满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

--- What do you think of receiving and g...

--- What do you think of receiving and giving gifts?

--- I think the art of receiving a gift is _____ than the art of giving.

A. much more difficult               B.very more difficult

C. much difficult                    D. as difficult as


A 【解析】 试题分析:句意:你怎么看待收授礼物这个问题?——我认为接受礼物的艺术要比送礼物的艺术难得多。结合语境可知本句表示两者之间的对比,故用形容词比较级。英语多一节形容词的比较级一般由more加形容词原级构成,very等表示绝对含义的词语不能用来修饰比较级,故选A。 考点:考查形容词比较级  

--- Would you like to come my party this afternoon

——I'd like to,but my mother is ill in ____ hospital . I will go to _____ hospital to see her.

A.不填; a        B.a;the       

C. the;the        D.不填;the



近日,《中国健康月刊》对全国1306 15 岁以下学生进行了调查,发现40.74%的孩子



1. 每天早晚刷牙; 2. 有蛀牙及早看医生;3. 有龅牙可戴牙套;  4. 健康饮食(蔬菜、水果……)。注意:1. 词数:80 词左右;开头已给出,不计入总词数;2. 应覆盖所有要点;可适当增加细节,使行文连贯;3. 参考词汇: tooth decay 蛀牙;crooked teeth 龅牙; braces n. 牙套。

Teeth problems are common among children. A study on China Health Monthly recently showed that 40.74% of 1,306 Chinese students under age 15 had decayed teeth.






A: Good morning, Sir. Can you help me?

B: What’s wrong?

A: My daughter is 1.I can’t find her anywhere.

B: Don’t panic. I’m going to help you to find her. How long ago did she go missing?

A: About one hour ago. At 4 o’clock, perhaps. I’ve been looking for her for almost an hour now.

B: And 2.did you last see her?

A: We were just shopping in the vegetable area. I turned around and she was gone.

B: What’s 3.?

A: Melissa. M-E-L-I-S-S-A. She’s only five. She doesn’t speak Spanish.

B: OK. What does she 4.?

A: She has dark brown hair. She’s thin and small for her age.

B: OK. What is she wearing today?

A: Blue shorts and a pink T-shirt. She has a hat on too, I think.

B:5.Everything is going to be OK. We will start looking for her now.





Experts advised us not to ______ the windows _______ all the time on hazy days.


The ________ carefully the drivers go, the _______ accidents there will be on the road.

3.3-D 打印机能打印各种东西,比如汽车、飞机甚至人体某些部位,很神奇。

It’s amazing that 3-D printing can copy many different things, ______ _____ cars, airplanes and even human body parts.


Please ______ ______ the form with your address and phone number so that we can touch you when we have news.

5.MH370 航班共有239 名乘客不幸失去生命,包括154 名中国人。

It’s sad that all 239 passengers in the flight of MH370 _______ their ______, including 154 Chinese




1.Jack’s little sister likes to watch the program Where are we going, Dad?. (改为一般疑问句)

______ Jack’s little sister _______ to watch the program Where are we going, Dad??

2.The 20th FIFA World Cup was held in Brazil on June 13, Beijing time.(对划线部分提问)

________ ________ the 20th FIFA World Cup held in Brazil?

3.We have studied at this school for three years.(改为同义句)

Three years has ________ since we ________ to study at this school.

4.The girl is shy. She is afraid to speak in public. (合并为一句)

The girl is _____ shy ______ she is afraid to speak in public.

5.Michael will take care of our dog when we are away on holiday next week. (改为同义句)

Michael will ______ ______ our dog when we are away on holiday next week.



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