满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

— Let’s go and listen to Mr. Smith’s spe...

— Let’s go and listen to Mr. Smith’s speech on Western culture, shall we?

______ It’s getting to the end.

A. Why not?        B. That's all right.

C. I’m afraid not.D. Never mind.


C 【解析】 试题分析:句意:咱们去听史密斯老师关于西方文化的课,好吗?我恐怕不去了。要结束了。Why not?为什么不呢? That's all right没关系,I’m afraid not.我恐怕不去了,Never mind没关系。根据It’s getting to the end要结束了,可知选C. 考点:考查交际用语  

— Kitty, do you know ______?

— Sure, about forty minutes.

A. when did their class meeting begin.

B. where their class meeting was held

C. how often their class meeting is held

D. how long their class meeting will last



I can’t find my milk in the fridge now, but there ______ some just now.

A. isB. was

C. areD. were



— We’ve never ______ astronauts’ life though we’re interested in.

— Really? I’ll offer you some books about it.

A. thought aboutB. chatted about

C. learned aboutD. cared about



— Jane. I can't find Mike in the playground.

—Oh. He ______ the piano in the music room.

A. is playingB. was playing

C. has playedD. will play



—Simon. I hear you are going abroad for further study. Have you decided ______?

—Next September.

A. when goingB. when to go

C. how goingD. how to go



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