满分5 > 初中英语试题 >






    The Senior School Entrance Examination is coming, we are studying hard to prepare for it.              










We have too much homework to do every day, so we are stressed out. (2分) But we shouldn’t complain ,and we shouldn’t give up any subject . (2分)Because we don’t have enough sleep, we should learn to make full use of time and don’t stay up too late. (2分)Some of us are in poor health because we have no time to do sports. (2分)I think we should exercise for half an hour every day and eat healthy food. (2分) 【解析】 试题分析:本篇书面表达是一篇提纲作文,文章总体应该以一般现在时态为主。本篇书面表达是给出提示要点的作文, 所给提示的内容一定要写全面,按照提示词的思路进行写作。在写作过程中,应适当使用连词,使文章过渡自然。最后检查作文时,还要注意单词拼写、标点符号、字母大小写等细节问题。 【亮点说明】该文章多次使用了主从复合句,为文章增色不少。 考点:提纲作文。  



I always think it important      learn English ______.


They            go to the Great Wall if it          rain this Sunday.

3. 昨天晚上那个女孩的妈妈回来的时候,她正在玩电脑游戏。

The girl                         computer games when her mother came back last night.


Boys and girls, __________  ___________ to some fruit.


Their teacher can speak ______ English ______Japanese.




two,    between,     use,     easy,    know,    he,    ago,   stay

At 8:30 this morning the body of a man was found. Someone murdered (谋杀) ___1.__. A small knife was found near the body. The murderer might 2.____ that knife. The police doctor said, “The man died about eight hours 3.___.” So the murder had possibly happened_4.__ midnight and one o’clock.

     The police questioned three men. They didn’t tell the men about the murder.

     The first man said he had been at home the whole evening. He had watched television and went to bed early.

     The _5.___ man told the police that he had spent the evening 6._____ with some friends. They had been to the cinema together. He got home at about eleven o’clock.

     The third man said he __7.___ nothing about the murder. He told the police, “And I have not owned a knife. I was sleeping at midnight. I didn’t murder Jim Wilson.” The police __8.___ found who the murder was!



It is good to keep animals in zoos. Zoos are places for people to see many different kinds of animals from all over the world. Without zoos, most people would never see a real tiger or bear. Secondly, zoos look after the animals very well. The animals are always given food and cleaned on time. In the wild, it is not always possible for an animal to find food, so sometimes it goes hungry. Thirdly, zoos protect the animals. They offer them safe place to live in. In the wild, some kinds of animals are in danger of becoming extinct (灭绝).But zoos give these animals a chance to live. Without zoos, there would be fewer kinds of animals in the world.

    However, some people think it is unnatural (非自然的) and unfair(不公平的) to keep wild(野生的) animals in cages. Most animals are kept in cages that are too small for them. The animals such as bears and tigers always look sad in cages. Wild animals should look for their own food. Anyone would not feel happy if he isn't allowed (允许) to go outside his home and animals don't like it either.


1.If you don't go t学科网(www.zxxk.com)--教育资源门户,提供试卷、教案、课件、论文、素材及各类教学资源下载,还有大量而丰富的教学相关资讯!o a zoo, you can't see dogs.

2.In 学科网(www.zxxk.com)--教育资源门户,提供试卷、教案、课件、论文、素材及各类教学资源下载,还有大量而丰富的教学相关资讯!the zoos, all animals are happy.

3.In the wild, animals look for their own food.

4.According to(根据) the last sentence, we can say animals like to stay in the cages.

5.The writer is not sure whether it is better for animals to stay in Zoos.



Pearl and June were good friends and spent most of their time together.

They were both very old and they worried about their health. Most of the time they talked about nothing else.

They worried about their food. Was it clean? Would it give them pains in the stomach?

They worried about the weather. Was it too cold and wet? Would it give them pains in their bones?

They worried about pollution in the air. would it give them pains in their chests(胸部)and throats(喉咙)?

They worried about being hurt in a car accident, killed in a plane crash, getting sick, and so on.

All they could think about was being ill or hurt.

One day they went on a train journey together.

“We’ll need some food,”Pearl said.

“We’ll buy some bananas,”June said.“They are good to eat and always clean.”

And so they bought two bananas to eat on the train.

It was not long before they were hungry.

Pearl took out the bananas and gave one to June. Then she peeled(剥)the skin of her banana and took a large bite of it.

At that moment the train went into a tunnel(隧道). Everything went black.“Don’t eat your banana,”Pearl shouted at June.“Mine has made me go blind!”

1.What did the two old ladies talk about most of the time? _________

A. Themselves.      B. Other people.       C. Healthy food.       D. Dangerous drivers.

2.The old ladies didn’t want to ______.

A. eat any bananas                       B. travel by train

C. be young again                        D. get sick

3.Pearl ate her banana ________.

A. after they came out of the tunnel          B. at the station

C. before June ate hers                    D. before she was hungry

4.Pearl thought that the banana _______.

A. stopped her from seeing                B. would make her hungry

C. would make her ill                     D. would be good for June

5.What’s the best title of the story? __________.

A. What Good Friends                   B. What a Bad Train Journey

C. Bananas Are Good for You              D. Bananas Are Bad for You



Mr. Green and his wife had a dog. When they went out, they always left the dog inside the house. One evening they wanted to go to the cinema, so they left the dog in the house and locked the door and their garden gate. They went off in their car.

When the film was finished, they went home. They opened the gate and put the car away. When they came to the front door, they found that the glass in the door was broken. The door was not locked and it was open. A robber(强盗)! They went in and quickly looked in all the rooms to see if the robber had taken their things. However, everything was in the right place and nothing at all was missing.

The dog was sleeping in the sitting-room. The wife was angry with the dog. “Why didn’t you guard(保卫)the house?” she said. The dog was pleased to see Mr. and Mrs. Green. It began to wag(摇)its tail and then it went to a comer of the room and picked up something in its mouth. It went to the wife and dropped the thing at her feet. When she went to pick it up, she was very surprised. Can you guess what the dog’s present was? It was a man’s finger!

The end of the story is this. Mr. Green telephoned the police and told them everything. Three days later the police caught the robber. They found him easily.

1.That evening Mr. Green and his wife __________.

A. took their dog to see a film

B. left the dog alone at home

C. went home before the film was finished

D. locked the door and could not open it

2.The robber stole(偷)__________.

A. everything from the house

B. something expensive from the house

C. nothing from the house

D. a car from the house

3.Why was the woman angry with the dog? _________

A. Because she thought it had made the room dirty.

B. Because she thought it had broken the glass.

C. Because it wouldn’t go to the cinema with her.

D. Because she thought it hadn’t guarded the house.

4.The robber was caught easily because __________.

A. the police knew him

B. the police happened to meet him

C. Mr. Green know where he lived

D. he had one of his fingers

5.Mr. Green and his wife would _________.

A. like their dog more than before

B. drive the dog学科网(www.zxxk.com)--教育资源门户,提供试卷、教案、课件、论文、素材及各类教学资源下载,还有大量而丰富的教学相关资讯! away from their home

C. let the dog 学科网(www.zxxk.com)--教育资源门户,提供试卷、教案、课件、论文、素材及各类教学资源下载,还有大量而丰富的教学相关资讯!bring home more presents

D. ask the police to学科网(www.zxxk.com)--教育资源门户,提供试卷、教案、课件、论文、素材及各类教学资源下载,还有大量而丰富的教学相关资讯! take the dog away



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