Fangfang. We are looking for you everywhere. _____1._____.

B: I went to the school library. What’s up?

A: We’re going to help the children in hospital. Will you join us?

B: Of course. _________2.________?

A: This Saturday morning. We’ll stay there for the whole day.

B: That’s great. See you then.

(At the Children Hospital)

B: Hello, I’m Fangfang. Can I have your name, please?

C: I’m Li Hua.

B: Hello, Li Hua.___________ 3.________?

C: I’ve got a high fever. I have stayed here for five days.

B: How are you feeling now?

C: _________4.________. I hope I can go back to school soon.

B: Don’t worry. I will help you with your lessons.

C: ___________5.__________.

B: It’s a pleasure. Now, let me read you a story.




1. 这孩子不停的问我问题。

The child ________ ________ me questions.


She ________ ________ a dish from the table, and suddenly a snake appeared.


Many experts in the world are trying to _______ _______ the truth of the loss of Flight MH 370.

4. 现在中国许多饭店都加入了“光盘行动”,鼓励人们将剩菜打包带回家。

Now many restaurants in China have joined the “clear your plate” campaign, and people ________ _________ to take leftovers home.


“From the masses, to the masses”. In ______ _______, doing everything for the masses.




1.The boy eats junk food three times a week. (对划线部分提问)

_______ _______ does the boy eat junk food?

2.Mike always watches TV on school night. (变为否定句)

Mike _______ _______ TV on school night.

3.There's some milk in the glass. (变为一般凝问句)

_______ there _______ milk in the glass?

4.James spent ten years making this amazing film.(改为同义句)

_________ _________James ten years to make this amazing film.

5.When does the train leave? I want to know.(合并为一句)

I want to know _______ the train _______.



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