满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Julia was a very beautiful woman. She wa...

Julia was a very beautiful woman. She was tall and her skin was white and smooth. She only had one         : she was a little bit fat. So she took part in a          club, and didn’t eat anything that might make her put on weight.

At a party, Julia told us that she had          her family’s favorite delicious cake over the weekend, and they had eaten half of it at dinner that evening. The next day, Julia kept staring at the other half and finally she cut a          piece for herself. One piece led to another, and soon she had finished the cake.She went on to tell us that she was so          that she could not stop herself from eating the cake and her husband would be so unhappy. Everyone             her, until someone asked: “What did your husband say when he found out?”Julia smiled happily. “He          found out,” she answered. “I made another cake and ate half of that one too.”

1.A. problem       B. hope         C. advantage

2.A. sports          B. diet          C. music

3.A. made          B. bought        C. eaten

4.A. large         B. half          C. small

5.A. surprised     B. sad           C. angry

6.A. thanked       B. punished       C. pitied

7.A. never         B. seldom        C. sometimes


1.A 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.B 6.C 7.A 【解析】 试题分析:短文大意:这篇短文主要讲述了一个希望瘦身又难忍口腹之欲的女人,为了不让丈夫发现自己吃了蛋糕,就又做了一个,并吃掉了另一半。如此以来,她减肥的梦想是不可能实现了。 1.Problem问题,难题;hope希望;advantage优势,利益。联系后一句,可知此处指的是,她只有一点小问题。故选A。 2.Sports运动;diet饮食;music音乐。联系后一句,可知她参加了一个饮食俱乐部,故选B。 3.Made制作,使得;bought买;eaten吃。结合语境可知此处指的是,她给家人做了美味的蛋糕。故选A。 4.Large大的;half一半的;small小的。结合语境可知她给自己切了一小块。故选C。 5.Surprised吃惊的;sad伤心的;angry 愤怒的。联系前两句描述,可知她非常伤心。故选B。 6.Thanked感谢;punished惩罚;pitied同情。联系前两句描述,可知每个人都很同情她。故选C。 7.考查语境理解及副词辨析。Never从来不,永远不;seldom很少,不常;sometimes有时,偶尔。联系后一句描述,可知她的丈夫从来不会发现。故选A。 考点:考查故事类短文

–Un, I’d like a hamburger, large chips and a small Coke with ice.


A.Can I help you  

B. For here or to go  

C. Anything to eat



–Would you be so kind as to _________ your music? I am preparing for

tomorrow’s speech. –Sure. Sorry to disturb you.

A. turn down      B. turn up      C. turn on



–Who can reach the dictionary on the top shelf?

–Susan can. She is ________girl of us all.

A. taller  B. a tall C. the tallest



–I hear there’s a good French restaurant nearby. Why not ________ there for lunch?   –Yeah, let’s go.

A. go      B. going     C. to go



–Why didn’t Mary come to John’s birthday party last night?

–She ______ to, but her dad simply would not let her out so late at night.

A.wants      B. wanted      C. has wanted



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